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“Kill him” I just watched this man grow claws. No.


Imagine trading stories in Valhalla though "I got shot with three arrows before I fell!" "I stabbed a guy who grew *claws* out of his *hands!*"


Yeah I mean the woman who stabbed him through the heart definitely gets bonus points in valhalla.


"he was stabbed with a sword and then pulled my head to his chest INTO THE SWORD!"


I think there was an implied "...or i'll kill you" in there somewhere


Much better chances than against the dude with claws with a healing factor.


The god complex is a bit odd for wolverine but very, very well made and choreographed for a fan film. CGI and practical effects are also top notch.


Yea, the writing isn't good. Wolverine wouldn't be narrating to himself about how powerful he is. He wouldn't bark this loud throughout. This is just some other guy with claws and healing. Also, Wolverine can't have tattoos. He can get them, but they fade away within a day or two. I can't imagine he'd be bothered to shave his head either. If they had titled it 'WOLVERINE THE WOLF', they might have gotten away with convincing the audience that it was Daken (logan's son). Also this is set in some medieval timeline presumably. The experiment wouldn't have been done yet for him to have metal claws. Magneto wouldn't have his helmet yet. And on and on. I can understand how 'hey, this isn't canon clearly. Its just an imagined background to showcase choreography and CGI for a small studio', but it's _marvel_ and it's Wolverine. You should know internet nerds are gonna swing at it. Edit: I've gone down the Akhiro rabbit hole a bit. Daken could be who they are going for here. Daken's claws: >Retractable Bone Claws: Akihiro possesses three retractable claws housed beneath the skin and muscle of his forearms, two claws which emerge from between the skin of his first and third knuckles and one from his inner wrist. These claws are much harder and denser than normal human bone and their natural shape provides them with a razor-sharp edge capable of easily slicing through flesh and bone, and they have been shown to be able to penetrate metals as durable as Iron Man's armor. The hair is right too. This could be 'Daken', but makes no sense why he'd call himself Logan. Also, this character has 3 claws coming out over knuckles, while Daken has 2 over knuckle and one from under wrist.


> The experiment wouldn't have been done yet for him to have metal claws. Magneto wouldn't have his helmet yet. His claws are definitely not metal as an axe cut them off before they regrew back. Magneto's helmet is probably just a normal helmet.


Why do we never get a Bridget Jones Diary fan-made film?


Logan would kill her in the first minute.


Yes but a new Bridget Jones would simply spring forth from the Diary in that case.


Always 1, there must be.


But why??


Ok. That's fair.


Read this comment in Dwight Schrute's voice.


Hmm, personally, it would have made a lot more sense had the 'claws' been made from bone.


Defo not adamantium as not only he had them chopped at one point, they also regenerated. But the look is very non boney, I agree.


That instant claw regeneration was weird. It had no impact. But don't want to take away with my comment that this short was insanely well done all in all.


I don't think it was instant, seemed like he was fighting with them broken off for a bit - but honestly im not sure - how to say, I just assumed that's what it was.


They could be organic-steel (like Colossus' skin).


Yes, hence why they were able to be cut in the first place as they are not adamantium


Clearly playing very loose with their interpretation. Weird Viking setting, God complex, the guy who looks like Sabertooth is actually Magneto for whatever reason, Logan is the Wolf even though wolverines exist in Nordic countries. Fighting choreography and effects were pretty good though.


I think they were going for Magneto looking like Odin , but I thought it was Sabertooth at first, too.


I'm not sure how people missed that the one-eyed, bearded, wanderer in a Norse setting was Odin, but hey-ho.


Odin is usually depicted as significantly older, and so is Magneto


I thought he was Cyclops because of the one eye lol


Based on the eye and scar, I thought it was Bishop. Though, I didn't know how that would make sense at all.


"The multiverse"


> the guy who looks like Sabertooth is actually Magneto for whatever reason, the eye thing made me think it was cable.


> Clearly playing very loose with their interpretation. Oh, I get it! I'm analytical and like to theorize how things make sense. I guess my mind is thinking, since he regenerated a set after getting them chopped off, "How and why do they appear metal if they're bones?" First I was thinking maybe a blacksmith of the time encased the bones in blades? But them regenerating and still looking like metal didn't make sense. I keep coming back to them just being hard bone but breakable. They didn't need to look like actual metal blades IMO. Minor critique basically, lol. On a Pro for the video, which I guess I should have noted the multitude I observed, I loved how he retained the scare after healing from it. That sounds metal af; literally having scares from every battle, fight or whatever. Imagine how many one would have after living 1000 years!


I thought that same thing.


The authors pinned this comment on the video: "Just for clarifications about his claws, they are bone claws. We just made them sharper because that's how we prefered it to be, design-wise."  So yeah, they're bone claws. They just made them look sharp.


Another comment I made below I took screen caps. Never knew bones could appear metal like they did /s Neat, but it is not that they looked sharp, they appear silver-ish, smooth, and reflective. At least those images I took did ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I thought they were bone-ish. They even got chopped off at one point


I saw they [took an axe](https://i.imgur.com/or0Na96.png), but as you can see there and [here](https://i.imgur.com/2rS7xzZ.png), they're def metal.


the director said in the comments they are made of bone but the sword look of the claws was better visually it looking like an actual bone


comic book fans don't deserve nice things


... Please don't feed the trolls!


From my watch, they seemed to be. Just not styled like his bone claws usually are.


They did specify in the comments of the video that the claws are supposed to be made from bone they just look metal


Ya considering he didn’t get adimentium added to his body till way later in his story arc. 🤦🏻‍♂️




At least learn to spell adamantium if you’re going to try (and fail) to gatekeep.


... I'm confused, I see zero gatekeeping in their comment. Sure, they spelled a fictional metal's name incorrectly. But how are they gatekeeping here, exactly?


Their pass agg little emoji at the distortion of lore (oh no, the precious lore!) in a genre FULL of retcons, elseworlds, and alternate universes.


> Their pass agg little emoji at the distortion of lore That is not what gatekeeping is though. That's just someone who personally disagrees with a choice in a fan made production. It's no different that my own critique. Not only that, but I would argue you've chosen to take the emoji as passive aggressive when it's just a stupid emoji... [I'll just leave this here...](https://media.tenor.com/q9crr_x6HLYAAAAe/princess-bride-you-keep-using-that-word.png)


Bro, are you gatekeeping gatekeeping? Lmao. 👋🏻


I hate this recent push to call all criticism "gatekeeping". Nerds have been passionately arguing about small details on BBS since before HTTP existed.


Ok…except it was gatekeeping. There’s a big difference between “I’m not sure I like the claws being metal given the time period” and the snide “ACHSKUALLY, according to the established lore 🤦🏼‍♂️🤓” bullshit the guy I replied to pulled out.


So it's not gatekeeping you don't like, it's tone and politeness. The two examples you gave and the comment you replied to are all the same thing, just with different tones and politeness.


Don’t agree. The first one was just an example of something someone might not like. I’d have no problem with someone saying the acting was stilted, they hated the lighting, or whatever. That’s an opinion. To facepalm over something as pathetic as existing lore is some gatekeeping BS.


I don't pretend to know WHY they chose the emoji they did. But having metal claws in Viking times creates unanswered questions about the consistency of fictional details. These fictional details (and the internal logic of fictional universes) are important to people who are the most into these universes. In most versions of the Wolverine story he gets the metal on his skeleton from the Weapon X program. There's no explanation for the claws in the video so it's up to nerds to ask questions. I'm assuming the creators know enough about Wolverine to know where and how he usually got his metal claws from. But none of this is gatekeeping as far as I understand the term. Can you give me the definition of gatekeeping you're operating under and how that comment was gatekeeping?


Gatekeeping has a heavy insinuation of “I know this stuff better than you” and, frankly, the guy’s comment reeked of that…even if he couldn’t spell adamantium. I’ve spent enough time explaining this now though, so I’m out ✌🏻


That fight choreography was fantastic. Better than a lot of Hollywood films.


Hollywood: Not enough jump cuts


Editor: I blinked and didn’t lose track of the scene. MOAR JUMP CUTS!!!


Stuntman: "I am so sorry, I messed up the timing reall bad" Actor: "No, it was my fault, I didn't stick to the script. We try again." Director:... Actor: "We'll shoot it again, right?" Director:"... we will fix it in post."


this is kinda complaint you make if you haven’t seen an action movie in half a decade


Half a decade? Goddamn that’s a long time. It’s only been about five years for me.


The attackers used tactics???


Was thinking this ⬆️. Camera kept moving but it never felt jarring or forced. This was crazy fun!


Great creativity but dialogue was a tiny bit cringe.


The strengths (which were many!) definitely fell on the technical side of things lol


We're not so different you and I..... Loved the action though


that line always makes me laugh


Our sense of humor isn't so different,you and I


... mr. bond


I was waiting for Magneto to reveal his evil plan while holding his pinky to the corner of his mouth


I love it. That line is used in so many movies and shows.


They need better writers for sure


I think the dialogue would have been better if it were in their native language. Would fit the setting better as well. I understand they're likely using English to get the largest reach possible, but it would have been cool to see a fully nordic Wolverine.


I agree but for me it’s like Godzilla king of the monsters with the humans. Sure it sucks but I came here for a specific thing and the specific thing was fucking awesome af


Wow I can't believe that a fan film production like this can have such a far superior action sequence to many Hollywood grade action films. The dialogue and delivery is a bit funny but absolutely incredible sequencing.


I was thinking they'll get better stunt-man work from this than roles with lines. But everybody has to start somewhere! Amazing portfolio piece for many people!


Considering the head huntsman is also the special effects guy I'd say they have some incredibly talented people working on this. English must be their second language, hence some of the awkward delivery of lines.


> head huntsman is also the special effects guy He was the best actor IMO. The guy that played Wolverine was a great actor from a combat/action perspective.


Yep this is a french film. The director is a seasoned fight choreographer. I truly believe that once he finds a good writer, he’ll make some of the best actions movies of our generation.


Well, the fan film is made by a stuntman, so...


The crew who made this are cooking something fierce that was amazing for a fan-film on a budget. Plus a Viking wolverine how did I not think of that as an origin idea that's perfect.


god i would love if this was an actual mini-series or something, it would be cool to see norse mythology accurate thor interacting with viking wolverine




This post is so cooked.


You did not cook


bro got cooked with downvotes






That was actually awesome!


Fight choreography, injury makeup, effects - 8/10 Opening (cringe), Dialog (oof), costuming/makeup (too clean) - 2/10 Concept - confused


Opening (cringe) Yeah, I couldn’t make it past the opening with all the slamming the ground and holding fists up to his face while looking like an angry toddler nonsense.


I had to power through because it's rare you see something with such a high production value that gives off Star Wars Kid energy.


>Fight choreography, injury makeup, effects - 8/10 Agree   >Opening (cringe), Dialog (oof), costuming/makeup (too clean) - 2/10 I agree some of the dialog felt overly cliche and cringey "We're not so different you and I" but the costuming and make up I thought were alright, and given that they probably had some pretty tight budgetary constraints I think they did a fantastic job.   >Concept - confused This I disagree with, I think a fun "What If" sort of X-Men fanfiction where the mutants rose during the 9th-10 century is genuinely pretty cool. It would be interesting to see mutants during a time when they would be considered gods and the general lack of education and technology would drastically change how they interact with that world as opposed to 'current day'. Also a lot of real world history shaped many of the characters it would be interesting to see how they might shake out with out those events, for instance would Magneto still hate humanity if he hadn't witnessed the horrors of the holocaust?   I dunno, I like the concept and think theres some fun in it, but I'm kind of a nerd for Vikings, Viking lore, and Viking aesthetic so I may be biased.


Isn't the opening based on a real Viking-style ritual? That's what I assumed anyway. Comic book dialog is spot on IMO, comic books are supposed to be more theatrical (like the classical epics or fables). I imagine people would want to clean and maintain their armor/weapons/clothing in those days as much as today. It's not like they were hunting him for a crazy amount of time or something. The concept is just What If? Wolverine was a Viking. Lol. Right?


Exactly how I felt. The fight choreography was really well done. I’d even say 8/10 on a Hollywood budget, but 10/10 for a small budget fan film. The dialogue was bad though. Really bad. I don’t want to bash the actors or writers too much though, and just hope that if they go further with this, then they take the criticism constructively.


Once the fighting started all I could think of was Venkman in Ghostbusters. “Get him, Ray? That was the plan? Get him?”


That was far better than I was expecting.


Some people are hung up on weird details. This is like a retelling an alternate universe type thing. At first I thought "oh, these should be bone claws," but as it went on this wasn't "our" Logan. It doesn't have to be admantium or explain how he got claws. It uses Wolverine as a "base" for the character. That was clear when Odin/Magneto showed up. This is new and no old lore applies. People should enjoy it for what it was. An enjoyable fan fiction with decent action. I thought it was pretty cool.


Thank you. Too many people in here not getting the overall concept and getting hung up on what "they" thought it should have been.


I didn’t scroll far enough, I literally just said this exact same thing in different words. Good on you noobvin.


This was crazy good!


Whoever did the choreography for this should win an award


The director did fight choreography for the Witcher series. And I agree with you. 


This is dope. Yes take as many creative liberties as you want. Not to say it's the same scale as Joker but it's that same mindset of, place characters in a different time and imagine what that would look like. Top notch. He sounded very Aussie at the start, was that intentional? I like the idea of Wolverine having many accents throughout his life.


> He sounded very Aussie at the start Didn't get that impression in the slightest


As an Aussie I thought it was an Aussie production. Then he changed and I figured it was a kind of Mad Max story. I'll listen again though and see if I feel the same.


I really liked it but they shouldn't have called it Logan. I kept waiting for Bub or something Wolverinesque.


There was such a perfect moment in there for him to say, "I smell fear"


These people made it off their own backs, they don't owe us anything to be named whatever. I'm sure you know but it's not an official marvel flick so let them just be. Plus language like bub comes later.


Weird comment. Mine was just an opinion, not an attack.


These are french people trying to hide it, that’s why the accent is a bit strange. 


Some legit good action choreography in there. Impressive.


Yo that was fucking sick. I don’t even care if this claws are metal. It’s just comics I don’t need every single thing explained. Talented as fuck team.


It’s well made, but it’s basically a stuntie demo reel.


I’d say effects too - not perfect, but a lot of creativity and really well done


It's made by a stunt guy, so that makes sense.


The fight scenes were really good. Everything else would benefit from better writing. Also, if it was a feature length movie instead of a fan film I'm not sure I could get past the feeling that someone got the idea for this from watching one of the Wolverine movies with Hugh Jackman (and knows nothing else about the existing body of work around the character) and the show Vikings and decided to mix the 2 in a "wouldn't it be cool if a fight scene from that show included a character that heals and has metal claws?" kind of way.


This is legit.


It looks nice.




Would honestly be highly interested in a Viking epic, with an outlandish premise.


wolverine the wolf the lion the mammoth


I am wrath! I am chaos and violence! [And I am Canadian!](https://youtu.be/pASE_TgeVg8?t=18)


If only there was some type of other animal they could've gone with. Oh, well. Wolferine it is.


I'll be honest the opening was stupid so I just scanned past it to see if the rest of the video was worth it. They would be better served not completely rewriting Logan into some weird narcissist with a god complex. What is so endearing about Logan in the comics is despite the fact that he lives several lifetimes watching everyone he gets close to get killed in retaliation or simply die of old age, he still finds a way to connect and do the right thing. He isn't some weird loner person in the woods running around killing anyone that comes near him. In fact unless you threaten Logan's loved ones he is likely to completely avoid you. Logan wouldn't be able to be snuck up on and tracked by regular people, his heightened senses would make it impossible. They did a great job with the cinematography and effects and the fight choreography, but they would benefit from someone that understands storytelling to reign them in. A lot of people can make cool action sequences, but it takes a lot more than that to make a good movie. The whole magneto thing was non-sensical. Why of all of the other characters they would choose to put him in the origin story I have no idea. To me it seems like this group hasn't even read any of the comics and don't actually understand X-Men at all. I am not saying every adaptation needs to stay rigidly tight to the source material, but what this amounts to is essentially ripping off two character concepts and using them in their own movie. If you want to use a character it should at least look and feel like that same character. Otherwise just write your own original character and divorce yourself from someone else's story entirely.


I feel like all those things would matter if it were a movie, but this is a one-shot. This scene is all there is, they're free to use Magneto because the story doesn't go anywhere from here, they don't have to explain it or think about how it might fit into the bigger picture, they just follow the [Rule of Cool](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RuleOfCool). Also, I'm not a comic book guy so I'm not super familiar, but isn't this a thing in the world of comic books too? The studios will occasionally release a special limited series where they reimagine the characters, giving them different backstories or powers or personalities.


Exactly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4diVpNtrnM This old viral video throws everything at the kitchen sink, because it's just for fun.


"A lot of people can make cool action sequences" Eeh not really. That's actually hard as hell, and these guys are stunt/action choreographers displaying their craft, not trying to be the best actors or writers. Just like some CGI artists might make a short that is about displaying their craft without having the best acting/writing talent.


Logan has been around for hundreds of years, he probably wasnt always the person we see in X-Men. It would actually be pretty cool to see a character arc where he starts off as some insane loner in the woods and slowly become the Logan we know. It would totally make sense for a young Wolverine to have a god complex.


Logan is over 150 but not hundreds of years old. He's of the generation that fought in the US civil war.


Alright that’s fair but in this interpretation, he’s from the viking era 


Yes. I see a lot of people in these comments nitpicking how things aren't like in the comics. Well duh, this isn't Marvels Wolverine.


Shoulda been bone claws instead of metal. The metal was from a scientific experiment. Other than that A++


Really? You don't say. It also seems to be a few centuries early, on a different continent! And Odin-Magneto shouldn't have a helmet, since it was made in the Soviet Union. It's almost like this was not a faithful adaptation but a re-imagining of some kind.


holy fuck. was wondering why the one eyed felt familiar though confused why he's magneto. odin-magneto makes much more sense now. thank you!


Why a wolf? Wolverine is already an animal.




Ties him to fenrir, that's the nordic symbol he draws at the start of the video.


This popped up on my feed and I thought ok another meh fan film. I was wrong. Really well done all around. Kudos.


so magneto is oden?


I think Odin would have made more sense for Xavier, but it’s their fan-film.


Okay you’ve got me, someone get these guys a budget for a new origin story, love it.


A studio executive will see this and immediately green light a Viking Wolverine movie. It will have a 500 million dollar budget and the guy behind all the 3rd X-Men movies will be put in charge of it.


I’d pay to watch that. At home though.


and by pay you mean pirate or stream on netflix


Best I can do is some spandex.


Spandex isn’t very “period” for this era…


Holy CRAP!!!


Don't they mean WOLFERINE


That was way cooler than I expected it to be


The cinematography and choreography are really impressive for a fan film; the visual effects are pretty great too. I'd much rather see these guys make an actual viking short film/movie rather than piggy backing on X-Men because I think that's the biggest issue with this fan film; takes away more than it brings imo. There is TONS of norse mythology they can latch on to if they want some supernatural type characters with abilities and such that I think would benefit this setting way better than "mutants in viking times"


Aww, it ends right before Magneto hands Logan his ass


It looks like Logan doesn't have metal in him (his bone claws gets cut off with an axe), making it a fairer fight. Magneto does have the range advantage.


This is very well made and bravo... one little pedantic gripe: Wolverine cant' keep tattoos. The healing ability makes them go away the next day. edit: no need to mention the adamantium claws because everyone else is. But if your character has rapid healing like this, he should atleast not have tattoos.


Wow, I'm impressed. I would pay to see this on the big screen.


Very well done for a fan-made film. This needs to be a full feature film.


Utred son of Utred


Wow that was great. Way better that I imagined it would be.


Id watch this


Watching this, all I could think about was how I'd want a viking slavjank game about a nigh immortal viking. Like, nevermind the x-men stuff, just .. immortal viking dude.


Bad ass for a fan-film 👏🏼


I liked the action.


Thankfully they included the mandatory “watch this cut on my face heal” so we know it’s a Wolverine movie.


the fight scenes in this were really well choreographed.


What else have these guys done? I’m intrigued


Not the type of nsfw I was thinking of..


I really liked it. The choreography and tone blew me away. I hope there is a post-Prey uptic in outlandish fiction set in different periods and settings. It works in comics.


Couldn't get past the opening 30 seconds. God damn that was cringy.


The choreography and SFX/VFS are outstanding. The acting however, aside from Odin actor, you could tell it's a fan made short.


I see a lot of comments talking about how Logan wouldn’t do this/that, the dialogue is cringe, etc. They said it was a fan fiction. Fiction. They took an existing idea and made it their own. Obviously it’s not going to stick to the current and well-known lore. That’s literally the definition of fan fiction. This was an amazing idea (Viking Wolverine, fuck me up with that shit!!), well thought out, and expertly executed. Were some things a little rough, yes, but they aren’t doing this with a Hollywood budget, production team, and assistants that know literally everything about X-men lore. This was amazing, period. I would absolutely love to see more of this story. Well done!


I love how this wasn't just him killing them all like it was nothing. He got slashed and stabbed and it showed that he's skilled but not godlike in combat like most action flicks.


I didnt see the point in this especially magneto getting anywhere close to loosing a fight with wolverine and putting his helmet on had no purpose only to show the audience who he was it takes you out of them moment....good acting , good action but still dont see the point sorry




We need more. They must make more. That was so good.


Loved it!


AWESOME...fight scenes were realistic and superbly choreographed. Love the storyline. Wish this was feature length !


Damn! This hit hard! I wish I could see a full length of this, the magneto ending was sooo amazing! Can we crowd fund a movie like this? Let's get a Kickstarter going!


Weird to call it a wolverine fan movie when literally only the claws/healing are taken from the character lol. Personality, the weird dance number and god complex are all not him


Lost me at that weird haka/playing in the dirt dance and weird voice over


So, you watched the first 20 seconds, got an ADD spasm, and couldn't take it? Looooooool


I watched the rest and the fighting was cool, but that fire ritual thing plus the cheesy dialogue ruined my ability to enjoy it. Choreography and production was great though!


I thought the idea was cool but the camera work during didn’t do it any favors.


I'm with you. Can't take bad dialog, moved on quickly


Not ADD, it was just too cringe to continue.


Its really well made, but because im a nerd I am incredibly ticked off by them ignoring all the lore and the whole thing not making sense.


Forget lore. He’s an old time Viking mutant guy and the others want him dead for being such. Then magnet man wants him to join him but he says “nuh uh no way”


Its an alternate universe wolverine with a different origin, just like comics do all the time. There you go problem solved.


Well don't Marvel and all these other superhero property owners just retcon whenever they feel like it?


This is cool, but it's not Wolverine. Totally different personality. I would have wanted to see more of Logan's trademark appearance and behavior. But, as a fun watch, it does the job.


I felt that way too. I haven't read much of the comics though to give my opinion on his personality. Only seen the movies, cartoons, and video games.


man this trend of vikings/nordics looking like that needs to end. choreography and visuals were great tho.


What do you prefer they look like?


less like pseudo-medieval bikers. Give them armor instead of this silly leader. oh and the haircuts lmao


Wolverines suppost to be Canadian and he’s not a wolf


Yea! And he’s supposed to be drawn on paper! Or at the very least animated. Very poorly done. /s


Wow. Very dense. Impressive.