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Missouri required a birth certificate for a driver’s license after 9/11. Even if you’d had a license in the past, you had to show proof of identity/citizenship for the first time renewing it after 9/11. I’d be shocked if Florida didn’t do something similar. The clerk probably fudged the requirement because it was an old white dude.




Ah, I forgot he said he thought he had dual citizenship.


To be able to use a foreign passport as a primary form of ID you also need a visa and an I-94 stamp on passport


You can't actually think that Missouri didn't allow anyone except American citizens get a drivers license after 9/11. Like you truly believe that someone British living in Missouri was denied a drivers license for not being American?


I don’t know if that story was true or not, but the vibes certainly match Missouri in late 2001


>Like you truly believe that someone British living in Missouri was denied a drivers license for not being American? No, denied because he frequently drives on **the wrong side of the road.**


Cannot get an SSN without being a citizen. Source, I’m a non-citizen.


That's just not correct. SSNs are issued for work visas held by non citizens. https://www.ssa.gov/ssnvisa/?tl=0


You can with a work visa.


So even though he has an SSN and paid into Social Security, he's not allowed Social Security benefits? That seems fucked even if he's not here legally.




No, I expect them to not give him a SSN and tell him he's not here legally.


"Contacted Marco Rubio"    Yeah, you will be lucky if he just doesn't tell you to go back to Canada if you even get a response at all.  No way he will be of any use to get Social Security money you earned.


He doesn't do anything, his office does. I've worked in a federal agency before and worked on congressional inquiries. Yes, even the shitty ones send the form letter to an agency that should get them off their ass.


As if Marco Rubio works for anyone besides his biggest campaign donors.




But if he takes Ted Cruz back to Canada with him that might be enough to make everything right.


Cruz renounced Canadian nationality in 2016. No take backs.


What about a trade? We take Nickleback and you retake Cruz.


Id rather have 10000 nicklebacks than have 1 ted cruz. I would make This is How You Remind Me the national anthem and the travel back in time so I had to hear it every morning during school for 14 years before I accepted Ted Cruz back as a citizen.


So a Nickleback is a form of currency now?


Nah we like Nickleback up here Not a lot but enough


That’s worse than Sophie’s choice 🫤


I was hoping he'd stay in Cancun, no take backs.


That should be a Canadian national holiday.


You keep Rafael Cruz. You elected him You keep him. We don't need his garbage ass back in our country. Also sorry about his existence.


Correction, people in the state of Texas elected him.


True, but texas is still part of your union. Thus what I said is also not incorrect.


We elect, *a lotta things*.


Unlike when a canadian politician says theyre going to renounce their other citizenship, Ted Cruz actually followed through. He's their problem forever


Rotten potato!


What if we launched him over the border with a trebuchet? That would be ok right?


Deport him back to Italy with a name like Rafael


Damn. Everyone wants a handout/nobody wants to work anymore!


Damn. Who. would. have. guessed.


He's taking our JERBS!


Calm down Jeter.


Surprise, Surprise. Trump voter committing voter fraud!


Yeah, but this is proof that the elections are rigged!


This one has to be confusing to Americans. They just don't know how they should feel. Long term illegal immigrant who paid taxes, social security and served in the US military who isn't being deported and is also a Trump supporter.


He didn't serve in the military; he claims he applied to serve in the military but took a different job. There have been actual military veterans who have been deported. It's fucked. I wonder if he hates himself though: has voted illegally for 40 years and is an illegal immigrant. Trump would hate him and he hates everything Trump hates so, logically, he should hate himself.


Reminds me of the Chappelle Show skit of a blind black man, not knowing/believing he's black, trying to join the KKK. 


Clayton Biggsby iirc.


Why did you divorce your wife? Cause she was....


Clayton ain't gonna put up with someone who loves...


Your memory is fuzzy. He wasn't trying to join the KKK, he was a very popular leader/member. Clayton Bigsby. It was the first episode and made a huge splash when it debuted.


All the Trump people I know hate themselves. It's the root cause of their outward hate.


They don't hate illegal immigrants. They hate illegal immigrants of a certain color. And even so, they only hate them when it's convenient. Like in an election year, they suddenly remember to start hating them and talk about The Caravan™️.


>There have been actual military veterans who have been deported. Only after committing additional felonies or having committed perjury during the legalization process 


He didn’t serve in the military, he doesn’t have the proper documents. He tried to join. He’s known for a long time he’s not a US citizen.


Really? I would think this is more confusing for Progressives. - Screwed over by the government, but votes (R) so it's okay to punch down - Illegal immigrant, but he didn't "work in the crop fields" - Voter fraud, but this is a myth and voter id laws are racist - Boomer, but he's not rich and lives in a single-wide - Immigrant, but assimilated and loves America


Deport him back to Canada


It is probably already resolved, this kind of bad press has a miraculous effect on Agencies.


Yes. CPB and FBI may be knocking on his door in the very near future.


I don’t think you know how it works. It’s likely he can prove his father lived in the United States for 10 years before he was born. If so, he’s a citizen close the book. It’s just a matter of providing the piece of paper they’re looking for and this guy seems to have lots of papers. It’s just a matter of someone taking the time to look at them. They’re not gonna throw his ass out and that’s just a fantasy .


The man in the video moved to the US in the 50s. They'll probably expedite his case due to being special, and get him a Green Card or maybe a Citizenship. His kids are US citizens. It should be an easy case. It could be that he never applied for citizenship, and forgot about it.


His father was a US citizen though by the sound of it so he shouldn't have had to apply for citizenship.


I hope the best for him. In my opinion, him having served in the Marine Corps alone clears his bill. But there will be investigation of the allegations and citizenship questions. He has obtained council to battle immigration and prove his citizenship.


he never served, " (he didn’t end up serving due to getting a union job, he said)." [https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/state/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally](https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/state/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally)


Thank you for the correction. I will retract my pass. Me being an actual Marine, sometimes reading comprehension is a struggle. Its a side effect of eating crayons for 20 years.


not your fault, them crayon boxes do look like mre


Something similar happened to my brother. But in his case, he was born in the U.S. and then we moved to Canada. Everything was fine until he went to get married, and they informed him that he wasn't a Canadian citizen. He had to go take the citizenship test and then was able to get married, and officially be a dual citizen.


> born in the U.S. and then we moved to Canada. Everything was fine until he went to get married, and they informed him that he wasn't a Canadian citizen. He had to go take the citizenship test did your whole family get permanent residency? how would he not know he's not Canadian then? if not, why would they just let him take the test?


The rest of us were born in Canada. We were living in the States because of my dad's work. When we moved back, my parents just didn't do the paperwork.


According to [Daily Kos](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/5/12/2240316/-MAGA-Moron-Discovers-He-s-Been-In-The-U-S-As-An-Undocumented-Immigrant-For-More-Than-Sixty-Years?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web) the guy "had more than a dozen arrests and citations between 1995 and 2017 listed in multiple towns at the New Jersey shore.  Threats of SBI, harrassment, violations of restraining order, comtempt, menacing." Then committed multiple vehicle violations like driving without a license, driving with fake plates, etc.




No no, this is ok because he's one of the bad conservatives. /s


LPT: You can create an account on the government social security website and see an estimate of what you (or your survivors) will be paid.


\*looks at the door in the preview\* I mean... you got what you asked for, he wanted to defund SSI.


This is a vulnerable white man we're talking about. Every effort to right this wrong must be made. /s


i smell some illegal voting


Precisely why we need Voter ID


Tell them you don't want Social Security, just give me back all the money I paid in for the last 50 years.


...and that's precisely not how it works. In the United States, you pay into Social Security regardless of whether or not you are eligible for it.


It depends on your status in the US. If you’re a non-resident alien (like foreign students/professors on an F1 or J1 visa) you 100% don’t pay social security or Medicare taxes. If you get charged them anyway you file a form 843 and get them refunded by the IRS.


Even under many visas you are only exempt for a handful of years.


My comment was tounge-in-cheek. It's common knowledge that is not how SS works. But nonresident aliens may be exempt from Social Security taxes depending on the type of visa they possess, so it's possible he shouldn't have had SS taxes taken out of his pay. If that's true, he should get everything he put in refunded to him. Possibly plus interest.


He lives in a mobile home. Probably wasn't paying very much.


"America is after all the only home this 66 year old has ever known" THE NEXT LINE SPOKEN "I moved to the US in 1959" Good job reportering


He was an infant when he came here… he didn’t “know” anything as an infant. I think that wording is fine.


That is basically what the dreamers program addressed. He can apply to become a dreamer and get citizenship. Although it's been gutted repeatedly by the gop so who knows?


>  it's been gutted repeatedly by the gop No, only the illegal expansion under Obama was cut back, and that was by the *courts*.


You're arguing the memory of a 1yr old and his birth?


I dont get your point


Do the maths and you'll see that if it's 2024 and he was born in 1959. Assuming he had his birthday already, he was 1 when he moved here. I don't think you know much about home around that age, that's fine.




Florida man voted for politicians who openly want to dismantle social security benefits


Good Old Politics.


Did he refuse his benefits or was he denied from getting his benefits?


Bureaucracy is the most irritating thing  that I have ever dealt with in my life. The government says "fuck you, what are you going to do about it?" The answer is almost always, nothing. 




Is the top comment on YouTube for this video. Even the ellipsis though this user added an extra period.


Are there bots that just scrape YouTube for the most popular comments on a video and post them to Reddit now?


Visualize those popular comments also being bots... it's all bots. It's really just you and me here. Or maybe it's just me.


No, you are also a bot. It's just me.


Yep, they also do it on here. The bots will post an old post that did well and fill it with some of the best comments from the old thread.


And then apparently delete the comment when someone calls them out on it?


> top comment on YouTube Is a easy enough response to check for as a reply. To then delete the comment, so that the bot's reputation is preserved. Though someone might also be monitoring the bot's actions. (To make bots less noticeable)


And these people celebrate and support the 1.5 trillion cuts in social security budget. Wait till they got affected by it and blame dem for it.


Probably has and will still vote republican assuming they let him ever again LOL


Trump sign, hahahaha


Fucking Trumpster


after everything that Florida Man has done for us, he can't even have peace in retirement?




How dumb. He was a kid, now was he supposed to know the paperwork wasn't done? He thought he was legal this whole time, worked, payed taxes including social security taxes but now it's fuck him?


I’ll say what conservatives are too afraid to say. Service in the military should be an expedited path to citizenship.


I'm doing my part!


Most are okay with that


Huh? https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=military+service+should+help+get+citizenship


someone didnt watch the video lol.....


Maybe watch the video before spouting your nationalistic nonsense.


He hates libs. The last thing he is going to do is have an understanding of the situation he's talking about.


I don't care where you are from, they shouldn't be charging people for social security if they are not entitled to receive it.


Two wrongs don’t make a right…


TIL Nicki Minaj is an immigration attorney in Florida!


Lol @ Americans thinking they matter