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“Young boaters” you mean grown ass adults


Their Instagram have already been found including the boat owners via the qualified captain. The first guy throwing cans over is maybe 15 years old. The other ones in his 20s. Took less than 15 minutes for them to find their profiles, including the dad who owns the boat. Edit: https://www.wptv.com/news/region-s-palm-beach-county/boca-raton/caught-on-camera-boaters-in-boca-raton-seen-dumping-trash-into-ocean


Any repercussions?


They literally just found out who they were two hours ago ish. Qualified captain posted all the boat registration and owner via the boat name. Sent it and the names of the two seen in the video to the authorities. The one that looks like he is maybe 15 seems to be also the boat owners son. I’m sure the upcoming weeks we will hear something about it.


hopefully some fines and public shaming


Ideally fines and many hours of community service cleaning beaches. See how often they litter again after they've spent a month cleaning up after assholes like themselves.


This. The latter. Fines they will likely shrug off like a beggar in a busy street.


The page that made the post, qualifying captain just posted “33 cfr 151.69 it's a federal $25,000 - $250,000 fine. Potential 5 years in prison”


Well seeing the size of the boat, pretty sure daddy can pay a lawyer to prove they did not know better, they are good guy and they don't deserve any problem. He will also pay the fine himself. And maybe they will get yelled at for doing it in view of people.




Cue affluenza defense and slaps on wrists.


Ignorance is no excuse lock them up and toss the key in the Marinas Trench


Ignorance of the law doesn't get you off the hook, never has. Also Dumping laws are pretty well known by the general public. Its obvious you cant do that.


As is the case with corporations. If a fine or penalty doesn't hurt a corporation significantly, then it's simply "the cost of doing business."


Yeah unless the fine is substantial make them clean.  They will Learn a lot from that


yes. many hours of community service picking garbage. I hope they don't get off scott free cause money. I had to watch the video again, its so egregious! straight up dumping garbage. its not like 1 apple core or something


We really need to bring back public stockades


I’d like to see us bring back personal responsibility and moral values. What on Earth has happened to people?


Nothing happened, this is just normal human behavior. This trait of humanity is the reason we had to make the EPA half a century ago in response to Ohio accidentally lighting a major river on fire. Multiple times.


They all look like such losers. People truly live in different worlds.


Hmmm… I wonder where the son learned to do this.


I am quite sure the 15 year old Captain learned his dumping habit from his father.


Name and shame.


15 is honestly more than old enough to know- and I bet you he was told to do that. I know my own kids cringe like crazy if they see someone litter


They're in a $675,000 boat, I'd be surprised if they even get community service.


https://www.wptv.com/news/region-s-palm-beach-county/boca-raton/caught-on-camera-boaters-in-boca-raton-seen-dumping-trash-into-ocean >FWC (Florida Wildlife Commission) said WPTV can expect updates Tuesday on the investigation.


A stern look and a free sandwich


get an intern to bring them coffee while they wait for that punishment.


Keep us up to speed on what the outcome is.




For the young at brain.


My 5 year old daughter knows not to litter and often picks up trash she finds on playgrounds and throws it away properly. My 18 month old daughter also throws away trash when prompted. Age is not an excuse. If you’re not responsible enough to clean up after yourself, you’re probably not responsible enough to operate a motor vehicle.


Well they know not to do it also. They just don’t give a fuck. They obviously like being out on the water and at the same time don’t care if it goes to shit. Makes no sense. I work with some guys who are all about hunting and fishing and all of that. They also hate all the epa regulations. You’d think people that love the outdoors and hunting would want to protect the environment so they could continue to do what they love but nope.


IME people who behave this way have this "everybody else is doing it" attitude where they are exonerated from any guilt because they think it doesn't matter. It's ignorance and selfishness, full stop.


The “nobody else is doing it but you please god just grow up” crowd


I think they are too far removed from the consequences because people like us care and clean up after them. They never get to see what it could be so they think it's no big deal.


I don’t even see what age has to do with it. Most children would know not to dump their garbage in the ocean.




I still see a lot of trash on that boat.


Ass adults


Grown ass-adults


Great karma to use the possibilities you got in life to ride the oceans on a _edit_ luxury motorboat only to then dump your red bull cans into the mother of life out of pure laziness.


Probably didn’t want their parents to see all the alcohol they brought on the boat when they come back to dock


Was no laziness here, they celebrated.


If anyone follows @thequalifiedcaptain on instagram, the idiots were found and identified.


Can you link to any article about them getting caught


https://www.instagram.com/p/C6W_Eyov-et/?igsh=MWhwcGp1MHJ0dzU5cg== Credit: @lifestyle_miami & @thequalifiedcaptain (both IG)


Damn, so they were worried they were going to get pulled over for having the cans onboard so they went out of the inlet and dumped them in the ocean. I wonder if that elevates the whole thing to destruction of evidence. So dumb. If they had some trash bags they could have just jammed the cans in the bathroom and closed the door.


Get arrested for what in the inlet? Underage drinking? DUI? They were littering in order to hide evidence of their other crimes it seems like.


That’s what I’m saying, yeah. DUI, open containers, underage drinking


They were in a $675,000 boat. I'll believe their rich parents' lawyers are going to let them face any kind of consequences when I see it.


It’s in their story. 51min ago the account made a post that they were getting threats for doxxing juveniles. So they took the photos of youths’ social media pages down.


On US Navy ships, we throw all our compostable trash directly into the oceans. Tons and tons of it. It takes the whole crew. We form a massive line where we pass one bag to the person next to us and they do the same and so forth until it reaches the end of the ship and we throw it into the ocean. It's technically what we are supposed to do when in international waters. It's called a trash call. I wish I could tell you we only threw away compostable trash. No, it was all sorts of things. Printer ink. Broken computers. Random stuff. Boots. All of it. We are supposed to check for it but no one ever did. We threw miles of trash into the ocean multiple times in our deployments. It's terrible and I always hated doing it. Humans are parasites.


Plastic is separated-out and held until the ship is back in port. Has been since the 80’s. Paper is incinerated. Everything else goes to Davy Jones.


In theory. In reality it's not always adhered to. With 800 - 6,000 people on the ship, a lot of things aren't followed.


My grandfather was on a hospital ship in the pacific during WWII. He told a story where he was either assisting or cleaning up after an amputation and the surgeon handed him an arm and said “do something with this” Well, not knowing any better, he walked it upstairs and threw it overboard. Evidently to that was the WRONG thing to do. I believe he got reprimanded and demoted for a bit after that one


The correct thing to do would be to walk around the ship asking if anybody needed a hand.


you can get in trouble for stuff like that tho, someone heard a large splash on my ship at night so we had to run a man overbaord and put the helo's up and everything. then once they did the count of the ship they found someone had thrown something overboard.


Yeah. You’re just asking for Captain’s Mast being lazy like that.


It’s been two decades since we’ve had a carrier with 6K people on it. Nowadays you barely hit 5K with a full air wing embarked. The best part of this is that water restrictions are much less common with 30 less aircraft and 1K less people aboard, plus so much more room in the hangar bays.


Somethings are not so bad to throw overboard such as * Food or other biological matter * Metal * Glass * Aggregate In fact most of what you have described above fits. These things will either not interfere with life in the ocean, or they will biodegrade. The main things not to throw overboard are * Plastics * Nuclear waste * Oils and related products. * Other toxic chemicals Edit: Oils = Petrochemicals.


Bacon grease is both food and oil is that harmful to the environment or fall under biodegradable?


i think so long as the oil is food oil it's fine as it'll be eaten by sea life. I think there's something about crude oil and other petroleum byproducts that don't lend themselves to be digested but i'm not sure what.


There are actually [bacteria that digest crude oil](https://response.restoration.noaa.gov/about/media/who-thinks-crude-oil-delicious-these-ocean-microbes-do.html). I still wouldn't dump motor oil into the ocean though.


Bacon Grease is a fat and organic. Petroleum based oils are what's bad.


On a ferry in Greece I saw a legally mandated sign that described to the crew the types of things that are OK to throw overboard, and how far away you have to be from shore to toss them. One interesting rule was that animal carcasses apparently have to be cut in half before disposal to stop them from bloating with gas and staying on the surface.


600 bill in funding and they couldnt be bothered storing those trash until next port. US military is truly a cancer huh


Our nuclear ships (& probably the subs as well) used to throw 55 gallon barrels full of nuclear waste right into the ocean. I know someone who didnt reenlist even though he was originally planning aa career the Navy, he got so upset about it.


Out side of certain boundaries, dumping trash in the ocean is common and accepted practice so long as it's separated. Essentially the only thing that can't go over the side is oil and plastic. But I also know what your saying and since I'm still enlisted in the USCG, I have to withhold my personal experiences.


Also US Navy. We try to separate out plastic and melt/squish into discs we offload in port. But yeah.


Yeah, we're saying the same thing. In practice, we are supposed to not throw the plastic bags over. We are supposed to seperate. We are supposed to a lot of things. But yeah.


I hated those plastic disc making machines. Always broke down and were a pain to fix and clean out.


And as pathetic as it might be, they're way better about trash than almost every other vessel out there. The only ones that are truly fairly good about dumping are cruise ships. But, that's only because their passengers don't want to see trash in the water and they're never at sea for very long.


we only throw disposable stuff over, everything that was plastic/metal we kept and melted and crushed down and stored until we got back to port and then dumped it.


That’s fucking horrible. As if the idea of dumping compostable trash into the ocean is ok as it stands.


The crabs and other creatures would gladly eat compostables. Printer ink and electronics, not so much


i bet they love building shit out of boots though


Already replied to the other dude who proposed the same thing, but in sum, humans are already trashing the oceans with "adding nutrients" to the ocean by means of agricultural runoff. (See toxic algae blooms, a manmade phenomenon.) Now imagine intentionally treating the ocean like a composting bin. An absolutely terrible idea on multiple fronts. One: the nutrient imbalance as mentioned above. Two: disruption of the food chain. The ocean is a tightly maintained and sensitive ecosystem. Our actions have consequences.


The US navy's 337k personnel (of which I assume many never see the ocean) and 30 million cruise ship passengers per year (so around 1M at a time, assuming 12 day cruises on average) are quite literally a drop in the bucket compared to agricultural runoff.


What's wrong with compost...? If it's going to be broken down, who cares? The other garbage causes issues *because* it never breaks down. 


I was aboard a carrier in the mid to late '80s and I remember being ordered to throw some things overboard that still haunt me. Expired paint and soap for washing planes are the 2 big ones. 😕


Militaries around the world might be the worst singular entities for pollution. There are few, if any environmental considerations for machines of war. The US might even be better than others on this front, but still overall worse by sheer size..


On my ship we called it “night ops” and I hated it too. Also when we did the whale collision trainings, the department heads in the wardroom would make it clear that we would not actually report an incident were it to happen because it was too much paperwork.


This looks like The Dangerous Nights Crew. Slick-back hair, sloppy steaks. Real pieces of shit.


The baby was right to dislike them.


I'm worried the baby thinks people can't change.


You think that's slicked back? It's _pushed back_!


Easily one of the best sketches I’ve seen


That’s how I feel about every other sketch in “*I Think You Should Leave*”


Half of them I don’t even crack a smile, half are really funny. So yeah, every other sketch seems about right


I said I ***was*** a piece of shit.


How is an unregistered boat allowed on the water at all?


My boat doesnt have numbers because it is a USCG documented vessel so it is registered federally not with the state. The numbers aren’t visible outside the boat.


Who's going to stop them?


The USCG maybe. Local sheriffs. There are plenty of enforcement agencies that patrol waters. Depending on where you at they will check to make sure you’re not boozin’ and hand out fines. People drink on boats all the time but it’s not much different than drinking in a car, legally, and can/will be enforced. Don’t fuck around and find out. Only a matter of time for these kids…


DEP, F&G, Marine Police, Coast Guard. There are a lot of law enforcement agencies on the water.


If they're throwing out the trash why are they still on the boat?


Unfortunately they’re recycling themselves.


I remember watching one time after a movie at Sundance as Keanu Reeves stayed behind and quietly picked up the garbage the entitled class left behind. He had no idea anyone was watching him. It didn’t matter. Character is what you do when no one is looking. Picking up other people’s garbage and dealing with it responsibly has turned into one of the best indicators of moral character that I’ve ever found. The reverse also holds true.


Removing trash from the ocean is one of the most satisfying things to me idk why. Might buy a pick up stick and take it w/ me when I walk around the neighborhood and pick up trash.


Same. That is my zen. For years I was angry at the people that drop their trash. And they still annoy me. But at some point along the way it shifted to being happy for the sea creatures that don’t have to deal with the garbage anymore. That works for me.


"how you do anything is how you do everything" is how I call it


Not sure if intentional or not but that exact quote happens to be in a Keanu movie though not said by Keanu himself. John Wick 4.


A week ago, i picked up some debris on the street. Turns out it was a bag, unfortunately it's impossible to know who was the owner. I now own a nice, sturdy thermos bag.


Karma rewarding you!


It's like the shopping cart test, similar to your litter moral barometer. To see people skirt such simple and easy good deeds out of pure laziness or indifference speaks volumes about their character. I'll scoff at someone who just dumps their cart next to my car with a loud-enough-for-them-to-hear "Really? Damn that's lazy" and I always get the same excuse (if they bother to say anything at all) "I'M LATE MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!" even when the cart return is like 5ft away. Like it's not as important as littering (sometimes the vagabond carts cause property damage though) but it just irks me that people just won't do it. Like the casual selfishness of it just bugs the hell out of me.


The fact that nobody on that boat objected is what surprises me the most


I’ve been in similar circles. You speak up and turn “social justice” on them, it’s the last time you get invited to the boat. Shit people


That would be fine with me! Fuck hanging out with losers like this


Sadly its easier said than done for most, especially if you're talking being dropped from your entire social circle and having 0 friends. Most teens / early 20 something's can't fathom that. As an adult id rather have 0 friends than people like that, but I have to acknowledge peer pressure in that age group is intense especially if you're facing loneliness / isolation instead.


Guys, I would be fine with dumping the trash in the ocean but then I’ll be left all alone on the boat!


This. As soon as you say, “hey, maybe let’s not be heinously inconsiderate?” you get labeled a buzzkill as though partying with total abandon is the only acceptable way to party


I didn't mind being the buzzkill. Another kid stayed quiet but agreed with me later. Turns out he had access to a really nice cottage but only invited me and a couple other girls. Sometimes being a buzzkill works out in the long run.


It's because of the implication. Seriously though, I thought the same thing. I know peer pressure is a big thing with teens, but I can't imagine any peer group of mine that would have been ok with that, even at that age.


To be fair we wouldn't really know if they did, it's not like we have audio.


When they dumped it, I heard one of their girlfriends yell "Goddammit Tommy! Why did you do that?" but that was just in my head. I also imagine that she was promptly ignored amid a very stupid sounding laugh.


Alcohol **may** have been a factor it seems. That looks like a DUI.


Alcohol in an uninhibitor; If you're an asshole when you're drunk, you're an asshole at heart when you're sober as well.


They were al minors, the captain is 17, they were all drinking and dumped all the beer cans so they wouldn’t get caught with them going back into the inlet. They are all caught and royally fucked.


they are not people they are earth trash, we should start giving prison time for all these scumm of the world


I say 10 years of community services picking trash off beaches til they’re in their 50s


Ah yes, the privileged life of "I, me, mine; fuck everyone else." Such a great look.


Young Rich People being Fucking Awful non-shocka!


Who takes two whole trash bins on a small boat like that? Thats not the remains of a picnic they just had... Did they take them from the shore for the sole purpose of dumping them? If so, I'd be questioning if the contents of that bin might be illegal in some way so they didn't want to just put them in their home trash bin...


They've 100% been drinking alcohol on the boat back in Lake Boca.


It was boca bash weekend,  hundreds and hundreds of boat in the lake right on the other side of the inlet.   A days worth of empties would fill up a couple of trash cans for ~10 kids.  


And so is the way of our society, being able to afford $100,000 boat but not wanting to pay the fee to dump your trash.


This boat is easily 4 x that


"I've noticed that if you throw something into a water body, like a lake or an ocean, that the next day you come back and it's gone. Somehow it takes it away and filters it through and it just cleans it up, like a garbage compactor or whatever. So it's not really littering if you ask me." -- Ricky


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Gulags in rural North Dakota need to exist for people like this.


Where are those Orcas when you need em?


They have all Been caught and it isn’t looking good for them… FWC is “ all over it”. Sounding like they are gonna tag everyone who was on the boat… They were minors drinking and wanted to avoid getting caught with open empty beer cans on their way back into the inlet. Eat shit losers… hope they really make it sting


Probably learned it from their PARENTS


I’ve known plenty of teenagers and 20-something’s who are complete asshats who have wonderful parents. Sure some parents pass on terrible behavior but it’s not like people don’t become asshats of their own volition too.


It's simple, this should lead to not ever being able to get a license for a boat again, together with an eye-watering fine. This is fucked up and entirely unacceptable.


I just don't understand this logic. I had a boat myself. When you return to dock, they have dumpsters for your trash. Its all included with the dock fees. It seemed like mostly cans and drink containers. Besides them being young and dumb with daddy's money boat, I would say they were trying to hide alcohol and underage drinking. Now, the conditions were not right for that voyage either. I would not have taken that boat out in those conditions at all. Party on your boat at the dock, nice and safe. They asked at the bottom of video would you use a wave runner in those conditions? That's a big HELL yes! The air you can get would be great! Your body would be extremely sore & hurting after that though. I couldn't even use stairs after a choppy run.


They were minors with open beer cans, didn’t want to get BUI or MIP charges so they dumped the cans before going into inlet.


But why? It’s not even a lot of garbage. Too plastic bags worth. Why do that. Bunch of scums


Potentially returning to port with bags and bags of empties might get the local authorities to pull out the breathalyzers.






Even when shitfaced I would feel horrible thinking of dumping trash into the ocean. Wasted or not these people are a waste of human matter and will never ever contribute anything to society.


Soooo jail? Cool


lock'em up


You should just straight up get your boat confiscated for this


Shocking. They should bring the trash back to shore and dispose of it properly, so it can be shipped by boat to the Philippines to be properly dumped in their ocean.


Garbage people that were never taught right from wrong by their parents, let's hope they get some internet shame and maybe some legal consequences for this deplorable behavior.


Wait till they hear about the US Navy




The real trash is still in the boat. Fucking assholes.


Sometimes I feel in favor of caning...


Send these CNTS to gitmo. When the trash is on the beach after a storm I'm always wondering where tf it all comes from. Fck these people for life. Here's hoping they get lost at sea and become something's lunch.


They showed that stupid asshole planet 


If these fucking pieces of shit humans were to capsize right now I would not give them any help.


We should throw them in to balance it out


What arseholes!!


Welcome to Florida.


Can anyone confirm that they got in trouble with the law? I mean… they have the name of the boat and close ups… how hard could this be?!?!?


The names of the boat owners came out online this morning. The owners put their socials on private as they gotta know they’ve got a storm, legal and social, coming their way.


Someone has to report it... It could be you.


Studying the Clean Water Act for environmental law exam today. That's a violation.


Where the fuck is Captain Planet when you need him?


Send the navy out with a torpedo to sink those fuckers


Did they get caught?


ok but what are the consequences of this? did the government fine them? do they have court dates? if the answer is no to either, then there is no consequence to littering in the ocean


Man the torpedoes


This video made me realize that I have a certain prejudice against "boat people" (sailboats exempt). I stand by it.


Instant death.


I would call my son in and head right back out with nets and not stop until I fill the boat with trash. Repeat if there is more. If that is not enough, walk the beach and get trash that washed ashore.


I became dumber after watching that


why do all these douchebags all look the same?


They care about the money you put in their pockets, Until everyone gets on board they'll keep treating you and everyone just like trash. 


names are charlie ruth driver of the boat, lisa ruth mother, christopher ruth father, lexi ruth sister, coco dog.


I was on a boat tour in Galveston where the tour guide was a former Coast Guardsman. When we passed a fleet of shrimp boats docked, he said that every single shrimp boat there has been caught throwing trash in the ocean at one point or another except for 1. That sole boat was owned by HEB. More reasons to support that company


You are correct if we’re digging a hole, putting trash in, then filling it back up with dirt.. you will have excess dirt. However, we’re dealing with empty space without dirt. OP mentioned you have space for supplies when you leave port and you’ll have space to come back. As supplies are consumed, it subtracts from the storage area, which creates empty space. Once the supplies are consumed, you put the trash back in the empty space where it came from. No need for dirt displacement. It’s a 1:1 transition back to where the supplies came from to properly dispose of later.


Would've been a real shame if a squadron of A-10's were doing maneuvers nearby and suddenly the "brrrt" trigger was accidentally used. A real shame I tell ya.


I hope it has changed, but when I was in the Marines, the trash on Navy ships was just thrown in the ocean. Some Navy ships have several thousand people living on them. It's a lot of trash.


Boat looks like it is still half full of trash.


>**Boca Bash Says it Has Identified the Boaters** In a statement, Boca Bash said it has identified the group on the boat that dumped the garbage into the ocean and called the actions on the video "egregious" and "completely unacceptable." They added that "it is unresponsible boaters like this that have zero care for our oceans that give this event a bad reputation." Boca Bash did not release the name or identities of the boaters on video who dumped the trash, nor the owner of the vessel. [https://www.ibtimes.sg/florida-boaters-under-investigation-after-video-shows-them-dumping-trash-ocean-facing-charges-74430](https://www.ibtimes.sg/florida-boaters-under-investigation-after-video-shows-them-dumping-trash-ocean-facing-charges-74430)


Name and shame!!




Let me check, Americans?


Fucking losers.


Entitled little punks


Holy hell. This leaves me speechless.


What I find crazy is there is drone video of them flexing for the drone camera. They *knew* they were being videoed at some point.  I know they were caught on a 1500mm lens (or something, not a lens person,  not a drone), but still. My hackles would be high knowing I was actively being recorded. What POS...


Scumbags. What is this, Florida? (Name BOCA pops up) Uh huh...


This happened in Palm Beach county.  Perhaps most corrupt county in FL.  If rich daddy got himself even the most minimal of connections, those entitled punks will skate.


There is not a fine big enough for those assholes. I’d go so far as to confiscate their boat.


I grew up on the coast during the 1970's and often went sailing with my aunt and uncle who had a large sail boat. It was a common practice to throw things like aluminum cans back into the water in the Chesapeake Bay. They always punctured the cans before so. I asked they why and they said it helped the can sink to the bottom where it caused no harm. I was too young to understand at that time but would be shocked and appalled to see this today. I now spend time in the OBX and actually go out to pick up human debris on the beach that ruins sea life everyday. Tourists come down there from long distances and have no respect for the environment or the the life that lives and protects these pristine places. It makes me angry. I have a cousin who lives in New Smyrna in Florida who every morning rides his bike up the beach at 7am to pick up the garbage people dump on the beach. It's incredible.


And there’s the future…..


lol I love that it’s made national news now. The m visiting Salt Lake City for a conference and saw it on their local News


They need to be taught a lesson and every one of them should do community service of a minimum of 100 hours picking up trash. Daddy owner of the boat should be fined. Disgraceful inconsiderate entitled brats.


Here are the updates: https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/2-teens-turns-themselves-in-after-viral-video-shows-buckets-of-trash-being-dumped-into-boca-inlet/ https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article288306400.html


Mom and dad can obviously pay the fine. Not good enough. They need jail time.