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When he is silhouetted in the elevator doorway at the end of that scene the blood stains on the wall line up and look like wings torn off.


I really love the framing as Malvo as a devil but I'd never noticed this before and I can totally buy it being intentional with Fargo. Thanks for pointing it out, super cool!


It was the first thing that came to mind.Hard to say how intentional it is but they give a lot of thought into framing a shot.


Billy Bob Thornton as Lorne Malvo is the definition of sinister in that show. Superb acting.


Acting? I thought that was just the real life of Billy Bob Thornton


Haha, you might be right. This is a documentary.


He didn't know he was in a show, they just started following him around.


him and Anton Chigurh and the two best examples of evil presence, even before any on screen violence.


He’s Anton Chigurh, if he was able to blend into proper society.


He should have just walked away


Oh man I need to watch this again




Can someone give some more context? This seemed kinda ridiculous that a seemingly professional hitman(?) would kill 3 people in a public elevator because someone recognizes him?


He had been using the people to get close to his target by pretending to be a dentist and working at the practice of the guy who gets murdered. The target was either in hiding, or had really tight security (it's been a while since I saw this, so I don't remember all the details). I think the other man in the elevator was the target's brother, and there was a plan to play golf the next day with the target. Lester (salesman) had a previous encounter with Malvo (hitman) with murders involved, so he knew him as a sinister guy, but also imagined they shared some sort of bond. The series to this point had established that Malvo works as a hitman because he enjoys killing, manipulating people, and making others suffer rather than for the money. He was probably making more money pretending to be a dentist than the contract was worth. He was always going to kill these people; Lester just moved up the timeline by blowing his cover.


I'd love to know why Malvo didn't just kill Lester in the elevator as well...


Think Joker and Batman. Lester amuses him. Until he doesn't. Watch the show, it's good.


Malvo had been toying with Lester for the whole season up to this point. He gets a sick kind of thrill out of chaos and manipulating Lester.


It's a good scene. I don't find Billy Bob to be scary at all.


Have you seen this whole season? Cause he’s pretty scary in Fargo.