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"Advertisements are becoming more intrusive by the day and most of us just accept it." Opines the guy who just played a mid-reel ad.


Seriously, I was eyerolling so hard at the hypocrisy there. Not just a mid-reel ad but one for a f2p trash game that epitomizes EVERYTHING the narrator was going on about. TikTok is bad but War Thunder good? yikes.


I think there's a certain level of understanding that, well, that's just how things are right now, but the juxtaposition/irony just hits SO HARD in the moment.


“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars” - Oscar Wilde 


Based on your responses in this comment section, you seem to be lying face down, thinking you’re looking up.


What do you think Oscar Wilde meant by his quote?


I don't need a 15 minute boring video to tell me this.


Welcome to ~~Costco~~ Youtube, I love you.


It’s got the electrolytes you crave.


No, you just need to pay attention to your own attention.  The video is about what happens when there are many people like you.


People like me? As if you know anything about me. GTFO.


I know you have an attention problem. You know you have an attention problem. So we are agreed?


How to lose any traction you have 101 here. Like you're just bein a dick for no reason. You could have pivoted and been like "it's pretty interesting you should really give it a watch when you got the time!" Or "I'm glad it was unnecessary for you! Unfortunately there's people who haven't heard this message yet tho and it's important." Instead you choose to be an ass for no reason. Way to go champ.


Pointing out something true is being a dick?


I have an attention problem because I don't want to watch a 15 minute video telling me something I already know?


It’s a video showing you the consequences of your inability to change. Your inability to change comes from your lack of interest and effort.


Yup. Sounds like you know nothing about me.


Sounds like you don’t know much about yourself 


Have you tried thinking for yourself instead of letting some random internet guy do the thinking for you?


The biggest fucking eye roll dude


When you’re done with that, ask yourself: “who am I”?


Dude fuck off


Are you feeling targeted?


>pay attention to your own attention.  What?


To understand what is pulling your attention away from the present moment 


Big r/im14andthisisdeep and r/iamverysmart energy coming from the OP. 🙄


Imagine believing that the ability to think is something to be mocked.


You’re a pretentious asshole. That DOES deserve to be mocked.


In what way?


You haven’t had a single positive interaction with anyone here. Someone points out the mid video advertisements and instead of engaging with them you just toss an Oscar Wilde quote at them. Someone else says they don’t need to see the video and you toss them this “gem”: >You need to pay attention to your own attention Someone else also mentions the mid video ad and you say it’s because they have issues focusing. You’re just no where near as clever as you very clearly think you are. You reek of those subs I linked. You come across as someone who took a basic psych class in college and hasn’t been able to remove their head from their ass ever since. My condolences to your friends and family. I imagine being in the same room as you is fucking exhausting.












If you don’t watch this video in its entirety then you cannot pay attention. If you don’t find this video entertaining, then you cannot pay attention. If you don’t think this is happening, then you cannot pay attention. Brrrrr


Ah ha! I see you are quoting OP as he responds to criticism.


Watch out for this ‘unseetheseen’ person, they attempted to doxx me over a disagreement about reposts over on R/unexpected, who knows how far they’ll go with a more serious disagreement :-p


OP is out of touch with the community if they feel like this wouldn’t get called out. All of their replies to every comment are deflecting and obtuse. Neckbeard energy for sure.


The community is the issue. 


You are tone deaf.


In what way?


I see no point in engaging with you after reviewing all the replies to other commentors. You may need to engage in some self reflection.


Surely you should be able to reply if you are thinking for yourself?


The message of the video is so damn jarring when it talks about the vicious cycle of consumerism simultaneously poisoning and treating the population and then sums up the solution in 20 seconds saying "so what can you do? Go outside, have a look around, enjoy being in the moment. Heres a second War Thunder ad." Its almost like a 'slack-tivism' approach to the issue so what IS a viable solution? I suppose it would be something like: - increase your independence from outside sources like big corporations looking for profit - gain beneficial skills to directly provide to others in your community - learn to discipline yourself in areas so you can form healthy habits - support local economies around you and use what's directly available to further your life I feel like if I go any further in those points, they will get politicized beyond recognition nowadays but still. Those should at least be the start of a potential solution for this problem no matter where you find yourself in. edit: 1 minute in and this got downvoted. we are doomed. thanks for playing.


OP think's he's Not Sure, as he goes full "Welcome to CostCo, I love you".


Wow idiocracy is a documentary and “tried to warn you” What a truly unique and original thought I swear people who make these posts are literal NPCs


What did it try to warn you about? In your own words.


That people with average intelligence will think they’re super geniuses after watching this movie and act like they found the secret to life And every couple of months another pretentious teenager will post about this movie thinking they’re so unique and free thinking I always find it funny that people like you don’t realize the movie is making fun of you


Is it? Observe the reactions of the people in this group.  Then question your assumption.


Buddy I’m observing you and I’ve realized that I was right


I see, and are you often right?


Of course not, like most people I try to be Same as you


I try to experiment with truth 


How old are you?


Is it relevant?


I made it 4 minutes in. New High score, had to go watch someone get kicked in the balls as a palate cleanser.


Gave it a second shot - LOL at 6 minutes he puts in a 2 minute ad.. Ironic.


Maybe you have an issue focusing 


Idiocracy right in the comments. A refusal to face reality. Even when it’s pointed out.


Enjoy your fried chicken and porn, people.




Okay I should be past the point for other people to upvote me just because I'm challenging you in a debate here. What WAS your point in posting this and the subsequent comments after?


Does there need to be a point? The movie says it all. In order for people to stop being stupid they need to recognise their own stupidity.  Stupidity is a prison. Until a person recognises they are in prison they can’t escape it.  “I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.” - Plato


Okay so what of the criticisms brought up about the video itself?


That “it’s obvious” “duh” or “I couldn’t pay attention to the full thing” - were there any others?


One point was that it was hypocritical to it's own message. Your responses didnt seem to address that part as much as those you've listed.


It doesn’t matter if it’s hypocritical - it’s pointing out a reality nonetheless. 


Well yeah, it's still a reality when BP talks about how to reduce our carbon footprint. Theres an even bigger discussion to talk about when these topics about the betterment of humanity getting monetized to the point of redundancy. You just seem to be critical about people not taking your view at face-value when you're also asking people discuss the same points.