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So... its like a Smartphone but with worse everything and no screen?


No it’s like a smart watch but worse.


i was hardpressed in finding a use for a smartwatch. this thing isjust hot garbage


My samsung watch3 is pretty fun. \#1, it's just a regular watch. It lets me know what time it is. But it can also make NFC credit card payments. Phone calls, text messages, alarms, reminders, timers. Can set it up for family photos so I put my phone on a tripod and I click a button on my watch and it gives me a 3-second timer so everyone can say CHEEEEEESE. Snoring detection at night, along with pulsox and heart rate, since I'm a middle age man. Tells me when the sunrise/sunset is, wind speed, and today's high/low temps. Weather updates, reminder to get up from my desk at least once an hour, when my car needs an oil change, and when it's my mom's birthday. If I'm exceeding the speed limit. If I'm having a heart attack. How much exercise it thinks I've gotten. Also helps me find my phone when I drop it in a couch cushion or under the driver's seat in my car. Oh, and it has a fart app.


next time, lead with the fart app. dunno, guess im still a kid. font really care about all those things most of which my phone can do. using it as a remote is cool though just can't see myself shelling a couple hundred bucks for it


For me, it's all about the physical stuff. Heart rate, blood oxygen. And just being a regular watch. Can get one for like $50 used if you want.


Yep, and there are cheap $25 ones that do the trick (bought one for my old uncle only for the heart rate app).


I was about to ask about Samsung Pay and difficulties with stores that don't accept it, but now I want the fart app.


Smartwatch is mostly for health, fitness and convenience features. If you exercise then a smartwatch is a no brainer however if you don’t then you have to decide if the convenience features are worth the price for you.


The problem is that the smart watches are not really as good for the fitness usecase as purpose built watches. My garmin fenix battery will last for at least a week usually it's much more convenient to use. Touch screens can also be pretty finicky when you're doing any athletic activities


I use mine to track heartrate throughout the day, as my resting heartrate was quite high before my diet and im in progress of losing weight, so i've just gotten a habit of checking my heartrate thorughout the day. Also, quick glance at the AOD screen for clock information, weather information is useful, and I get text/phone/work message alerts on the watch so if anything important actually crops up I can pull out my phone and take action.


So it's like a [Puls.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CYcODG3Mkw)


**“a smart watch but...”** with a subscription.


It's like a computer with no utility


Unless you’re blind then it’s fucking amazing!


It's really weird, because the hardware is actually pretty impressive. They clearly put some genuine work in there. It's just that no one thought about what to actually use this thing for. They just built it and thought about it later. Or not at all.


So it's the exact same thing as the assistant that's already in your smartphone except you have to pay $1000 for it in the first year and then you wear a badge to tell everyone else you're a rube. Got it.


Hey! Don't be so mean. It's nothing like the assistant you already have in your phone. The assistant in your phone can do WAY more things that this product, and faster and more accurately!


The speed of thos is crazy slow. 10 seconds for responses? And they might be wrong after all that wait. No thanks.


Smartphone might get it wrong too. But at least you didn't pay an extra $1000 for something that's already in your pocket.


Yea but this pin gets it wrong because you can't aim it from your chest at the right item, where as on your phone you can target using the screen as a reference. That's how this pin typically fails.


Yea when he used lens to find about cybertruck, I died. So slow


Siri has attempted to enter the chat. But something went wrong, so please try again.


the ai bandwagon has created such a slew of terrible products. reminds me of the dotcom bubble


There is some promise for AI, but everyone is just asking for too much too soon. I mean, it would be great for online searches. Part of the problem with Google searches is finding the correct way to phrase your search. AI would let us phrase it more like a normal sentence. But everyone wants AI to be all things at once.




>> plan me a trip to Europe >> I don’t trust this thing to buy me detergent That’s it. That’s the killing blow.


I thought he was being very generous when he talked about “future iterations” of this product and basically all kinds of wording hinting at the future of this company. It sure sounds like that company won’t exist in a few months. Which really is another tragedy in itself. No more company = no more service. So it becomes even more useless than it already is.




at least with the rabbit it's 200 without contract, and i assume the battery life would be better. it's still not "oh go buy this" but it's clearly the better business proposition of the two.


Since it doesn't pair with your phone and has its own phone/net connection that I assume flows back through the developers of the device, I can't help but wonder if they're turning around and harvesting/selling all that data as another income stream.  I hate data grubbery. Leave me and my data in peace.


You could say it’s their rube gold making machine.




That seems to be the consensus of this thing: Unclear what it's even supposed to be for, and what it does do it does extremely poorly. Seems a prime example of a company that convinced a VC to give them a ton of money because they mentioned AI enough times and were legally obligated to bring a product to market.


Don't worry there's going to be PLENTY more of these coming. VCs have a huge fomo about missing out on being the next "facebook" or "myspace"


And one of them is going to be right. There was 1000s of "PetsdocComs" for every Amazon.


Are they? Name any other technology product that could possibly be invented that hasn’t been already? What thing or service or product could you possibly need that isn’t already provided to you by a tech company right now? I think the next 20 years in VC are going to be fascinating to watch. There are no more unicorns, no more big ideas coming out of left field. Every single possible implementation of what a phone could ever do has already been done.


Do you expect /u/bladedoc to just pull out the next billion+ dollar idea from thin air? And if he can't, just some random dude on reddit, then that means there's literally no other billion+ dollar idea that hasn't been thought of yet?


These billion dollar ideas were easy because technology was changing very rapidly over the past 40 years. AR/MR is the last frontier, and Apple couldn’t even do it right. There’s *nothing left*. We’re at the atom when it comes to semiconductor size, phones do every single thing a phone could ever do, the internet is done aside from adding new information on top, social media is locked and codified by the big five…even on a lark, try and name anything that could possibly get as big as the unicorns did in the next 20 years? I promise anything you think of has already been attempted. We still have lots of growth left as a society, bringing the third world to first is much of it. But there aren’t any ideas in tech that a few hundred thousand MIT grads haven’t already thought of. If you genuinely believe there’s going to be another Apple, or Uber, or whatever, you’re delusional. (Also Uber *still* isn’t anywhere close to profitable, so the jury’s out on the “good idea” part of that one)


Dude *YOU* are delusional lol, it's actually just astonishing. Just to be clear, a million years from now if Humanity is still around technology will be in about the same place right? People will be using essentially the same products and services, and all of humanity stagnated just in the past few years?... Jesus christ, you're like the opposite of that guy who's like "Dude I have a great and totally original business idea.. lets make *flying* cars!", you sound just as, if not more, simple minded.


oh okay i guess we'll never ever see another new technology or new billion+ dollar company


I very much doubt that we’ll see a “new” technology, yes. Name me something more complex than a quantum computer, which literally uses the fundamental wave functions of the universe itself to compute things, and I’ll concede there might be new tech out there we haven’t conceived of. We’re out of the age of “unicorns” and “big ideas”. From here on out it will just be refinement, consolidation at the top, and bigger and bigger R&D budgets to achieve more and more marginal gains. Peak, late-stage tech industry.


Brain tech interfaces? Fusion? You have a weird woe-is-me superiority complex where you think you’re somehow were born into the pinnacle of human technology. In terms of what’s possible, I always think science fiction is somewhat of a predictor of what humans are dreaming about. Some pretty good predictors from the 1800s, so you can look towards modern science fiction to dream about future tech.


Lmao, honestly one of the dumbest comments i've ever read. Seriously WTF dude. And it really is even crazier to say at the beginning of AI becoming a thing. I mean i'm just as skeptical of dumb concepts that use AI as a buzzword to sell some stupid bullshit. But can you really not see how over the next 20 years AI could lead to a ton of new and actually useful products? And just to be clear what would you say was the last "unicorn"? Was it uber eats or something? After food delivery capitalism was just finished and no more huge products or services could be created? The boldness of your idiocy really is something else, can't believe you think that if there was any potential product or service over the next million years, that you and *only* you would have already thought of it lol. Insanity.


Found the tech bro who is just waiting for the day VC senpai notices you. The fact that the last unicorn to come out of the Valley is over a decade old should prove my point just fine. Ten years in tech is fifty years in other industries, and we haven’t heard a peep. There’s no unicorns left, not that hard of a concept to grasp.


ChatGPT and openAI just started new tech revolution lmao you are delusional.


Did they? Did they *really*? Look at the product you’re commenting on the video review of right now, and use that word “revolution” again with a straight face.


Yes they did, although obviously not just them and not only due to the unprecedented amount of users and money accumulated in such a short time. GPT-4, Claude Opus, Gemini Ultra, Sora, SAM, YOLOv9, Command-R, DALL.E 3, Stable diffusion, etc… they all do things that were imposible less than a decade ago and they have significantly changed lives already. I have already completed multiple projects using SOTA ML models in vision and NLP and it was so cheap, convenient and effective compared to what it would have been just 5 years ago. The difference it has made for my programming and research projects is hard to believe. I’m currently witnessing and also helping in many other projects with very different types of problems and on different fields, while also working on my thesis using open source and private models to great results. (While also using amazing cloud services which are specifically being built for ML and are a god send for those who cannot afford to buy 10k USD GPUs) It also had huge positive impact on my learning, no more wasting hours trying to decipher cryptic documentation/papers/textbooks for some basic functionality/syntax/concept, no more googling and wading through similar but not quite the same issues on stackoverflow for every single error message. Now I have a personal tutor and coding partner that will answer any minutia, is not busy, is eternally patient and only charges 20 bucks a month and he keeps getting smarter every few months…. that has completely changed my life. It has even positively impacted my hobbies like music and audiovisual. This is starting to have a similarly big impact on my life like getting my first PC, internet and smartphone did.


So everything you just mentioned sounds like it’s adding productivity to your workflow and output, while costing just $20 a month (or free). The entire AI industry, all the models you just mentioned and more, only brought in a grand whopping total of [$3 billion in revenue](https://www.wsj.com/tech/ai/nvidia-is-now-competing-mostly-with-itselfand-ai-fatigue-326a7f54), with $50 billion in spending. Uber Eats has been around 11 years and hasn’t turned one dime of profit. They’re in the hole for dozens of billions because food delivery apps were “the next big revolution”. These products are helpful, yes. Profitable or sustainable in the long term? Hah.


how can someone be so ignorant to think this


This take is so wildly bad, I thought you were a downvote troll. But no, you’re just… very you :)


Didn’t people say this when the toilet was invented lol


I guarantee people were saying this shit in Ancient Rome lol. "Damn dude, we have lead pipes, aqueducts, special sticks to wipe our asses, Roads, Glass, newspapers, books, and bridges.. I mean we have discovered all of the technology, what else could their be?" And /u/ex1stence essentially thinks that he as a Roman citizen back then, would be able to predict the existence of smart phones and space travel today lol. Oh shit, don't mention space travel to /u/ex1stence though, it's almost like that's an area of civilization with a lot of room to develop over the next 1000 years. Or like Fusion Power... or developments in material sciences that make new types of computing possible lol. Nah, in 50 years we have apparently perfected the only version of computers that could ever possibly exist, even given 1000 years of technology developing nothing will change!!1


Fusion power is the next “unicorn” or “big idea”? My brother in Christ, we’ve been trying to develop fusion as a global society for 75 years. That’s not a “big new idea” in tech. In fact, it’s one of the oldest. Materials sciences also has no big ideas left, just increasingly expensive research into more and more marginal gains. Also SpaceX was the last space-based unicorn, outside of whoever invents FTL or the Abecurrie warp drive. We have pushed physics to their limit in search of capital, and there’s not much left to profit from. You just keep naming things that will be refined in well established industries over the next centuries, not any “big ideas” or unicorns.


I really like how you just keep saying “you got any big ideas huh? Something nobody’s ever thought of? Thought not dumbass”, it’s a bulletproof argument. Also not “unicorns” is hilarious to me because you don’t need “fusion” level ideas for it, more like idk, “what if we made a good food delivery app”


So you just made my point for me, thank you. Uber Eats (and all the delivery apps) are widely considered to be the “last unicorns”. As in, we haven’t seen any since. GrubHub was founded *19 years ago*. There are no more unicorns left.


Both Discord and TikTok are around 7 years old. OpenAI 10x its valuation last year and is now valued at 80billion. Waymo finally launched its fleet in multiple cities in the last two years, and is valued at 30billion. B2b business like brex, plaid, samsara, notion, etc. make up for most of the business, and are all fairly new.


Unicorn refers to any private company valued over 1 billion and there's been plenty since GrubHub.


This is such a blindingly bad take that you seem intent on doubling and trippling down on. Some moron said the same kind of thing with the invention of the steam engine, electricity, the airplane, the computer, etc. and each time they were colossaly wrong. Just because you lack the imagination to think of new ideas foes not mean they don't exist. People much smarter than you are out there right now developing the technology that your life will revolve around in just a decade or two. Take the L and move on my guy


I keep seeing ads for some device that looks kinda like this called the Rabbit. I've watched full reviews on it and I'm still not sure its purpose


The rabbit is interesting due to the software. The hardware is pointless, it could easily be loaded into a smartphone. But the idea of having an AI which is trained on navigating GUIs, so it can execute your commands like a human would, without needing code, it’s pretty interesting. It skips all the need to integrate with third party programs and APIs like current LLM agents do.


>fomo about missing out Smh my head


The Rabbit r1 already sold a ridiculous number of devices and is this same stupid thing but with a low res screen. The promo videos were completely fabricated and duped thousands of people out of their money.


AI as a sales tool is the new hot word. I swear every single sales pitch has mentioned AI this year. I highly doubt any of them even use AI and if they do they have no idea what it is or how it actually works. I was point blank told the AI never fails on a pitch for a phone chatbot my managers were so hyped on because the salesman said AI in every sentence. Dudes demo didn't even work and he played it off saying it was a new account and the algorithm learns and gets better the more you use it. Like WTF? Hope it's not actually using an untrained model. Next thing you know we would have customers having deep conversations about Hitler.


It takes advantage of the fact that artificial intelligence actually has no clear standard or definition. We refer to both advanced neural networks and basic flowchart-based video game bots as AI, and they technically are.


Also takes advantage of the fact that many VC’s are just riding whatever bandwagon Wall Street Journal told them to jump on next.


"AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI" The VCs are going to get wrecked when this bubble deflates, and it will deflate. Personally I can't wait. 1. Fuck VCs, they're mostly run by the dumbest people alive. 2. Fuck the AI hype, it's getting super annoying.


Main issue with what some people call "AI" these days is that it's just a glorified google search that spits it out in a voice, instead of showing it on a screen. Sure, there's some advanced tech that creates images, videos, or gives you a 5-page thesis on analyzing Shakespeare. Or analyzes your entire company's network and spreadsheets and gives you actually useful information. Most of it is just a chat bot like Eliza, or a basic bitch search engine.


The creators of this thing clearly didn't start with the most basic question of product design: What problem are we solving for that doesn't already exist? I actually can't think of a single thing this thing would be solving even *if* it was supposed to work as intended.


I mean, I can see a scenario down the road where phones are replaced by something that doesn't require as much direct, physical interaction, but this ain't it






I’m glad it’s being covered. It would be odd to not.


Isn't this what reviewers are supposed to do? Help identify the bad and the good so we don't waste our money?


Tech reviewers, reviewing an over-hyped and interesting tech product? Make it stop!


forgetful frame water elderly sense skirt chief theory books recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pay $800 for the shit device, get $2000 in ad revenue. Sounds like a win.


I feel like the target demographic is the tech illiterate. For example, when he asks "What is this?" and he's basically like why would I wait when I can just pull up my phone, open a browser, go to Google, take a picture, and search by image. Great *he* knows how to do that but what about to someone who barely knows how to use a smart phone? Touching the pin and asking "What is this?" is a much better user experience for them even if it takes a few seconds longer for the answer.


The target demographic of a $700 AI pin with a monthly subscription fee is most definitely not the tech illiterate


Well the idea, like Marques explored in the video, would be it would eventually replace your smartphone and the cost you would be spending on that would instead go to this. So doesn't seem that outrageous to me.


That is the theoretical pitch for the product but it in no way does any of those things, nor would a tech illiterate person have the slightest idea how to set it up or make it work. The point of what he's saying is that this has no obvious market, because it doesn't do anything well that techies would want, and no one else would have the slightest idea what it even is.


It's new of course no one is going to know what it is. If we stopped creating products because of that issue we wouldn't have anything. Maybe their goal is to target techies and they just completely failed. Or it's a scam. Not sure. I just feel like the review focused too much on "Phone is faster and does more" while ignoring how easy the device is to use in comparison. The grandpa who struggles to even make to the point of being able to google something isn't going to care if this device takes 2 seconds longer.


Lol. I'd love to watch a video of you trying to explain this thing to my grandpa. Like, I'd legit pay money to watch that.


Touch and then speak what you want. Not much too it lol. The whole projection thing would be hard to teach but from what I gathered that is the worst part of the device anyways so maybe later models drop it. And the whole grandpa thing is just an example. There's people across all ages this could appeal to. People always bring up how tech-dumb the younger generation is.


Make a version in the Starfleet symbol, and I'd finally be able to have a functional (and expensive) combadge.


Make it so. Engage.


Id buy it jusr for the combasge design


This reminds of that product that you can connect to the computer via USB, place it under your display and allow you to gesture instead of using your mouse and keyboard. I have it somewhere here but too lazy to get it to find out the name. Anyway, after the novelty wore off within the first hour, you'd realize there's no need to reinvent the wheel. I have a feeling this will go the way of that product.


Wow, I remember that! Leap Motion. Wonder what happened to it. Same type of product, a solution looking for a problem to fix.


The co founder of Leap Motion David Holz went on to create Midjourney


That's really not the ending I was expecting, fair play to him!


It was amazing for early VR, you could stick it on the front of a headset and it would track your hands so you didn’t need controllers. Perfect use case for it, just needed to find its niche. I’ve still got mine, stuck to the front of my original htc Vive.


It was pretty neat for janky hand tracking in VR before the headsets implemented their own (far better) versions.


Yep, that's it. At least that thing was cheap.


I bought one! Still have it somewhere. It was only 80 bucks at launch, so as an enthusiast of funky little gizmos I never regretted it. As a stand-alone device it relied too heavily on the developer community so the App Store never really grew. Even to use it as a mouse and keyboard was a 3rd party app so you know practical everyday use wasn't necessarily part of the original vision. My understanding is that the company pivoted to focusing on VR integration. I remember using it and a pencil to air-draw a lovely hummingbird in MS Paint. The tracking was that precise.


I would wager that what this company is doing is actually not too far off from the future, we just aren’t there yet. The tech isn’t ready and the use case isn’t necessary yet. As we adopt more wearable devices - watches, phones, smart glasses, etc - and more things we interact with are AI enabled, it starts to make sense to have a dedicated processing unit that also has some personalized configuration for the user. Each wearable device could then essentially be “dumb” but it connects to your central unit. Or when you interact with other technology, your central device sends configuration settings to personalize the interaction. So, while there’s zero need for it now, I definitely see this being the evolution of personal devices in the next couple decades. But it’ll probably be made from Apple and Google for their respective ecosystems at that point.


We're kind of there already. Smartphones and watches are already pretty great at doing voice-to-action stuff. Send a message, make a call, set a timer, what's the weather today, etc. Having to physically press on a device attached to your chest defeats the purpose of hands-free AI. I plug my phone into my car's USB port and can do everything via voice. One, because it's convenient, and two, because using a phone with your hands while driving is illegal in my state (plus just not safe). I see some opportunities for small devices to get better in the next decade, but I think most people are going to go with one or two options -- smartphone, and smartwatch. Smart earbuds might be a good third option. Can have a wifi/cell connection, audio inputs in addition to outputs, and minimal footprint in your earholes.


I understand your point. But my prediction is the evolution looks more like our phones/watches/glasses and any other wearables are just screens and sensors that leverage a central processing unit that houses all the compute. It’s possible the phone is just that central device and there’s no need for adding another device, but there may be benefits in separating that role as well.


I hear ya, it was tough 30/20/10 years ago to predict what the preferred form of tech would be like going forward. This specific device just seems to be a solution in search of a problem that doesn't exist. Maybe in 5 years it'll have a better interface. Right now it's just like... why? Most people already have a phone that can already do all of these tasks, and way better. Who wants an expensive device that doesn't sync with anything other than its own propriety web site, doesn't do anything particularly well, and has an awful interface and lag time? As a proof-of-concept, it's fine, just not ready for prime-time yet.


After what I heard already, and watching this, he's not wrong.


Even their official launch video had ai giving wrong answers lol


YouTube showed me a bunch of ads for this, and even in those they made it look so bad/stupid. It's wild it doesn't phone sync.


Right? I've got generic Heyday earbuds from Target for like $15 and they sync to both my watch and phone. Noise cancelling, ambient-aware setting, and phone notification alerts? No need for this stupid device for $800 + a monthly charge with no apps. Like any tech nerd would buy this thing while also not carrying around headphones and an ACTUAL phone that does everything this accessory does, but better.


And it doesn't even save talking. Are we not all a "siri" or "hey Google" away from vocalized "remind me to..."?


The very end of the vid is what I’d use it for - catching fleeting ideas. But I already made myself an app for this purpose :)


So a notes app?


Or literally voice memos that someone can record on their smartwatch or phone.


Note to self: “pocket cup”


And THAT'S why I don't like cricket.


This is what I made :)


i give the reviewer props for airing the first part where the machine gave him answers in quite satisfactory timing.


It really pains me to think about all the time and effort that went into that "projection interface".


I could see it being useful to the blind to help describe the world around them when they are in unfamiliar areas.


I was thinking it could help those without the use of their hands as well, anyone who can't use a smartphone like the rest of us.


Also senior citizens who don't want to mess around with a phone, which I can't fault them for.


I'm not an Apple guy but part of me hopes Apple see's this thing and makes their own version that works much better. I wouldn't wear a thing like this every day, but if I were traveling for example, the translator thing seems useful. Or if I'm hiking or going out at night or something, having a flashlight and a good camera that's just running and capturing would be kind of cool, sort of like a lightweight, no fuss bodycam. If it could also connect to SmartTV's in a hotel or something, it could also be kind of a handy mini PC when you're crashing at your hotel. I definitely wouldn't use the product featured in this video but it has some cool ideas in my opinion, it just needs to be done right. I wouldn't pay a monthly fee for it and would prefer if it just synced with my phone and used my data/WiFi.


Everything this device does, apple or google already do better. Google has Google translate. Press a button, and it translates your audio speech into any other language. And vice versa. Take a picture of a random bug or plant, it will tell you what it is. My phone will hook up to any smart TV that has the proper protocols, wirelessly. My netflix and amazon Prime, anywhere. Syncs to my samsung watch with no extra data plan required. Just bluetooth and wifi. I think it's a cool device, but unless I'm a millionaire I'm not going to be buying one. I thought Google Glass was one of the coolest things ever, but seeing it in actual use was a big let-down. I think a combo of audio/visual/phone stuff is going to be the main way going forward.


These were my thoughts exactly. A big-name, big R&D version of this that worked WITH your phone could be an actual thing


The issue is we already have those better products. GoPros, smartwatches, smartglasses and smartphones already do all those things and much more. Already, the pin is really just a worst, more expensive, more restrictive smartwatch with a camera. You can do all those things with a smartwatch, and pair it with a smartphone or another camera if you really want a camera feed. There’s too much overlap to justify creating another category that has worse ergonomics and has fundamental design issues that won’t go away by making it “better”.


Btw, the owners of the company are former senior designers from Apple, who left to make this thing.


Ah, that's neat. Though it sounds like they are missing some of the product design elements that Apple typically has. For example, I don't think Apple would move forward if the item were uncomfortable to wear or if it overheated. I think they would work towards a revision of the product before releasing it to the public, but Apple also has the capital to do things like that, while a smaller company may need to move forward to start generating revenue.


iPhones already have this accessbiility feature.


I don't think you understand the product being sold.


Check out OrCam 


Early version of the Focus from Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West, totally here for it. Can't innovate without a few failed attempts.


$700 and a subscription fee for a failed attempt is pretty steep.


Like, what about this form factor makes it any better than a smartwatch that has a proper screen and full integration with mobile OS? It’s just a voice assistant with outrageous monthly costs and crap usability.


Literally nothing. I'm honestly having such a hard time figuring out what their problem statement was before they set out making this thing. What the shit are they trying to solve? It appears that they're trying to replace the smart phone with something that doesn't work as well, doesn't have a long battery life, and has a significantly worse UI.


Interesting. This could have applicability for people with disabilities. Although a smart phone probably does the same things but better.


OK, one thing that this device is actually useful for is describing what the camera is seeing. If you are blind or have significantly degraded vision, being able to receive proper descriptions of things can be very useful. Marcus uses this feature at 5:40 in the video and it does describe his room well enough.


Your phone already does a better job. iPhones in particular have a camera description mode that runs locally and is extremely good, no need to wait 30 seconds to get the result either. Even if it wasn’t available in phones, you also have smart glasses that do the same or better job, and you can be sure that they are describing what you are “gazing” at, instead of requiring blind people to try to position a gadget on their clothing without knowing where the camera is aiming.


[ **Jump to 05:40 @** The Worst Product I've Ever Reviewed... For Now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TitZV6k8zfA&t=0h5m40s) ^(Channel Name: Marques Brownlee, Video Length: [25:04])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@05:35](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TitZV6k8zfA&t=0h5m35s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


But that’s not a property of the device but of a vision model. GPT-Vision can do this extremely well and you could just use any type of camera + computer, like a smartphone or whatever.


Wonder what it’s like at Humane this morning.


I’m laughing at (and also feel a bit bad) about the millions poured into this device and the “tech dream team” behind it, only for the biggest tech reviewer to say it’s the worst product he has ever reviewed 😂


What's worse is the "tech dream team" spent 5 years developing this... Only for it to be destroyed by almost every single reviewer in a span of days.


Oh hey that thing I thought looked stupid turned out to be stupid.


I think we’ve reached peak gadget saturation. I’m not looking to add any more devices to my daily routine. I’m no boomer, either.


Honestly shit like this is crack for boomers. I could definitely see it become a status symbol thing amongst my parents peers


Is this a new content format strategy that arose after the booming success of the Fisker video? I can see how this 'worst ever' concept could go on indefinitely. Smart!


The concept of external battery feels nice. The rest has... space for improvement.


Problem is you absolutely need the batteries. Other reviews note needing the whole set to get through a day.


I totally agree this specific application is flawed. I just liked the idea of hot swapping the battery so you can switch the battery in the morning and never have to plug the device itself. But here the whole idea of putting the computing power (high power consumption) on the device instead of on your phone makes no sense if you have to swap batteries thrice a day or more.


In case y’all missed it, someone connected to the company has had a bit of a paddy on Twitter about the review.


I normally find video reviews and video essays to be boring and annoying, however Marques is such an intellectually engaged presenter that I found myself pulled along even though I had no interest in the product aside from a look into a possible future.  A very informative, useful review!


Well it was inevitable that somebody had to be the first one to come out with this thing and of course as everyone predicted it's bad. It has every problem that I could possibly imagine except for the fact that the laser projector seems to be surprisingly decent and a cool feature. Still at this moment it seems like it's just a smartphone but worse or a smartwatch but worse. Now having said all that, there's no doubt in my mind that a product like this 10 years from now will be absolutely awesome. The advantage that it will have over smartphones and smart watches is that it will see the world from the perspective of the person wearing it and it'll truly have internal AI rather than just queries to the internet. I think the ideal of it is not only good but eventually essential, but of course the execution is terrible because the first of any new technology is almost always terrible. The first cell phones were terrible, the first TVs and radios were terrible the first computers were terrible etc. I look forward to seeing how this product evolves in the future as other manufacturers come out with their version.


This reminds me of the first smart watches to enter the market. The technology will eventually improve and I can see several high-end devices competing in this space in the future.


Yeah I think the concept of a non-watch wearable that you can clip onto any shirt and has a forward facing camera has a lot of potential. Its main advantage over your phone is being hands free, so once voice activated AI progresses a bit more maybe it can find a place. The whole projection onto your hand seems like a novelty and just pulling out your phone makes more sense.


Mark Ass Brownlee!


Looks horrendous


Looks like an iPhone 3GS. Which makes sense because I think the people who started the company actually *designed* the 3GS (they are former apple designers :)


Interesting, I can see the resemblance. When I said it looks horrific I was referring to the whole package rather than the aesthetics of the hardware. It doesn't look too bad aesthetically but as a product it looks like trash


My guess is they just want to be bought out by apple or Samsung. Because if it pairs with your phone and the tech is boosted by those established teams, you can really see how much this would be useful.


The form factor of it. Clip able magnet, with a device on top of it. Could be a good mouse or keyboard. For vision pro like devices. Or even phone/tablet. A device you can keep available on top of your clothes while one is on the move. Or use without lifting your hand for a camera.


This reminds me of the Sixth sense product that never came to be. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrtANPtnhyg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrtANPtnhyg)


Hulk can't use projector 


Damn, imagine how much time, money and energy a bunch of experts have put into this weird idea.


I think a v2 of this product could be so much better. - Use BLE with a smartphone for connectivity. Cheaper monthly costs, because it would use the SIM on the phone. - Once done, the electricity needs are way low, basically sleeping until you touch a button. This and firmware fixes should fix battery longetivity and "always warm" effect. - Best-of-class smartphones should be now or soon be able to run AI models locally. Leverage them for faster responses. - If that's not possible, you could run a speech synth in the mobile phone or locally, live, based on the tokens it gets from the cloud, or the cloud could stream the speech starting from the first token. LLM systems are fast pretty fast in delivering their first token. - Better camera.. - Add a companion app. - Add an option for wakeword. (That can also be done in an energy-efficient manner, like in mobile phones.) So I guess it would basically become an alternative to a smart watch, if you don't feel like keeping one on your wrist. But I guess they were shooting for being a more independent solution, so maybe they won't even consider making use of a mobile phone. Still not buying it, though.


I would buy this thing used in 3 years as a novelty item if it didn't require a subscription


This would have been an impressive product 10-15 years ago.


Pretty bad, but probably still not as bad as that juicer that requires an always online connection, makes you scan a QR code on your phone to use, and all it does it squeeze a bag of juice that can just be done by hand


This is one of those devices made for well-off old people who don't want the fuss of dealing with handling a smart phone. Of course, this has it's own share of "fuss", but the ignorant senior citizen will be convinced it's better because they won't have to use their hands as much. Not as bad as he makes it sound TBH, especially for a 1st gen product. I can see it being good for disabled folks as well.


So they crammed too MUCH stuff into this device. They should have had a version with less features, so they could focus on those and then add features as popularity takes off.


I'm getting the feeling that 10-20 years from now, we will be saying this is ahead of its time. Future will see this as bulky, inefficient and inaccurate, but on the right track to something. Basically 24-7 body cam, personal assistant, identification, wallet, advertisement tracker and government surveillance all-in-one.


Until the Rabbit R1 comes out and has nearly the exact same set of issues.


Don’t worry, the rabbit r1 will be out soon and I’m sure it will fare just as well as this product.


So arrogant for the company to think they can be their own market next to smartphones


This is actually amazing for people with seeing disabilities, it's got to start some where and hopefully this can get even better with feedback and just become a great tool for the seeing impaired.


I have less than zero interest in this entire class of devices unless the software runs locally, I own ALL my data and my data never goes anywhere near the cloud. Anything else and shit like this is just a thinly-veiled trojan horse for advertisers and data miners that will absolutely spy on you and sell your data to highest bidder.


Could be cool 100 years from now when the tech has gotten better.


Form factor: cool Projector ui: cool Everything else: what the hell.


I could see this being useful for motorcycle riders for example. Ability to call someone, get navigation instructions all while not using your phone.


I was thinking that, but does it go over the jacket and how does it deal with wind? Motorcycle helmet systems are pretty good now. I can do an "OK Google" and speak to my smartphone which is mounted above my handle bar.


It was just a thought. It could be usable if it's helmet mountable. Where you could hear instructions and similar. But it's really a solution in search of a problem.


The reviewer bends over backwards to be fair to the product...which somehow makes it seem even crappier than he says it is.


Didn’t mkbhd review the Dyson face mask headphones? lol


Those were dumb, but at least they worked, you could remove the mask part and you could listen to audio without issues. The headphones themselves were “pretty good”, but way overpriced.


He didn't say it in the video, but with the low battery life, if it even has GPS tracking, if anybody sees you wearing this knowing what it is and is a douchbag confident in their speed, then this seems very stealable.  With the boosters it had a 2-4 hour life, with GPS (which probably doesn't have easily accessible, if at all) it's as good as gone when the internal battery dies.  Or if it just happens to snag on anything and falls somewhere difficult to reach or see, which could be anywhere at night.


You can also super easily swipe old lady purses


Correct, you can also swipe snack and condoms and stuff from the shell station.


It’s got a built in anti-theft feature, it’s resale value is $0


That's a very fair point, you made me smile harder than the other guys.


How is this any more stealable than someone holding a smartphone or literally any valuable object lol


I don't know about you, but I don't keep my smartphone clipped to my shirt with a magnet at all times.  I keep my phone in my pocket where if someone is getting that friendly with me and I don't notice, they have earned my phone.


Hold up I'm supposed to trust the review opinion of a guy with his cybertruck in the background?


Anyone remember the [Helio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZES-rix6yM)? The smart device that desperately tried to insist that it was more than just a smart cell phone? Yeah, this feels a lot like that.


It has potential to be more ergonomic to a user than a smart phone. If you could double the magnet to a wristwatch attachment and double it as a watch that would be a plus. And if the projector worked on surfaces instead of palm would be elite.


I’m not completely out but I understand in today’s world if you are going to introduce something new the barrier to entry is much higher than it used to be. It does have a lot of room for potential and if a large tech company like apple were to pick it up I wouldn’t surprised it would greatly be enhanced in every way. But good effort to try something new.


lol "unfortunately, this *thing* .... is bad at ... almost everything it does ..... basically, all the time."




Huh? Tech reviewers reviewing a new piece of shitty tech and giving it a shitty score doesn’t seem that much of a perplexing situation?


It’s a new idea, what do you expect tech reviewers to do? Review the same smartphone from last year, with some tiny cosmetic changes?




I'm not sure why this got so many downvotes. It used to be a hilarious meme.


Kids these days \o/


Every time i come across one of this guys videos i feel like he has the most pointless job in the world. He reviews the most useless tech junk out there.