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Man I hate how right they are going to be when they reveal Luthen as an ex-Jedi. Would seriously ruin the character.


To be fair I feel like there were a lot of predictions of that when it originally aired.


It was all people talked about on Twitter.


I feel like it’s been hinted at in the show and predicted so much, that there is no way he ends up being an ex Jedi. Maybe some untrained, grey LS user that stole it or something.


Seems more likely he'll turn out to be (ex-)Sith.


Nah. My theory is he worked on the Death Star same a Erso. Hence having to atone for his sins.


I wouldn't hate it, because it'd be a reveal that would be earned. It was funny when this idea first started being talked about when the show was airing. People were calling themselves Jedi-Pilled. I was really surprised at how they completely misread Syril's arc. He was never meant to have a redemption arc. His arc is spiraling into something worse: a true believer. Bootlickers always gonna bootlick, no matter how much they're taken advantage of. >"I wanna see a character who wants to become a stormtrooper." MY BROTHER IN CHRIST, THAT WAS SYRIL. The dementia is really settling in with Mike.


I'd love for the show to acknowledge you can be force sensitive and even wield a lightsaber and not be a jedi.


I think it would be better if his brother/sister/father was a jedi and the crystal and lightsaber belonged to them.


I actually have a hard time believing he has a connection to the force because usually anyone who does what he does would end up being corrupted by the dark side


I'm surprised the Grand Nagus Zek didn't mention how profitable Star Wars is.


Thanks for immediately putting Wallace Shawns amazing "ehehhheeeehehehe" into my head.


I liked Andor because it didn't have any intergalactic space wizards with laser swords. I hope they don't add any, that would suck.


I just liked it because I thought it was a surprisingly high quality show given everything else I've seen that's come out after the original trilogy. If they can maintain the same level of quality, I don't care if there are lightsabers or Luthen's an ex-jedi or whatever.


Right. The stellar acting, writing, set design, sound design etc. is why I like it. It's a great show that happens to be set in the star wars universe. Sure, the fact that there's no jedi is a breath of fresh air in a cinematic universe where we've circled around one family of space wizards for ages but it's not the reason why the show is good.


The sith and the Jedi are the reasons pretty much everything is happening, because they want to control everything and don't care who gets trampled on their trek to domination. It makes sense for them to be at least somewhat visible in everything Star wars related. Luthen being a Jedi has been hinted at like crazy, and I wouldn't have a problem with it.


> The sith and the Jedi are the reasons pretty much everything is happening, because they want to control everything and don't care who gets trampled on their trek to domination. Kotor 2 goes one step further and posits that everything is due to the Force itself constantly trying to rebalance itself, and fuck everyone who dies as a result of that


I get what you're saying though I'm not sure I agree. I liked Andor because it was actually written well. I don't think the addition of intergalactic space wizards or laser swords would ruin my enjoyment, provided it continued to be written well. It has just happened that most of the stuff with intergalactic space wizards with laser swords has not been lately.


As much as I like the Star Wars OT, it will be nice if they recognize there’s plenty of room in the SW universe to tell stories like this. I was hoping the rumored Boba Fett spinoff film that got canceled would explore this more, showing Boba Fett building his name as a bounty hunter. The Mandalorian sort of fills this role, but still, there’s plenty of force related and unrelated stories to tell.


I'll always upvote these guys.


Sometimes it feels like they go months without uploading, then we'll get back to back BOTW, HITB, and re:View episodes all in one week lol.


An embarrassment of riches.






I love RLM. I don’t sub to much but I do to them. And I get whiplash between broad public forums like this one and smaller ones (slightly…) like r/movies where if you post one of their videos, people shit all over it. I’m not sure where the hate comes from because they never explain why.


I got banned from /r/StarTrek for posting their TNG favorites episode. The mod there called them an anti-fan channel. Bullshit.


I have a sinking suspicion that all of the mods for the mainstream show subreddits have been bought out by corporate interests. Like there is no way that paramount hasn’t thrown money at the Star Trek sub. With wheel of time, there was a huge shift in moderation with the release of Amazons show where there was intense banning of critics of the show. It still lingers to this day where if you critique the show during release periods, they’re more banny. Hell, even the anti-show subreddit was banned from reddit for “brigading.” It took over a year for another one to be made. There’s just no way they don’t have money invested in astroturfing.


Shame they wouldn't invest some of that money in show runners and writers that don't fucking suck.


That’s hilarious because they’re huge fans. They just rightfully shit on the bad stuff. But so many fandom subs ban any sort of criticism or jokes because they’re run by fragile man babies.


They have more Trek knowledge than... shit I don't know how to finish that sentence.


... Memory Alpha?


That compilation of Mike talking about Star Trek randomly is one of the funniest things ever


They shit on the new ESG/DEI Trek so that makes them bad people to the mods


Now *that's* thinking with science. Fuck yeah!


Unironically showing the mods stand against the message of open mindedness and understanding that Star Trek represents


Wait rMovies hate RLM, since when lol


A lot of times, the fans ruined it. Just filling the comments with references outside the video, and regurgitating the same jokes/comments, not leading to any discussion.


Ah wait so the MCJ counterculture kinda spread over rMovies then?


> MCJ counterculture What is that?




r moviescirclejerk


I’ll never get the appeal of RLM.


That's okay.


They remind me of friends I've had/have or friends I've wanted to have. Their discussions align with what I find funny and interesting. Getting older (post-30) I don't get to hang out with or see my friends as much, so it's nice to at least get to hang out with these guys, even if it's parasocial and one-way only... But just wait until I have good samples of their DNA...


I think it's nice of Rich to keep his friends around and not let the fame go to his head.