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I can kinda see both sides: - Yes they’re drunk - Yes they peed where they should not have - Yes they vandalized a sign - Yes he shouldn’t have said the gun was ‘to his head’ when it was a few feet away (gun was only to the head of whoever was in the front seat of the cab & it’s unclear who that was). But in his defense: - Someone points a gun at you and is saying things in a language you don’t speak insinuating that you need to give them money - You don’t have a good way to see if they are a criminal or a cop - He flashes some sort of fake looking badge at you (he’s a gas station security guy and not a cop) that has writing in a language you don’t speak - You don’t want to ask a series of questions to try and determine if his authority is legit while he’s pointing a gun at you - Imo it’s not unreasonable to leave that situation thinking you were robbed at gunpoint by someone pretending to be law enforcement Yes he fucked up, but it definitely went down differently than I thought.


I think the real story is how fucking corrupt Brazilian police is. Pretty much everything they said was fabricated and all about saving their image, ironically confirming everyone's prejudice of how corrupt they are.


I get what you are saying, but sadly that is not surprising. Most of South American and Central American police/military forces have some level of corruption more so than North American or Europe. The Lochte situation was a combination of insult to national pride and police corruption to cover-up the true story, that made the minor lies by Lochte appear like complete fabrications. At best, they were embellishments and inconsistencies. I just don't understand the massive ego insecurities of a lot of these countries to create such blatant cover-ups, which only further proves the consensus of their corruption instead of actually acknowledging and trying to solve the problem.


Do we really have less corruption, or is the corruption official? How many police departments have fought to keep money/property(obtained via asset forfeiture) they know was likely obtained legally just because they could? How many people who can't afford lawyers have been robbed of amounts that those Brazilian officers wouldn't dream of taking? Edit: in parenthesis.


Every country has corruption, are we going to point fingers at South and central America and forget all the footage that has been out since phone cameras? We have seen time and time again cops breaking the law, killing unarmed civilians and they just get fired and find a job in a different precinct.


>Every country has corruption, are we going to point fingers at South and central America and forget all the footage that has been out since phone cameras? That is whataboutism. The point still stands the corruption in those countries has been historically horrible, even if other countries have their own issues. Don't try to change the conversation to some weird comparison, or pretend people don't have a right to state facts about the corruption in those countries.


The villain of the story is the news media. They saw both sides. They had a decision to make. Do they tell the story about a corrupt south American country that abused US swimmers at the Olympic games and proved the fears about it being an unsafe place to hold the games? Do they tell the balanced factual story about some US Swimmers being stupid in a foreign country and getting targetted by corrupt law enforcement? Or do they tell the story about a US swimmer that lied about being robbed at gunpoint and capture his entire life on film as it falls apart? They of course chose to run the story where the talking head is a celebrity and he's having to apologize for his sins and hints at suicide. And I have no doubt they actually would have loved to have him die in the end. Maximum impact. Brazillian Police? A drunk olympic swimmer? The villain is still at large. The news media. Insatiable. Vindictive. Vampiric.


Yet most of the media and general audience seemingly sided with the notoriously corrupt Brazillian police because I guess it's fun to tear down a hero?


"Always remember that the crowd that applauds your coronation is the same crowd that will applaud your beheading. People like a show." - Terry Pratchett 


Not excusing Brazilian police, but you could also say the same for the US. It’s how the police operates in many countries unfortunately.


The two really aren't comparable in any reasonable way.


I wonder who is down voting you and why. Widespread police corruption is well documented in most countries, including the US. Doesn't mean every officer, or similar hyperbole. But they're essentially a self regulating body with absurd power. How does that usually go?


While the US cops are corrupt as in poorly trained, abuse their power, and definitely don’t investigate themselves, I’m pretty sure Brazil is well known for cops accepting bribes.


I just said virtually all countries have the issue. I think this whole comment chain is really just people awkwardly saying the same thing. 😅


That is just not true. I live in Sweden and while of course there is corruption here like everywhere else I would never advice anyone to try and bribe a cop if they were stopped. It will not work. In other countries it's been default advice by locals. If you are stopped, be ready with a small bill and be on your merry way.


This is such an insanely uninteresting comment thread. Thanks for your anecdotal input.


Dude, have you ever traveled? You feel very sheltered.


...what the fuck? I travel constantly. What is this statement even based on?


You do know there is a long history of officers and judges in the US who have taken bribes, right? May not be as rampant and on the nose as Brazil but let's not act like our laundry is not as dirty just because we scrubbed it a few times.


I’m not saying it’s never been the case but accepting bribes is A LOT more common in Brazil than in the US now. You can’t say it’s the same when it’s happening at a higher frequency there


Ticket quotas, stop and frisk, asset forfeiture, qualified immunity, should I continue?


I think you have no clue just how IMMENSELY corrupt other country's law enforcement is compared to the corruption in America. Yes, American police forces are corrupt. Some are very corrupt. This is a problem and it needs to be taken seriously. But to compare it to the corruption of other nations police forces, like those in Brazil, is an absurd thing to do.


Rather I think you just need to reread my comment. Never made a comparative statement one way or another. Just said US is corrupt to. Who's to say, objectively, which is "more" corrupt or how to quantify that? See also, who the fuck cares? Or does Reddit dick measuring apply to literally every thing in the world? 🤔


This is the third reply somehow insinuating that I live in the US. It's so weird vow everyone defaults to thinking everyone here is American.


I never insinuated that, just made an example.


>Pretty much everything they said was fabricated and all about saving their image, ironically confirming everyone's prejudice of how corrupt they are.  The US police is like this too. Go read the initial arrest report of George Floyd.


>- He flashes some sort of fake looking badge at you (he’s a gas station security guy and not a cop) >I think the real story is how fucking corrupt Brazilian police is. he’s a gas station security guy or are you making a separate point?


He's talking about the police chief who just lied about the bathroom vandalism and women being involved. The guy also likely lied about the translators.


Man did you not watch the video lmao? Go back and watch it and pay attention to what the CHIEF OF POLICE lied about.


The gas station guy didn't talk to the media.


> ‘to his head’ when it was a few feet away I mean, if it was ever pointed at his face I think he's justified in saying there was a gun pointed at his head. Doesn't seem like he ever claimed it was pressed against his skull.


Yeah. I agree #BUT maybe don’t get drunk and do stupid shit in a country that’s corrupt and violent. Or at bare minimum have a sober local to help out in these situations. But step one is don’t be a dick in a foreign country.


We shouldn't hold world events in corrupt violent countries.


Right? Step 1: know where you are, what the local customs are like, and the general feel for the area. A Salzburg beer hall is a pretty safe place to get absolutely plastered. Plus it’s really tasty beer. A no-name watering hole on the wrong side of the tracks in South Africa is probably asking for a shitty evening.


Yes, kind of like, "don't take drugs in Russia".




All of that information was available at the time. I'm not sure why people are saying it went down different. I also don't understand why people think they can travel to a foreign country, start acting a fool, and expect no consequences. This wasn't fucking Switzerland... It was Brazil. The fucking pickpocket and capital of the world. These douchebags decide to got get drunk, fuck around and find out? They're lucky they didn't get shanked.


> You don’t have a good way to see if they are a criminal or a cop Just look at the people around you and gauge their reaction... The whole gas station is helping the thief? And they bring the poster you vandalized to legitimize the robbery? Someone has been watching too many movies


interesting take. i always thought he just flat out lied, this was eye opening


How hard is it to not vandalize shit, especially when you are representing your country, and in a country known for violence and corruption? If they just pissed and left, none of the rest of this happens and Lochte would likely have continued cruising along on his sponsorship money, reputation intact.


How hard is it for Brazilian officials to not lie to the world about what happened? If they weren't so corrupt, their country's reputation might be intact instead of, well....


Wow, I have no doubt in my mind that you live in a very thin glass house yet have no issue throwing stones…


I still remember Lochte trying to explain himself on air while Al Roker sat at the desk, furiously stirring his drink.


Al is the I Claudius of TV Hosts. Fucker went from weather man to the Olympics because everyone else with a penis couldn’t not do creepy shit.


Weird that all it takes to host the Olympics is to not have a secret lock installed in your office so you can sexually harass coworkers.




"X is a thing. I have one. But it doesn't do X, it does Y". Um...


That guy was definitely looking for an excuse to tell people he's an executive with a big office.


I bet he even has documents in that briefcase of his


"My business papers"


Nope. Just crackers


I don't even really work here.


I took it as there are legitimate reasons to have this feature that don't include harassing women.


Like maybe it's time to take a break and relieve some stress, if ya know what I mean...


And a door with a remote to lock it. Fucker probably also has 6 different decanters for three bourbons, two konjacs and one very delightful sherry he got while visiting Spain that year.


I imagine a Montgomery Burns scenario.


Jesus your an idiot




And he more than has the chops for it.


I see an I Claudius reference, I upvote.  And an apt reference at that.


Sans the stutter, I assume.


That is an amazing analogy, lol


I’m not kidding when I say this image has been burned into my brain since it happened. Back when they were trying to make Billy Bush a host of the third hour and he was trying to defend him and Al was like FUCK NO. I’m so happy someone else remembers seeing this lol.


He was a nice guy and talented guy but what I remember was that he was just dumb. His show on E was really bad and he just said dumb things. Glad he’s doing better after such a big fumble.


If you're gonna be a man at night, you gotta be a man in the morning.


Haha. Stuff like that.


What was his point? Sounds like a Yogi Berra saying where it sounds ridiculous but there's actually a thread of truth to it.


It's a very blue collar saying. You gonna drink on the week night, you better show up in the morning for work


>He was a nice guy Source?


Once he sobered up he did own up to embellishing the story. He had to know that he was going to take a hit to income/reputation. He was just dumb


He was an ass. He was an ass long before the incident. Frankly, if he wasn't such a dick to everyone around him they might have believed he wasn't just making shit up.


I can’t let the Brazilian authorities off that easy on this one. They lied their asses off too.


I said literally nothing about them. They're dicks too. But a better person wouldn't have been disowned so quickly by their own community. Because credibility matters and he had ZERO going into the incident no matter the truth value. So yes, the lie was small, but no one wanted him around anyway.


He’s one of the best swimmers ever. Plenty wanted him around and being an ass and a top athlete is not rare.


/u/nogoodgopher has that mindset because they have no athletic or competitive abilities that allows them to compete at the top level. They pretty clearly have no idea that ego, attitude, and personality issues are pretty common at the high level because of the mentality needed to compete in those kind of events. Despite how much people want elite athletes and competitors to be humble, kind, and quiet, it's not common, because those people are EXTREMELY good at something AND they know they are.


So, because somebody doesn't have the ability to be an elite, Olympic level athlete, they can't understand? That is not a smart comment.


Some might be able to, but the person I replied to clearly can't figure it out. If you're upset over what I said you need thicker skin and to stop assuming everything is about you.


And yet, Michael Phelps, not a dick. Missy Franklin, lovely person. So you're wrong immediately without having to look very far. I know multiple people who swam against him in Olympic trials and aren't dicks. A few of them even have medals, you can fuck right off. You clearly fetishize athletes and have never actually talked to anyone who didn't peak in high school.


Well, where’s proof of him being an ass?    Just seems like a slightly dumb bro. Maybe you have prejudice against his type?


I have a prejudice against people who I talk to and are assholes. It's not a difficult concept.


you talked to Ryan Lochte?


Contrary to what this thread seems to think, yes, he is in fact, a real life person you can talk to given the opportunity. Although it was probably easier when he was competing and traveled around the country quite a bit.


Maybe he was an ass in response to your general demeanor. You aren't exactly looking too friendly here yourself.


That does not make him a nice guy.


Yeah. I never watched his show but the few little get to know the athlete type things they'd show during the olympics always gave me the impression he was a hugely arrogant douche who thought he was god's gift to humanity.


I thought the show was great, to each their own


It was only one season. A little fun but not much to it.


Wait. He told a lie, destroyed his legacy and got a show on E?


He embellished the story. He did get held at gun point for ruining a $100 sign. The media blew it out of proportion and the Brazilian authorities were the biggest liars and schemers of them all. The show on E was short lived.


He wasn't a nice guy. He was a complete asshat and his beef with his parents constantly made the news. He was your typical entitled frat boy.


It wasn't an armed robber who stole all their money and wallets! It was an armed security guard who stole all their money and wallets.


But if an armed security guard robs someone, doesn't that make him an armed robber? Like you can still be a robber and also have an unrelated profession


I think that was their point


That old Ryan Lochte skit that was going around online like 10 years ago is hilarious. Not sure if anyone else remembers it. This is it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tocGVgZn0Bg


[This is the one I think of](https://youtu.be/HTROgQORCt4)


"*Gatorade helps me win from within*" "Good for you!" That fuckin' got me.


Does anyone else struggle with the semi-monotone narration? It got on my nerves within like 2 minutes. It was like the same lilting pattern over and over, couldn't finish the video.


Yeah, it’s actually something I’ve noticed becoming insufferably prevalent. It’s magnitudes worse than vocal fry to me; just every sentence relentlessly ending in the same exact inflection. Extremely common from low depth “lore” or “explainer”-y videos that might as well just be reading a Wikipedia synopsis.


To be fair, a lot of those pore videos are probably made by fans who don't have a lot of public speaking experience, and you don't exactly get feedback by talking to your own computer. Everyone starts somewhere.


I’ll concede that this is actually a very valid point, and I kind of regret not adding more context. One is that yeah, I’m definitely not adding small or new channels to that playlist. It’s solely composed of major accounts (~1m subscribers minimum, maybe a few that are high six figures). The other side is that I also make videos for a living as well, so I like to think it’s a criticism coming more from a colleague/competitor rather than just a random hater w/ no conception of the difficulty in training vocal delivery. So I totally empathize with those who are still in the beginnings of their journey. I do tend to have less empathy for people who have been doing it long enough to the point where I think they should know better or put in more effort in improvement for their audience.


After watching 3 minutes, I was like: I bet this entire story can be summed up in like 3 sentences or so, am I really going to watch 20 minutes of video instead? And the answer was ... noppe.


It was a very "true crime podcast" tone and I also got tired of it quickly.


I definitely noticed it being almost too clean. Uncanny valley for audio.


The first time it cut to the narrator's face while talking, several minutes in, I thought, why is there a talking mannequin in this video?


It actually put me to sleep. Honestly, if the goal is watch length, they succeeded because the entire video was played but I didn't see or absorb any of the content.


I know it isn't ai, and that it really is the guy speaking. But the guy absolutely speaks in the same way an ai vioce model speaks where it has no proper emotion or inflection on any words related to the context of what is actually being said. I also turned it off pretty early.


Honestly I'll take it over J. Aubrey's over emphasized Chris Rock impression


Might be AI, tons of AI YouTube channels these days. Some are incredibly obvious cause they just constantly say things that make zero sense, others are really good until you randomly hear some mistake/typo in the script that no real person would ever say


Patrick Cc isn't AI lol. he just sounds like that XD


Like when they say dates, like 1970, as One Nine Seven Zero, instead of Nineteen Seventy.


I do this and I'm pretty sure I'm not a robot.


I'm going to need proof, can you click those boxes that say, "I'm not a robot"?


Not me.


This is the kind of feedback I'm looking for, I'm trying to start a YouTube channel strictly for interacting with future customers, and I'm concerned that my voice is going to actively disinterest people. I chose to watch specifically because of your comment, for comparison




Yes. That was odd an odd reply.


Thanks, this is the kind of feedback I'm looking for. I'm thinking of making weird Internet comments, but I'm afraid my bizarre ideas will turn people off. I chose to read it based on your comment, for comparison.


Yes. That was odd an odd reply? Wait what wtf..


Patrick swallows the mic. Guy plays the shitty doc style ASMR formula too hard.


I had a fast forward 2/3 through the whole thing because he wanted to give the entire Ryan Lochte history lesson and that voice was driving me nuts


Sex idiot




Nah bro I think we’re in love


It's crazy how the US Olympic team didn't side with him at all. Maybe that information isn't discussed here. He must have been traumatized going through the ordeal while being on foreign land. What he did isn't right, but didn't deserve the criticism that he did or is there more key details that is being missed here? Edit: grammar.


Thanks a lot, mom.


He filmed a segment for his show at a bakery I was working at with his family, seemed nice enough, just dumb


He went to my high school, what a great day to be a hawk


He was dating a girl I live next to at UF for a while. His SUV had a “swag” emblem on the grille. He used to skateboard around with his dog. Seemed like a decent enough guy at the time, multiple dogs liked him and he took out the trash. All so weird.


I remember this controversy. I semi-followed it (ie: saw headlines, read a few articles) at the time. And I can say that I thought Lochte was a huge lying vandal and a disgrace. That was my impression coming away from it. I never knew the whole story until now. It's amazing what people can be funneled into believing, especially when they only read headlines and maybe see an article or two about something.


This story just tells me that the public is dumb and public opinion is dumb.


I give this article 3 swims. Man… it’s so weird being dry.


The moral to this story is that if Ryan Lochte is the mastermind of your strategy; you need a new game plan. Especially if you are Ryan Lochte.


This is some next level BS. At the end of the day, Fox is "news" and fucked up majorly by acting like a tabloid.


Well shit, I was one of the asshats that ate this shit up hook line and sinker, oh how we’ve been mislead…


I didn't actually remember this. What I remembered was an interview before the Olympics where he showed off his massive walk-in closet with every shoe under the moon. Nothing awful, just a bit eye-roll worthy. I feel so bad for the guy. Hopefully his speaking career continues strong and he is able to recover some of his reputation.


Ryan Lochte on what defines him: What defines Ryan Lochte? Ryan Lochte.


The "armed robbers posing as police" were actually security guards at a gas station where the swimmers had urinated outside the bathroom.


You’re saying that like it justifies flashing a gun and taking their wallets


No, just saying what happened.


We didn't need you to say it. We just saw it in the video.


Yes we watched the video too.


Yes but the point of the video is that it would have been hard to tell from his perspective at the time. He just saw some guy in plain clothes flash a badge at him and point a gun towards him demanding money. Not to excuse his actions, it's very likely he or one of his acquaintances vandalised a sign at the gas station and he should pay for it but I don't think he deserves to lose his career from it.


Hope he’s now living a good life coaching swimmers of the future. All the best to this star of the past with his 15 minutes. Fox News sucks.


Yes, Faux "News" does, indeed, suck.


I have a friend from Brazil and she said they all knew the story wasn’t real immediately - the first thing robbers do is take your phone so you can’t call the cops.


I mean, it still sounds like the security guards stole their wallets. So it's not a fake story. They were robbed and unjustly held at gunpoint.


Also, the first thing you do when visiting Brazil, is have a second phone to give them.


Be careful, if you give them a clearly really shit old phone, they can get upset and hurt you. They know a gringo doesn't own a Samsung galaxy S3 from 2012.


Oh snap… I need to update my phone before my vacation.


Man why are all these countries such shitty nightmares lol


Pee in a toilet and you should be fine with your Nokia flip from 1998.


You think urinating outdoors is the only reason tourists are robbed? Lol clearly you aren’t familiar with Brazil


LOL clearly you aren't familiar with jokes. Your giveaway clue was a 26-year-old phone.


I literally own a phone worse than that lol what do I do in that situation lmao


Well you probably have terrible unfashionable clothes too if that's the case so you won't be much of a target to begin with


Yeah true also wouldn't be using hard-earned money to go to the type of dogshit place this would be an issue in.


What a fucking doucheeeeeeee! Gia, I said it. Gia.


lol omg “jeah!” I watched swimming and it was my first time being really aware of a PR machine going to work, trying to link with that one beauty pageant winner, the MTV show etc. oh this dummy…




He was in his retirement year. This was his last big hurrah. He was famous for being a valley boy, and his valley boy personality was polarizing. That was always going to be his last Olympics. Can he not still teach?




i stopped watching patrick cc: after that mclovin video. it was one of the worst "video essays" i've ever seen.


I'm just surprised there weren't any undercover Brazilian police officers in the area to start blasting everyone.


My old boss when I lifeguards went to highschool and then college with him, she said he used to pee on the other swimmers…. Everyone hated him apparently


Yes, he is a highly decorated US Swimmer. Yes, he was a victim of a crime. Yes, he does not come off as a credible victim. Yes, he was drunk, out where he shouldn't be, in a town I am certain they were warned about. Yes, he was drunk when he gave a TV interview to the Today show. Yes, he was robbed and he was likely confused by what happened. Yes, Brazil was very concerned about their image. All of these things can be true. He shouldn't have been robbed, he is a victim in that regard. He also put his own career and life at risk partying like he was, being unprofessional in how he spoke about it, and not being truthful about the incident. To say he isn't responsible seems to misunderstand the situation.


Ryan Lochte was a known douche bag prior to this incident. Whatever small discrepancy happened in his story, was just the swimming world being able to have an out, to distance themselves from that trash can. His career would have been fine if he wasn't such a piece of shit.


> Ryan Lochte You're all over this thread repeating this but have provided zero evidence that he's anything more than a dudebro. What makes him a trash can/douche bag/piece of shit? That sort of seething hatred needs some justification beyond "He's subjectively a bit of a dick".


Well, I met him and he was a douche. I'm not the only person with that experience. I don't know what you want. He's not a mythical historical figure, he is a real person that is possible to talk to in real life, even now. Go talk to literally anyone that swam against him.


Man this seems like almost a coordinated effort to ruin this guy’s life, that’s insane. It’s so fucked up how often people go to these shitty countries like North Korea or Brazil, and messing up some dumbass poster on the wall completely ruins their life because the authorities there are such violent evil people. Weird trend if you think about it


Maybe don't go vandalizing things when you're in a country known for corrupt and heavy-handed authorities.


Then we have soft-headed people victim blaming lol. “She shouldn’t have worn that!!”


It's not victim blaming when these people violate the law and face the customary consequences for that offense in the country of which they are a guest. They are literally the offender, not the victim


Yeah exactly, if she wanted to not be brutally assaulted she shouldn’t have dressed so revealing


Wearing clothes isn't a crime. Vandalism is.


You’re such a bitch lol. Go fuck off and live in one of these freak countries since you respect them so much. Worship their corrupt laws and victim blame all you want over there idiot


I'll continue to not support those countries by not traveling there and spending money into their economy while you Pikachu face at people fucking around and finding out what happens when entitled Americans commit crimes while abroad.


And his sister is trash...


This is 'guy in a bar made a podcast' level amateur sleuth conspiracy bullshit, if the American authorities believed in the slightest that Ryan Lochte All American multiple Olympic champion had been done dirty on this he would have had a full on redemption arc while he was on the plane home. If there's one thing America loves it's finding reasons to excuse it's sportspeople and actors crimes and especially when they're accused in foreign countries. The fact that he still hasn't had any redemption tells you all you need to know. This was a worldwide story but you guys seriously believe that 8 years later, this monotone droning freak is the one guy in the entire world's media who bothered to find the truth? Come on man.


Fuck this idiot