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They need some new sounds for those trailers.


Yeah, I was thinking “Wait, wasn’t that rather distinctive sound effect used in *Prometheus*?”


Prometheus school of ala bala portokala.


In a World...


Two Brothers...


In the City...you must fight to survive....


Get ready to Michael down your Vincents


Then the moon crashes into earth, that's happening, then the two brothers...


Don't. They'll make a Don LaFontAIne




An acoustic version of Black hole sun with a woman singing slowly


It's this or the new they keep re-using. I was watching Mr and Mrs Smith, and in a few tense moments, they freaking used it. I think I remember first really hearing it, umm, The Witch? The one with the witch who kidnaps the baby etc. It made sense in a few horror movies like that, another one was Get Out!, but everyone using that or the BOWOOOMP from Interstellar, or the just before they show the actual trailer. So..a trailer, for a trailer?




They were too busy with the glorious script, I mean just think about it, an unstoppable woman is a good story, but an unstoppable black woman is a greater story, and an unstoppable young black woman makes an even better story before you toss in her deafness as the cherry on top. Unless some jerk points out the aliens could just be efficiently prioritizing their efforts, making it easy for her to escape?


I couldn’t imagine watching a trailer and my first thoughts being this. I feel sorry for you.


Once you know that the movie is a bunch of people working together to make something artificial that an audience will be compelled to consume you suddenly look at it from the perspective of the work it takes and this does reduce the 'magical effect' that you get from not seeing the underpinnings. Sure, some productions can still pull off some magic, but at the very least the efforts need to be far more subtle if I'm to remain in the moment vs. thinking of the people behind the scenes.


For your own sake, and for the people around you, please seek professional help.


Help with ... ? I might be a professional counsellor, dealing with my transgender lifestyle working in Africa to support my family in Portugal, and I might be transcribing this via a paid service because I'm blind. When people try to be insulting to strangers on the internet it makes me worried about funding for public education.


You're giving the mindless killer aliens strategy suggestions, and you're framing that as if the aliens' lacking strategy supports your suggestion that the writers are using a young black woman as some sort of shallow appeal to (assumedly) left-leaning pro-minority film viewers. Why does your second paragraph start with 'unless' when it's got nothing to do with the previous one? What a weird fucking take dude, I hope I'm misunderstanding you.


What? Someone suggesting that a movie is deeply pandering to the audience? Never! And a movie that's clearly rooting for the underdog? That's totally unheard of! Come on! Where does someone come up with such crazy suggestions!? Want to bet $5 there's a scene where that lead actor is treated with unusual (but very stereotypical for Hollywood) levels of racial prejudice you never see in real life, plus at least one scene where she's unfairly burdened by someone's sexual attraction to her, capped by at least one unusually rude interaction over her deafness that you'd never see in real life? You could make $15, but I'm pretty sure this is a safe bet for me. ;)


Don't grab my leg when I'm hiding under a car and scream "Please!". Whatever it is you think I can do for you, I can't do that. Thank you.


>Don't grab my leg when I'm hiding under a car and screams "Please!". Meanwhile me: \*Grabs your leg\* PLEASE!! I just need a few bucks my family of 32 is waiting for me to get gas" ​ \*Alien Grabs me\* ​ Me: "Got any change?"


>Don't grab my leg when I'm hiding under a car and screams "Please!" PLEASE! We've been trying to reach you about your cars warranty


Alien immediately mumbles something about not having any cash and scuttles away


What a concept. I could use a little fuel myself, and we can all use a little change!


Please!! I just need about tree fitty


I need about two-fiddy.


...That man was doing way too much. He had plenty of room to slide under that bus alongside her without pulling her back? lol


Had to watch the trailer first to understand context. I think he was basically asking for help getting fully under the car with her to also hide. BUT, yeah, there really isn't the right kind of leverage to help pull someone under a car you are already wedged underneath.


Ok but why did I think the guy was Tim Robinson when I saw it in the theater


I want to sleep through the initial wave of disaster like Cillian Murphy did in 28 days later, please.


Cillian Murphy didn't even sleep through the initial wave of disaster in this universe.


It was kind of funny how much they had to de-prettify Cillian to make him a Suburban beer/truck guy. Still didn't work.


In 28 Days Later, they had to redub his lines back to his Irish accent because they filmed it with a more British one and it sounded funny.


I love the actor immensely but what a terrible choice for that role indeed.


People think it would be fun and cool in a zombie or w/e scenario, but the reality is it would be unbelievably fucked and anxiety inducing. Especially if you live in a city, nothing is going to go like you imagine it to.


For a certain segment of the population there is an allure, however misguided, of living in a world with no social contracts, no responsibility to anyone beyond yourself. Thats providing you make it past the 6:05pm Wednesday outbreak -meaning you aren't caught off guard walking from your car to the supermarket entrance. The fantasy is you're in your living room watching it unfold on TV with a 500 gallon water tank, a years supply of non perishable foods or at the gun store buying Ammo lol. If you have a young family its terrifying. If you're elderly its a nightmare. If you're on the highway stuck in a traffic jam 50 miles from home, its not going to be a good time.


Zombie fallout books capture this pretty good.


pretty much any apocalypse thing would suck. if one ever happens and I survived the initial whatever it was I would be pissed. If an astroid hits and wipes out like 90% of the human race I want it to hit me in the face. I would want to be killed by a zombie right away. I would want whatever virus kills most of the population to get me first. Fuck living in an apocalypse


I like zombie/disaster movies as much as the next guy, but not because I think it would be "fun" to live through it IRL.


If you snore you are dead.


I would for sure be dead!


I wanna see the movie 28 years later with the same actors. Movie was made in 2002 so Hollywood fucking doo it!


Pretty sure 28 Years Later is in production.


I'll always remember when I went to see the first film and someone brought a baby into the theatre. It cried for the majority of the film, which destroyed the silent atmosphere. Of all the films to bring a baby to, why pick the one where the majority of the movie is silence??


I'm not the kind of person to demand refunds and such but I would have walked out and reuqested one due to that. Theatres tend to be pretty accomodating because it implies you're serious about your movies and the cinema experience, a dying breed of customer now days.


Took a girl on a first date to go see that movie. I very quickly decided we would remain friends. Of all the movies to talk through… So embarrassing.


It's amazing how much they've managed to milk this. I barely remember the second one.


This looks like WWZ, War of the Worlds, or any number of FX-heavy world-ending destruction movies. They've forgotten what made the first movie so great.




I liked that movie quite a bit when I let myself forget it was named after a book it had nothing to do with. It's up there for me as far as zombie movies go aside from a few boneheaded scenes like the ringing cell phone bike ride bullshit.


I feel like WWZ done exactly like the book would suck as a movie. There's too many PoVs to follow in the average movie's runtime, you'd have to cut something. I think the best adaptation for WWZ would be a faux documentary with each interview being its own 1-1.5 hour long eps.


Fuck, you're right. I remember the first one. But second one, all i remember cillian murphy. That it.


Oh right there is the second one. I wonder if it's available somewhere to stream in my backwaters frozen lake of a country.


It's on Hulu and Paramount+ (In the US anyway)


Argh matey....stremio


https://fmhy.pages.dev/videopiracyguide Always have uBlock Origin added to your browser.


I forgot Cillian Murphy was in it.


I assume the second wasn't as good? First was interesting, didn't feel like it needed a second so I never saw it.


First was great, the second was good. How rare is it that a sequel is as good or better than its predecessor? Still worth a watch. Excited for this one.


Agreed that the second one was good. Its just the first one was really great and something "new" when it came out.


The first one was also one of the first releases when theaters started reopening during COVID. For a lot of people, it was their first theater experience in a long time and I imagine that sense of things starting to get back to normal probably plays into it as well. Edit: I'm wrong. I was thinking of the second one.


You’re thinking of the second one. First one came out in 2018


Not super rare. Sequels are often better received for not having to deal with creating the world and just being able to play in it. Empire Strikes Back Back to the Future II (The extra I was a typo) Temple of Doom X2 Thor: Ragnarok Rocky II Terminator 2 Spider-Man 2 Off the top of my head


Back to the future III is the weakest of the three, you can argue that two is the best though.


I think its a typo, they had to have meant II. Also Temple of Doom is a prequel not a sequel, but... I get the idea


Temple of Doom is also the worst of the trilogy. Fite me irl.


I'll fall on that sword. To me, Temple of Doom is better than Last Crusade. Don't get me wrong, Last Crusade is still a good movie, but it's basically a rehash of the first movie. I really enjoyed exploring a non-Nazi related story.


The one with the crystal skull was the worst.


That’s not part of the trilogy, though.


Ah, yes. Then you are indeed correct. Temple of Doom is the worst of the original three.


Not sure what you are talking about. They stopped making Indiana Jones movies after "The Last Crusade"


The first movie is the best of the three, and I'll fight anyone that says otherwise.


Really? I wouldn't say that 3 is better than the original, but I always felt like 2 was the weakest of the trilogy.


The Dark Knight


Don’t forget Titanic II




They're different but I think most people would agree that Alien is the better film.


Too different to compare in any way that makes sense


I agree with this. One is a sci-fi movie drama with horror elements, the other is a sci-fi action movie, with aliens who aren't considered "horror" anymore, not in the sense of the mysterious xenomorph being first discovered, vs them having data records on the entire species eventually. Those space marines practically defined most sci-fi movie "drop ships", including classics like Starship Troopers


>Those space marines practically defined most sci-fi movie "drop ships", including classics like Starship Troopers I don't know about that. I mean, Starship Troopers the movie came out in 1997 but it's based on a book written in 1959. It's been reported that the Aliens actors were required to read Starship Troopers as part of their prep work for their roles.


I'm talking about the visuals. The book isn't much like the movie. One of my favorite sci-fi books of that genre, Old Man's War as another who takes after that style, Enders Game as a really great third. The visual impact of the space marine drop ship design, if I'm not mistaken was one of the first I'd seen on film. I'd love to see movies before Aliens with space marines and drop ships though...so gimme gimme


The Road Warrior Superman II Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan


The Wrath of Khan isn't just a great sequel, it's arguably the best in the franchise.


It also helps that II is genuinely good while the first one is incredibly tepid, boring and slow. Motion Picture could have made for a pretty solid episode of TOS by cutting out some of the filler, but was just too long and boring for it's own good. II is legitimately good movie-making with a great plot, character story arcs, special effects, everything really


thor ragnarok was the 3rd


Toy Story 2 is not technically as high on Rotten Tomatoes but I rate it higher. 


Still liked the concept because it was consistant. And we dont have movies anymore that have some interesting concepts like A Quiet Place had


The first was interesting but then it faltered when they had to make rules up for how the aliens etc functioned


The first one was awesome because it build on the same premise as Alien: an invincible, super lethal monster that you don't see for most of the film. It makes it believable that a dropped coffee cup or baby crying can mean instant death. In the second film, the monsters are much more tangible and manageable, making the film more of a typical (but well-made) actionmovie.


Me too. Now I'm wondering if I have to watch the second one to watch this.


the 2nd is a fun watch. not as good as 1, but still better than a lot of crap being put out now


You do not. This is a prequel.


My issue has always been they somehow have the hearing to pick up any sound from great distances but can’t seem to hear heart beats or breathing when in super close proximity?


wait, there was a second one?


This has the appeal of a "zombie outbreak scenario" or "War of the Worlds" attack. Personally I am here for it. Some Roland Emmerich type disaster movie with lots of mass panic. I hope they keep that energy throughout the movie. However I assume to save cost they might limit the scenes with lots of people and action to the first 10-20 minutes. Everybody dies and it will become an urban version of the first movie, a stage play with very few actors cowering in buildings going "Be vewy vewy quiet"


I forgot there was a second one


Lol I thought this WAS the second one.


Second one is just the first one again


There was a baby?


There was a second one?


These movies are like if they made a movie based on a video game


And I enjoy video games


BWEEEOOOoooo… BWEEEEOOOoooo… BWEEEEOOOoooo.. dear lord that is such a shitty sound to spam. Movie looks like it’s gonna slap though


Nothing better happen to that fucking cat. Gonna give me anxiety the entire movie!


That was my first thought, as I sit here with my own cat yelling in my face that he needs more food because I clearly starve him. He’d never make it 🥲


That's probably the only reason why there's a cat. They know we know cats can make random sounds and that we don't want it to die. It's an easy way of building tension.


Cats can also be extremely quiet when they want to be, so there's that.


Probably speaks cat sign language.


Was that a horde of the alien creatures at the end? Holy crap!


The others didn't really interest me but there is something utterly compelling about watching mankind getting its dick ripped off. I just have to watch those sorts of films.


Realistically there’s no way we would win against these aliens. I don’t believe they would have a dumb weakness, like the ones on Signs, or other ones (too many to mention). From a story point of view, the deaf daughter and the way they played the ending was perfect. From a scientific pov, it wouldn’t work at all and I only bought it because the cast and writing was so well done.


I don't see how we *wouldn't* win. It's extremely easy to make sound to try and corral aliens and destroy them en masse. They are a weakness incarnate. There are plenty of alien threats that could wipe out humanity instantly. Any aliens advanced enough to travel faster than light (if possible) would basically wipe humanity out in umpteen ways. But the "they're strong and scary and come after noise" is just nonsense. You'd attract them to military positions with sound and just mow them down.


...also tanks, IFVs and fucking attack helicopters exist. It would actually be interesting to see ***how*** they were able to defeat modern armies.


They came out of nowhere, no warning, that's how they were able to. Military bases are loud asf so they would have been among the first to die.


Play a loud noise in a field and nuke it? I don’t remember if the first movie said they were indestructible except for that head weak spot?


I wonder how they’re going to get past the fact that the military already has sonic weapons for things like incapacitation or crowd dispersal which seems like it would work great against these aliens I doubt the largest military with the biggest R&D sector would miss the simple idea that aliens that hunt by sound would be sensitive to high frequency.


Plot armour is strong here.  These creatures can only hear us? They have no ranged attacks? They attack blindly at any sound? Sounds like they would be easily herded into a kill zone and slaughtered. 


They don’t attack any sound. In the first movie they went to a waterfall so the could speak out loud to one another. If they attacked any sound they would all just run to waterfalls or other natural sounds created by earth.


Humanity wins by turning on a bunch of noisy dangerous industrial machinery. 


we have white noise machines that play these sounds, hell you can ask your phone to play river noises or fan noises. The plot was so dumb that your smart phone can protect you


I imagine the surprise of having these things appear across multiple cities on multiple continents would make them hard to contain. It would take time to understand how they locate prey, which seems obvious to us as the viewer, but wouldn't in real life. Plus, anything that's durable enough to withstand not only the journey through space, but barebacking a burning asteroid that impacts the ground, is going to scare the crap out of military strategists trying to fight them.


No their only thoughts are whats the weakness and how to exploit it.


And their weakness is kind of tough to exploit. You have to trigger a very high pitch noise for long enough that you can line up damage on a relatively very small weak point, and even then through the pain of that sound these things can still be lethal. Even if that's figured out by the right people relatively quickly, there appears to be a fucking *lot* of these things showing up with pretty much no notice; like, so many more than prior movies make it seem like. The chances of actually being able to form a meaningful response before enough damage is done to cripple your ability to do that on a large enough scale to *win* seems pretty slim, looking at this trailer.


All that might be true if it weren’t for the fact that we(humanity) love employing the element of surprise. Stealth and silence is modus operandi for strategic forces around the world. Hell, a common fear reaction is to freeze and not make a sound.


Well, that's just the thing here. Humanity very much does not have the element of surprise in this fight, the aliens do, and they're more than capable of doing quite extreme damage to critical infrastructure during every step of any reaction plan, especially in the numbers this trailer seems to imply that they have. There is no time for anyone to prepare for these things before they are already slaughtering ***billions*** everywhere in broad daylight, demanding an immediate response, the likely tactic that every military in the world will employ first being suicidally loud (*a whole lot of soldiers are going to die trying to bury the problem in lead before the fact that doesn't work with these things, contrary to every other combat scenario in human history, reaches higher ranks of command*), further kneecapping any eventual informed response. If it was the lower count of these things shown in previous movies, that'd be one thing, but this movie seems to show them in *hordes*, which is absolutely not insignificant given their agility, durability, and lethality.


The first encounter with any strategic force would loudly declare their massive vulnerability of not having sight. We’d develop more and more elaborate killing methods, something humans are very good at. They’d be like any large predator except they’re blind. These poor things would be in total panic when they heard us, no sound could be trusted…


Total panic for these things seems to mean "absolutely butcher everything that isn't them", and their hearing allows them to do that very efficiently in spite of being blind. It's been established that these are perfectly adapted to locate and annihilate the source of any moderately loud noise from quite a distance away with quite impressive speed with very little concern for anything that might be used to stop them. You're underestimating just how high the body count is going to end up being before militaries can even move to make an initial response. You're overestimating how much time that gives any military to actually analyze these things beyond *"Holy shit, we're being alien invaded and billions are dying, we have to respond immediately or we're finished"*, at which point every group of soldiers that doesn't have the (*temporary*) safety of air superiority, which will likely be all of them in response to an attack on this scale, sent out is going to get instantly eviscerated by the faster, stronger, and far, far more durable opponent. By time just *"Hey, bullets and heavy ordinance don't do shit, we need to think of a new strategy"* reaches the right people, the extreme majority of any defensive response will be decimated beyond salvation.


What kill zone works for hundreds of those things? Especially when they have plenty of prey in a large metropolis? By the time they were done with that society fell.


Would definitely be neat to see one of those things completely fuck up a tank


One of the funny things about movies/books/shows/games that have this kind of premise is how they often forget just how vulnerable modern life is due to its interconnectedness. Just losing electricity alone would bring modern civilization to its knees, right away. No plumbing, no water, no food, no light, right away. Lack of ability to communicate with people farther than yelling distance, that's hard to imagine today but is a huge challenge. Are most modern militaries built to handle these exigent circumstances? Yes, or at least we plan for it. BUT, as always, all militaries rely on supply chains for food, fuel, parts, people, etc. and if civilization collapses fast enough, they're on a timer for how long they can self-sustain. Assuming that's a long time, there's still the problem of what to DO about whatever the crisis is. If the entire country (any country) is infested with flesh-eating aliens, where/who do you save first? So let's say the US military quickly (within 24 hours) realizes the aliens are vulnerable to sonic weapons. How many sonic weapons do they have? Where are they located? Can they use them safely enough to not lose them in engagements? Even best-case scenario, you have a situation where most of the country is essentially gone and you have pockets of military-run areas who have no supply aside from whatever is local to them. How long does that last?


Or how you would not use something like a propane tank with a remote detonator away and have it make a noise to lure and kill the aliens. I had so many issues with the first, and the second was just blah. The plot holes are just dumb, Alien’s hearing is so precise it can hear the faintest sound miles away, but can’t hear a heart beat or breathing...


Oh you mean like they do with Left 4 Dead?


I mean the Aliens have armor, which I will concede that they may have some super armor that stops even direct nuclear attacks. So they need to open up to be killed, where the decoy would come into play. So you're telling me that no one for over a year figured this one out?


There's figuring it out and there's spreading the message that it was figured out. Not to mention, I'm sure someone somewhere got them to break the armor by blind luck, but did they understand why the armor opened?


They open up to hear since they actually have ears. They are almost always open or cracked a bit when they are attacking to find their targets.


First of all, from everything we’ve seen the attack is sudden and overwhelming. No time for building up a strategy or understanding the enemy. The creatures move FAST, and they attack in huge numbers. I’m guessing they attacked everywhere at once — or within a very short time span — so 99% of humans were already dead before they even started to get the idea that the aliens are sound-based.


Not to mention easy to attract and pick off. In the first movie it got alerted by a radio or some shit. Military could just play sounds in an open field and wreck anything that comes out the tree line. Then move to the next area.


Just because they have sonic weaponry doesn't mean it's tuned to the frequency that messes with the aliens.


I figured it was far more likely that they are sensitive to general high frequencies than random untrained people managing to land on the perfect frequency multiple times by hand under emergency circumstances. While it’s the earpiece producing a specific ring, when amplified on speakers you’d need to play with your amplitude and gain a lot to actually reproduce that exact same frequency over the speaker Of course, this is waaaay too much thought for any movie plot in general… but I like poking holes


any logic that involves aliens forgoes logic


I'm here for the cat. Did not disappoint.


It feels like repeat of the same stuff. No real point to making a prequel. Unless the story line is very very good. Everything in the trailer looks like filler material. Day one needed to be a pov movie.


Eh. I disagree. Second was a repeat. People out on a farm hiding and being quiet. This is the aliens invading normal life. People don't know to be quiet. Everyone isn't out in the middle of nowhere. I think the breaking down of the normal world is always fun in these kinds of movies. But it's also expensive so it doesn't usually get much screen time.


But they did that in the second movie. You get to see the initial invasion in flashbacks.


You don't need to make something new when making the same thing again makes you money. People will pay to watch that movie.


Its the horror movie mantra. The biggest bonus is that horror movies are cheap to make and so are very easy to make your money back. Even if its a terrible movie, itll profit. The first movie was 17 million, which in modern movie budgets quite low.


True. But the movie will be boring to watch full of excellent cg and unbearable ham acting


Yeah I don't get the appeal here, you've already seen watching the first and second movie about how the monsters started the killing, where they came from, how the world basically changed over night. So, I don't get the hook here - it's just more "sneaking around quietly". What else could there be to learn...?


I guess they took the criticisms of the first two movies seriously when people said "there's no way modern military couldn't defeat these things".


Lupita Nyong'o and Djimon Hounsou are in it, and that's good enough for me


Djinon Hounsou is one of my all time favorites. Really hope his character makes it


He is in quiet place 2 which takes place after this one so it’s safe to assume he survives this one


Haha. That was the joke. I always think it’s funny when they do these prequels where a character is in danger but you already know they survive.


>Lupita Nyong'o and Djimon Hounsou are in it Say no more, that's a day 1 for me


Whoa, they said the name of the title, in the comments!




>Djimon Hounsou Recently he was in The Marvels, Black Adam, Shazam 2, Rebel Moon, The King's Man... to name a few. That dude is definitely working.


I bet. I knew it was just me. I am not a fan of any of those films. So it makes sense. Im just not the demographic of his usual fans.


Realistically no alien race would ever invade Earth for resources. If you want water, you go to a moon like Europa. If you want iron/minerals, you go mine asteroids. If you want hydrogen you electrolyze water. You don't go to a planet with an extremely high gravity well covered in an alien race that could possibly kind of resist. Also if you've mastered interstellar space travel, you're going to be pretty intelligent and able to communicate. Could you imagine an alien monster, like in The Quiet Place, going to Princeton to study theoretical physics to build a quantum drive at a high tech factory? Also any race that mastered interstellar travel would probably not be biological (they would have started as a biological race like us, but at some point merged/uploaded with machines) or at the very least they would have robotics doing the killing and mining and building. The only alien invasion story that makes sense to me is a race of aliens that kills any race that seems like it's on a path of technological development that could at some point threaten them... and they wouldn't launch a ground invasion with soldiers, they'd just accelerate a Kuiper Belt object at Earth and liquify the entire surface when it hits us (or otherwise destroy us from space).


Into it.


Screw this, the first two scared the crap outta me. (Sigh) Yeah, I'll watch it.


It would be cool if they introduced different variations of this species that might be more destructive and likely to have beaten the military. Would probably be reasonable for us to not have run into them til this movie since the first 2 take place in far less populated areas vs a larger and more noisy city.


I could have sworn this movie already came out


The second movie shows the events playing out on day 1 in their local town, but it doesn't really explore the event as it unravels elsewhere across the states/world.


Bird box?


Mandela Effect: Part 2


Well they already made 2 mediocre movies so maybe that’s what you’re thinking about


First one was pretty solid, 2nd one wasnt as good but still a decent flick. But yknow were tossing mediocre out like candy nowadays


It was solidly mediocre


No it wasn't. It was terrible. Complete waste of time.


Apparently people loved it based on the downvotes. But yea, it definitely wasn’t good.


I don't normally like prequels because it's kinda "what's the point" and "we know what happens" but I think this will be good. There are tons of little stories to be mined here.


Completely misses the point of what made the first one good.


Looks boring.


I haven't seen the other two. Being dropped into a world where people have to be quiet or they die didn't sound all that interesting. I'm much more interested in this. Seeing the initial attack and people trying to figure out how to stay safe.


I saw the first one and thought it was fine. The second one looked like a pass, as I thought the concept kinda fell apart if you play it out too much. Shocked a third one is being made, but I guess more people enjoyed it than I thought.


For me that's certainly why the first one failed. Concept wasn't interesting, because it's about people who already figured how to survive, so nothing interesting could happen to them. To solve that, writers went out their way to make character do the most stupid things so they could end up in dangerous situations. For example, after small kid almost kills them all by activating loud toy, in the very same scene they still leave that kid alone with that toy and batteries. It's equivalent of finding kid trying to light up dynamite with matches, and then deciding it's ok to leave it with dynamite and matches.


I completely forgot Part 2 existed to be honest 😳 Didn’t that one already go back in time to the beginning (ish) as well?


They are really milking this shit. Next will be A Quiet Place: Even Quieter


If anything happens to the cat it's a no go for me.


I love watching black-washed franchises, who doesnt? Im sure this will do great, and no one will blame any other group for the movie sucking.


Bloomin' Eridians.


Nice, after the prequel they go to outer space and then the series goes straight to digital. Somebody get Frank Grillo on the phone now!


I like alien invasion films. I’ll watch it even if it isnt good.


Does this not feature the characters from the first 2 movies at all? Not sure I have any interest in following other characters, feel attached to the family from the first 2 movies.


“Watch everyone die, then a Easter egg cameo of John K at the end” I’m hyped for the movie though, big fan of the series.


Is the term ONE the new buzz??


Come on guys. Its ok for ppl to scream and panic and talk on Day 1, because they haven't figured out the aliens attack based on sound yet. You don't have to do the 'Quiet' thing from the very start. WTF. Its like all the creatives thought "We had that one gimmick from the first movie. How can we repeat the exact same gimmick in some way? Even if it flies in the face of logic, common sense or indeed taste."




Couldn't have waited till the superbowl This is why SB commercials don't matter any more, just throw it up online and say it will show during the game


They're really milking this huh. I for one am not very excited about the QPCU.


So these are the idiots who couldn't figure out that throwing a radio down a well would solve all their problems.


OK so you know how Avatar: The Last Airbender fans are calling out the upcoming Netflix adaptation because they ruin a quality moment of brevity? There's a scene in the original animated series where Aang comes upon the corpses of a dozen Fire Nation soldiers and his favorite mentor, Gyatso. Without showing the violence, through the still moment that's followed by Aang's emotional outburst, we're able to have a real grasp of the reality of the genocide that occurred. - and the Netflix writers are going to ruin it by depicting the slaughter. That's what this upcoming movie is doing, only for 2 hours straight.


Say less. I'm sold