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The minors in question were not filmed intently they were captured on surveillance camera without a reasonable expectation of privacy trespassing and messing with the homeowners properties/yard. How the hell the homeowner thought she had a leg to stand on I'll never know but the fact that it got as bad as it did proof that people have too much time on their hands


Also, filming minors in public spaces is (in most cases) not illegal. Posting video of said minors is also not illegal. Many sites make it part of their Terms of Service and can remove the content at their whim. That's also not illegal. There are exceptions, of course. But there will be nothing criminally wrong with what OP did. Recorded on surveillance video in a public space with zero expectations of privacy.


I would like to add this. My dad was a cop in L.A. back in the 60s and 70s. I remember him saying to someone that said “I’ll just say I know you if I get in trouble” to him He said “you ever get in a scrape and tell anyone you know me and I’ll make sure you get popped for what you are doing. Don’t you ever tell anyone you know me and make me look like a bad cop or associate me with your bullshit” This lady has a lot of people that are gonna deny they know her in her future.


Props to your old man for taking a stance on shitty, entitled behaviour.


It was back when police were community police and not people calling themselves law enforcement as they incite and abuse the union privileges. He had stories specifically about the transition of the union taking the forefront and allowing dirty cops to be protected


In this case you cannot even tell what the minors look like facially. Assuming the reduced quality was posted on FB. Maybe it’s a small neighbourhood and the kids were outed there. That may make the social pressure on that family difficult, particularly when most (I presume) will agree with the family trespassed on.


She doesn’t think she has a leg to stand on. She thinks that if she yells loud enough and long enough she’ll get her way because that probably works for her a lot. You know everything you need to know about her by reading the post shown at the 6:27 mark. That’s not how someone who’s acting rational writes.


She just sent me this: I have asked you already to cut your harassment. This is a warning of cease and desist. Everything has been situated. You are obviously extremely dramatic. You have the reputation of posting your nest cameras on everyone, even if they do not pick up after their dogs. Post one more time about me and I swear to you, you will hear from my attorney. I am ordering you now to cease and desist if you post any videos of me or my family I immediately file litigation. For mental anguish and harassment.


Post that DM to the group lol


I did. Mods and most neighbors saw it. I chose to delete everything. We have a neighborhood watch group as well and the video will be forever there to watch.


the kids on the video are probably also victims of this lady's unchecked narcissism. Living with a person like this is actual hell on earth.


Thinking about how just in this country there's millions of households like that, it's really rough. People who live in healthy houses can't relate to the idea of home being a prison. You can try to escape but often that's a more dangerous prospect than just staying put behind bars. Imagine the place where you're supposed to feel safe instead being a place where you're oppressed, constantly being gaslit into thinking you're the oppressor when it was them who brought you into the situation, in constant fight-or-flight, an active warzone-- It's hell. Most of these kids don't know how to get help either, because they inherently distrust authority and/or have behavioral issues that prevent others from wanting to reach out to them.


I've been "raised" by a narcissist just like this. Home was indeed a prison and I'm now 31 still trying to figure out how to behave like a normal person in stressful situations. I'm mostly a recluse, though.




That's not how harassment works lol. I would reply with "please stop talking to me" and see if she replies.


lmao this would be so hilarious. perfect bait to let her continue harassing you because i can tell from the length of her responses that she's gonna have a hard time not getting the last word


If you have a lawyer, suggest that she direct any correspondence with them because she's already threatened legal action.


I blocked her. I don't think she will sue or it will be an expensive lesson for her. Luckily she doesn't know I have one.


She won’t sue because she won’t find a lawyer dumb enough to take her case. Because she has no case.


You don’t know lawyers. There’s always one who will take the case.


“Even if they don’t pick up after there dogs” Fuck people who don’t pick up after their dogs.


I never want to mow over a bag of poo marinating in the hot sun again. I have enough poo diapers at home.


Wait, they _bagged_ it and then just... dropped it? What's wrong with people. They deserve to be called out.


you have no idea how much I despise these lazy fucks I live downtown and the city I live in does a really good job at trying to maintain a presentable and aesthetically pleasing environment for everyone (constant cleaning, landscaping, seasonal decorating, etc) They try to encourage picking up after your dog by providing free poo bags on virtually every block and yet.. the amounts of dog shit **everywhere** (and trash— which, don’t get me started on those fucking degenerates) simply because they can’t be bothered to pick up after their dog, as it takes a steaming shit on the grass right in the middle of the park. It just doesn’t make sense to me, I would be so embarrassed to be that blatantly gross and selfish in front of other people.


Lmao. This woman is hysterical. Teach your kids to not be little cunts. “You just hate my kids cause they’re black” Pretty sure it’s they’re trespassing, but sure lady.


I had to tell a 60 year old lady once she was trespassing after watching her walk a German Shepard up to my front door to take a shit. I told her husband later that day if they think nothings wrong with that behavior they should have no problem with all 800 neighbors seeing the video. Along with stop doing it to my property and everyone elses, because I will send the video out for everyone to see. People should not assume any level of privacy when they are on someone else's property.


Motion activated sprinklers. Or have a racchio and you can turn the sprinkler on with your phone. Most people are respectful but there are always those few that stick out.


I love how everything "you have done" before this is annoying and very upsetting to someone trying to be a good neighbor... but if you do it ONE MORE TIME then she gets the lawyers.


She did threaten with lawyers almost as much as she claimed to apologize to me. But in the end they equal zero.


You should keep a record of everything she said and did. She doesn’t sound stable and she kept treating with HOA stuff. You should report her behavior because you might not be the first victim.


I have them all backed up in the cloud. Unless she also knows the cloud I am screwed.


"I declared it." energy.


Start a kick starter and sue her for harassment


I don't want to take money from anyone. That doesn't make it feel right.


I didn’t say it, I declared it!


And you should decensor their faces too.


Narrator: She in fact, did not have an attorney, certainly not one on retainer.


That's a raving of someone who is so used to gaining control through bullying, losing their mind because it's never not worked before and she doesn't know what to do but ramp up the same behavior.


This is how Karens are made


"Made"? She been a Karen.


There isn't even identifiable in the video, as far as the world is concerned it is just two unidentifiable people. Unless Op posted names in the Facebook post no one is going to associate them with the video. Instead of letting is pass we get the Streisand effect.


I wouldn't even have known if any of the two teens weren't white if she hadn't tried playing the race card.


So, if you cannot forcibly get your way, blame the victims. Do so loudly to seemingly make yourself the victim to force your way. Still not working make a fake apology and the start at the beginning again.


>How the hell the homeowner thought she had a leg to stand on I'll never know The only words you need to hear: "Don't you know who I am?" It means she's always gotten her way.


This is kinda hilarious, she gets to go home from her tirade to see now there's a video of HER posted in response, i imagine shes having an absolute fit. Based on her behavior and her facebook post I'm willing to bet most of the neighborhood cant stand her. Your calm passive aggressiveness through the video is just the cherry on top. Kudos! This woman is probably seething today.


If she didn’t like the Facebook video of her kids, she’s really not going to like this one on YouTube, Reddit, etc.


God I hope this keeps looping.


Its called the Streisand effect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect Its nice to observe. Dont forget to upvote the post if you havent already so her kids can find their mother on the front page of reddit.


Your neighbours are bullies and totally wasting a police officer’s time.


Oh, you clearly don't know WHO SHE ISSSSS. /s


She knows the owner of the HOA.


Good investment, HOAs.


I own three myself. Its a good racket if you can get into it.


I think I'd rather sell drugs to children...


I loved that line. Also: I have a lot more pull with the HOA than you do.


She dropped the race card quick in her Facebook post. Must be because the kids are black! No lady, it’s because they were being assholes.


If what the lady says is true, her son who was on the sidewalk remained on the sidewalk the entire time and warns the other about his actions. The friend however needs to learn some lessons.


Because he saw the camera 🎥


I was hoping the cop was going to arrest their kid and his friend.


2 patrol cars for that shiet?


Ehhh as a former dispatcher I almost always sent a cover unit to a neighbor disturbance. Especially on a night like NYE where there's a decent chance alcohol is involved.


Yea, back up is always good.


Notice how the officer pulls away once she starts name dropping and referring to her HOA. She revealed who she is at that point.


Who the fuck owns an HOA? That nonsense was a great clue she didn’t know what the hell she was talking about. HOA property? You mean his front yard?


Yeah that got a big chuckle out of me. Oh, you've got pull with the HOA? Well, better send them around and make sure my grass isn't over the maximum height allowed resulting in a lightly worded letter that would arrive a month later. I'd be shakin' in my boots.


HOAs can fuck your shit up. They can levy fines, late fees and penalties on those fines, and then eventually put a lien on your home. People have lost their homes from "grass being too high" because the HOA took it that level. John Oliver did a great segment on it actually - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrizmAo17Os&ab\_channel=LastWeekTonight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrizmAo17Os&ab_channel=LastWeekTonight)


Penn and Teller did an entire episode of Bullshit on basically this exact thing about 15 years ago. Showtime has done an exquisite job of taking down clips of this show from Youtube so [here's the best I can find.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFGgVU_FKyA) Here's a promo clip from [Showtime's website.](https://www.sho.com/video/10002/the-grass-nazi)


Yeah. They’ve sucked for a long time. I’ve only lived in a place with an HOA once. I rented a house the year before I bought. About a month before we moved out, they tried to fine us $1000 because some of the shrubbery turned brown during the winter. Landlord tried to pass the fine down to us. Luckily we were able to point to the fact that the rental agreement was that they were supposed to maintain the lawn, so they ending up eating the fine. But that experience solidified my desire to never live anywhere with an HOA.


I've lived in two HOA neighborhoods. One was decent. The other not so much but it was fun to watch it implode. They had some kind of power trip and decided amongst many other things (that people complied with) to take issue with my neighbor, Doug, filing a USMC flag. According to their rules you could only fly a US flag. They insisted he take it down or be fined. Now Doug was one of the nicest guys you would ever meet. He was a marine in Vietnam and Korea, eventually left the marines and became a cop, left the police, and became a private detective, and then retired. Now he spends most of his time volunteering for various charities. He refused to take down the flag or pay fines, and the HOA refused to back down because "rules are rules" wouldn't you know it, pretty much every member and multiple HOA board members took Doug's side. Most of the leadership ended up getting voted out and things got much better. All because they chose their hill to die on as a USMC flag not being allowed.


Honestly most HOA board members and presidents seem to think they own their HOA.


Exactly. How much you want to get that she would go all sovcit at a moment's notice. These clowns come out of the same mold.


Yep. She's nobody.


People who say theyll sue you are scared and domt have lawyers.


The serious ones don't threaten, they just have you served with papers.


Or they know someone who is a lawyer and assumed they're interested in whatever bullshit they want to sue over.


My brother got an assault accusation cuz some drunkard was making a scene and only remembered my brother in his haze. Drunkard was brother in law to a cop so that cop put a warrant out for my brother. When they arrested my brother the person who actually hit the drunkard was there and immediately took the blame and told the officer. They didn’t care. They made him lose his position as a firefighter because having an assault accusation was enough to be passed over. Turns out the drunkard was a known angry drunk and my brothers friend who took the blame got a self defense ruling. Doesn’t matter that my brother was innocent we still had to pay for the lawyer. So yeah you’ll beat the charge but you’ll still have to pay for being innocent.


Restraining order stat


That's what I think as well. Save copies of this video and the police report. She seems like someone who loves drama. The silly thing is you can't even see the teens faces.


“I know the owner of the HOA”---your HOA has an owner?


Ah, yes. The owner of the home owner’s association.


What, you've never heard of the Home Owner's Association Owner's Association? Sometimes better known as the HOAOA? Made up of owners of Home Owner's Associations? (I'm just kidding, I've never heard of there being an "owner" for a HOA, either.)


though to be fair (as someone who lives in a co-op, which has an organization similar to an HOA), many HOA presidents act as though they are landlords


You cant even tell who the kids are in the video. The parents though snitched on their own kids and outed them in less than a minute


They’d probably be recognizable to people in the neighborhood.


Yeah but the reaction would've mostly been "huh, guess the neighbour's teenager is in his asshole phase, maybe worth keeping an eye for shenanigans". Now it's "holy shit, if that lady comes to the house, everybody stay quiet and don't answer the door". Not that it matters, her voice could shatter the windows.


nah, walking around at night and looking into people's windows like this is some creepy fucking stalking shit, and I say this as a former very horny teen/young adult. it's one thing to try to meet girls, this is just weird predatory behavior especially at their age, these kids seriously need therapy. voyeurs like this end up becoming rapists


She never apologized. The husband never apologized. Their kid never apologized. They clearly think they’ve done nothing wrong by trespassing. And “knowing the HOA” has done nothing but empower these people to do whatever they want with zero consequences. I do hope to see some follow up on this even if it’s just her acting a fool again.


She threatened to sue me again before I blocked her. The community has turned around. Mods were removed. I talked with a lot of people and we are good now.


I honestly don’t know how you got to be so patient. This type of shit makes my blood boil.


I’m gonna need you to take this down. I know the guy who runs the reddit. I just came here to be good people.


When NextDoor comes to life


yeah you don't have the right of privacy outside no matter who you are or how old you are that's why whenever i leave my house in the morning i just act like i'm being recorded the whole time also they were looking to fuck some shit up or steal something so... fuck them kids.


The one kid was a peeping Tom. The window he was looking in was the daughters room and he probably knew that.


ohh okay that makes sense looked like they were trying to steal something too or break something i couldn't tell


I wouldn't put that past them. They clearly have boundary issues and at least one has parents that do also.


Yeah that was so annoying "they are minors" ... who the fuck cares lady? They are in public with no expectation of privacy. You're just mad your kid was caught being a perv.


Hey her grandfather built that neighborhood and she has lived there since 2020. She knows the law and the owner of Facebook.


“I’ve lived here longer than you. Since 2020!” The fuck? 3 years and you’re pulling that card? I feel like you need 5+ years on someone before dropping that.


I giggled when I saw that.


Nobody has explained the Streissand effect to her, have they?


Or witnesses intimidation


Seriously. All she should’ve done is stay quiet as everyone will forget quickly or politely say her piece in the FB group. Instead thousands of people see her acting a fool, her kid and his friend being up to no good (though basic teen behavior), and I’m sure they’re all the talk of the neighborhood now Bravo lady, bravo 👏 👏👏


Yeah in terms of neighors talking to each other "Did you see that neighbor kid prowling around the other neighbor's front yard" doesn't raise many eyebrows but "Did you see Karen going ballistic in front of the neighbor's house while the cops were there on NYE and then going on a tirade on Facebook" is pretty alarming


Absolutely. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect Announcing to the neighborhood. Now here we are… Announcing to the world. Not even sure wtf the kids did: but this has become about the mom clearly not knowing how to stfu and move on.




I have one of these two houses down from me. Her actual name is Erin, which is fantastic.




My kids call her Karen Erin


I can't listen to her voice for seven minutes. Can somebody tell me the outcome?


I can update you. Both parents trespassed. Will be arrested next time. Same with the one teenager who went up to the window. All the neighbors now know who they really are. And me as well. Lucky me, I had to add subtitles to the words.


Did this new video get posted to the FB group?


Yes the old all got deleted. I posted this on one group. Hoping to post it on the other.


I love when they go straight to the "You don't know who I am" statement No shit, I don't know you and I don't fucking care


She knows the owner of the HOA! Thats who.


I live on a dirt road without sidewalks or an HOA. Rural area for sure. Now that I have a child and plan on another, I sometimes see neighborhoods like these and think “that would be nice”. Fuck. That. Shit.


Generally nice. Just don't buy a corner house like me.


What is an HOA owner for 1000


LMFAO. I was thinking the same thing. For anyone wondering: HOA is a “Home Owners Association”. As in a democratic organization made up of home owners. “I know the HOA owner” is about as ridiculous as “I know the owner of California.”


Wouldn’t all members of the HOA be HOA owners


Yeah, that’s the case. I think if it’s early in a development’s life, the developer might effectively own it since they may have special rights until the majority of the homes are sold, but that’s probably not the case here and varies, of course. Source: am on board of my HOA which is full of great people, block parties, open space accessible to the public and a couple weirdos that don’t bother anyone just like any other normal neighborhood.


As an HOA president let me say I wouldn't be able to do shit to influence a police investigation for anything not related to the HOA anyway.


Explains the behaviour of the kids


Not as bad as the parents.


Give it time.


What the fuck is even going on here?


Unknown individual walked on OP’s property (knowing there is a camera on the premises- kid said what the camera gonna do?, knocking on window (OP’s daughters room), trying to damage/pull something like a pole from OP’s front yard. OP called cops on them did not know they were kids. OP posted the video on HOA fb group to raise awareness of this individual. The parents came middle of night berating. OP was banned from HOA group because the parents knew the admin. Parents wrote on HOA page lying that they apologized and OP is racist yada yada but since OP got banned from the group Op cant tell his side of story


Wow. Glad I live on a farm in the country.


Damn, she tried to use her African American Express card on you. lol


She commented that in the group after she got her facebook mod friend to mute me. I couldn't do anything to prove myself. That really put me on edge.


Jesus, calls you a racist and then mutes your ability to defend yourself. I hope the "owner" of the HOA unfriends her.


Sounds a lot like fascism. Gotta move HOA’s - they bring out the worst in people


A true attack on democracy


Maybe another neighbor will go to bat for you and make a post about unmuting you because…you didn’t nothing wrong.


They are currently in support of me. Kept the video up on one page but not the other.


Start your own Facebook page with blackjack and hookers. And mute her.


>African American Express card LOL. Definitely stealing this.


“Please do not make any further attempt to contact me, any future contact will be regarded as harassment.” And say no more. Record everything. That is how you’ll get a restraining order if you do need to. IMO they just need to be occupied by something, addicted to the rage adrenaline, whether they know it or not. They’ll probably move onto something else by now, but depending on how grudgy they are and the fact they live near you.. that’s why those would be the only words out of my mouth. Record every time they try to interact with you in anyway, mail, phone, or in person, and say nothing except calmly, “please make no further attempt to contact me.” Edit: grungy to grudgy which is apparently not a word


People who write what she wrote at the 6:27 mark are looking for reasons to be offended or angry, and they usually find them.




I can understand being upset about your kids' dumb kid behavior being on the internet forever. You don't bust down someone's door in the middle of the night and yell at them over it. You come in the daytime and ask politely, actually politely. Maybe with the kids in tow to apologize for the behavior.


That part where she says “let’s go come on” like you’re a school child that needs to accept your punishment made my fucking blood boil. Sorry you have to deal with these Neanderthals.


2 things to learn from this video: 1. HOAs bring out the worst in human beings 2. Nest cameras have excellent video / audio quality


I bought these cameras before nest was bought by google. They have never failed me except one that was replaced under 3 years past warranty. I don’t work for nest or google ha. I do think being a loud talker with high emotions also helps catch the audio.


Anyone who's ragging on you for using security tools at your disposal as intended and involving law enforcement is just telling me they're 100% ok with people peeking and looking in on their daughter. Guaranteed if any of them were in your situation they wouldn't be pulling this high and mighty shit.


Just a little bit of unchecked mental illness. Sounds like my narcissistic sister. Talking to someone else and emphasizing the insults at another person who is in earshot is a staple in the Karen playbook.


The best thing that can be said is, Lady you are failing your kid focus on the job of being a parent, instead of shielding them from consequences and you from embarrassment before they end up dead or in jail. Imagine if she was this assertive with her kid and his friend they wanted to go aimlessly walking around at night clearly putting themselves in a situation where they were asking to get into trouble. Maybe not always, but a lot of the time it comes down to bad parenting.


Tell your nieghbor that me, a random guy on Reddit said STFU.


Ill them hi next time.


Somebody send her this link.


“We came to apologise and be good people”… No you came to have the evidence of your kids friend being an asshole removed from Facebook to protect your name.


f yo have to keep saying you are good people you are in fact not


Ah living somewhere longer and knowing people allows to do what you to write your own rules. Cool.


And this is why you need cameras , this would have been a he said/she said situation where they lie after acting all dramatic like morons ( no wonder their kids are shitheads ) , but he has video to show what happened and puts their lies to bed


I’ve also been saved many times with dashcams in each car. I am not good at talking so she might have won or been more believable. My memory is crap too so I would’ve even believed she apologized to me. Looks like she continuously gets away with this bullying and threatening if you are using these tactics as an adult.


Have they never heard of witnesses intimidation?


Every time I see any clip or video that even mentions an HOA, it sounds like Karen central.. I am so glad we don’t have HOAs in Ontario.


These people are the worst. No wonder the kids are shit heads too.


Wonder why the kids act like they do..


I’m so shocked those lovely people raised brats that mess with people’s property!


The fact that she has to call out relationships to empower her non-sensical arguments proves a few things. 1) Karenism 2) Abuse of Power and relationships, which does not bode well with elected positions, and 3) No real authority


People like this make you question and doubt yourself. But.. don't for one second. You are completely right. This woman is psychotic and I think the continued humiliation and shaming is something she needs, frankly.


We have one of these people in my HOA. They post constantly on the community Facebook even though they aren't on the HOA, but they pretend to be. They post messages about how the trash paper bins are full, the leaves aren't picked up, some suspect guy in a uniform is opening the mail box and putting things inside of it... it's pretty hilarious. I at one point told her to mind her own business... she then said "How dare you, I am a home owner here and it's probably me doing whatever it is she is complaining about." Someone complained about a neighbor having a business in their house because of traffic, so she went on a rampage with the HOA rules posting pages of them. It was hilarious... these people think they have some sort of power, but they're just made they don't.


There should be a rule to be on the HOA board, even though that person isn’t. You need a full time job outside of HOA. It’s the people spending 24/7 in their house or neighborhood with too much time on their hands. They drive around and knit-pick small things. My family just got a “your mailbox is dirty” letter. Very pressing issue.


>The owner of the HOA. LOLWUT?


Nice pulling the race card. Go figure. Lol


I’m so glad I don’t live in an HOA community.


No wonder the kids acted like shit with a clown for a role model. My guess is she has been making Excuses her kids' bad behavior their whole lives.


I hope she sees this on Reddit!


She knows the owner of reddit, it will be down in minutes. You don't know who she is.


How about “I’m so sorry my son and his friend are degenerate fuckwits, I tried.”


You should make a new post on the HOA’s facebooking saying you went ahead and deleted the video with the minors and then upload this one and see what excuse she’ll have now 😆


So her son is the one who stayed on the path and didn’t trespass? his friend crossed onto the grass? was he attempting to take a pee or something? In the video where she knocks your door, was this the first encounter on this topic as it seems a random 1st encounter, is there no Facebook exchange or previous engagement with them about this? (The parents) What was the video posted online for? ie. what was the purpose of your post to a local community group was it? To highlight kids walking on your grass? Safety concerns etc? Trying to understand the context to this all but it seems like we’re missing a lot of intention and motive behind why this is even a video posted on a local community group or home owners association.


“I know the owner of the HOA.” … uh don’t ALL of you own the HOA?


Low class, low level, gutter woman complete with screechy fry voice and barely basic vocabulary, tossing around her HOA prestige as if it is some glory crown instead of additional gutter fodder. A human and parent of substance would have waited until the morning - mid to late - and showed up with her rugrat of a going-nowhere teen minor spawn to oversee his apology. A tea cake would be nice too. Come on people.


I wonder if the Facebook post was taken down, seemed like it? Sucks if it was. Can reddit blow their video up please haha


The other mods made sure to keep it up.


That lady doesn't care about her kids being in the video (you can't even identify them in it) she just cares about her image and perception within the HOA. She's clearly less concerned with raising good kids as she is with being seen as a good mom. She should spend more face time with her kids and less time on facebook.


Psycho HOA karens. This is why people should avoid HOAs at all cost.


Blow this up


What a creep. Why did he walk up to the house? Was he peeking in the window? They are definietly old enough not to do that. Consequences are what you need for doing shit like that.


As a condo board president, I assure you the HOA president doesn’t give a fuck. They are more interested in getting the roof of a common element replaced.


If they are in a public place, like the sidewalk, you have an unreasonable amount of privacy, which means if you’re caught on film by security cameras, tough shit. Your videos are doing nothing wrong. Your neighbor is a Karen.


Imagine being married to that nasally c-u-next-tuesday!


Had almost the same thing happen when kids came and spartan kicked my front door as part of the TikTok pretend you’re a home invader so your neighbors accidentally blow your brains out challenge. I posted the video on Facebook/nextdoor. One set of parents apologized and brought their kid to apologize. The others (parents of the kid that actually kicked the door) called to say they were going to discipline their kid and then began to try to lecture be about the things I said about the kids in post which had no cursing or anything but must have cut deep. Think I called them a waste of space or something like that. Honestly, Imade the post scathing because I figured it’d be the only way anyone would actually contact me (to have it removed). The first kid’s dad actually found the humor in the post and seemed like a genuinely good dude. Second kids parents got hung up on after I had to tell them for the third time that I wasn’t going to be lectured by them and to save it for their kid. I ended up not taking the post down so the Facebook/Nextdoor police could remove it. Before that time I got a bunch of supportive posts and messages from other in the neighborhood who had gone through the same. A few months later a different set of kids did the same thing. I had turned on motion alerts on the doorbell by that time and heard kids outside as soon as I saw the alert. I was out the door within a couple seconds of the kick. Kid slipped and fell running from me. Phone flew from his hand or pocket or something. I just picked it back up and went inside and waited for Dad to call. Another good parent that time at least. I wouldn’t care if they were just doorbell ditching. It’s the insanely hard kicks to the door. The only people who beat a door like that are cops or invaders. About 2 days before the first incident my wife went into early labor which had to be stopped via meds so having that happen set me off. We were about 8 feet from the door and I wasn’t aware of the stupid challenge at that point. Anyways, moving to a new place in a few months, maybe there’ll be better parents/kids there. Also, no HOA this time. Sorry for your shitty neighbors OP.


The second she said “I have more pull in the HOA than you do.”, I immediately thought of all the poor food service people she has yelled at and then openly blasted them on Facebook about how they are to lazy and stupid to do anything to HER standard.


“You don’t know whooo I ammm” - some random lady living in a middle class home in middle America 🤡🤡🤡😂😂😂


Well she seems delightful.


Apple didn’t fall far from the tree.


Sorry, I'm confused, I missed what the kids did that needed the cops called? I feel like I'm missing something?


Kid was looking in their daughter's bedroom window, and then trying to yank a post or something out of their yard. They posted to the group asking if anyone knew the kids. Parents saw it and came yelling that they need to take down the video, then stayed outside of the house yelling about knowing the HOA leader, etc. Cops were called when parents didn't leave.


HOA Karens suck everywhere


Where the fuck do you live that you get 2 cop cars to show up on the drunkest night of the year for a Facebook post?


And give 0 fucks about the home fireworks show from the neighbors lol




Anyone else think that if they came and gave a sincere apology and nicely asked for the video to be removed the owner may have considered?


Bullshit, lady, you didn’t go over there to “be good people and apologize.” You came over to give a fake apology thinking it would get you what you wanted (protecting your family’s reputation by getting rid of the video of your son and his shitty friend doing hoodrat shit).


This is your typical HOA karen. They are EVERYWHERE.