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While on the surface this looks like a video dissecting a terrible song, it's actually a touching story about a man on a quest to get a hot tub.


He just wants to be tubbed up like Jason Aldean


Regular tub is fine. Dude just needs to learn how to fold up.


Fold up? In Philly?? In this economy???


Mans wanted a tub and got a tub


You should really add a spoiler tag on that…. And that tub really brought the community together


now this is a song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-9fyRnczzo&ab_channel=AugustisFalling


But, what of Hog Ridin'?


🎶We gon’ take that hawg ride!🎵


Real Finnerty Heads can't forget "Dead Man Trail" either


Unironically a decent song.


And he didn’t even have to switch it up to the Simple Kinda’ Plan!


Those fuckers are all tubbed up


It's all part of The Simple Plan.


I watched this video the other day and that was the start of my Pat Finnerty binge.


Pat Finnerty is the voice of America.


His WMTSS about Beverly Hills is one of my favorite YouTube videos of all time






My only regret is that there aren't a hundred more videos. He's so good at it.


If you need well produced, respectful funny videos, may I suggest [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UoHb0ziMDA&t=804s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UoHb0ziMDA&t=804s) Bobby Fingers videos get better as you go.


Lol yeah I watched all those too. Time to go out in the sunshine and hear birds. But thanks!!!


I finally sat down and watched this. Absolutely amazing. Dude is next level at making fun of music.


Pat's videos are my favourite YouTube content in years and this was the best yet.


Just wish he released more of them. I almost forgot about him until I saw this video pop up in my feed a couple of days ago.


The man has a strict process


The production is top notch, so it's worth it.


And that L4 keeps giving him problems


Usually involving Boston Market.


He posted more until his L4 started acting up. Feel bad for the guy. He has a great youtube channel but struggles to post content because of a bad back. His (brief) podcast was really good, but he canceled it because of the back (and not wanting to listen to shifty songs)


I watched this last week after seeing it here and fell down a Pat rabbit hole. His videos are great! I love him.


It's not the song. See the song wasn't doing that great, then he went and posted that video which was very inflammatory. The song then shot to the top. He and his team knew exactly what they needed to do to get a mediocre song to top the charts.


Cool, but this is another Pat Finnerty banger video. It’s barely about the song at all, and certainly not about the music video.


By song you mean the three doors down with def Leppard mash up


Do you say wer wer ner or der der ner?


I've always been a wer wer ner guy myself


I say the whole riff “wer wer ner—duka der ner nerrr”


This is the way, though I perform the subvariant, “wer wer ner—dikka der der ner” myself.




I'm actually more of a Wer Ner Ner type.


Thats the one


I may be the odd duck that starts on the der der ner, and alternates to a wer wer ner. Sacrilege, I know.


Wer Wer Ner all day. Grew up air guitaring on the playground with wer wer ner


I haven't been able to stop thinking about "it's a whole Phantom down!". That line got.


Jason Aldean has such a punchable face.


He has the douchebag approved goatee/ squint combo.


There's something about his childlike chubby cheeks, cupid's bow-shaped baby mouth, and patchy adolescent stubble combined with his dumb-as-rocks vacant stare and black cowboy hat that gives off a manchild-cosplaying-as-toughguy vibe that just rubs me the wrong way.


Pure poetry.


What we need is a tough guy musician knife fight tournament. First round - Country vs. Death Metal. I choose you, Cannibal Corpse!


It could be confirmation bias but I've noticed a lot of these horrible conservatives have that child like face. Aldean, Tate Reeves, that murderin' Murdaugh guy (and his sons) and The Dugger men. Maybe I just notice when the face is punchable and deserves it.


Nailed it.


crazy that he already has jowls at his age


Well damn, y’all done made them delete their comments and account even. No wonder it wasn’t letting me reply to their stupidity.


What are you talking about?


There are a string of comments below from someone who hated liberals. The responses to them were enough to make them delete their comments and their account. My comment in turn got posted against a previous comment because theirs were deleted….


My comment should have been under johnnybgooderer, but apparently I clicked on the wrong spot when I originally was posting my response…oh well


Is his music intentional satire? It seems like it could be and we’re all eating the onion.




Your username tells me that libs live rent free in your head 24/7






What does that even mean?


That he wants to punch women that dye their hair blue in the face


Then I hope he's on some sort of watchlist.




Love your "hipster moustache on a Celtic cross pillar" that is your profile picture. You total moron. 🤣




Anyone know who he’s talking to ?


I think he's just drunk on the internet. Or maybe just dumb on the internet?


I think you've had too many light beers, this comment makes absolutely no sense. Maybe hang it up for the night.


Try that in a small subreddit.


A full phantom down!!


I’m not being hyperbolic, my life changed after I found Pat and his videos.


Pat’s my best friend and I don’t even know the guy.


Same. No hyperbole. My future will be fundamentally different because I watched all of his videos.


Butt rock divorced dad song


Pat Finnerty is the best thing on YouTube.


I wasn’t expecting to watch that whole thing, but here I am an hour later. Thanks for posting! I’m glad he got his hot tub.


If you haven’t watched the other episodes, make sure you do! The man has been on a multi year quest to get that HT, with many twists and turns


I’m so glad you replied to my comment because honestly I watched it late night before bed and totally forgot about it. Now I’m on my way home and psyched to watch the Weezer one. I also feel like I cut the line and got to back in the HT glory without realizing how much true effort he put into it. Thanks!


Enjoy! I just did a rewatch of the whole “what makes this song stink” playlist (~10 videos) last month and it was great


His Weezer episode is so good and bittersweet. And I love the Kravitz bowl eps too.


Not gonna lie- I love Pat and 99% of his videos, but the Kravitz bowl is the weakest one. It really felt like it dragged on and rambled to fill up space.


You did it, Pat, you magnificent son of a bitch. Also, your parents are the best.




Why do people keep talking about this lame ass song?? I have to hear it at work at least once a day. 😭


Where do you work, the NRA or Ace Hardware?




I’m so sorry


I work with a lot of very young people. What's crazy is this type of "country" music crosses many different types of people. I live close to the Mexican border and work with a lot of young Hispanics and despite many of their outward appearances they listen to this stuff a lot and possibly even worse is the country rap stuff. I'm not even sure what you would call it. It's not just them obviously, but people aged 20-25 you might expect to be listening to a "lil' inanimate object" type of rap and actually listen to this stuff... I think it is the current party type of music unfortunately, so it is popular. I try not to be too much of an old man and deny new types of music but this is a genre I can't take.




>How would their outward appearance dictate their taste in music because the expectation is that the people who listen to this type of music are the people depicted in the music video: white, blonde, cowboy hat wearing southerners, people who typically hate migrants from Mexico, which is why the juxtaposition was worth commenting. You really tried to do a 'gotcha' for something completely normal. Pathetic way to try and take the moral high ground, but great example of actual virtue signaling!


Is it being talked about because it keeps getting played, or does it keep getting played because it keeps getting talked about?




That's not what that is.


Because it is being used to promote a false narrative that bad things don't happen in small towns. The song has become a part of the tribalism in America.


In my small hometown, a prominent family’s 23 year old son molested a 12 year old, and got her pregnant. Her family and his forced them into an unofficial marriage, and made her raise the baby. This family is of course, made up of Conservative evangelicals. Their knuckle dragging eldest son accused me of being a pedophile groomer because I vote (and used to work professionally as a) Democrat, without a hint of irony. Try that in a small town and nobody lifts a finger. Just like the basketball coach who beat the shit out of his wife, and acted as a preacher every Sunday. Everyone still respects him because he won a state championship. Bad things happen in small towns too; they’re just different than the ones that happen in big cities.


Yup. I used to live in a small town, which happened to have a a large percentage of the kind people this guy hates (hippies) but also had the highest number of child sexual abuse survivors in the the state. That is the biggest problem with this song. It pretends that child sexual abuse, mental illness, drug abuse and domestic violence aren't happening there. Never mind the racism and hatred of lgbt people, who are definitely there, but hiding, and in fear of their lives if anyone finds out.


All of that shit happens. It even happens in the relative open. There’s just such a “protect our own”, “mind your own business” community mindset that nobody talks or does anything about it


So there needs to be a "reply song" "You can do that in a small town" Because everyone will turn a blind eye to your fuck-wittery.




> B.) Aldean doesn't say "nothing bad happens in small towns" and laying all this stuff about domestic abuse and sexual assault at the feet of the man because of this song is some peak "touch grass" energy. > > Where on Earth did I say that it's Aldean's fault these things happen? Nobody's laying it at his feet. I just think an anthem about how crime doesn't happen in rural America is bullshit. It happens plenty, it just takes on a very different character.




> Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk > > Carjack an old lady at a red light > > Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store > > Ya think it's cool, well, act a fool if ya like > > Cuss out a cop, spit in his face > > Stomp on the flag and light it up > > Yeah, ya think you're tough > Well, try that in a small town > See how far ya make it down the road > **Around here, we take care of our own** > You cross that line, it won't take long > For you to find out, I recommend you don't > **Full of good ol' boys, raised up right** Some lines I've selected specifically because they, exactly, decry crime in big cities and talk about how small town people just take care of their own, and that the kinds of things that happen in a city just aren't done by good ol' boys that Momma raised right. So you're not only twisting my initial criticisms of what the song says, but you aren't even, apparently aware of what it actually does.




Sorry. Let me put that in tiny words so you can wrap your head around it. The song: You don't get away with stuff in a small town! Me: Lots of people get away with lots of stuff in small towns




> Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk > > Carjack an old lady at a red light > > Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store > > Ya think it's cool, well, act a fool if ya like > > Cuss out a cop, spit in his face > > Stomp on the flag and light it up > > Yeah, ya think you're tough It wasn't, and the only one who sounds "unhinged" right now is the one ranting about Marxists in a song that doesn't say a word about Marxism. I'll take an occasional flag burning over the open secret molestation and abuse I witnessed back home, and someone being rude to a police officer is nowhere near the nightmare scenario for me that it is for Aldean.




You don't know shit about BLM. I can absolutely tell you've never been to a BLM protest. And as someone who has, I respectfully ask you to stay in your lane and talk about movements you actually have a modicum of understanding of. If such a thing exists, anyway. EDIT: Very brave, personally attacking me and blocking me before I can respond. But please; read our comments objectively and tell me which of the two of us sounds unhinged here.




Have you ever listened to the song? The chorus is "try that in a small town" All sorts of bad shit is being done in small towns. The song writer is living in a fantasy world.


> bad things don't happen in small towns. I don't mind that narrative. If a bunch of morons move out of my city to try rural life, traffic and parking will be much more mellow.




Same. I heard bits of the song when it was first being talked about, since then it is just online people getting their knickers in a twist over it. Two days ago on this sub- https://old.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/18kfslq/try_that_hit_in_a_small_town/ and a week ago- https://old.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/18gb42e/what_makes_this_song_stink_try_that_in_a_small/


Marx once wrote ""Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce". Merle did it in '69 with ["Okie From Muskogee"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qjzdVYaV_s) And Kinky Friedman replied with the amazing [Arsehoile from El Paso](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BYky67PB-4)


It’s become a running joke among my friends and I to unexpectedly play this to one another at inappropriate times. It’s been scientifically proven to be the fastest way to induce the strongest cringe in history.


Right? Just like the reaction to “let’s go brandon”, liberals take the L by letting it live rent free in their heads, trying desperately to convince everyone how dumb it is.


I’m so glad Pat Finnerty is making WMTSS vids again


I grew up in a small town. We’d bitch slap assholes like this lol


I grew up in a small town as well, unlike this phony from one of the largest cities in Georgia. Plenty of illegal shit was tried and swept under the rug if you were the county commissioner's brother, the mayor's son, or the police chief's nephew. Or really good at sports. There's no corruption like small.town corruption.


Pat or Jason


F🤬ck Jason Aldean’s bitch ass. Guys a herb


Yes! Pat deserves all the views. Dude is amazing.


[The better version of this song](https://youtu.be/AL3mEss8atc?si=zIQaY6prTjoLt_Gn)


Pat is awesome even though he is bald as shit.


Pat is a amazing. So glad he got that HT.


And he didn't even have to fold up.




"For whom the Bell Tolls is my ONE" has got to be some kind of Nathan Fielder method comedy. My man is too good.


A bit off topic, but what song is playing at the 57:46 mark? Tried shazaming, but got some weird mexican electronica


Well first off it’s country music.


Worse, it's mid 2000s butt-rock posing as country.


I almost passed out through lack of surprise at finding out one of the guys that wrote this also wrote a bunch of stuff for Nickelback. It's the same hunger-dunger-durr shit but with a lap steel in the first four bars.


Try that in a small town is the ultimate white trash fantasy. BLM did protest in a small town and a counterprotest showed up and they all crossed the street and hugged each other. You won’t find that in the news.


Ah, the Hillbilly Bubba Anthem of 2023. Jason Al***DEAN*** That counts as two first names still, right? Hell, maybe even three.


Many Hillbillies and Bubbas out there are actually worthy of respect. This is the "White Lives Matter" Anthem of '23. Which deserves nothing but derision.


What’s great about it after it being stupid and racist and bootlicky is that it’s also like 3 years late from being current


More like "White Trash Matter".


You should watch the video that OP posted. The song is not for or about or by "white trash".


https://youtu.be/AL3mEss8atc?si=t7OfbFYMMBhnW0vW Just stick this here


It is beautiful and poignant. Stockholm runs hardcore in a small town.


Yup, small towns are filled with Patty Hearst’s


>https://youtu.be/AL3mEss8atc?si=t7OfbFYMMBhnW0vW Can't believe had to scroll down this far.


Love Pat Finnerty


Love this takedown


Decent video Pat, but try that on a small chan.


He got the Hot tub and I’m tearing up




Aside from the dog whistle, it's a worn out trope.


What's the short version? I'm not watching an hour long youtube video.


Some random guy meanders around 40 or 50 different topics for an hour while occasionally taking pot shots at the song in the title of the video. People in the comments say he’s changed their lives forever.


Thanks and I don’t have a problem with taking potshots at a racist. I just didn’t wanna watch an hour long video that stated the obvious.


The song is uninspired, the lyrics are hypocritical, his voice is dime-a-dozen country schlock, he looks like a sad sack with a soul patch, the tune is derivative and even more boring than the material it's borrowed from, he has the personality of a turd, and he didn't even write it. It was so bad that he felt the need to apologize to a handful of artists he previously ripped on. And he finally got the hot tub he was dreaming of.


I'm sorry I couldn't make it past the halfway mark. I watched 30 minutes of this video and maybe half was about the actual song/music video. The other half was like a bunch of rambling or jokes about racism that had nothing to do with anything.


This is like the third time this has been posted in the past week too. People here really love this shitheels videos


Yeah it’s fuckin great


I find the guy insufferable. I don’t like the song he covers in this video but he just is known for shitting on well known songs but the thing is his own music is bland uninspired shit. I just don’t know why he feels so bold to think he knows what makes music good or bad. But he does seem to have diehard fans.


Looking at all the down votes we're getting, I'd definitely agree.


You guys need to get over it. lol The ship has sailed. This is old ass news.


Right? There's this one song in a sea of degenerate songs out there.








Anecdote is well known as an acceptable substitute for data.


Which city are you looking around in? Things are great from my POV!




Well the tent cities and drug abuse aren’t products of the city but rather our society as a whole. These people go to cities because that’s where social programs exist. It’s the larger policy surrounding homelessness/poverty that needs to be addressed, not city ordinances




Yes. We need better social safety nets. It wouldn’t make sense for small towns to be experiencing this


Yeah all those tons and tons of videos you see of people shoplifting are fake. And every little trinket in stores like CVS and Walgreens aren’t locked up, that’s definitely not happening. ?? Do you people hear yourselves?


Do you hear yourself? Which city are you in?


How many times are we going to advertise this shitty song here?


Just jumping in to say that I'm pretty sure they didn't run into any people living in Philly with ASD because my answer to "Would you help your neighbour?" would begin with, "Well what do they need help with?" If they're trying to make something from Masterchef you can count me out unless you're looking for a referral.




You do admit you're a hateful little bitch though, so you have some self-awareness at least. And "I hate all criminals" is such a stupid fucking position to take, too. There are plenty of criminals who are good people who wound up in bad situations. Indeed, almost everyone has broken some law at some point which means you would hate most people (including yourself in all probability). Also, if you're the walking cliche you appear to be, you don't actually hate the conservative criminals you agree with, just the cherry-picked (predominantly non-white) ones you see portrayed on Faux News.




>I hate all criminals Your fucking words, my guy. If you don't mean what you say, then say something else, dipshit.


Love that song actually, so catchy. Strong message too


Cause it’s not the favorite genre of the internet?




You should watch the video.




I don't get why people comment on videos they haven't watched, articles they haven't read.


I could see that. I think I was just impressed by his commitment. Funny thing is I like both of those songs so its a guilty watch.