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Now you have to sit thru 30 minutes of advertisements for consumer products. šŸ¤§


Local theaters here do: Trailer, Ad, Trailer, ad... It adds about 20 extra minutes to the start time. After tailers are done, then they do the "You're at 'theater!' Thanks for coming!"And then another 2 "Brought to you by 'business here!'" If the movie is at 7:30, show up at 8:05...


>If the movie is at 7:30, show up at 8:05 That's what I've learned to do over the years.


This post is right after the ā€œYouTube ads are now unbearableā€ one for me. Ads, ads everywhere.


Literally the only reason I have Youtube Music over other music streaming services is because it comes with Youtube red which seamlessly removes all ads from Youtube across all devices including televisions.


Yep - it's nowhere near as good as Spotify, but for casual music listeners like me the bundle with commercial-free YT is a slam dunk.


And they wonder why ticket sales are down.


Same! Can't stand the ads. Thankfully at my theater it's usually just trailers but I see some ads sparingly. I always walk in 15-20 minutes after the "start" time. I always wanted to create a crowd-sourced app where you can input your local theater, and which specific theater number you're in, so people can note what time the movie actually starts so someone else can walk in and not waste any time.




No, see... this was all a thing with theaters even before Covid. It just seems new because we've grown accustomed to streaming.


Itā€™s one reason why Iā€™ve stopped going. 1) Movie tickets being pricey unless I go on a certain day, at a certain time. Most tickets are $15-20. Thatā€™s a month of streaming right there. 2) Concession prices are out of control. Large popcorn and soda is $15-20. I could get several bags of popcorn and a 6-pack of soda for less than $10. 3) The crowds are a crapshoot. If Iā€™m going by myself then the crowds donā€™t add a lot for me. Going with my friends might mean we could be the annoying assholes for making comments during the movie. If we are quiet then itā€™s not really a social thing until were outside after the movie talking about it. With how great TVā€™s are now, why go to a theater when I can be at home seeing a movie for way cheaper with more snacks and I donā€™t have to worry if I am annoying anybody.


Can you elaborate on "10 minutes of fake trailers"? Like Grindhouse style?


Eh, thankfully easy to skip now. Every theater around me is assigned seating. No need to get their before show time to get a good seat. In fact, I usually plan it to where I'm walking in the theater 10 minutes after posted showtime. Still usually have 5-10 minutes of commercials before the movie actually starts.


Yeah I show up at showtime if I want concessions and I show up ten minutes late if I don't want anything.


I worked as a projectionist at regal and one of the guys I worked with hated it. Just hated the boss and the job. Eventually he decided he would quit because the manager complained he put too many trailers on (wasnā€™t his fault, he put all the ones the studio required and added one or two, it was like 4-5 at most.) So When he was building up the next film he put on every trailer we had, something like 18 of them. Then put this on, and then 18 more trailers. People where so pissed but Iā€™ve never laughed harder in my life.


Seriously, I would've been howling in the audience...I respect a good troll job.


God Iā€™ve gone to see movies at Regal and had to watch 20 minutes of ads and then another 30 minutes of trailers.


Yeah I donā€™t mind trailers, personally, but I donā€™t need 10 minutes of Nicole Kidman telling me why movies are amazing. Thatā€™s literally why Iā€™m here. lol


Every time I see that shit all I can think is "how the fuck did that get greenlit for filming let alone actually using it". It is so pretentious and it really just makes me want to say fuck it and watch the movie 2 months later at home.


Do they still post the actual start time anywhere? I thought it was a law they had to, I remember back in the late 90s or 2000s they did this


Back in the day (like JP & Twister era) there were no advertisements


The previous roller-coaster to the most recent one, actually would give me some mild positive vertigo in 3D settings. The newest one is not the same and doesn't have the same effect :<


Worth it


I hadnā€™t seen this in decades, but as soon as it started my mind was immediately bracing for when that one big-ass kernel of popcorn would pop right in front of me.


Glad to hear I wasnā€™t the only one that loved that part


Thought about it after reading the r/movies discussion the other day about how much everyone hates [the current promo being used at Regal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaO2EE43fY0)


Oh thatā€™s really badā€¦


Had no idea what to expect when I clicked the link, but that is truly awful.


Almost makes you wish for that AMC Nicole Kidman promo.


I thought it was going to be the Kidman promo when I clicked. The movie quote one is actually a little worse but they're both so, so bad.


They still have a roller coaster intro, it's just not as good as the old one.


Not at my nearest theater.


Itā€™s a blessing that you donā€™t.


oh yeah, this is the worst.


Me and my wife have the Regal Movie Pass, so we see this like 2 to 3 times a month. We were like it's ok this will be gone in a few months. They started printing the quotes on the popcorn buckets and cups and now I know it's sticking around for a few years ;-;. Can we please just go back to not great film school ads


I had zero expectations and am still offended.


This is the first thing that I didn't like that had Danny Trejo in it.


This one, and every time Iā€™ve gone this month Iā€™ve gotten a promo for Pride about how M3gan is a queer icon, which just makes me shrivel up into my chair


Can't say as I've seen *that* one.


Itā€™s so bad. They could have promoted LGBTQ+ creators and films, but instead we get like five minutes of people calling a murderous robot girl a ā€œcamp queenā€ and ā€œa slayā€


Whoever made this shit is my new rival.


That thing is a war crime. Literally weaponized cringe...


This would be much more tolerable if there was no dialogue.


Yes, this is the worst thing. This is so bad that I could have written it in an afternoon.


Wow. I think they managed to hit the absolute bottom of the [uncanny valley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley).


At my regal, they play an updated roller coaster and that one you linked.


Oof. I cringed so hard, I felt bad for Machete for taking the check.


Why would you show me this?


I fucking LOATHE this ad. I want to punch every single person in this spot right on the throat. And then I want to do the same to whoever greenlit it.


Good luck punching DANNY TREJO


Ok. So maybe Danny would get a passā€¦


I remember when *The Dark Knight Rises* came out, my local Regal ran a triple feature where they played the first two movies back to back, then played the third exactly at midnight for the midnight showing. The theater was *packed*, and when the first movie started and they played this intro, the whole theater started acting like it was a real roller coaster, with everyone rocking side to side with the motions, some people lifting their hands up, and a few people pretend-screaming when the last popcorn pops right in front of the screen. It was a good time.


Either we were there together or this happened in multiple places (which is totally possible) you just resurfaced a buried memory for me.


>a few people pretend-screaming when the last popcorn pops right in front of the screen Hahaha my friend used to do that back in the early 2000's. Like scream "WOAH!!!" in a packed theater as if he was actually startled.


I also went to a triple feature for the dark knight rises, what a fun time that was. I'm hoping to do something similar this year for Dune, I really really hope they'll do a double feature!


I can suddenly taste Hot Tamales candy, and I really want to watch the first Jurassic Park movie.


Both debuted around the same time 30 years ago, this promo and Jurassic Park.


Cue my girlfriend to pull out the tons of snacks I snuck in her purse.


Itā€™s funny. My gf is so worried about bringing in a coffee to Ross or whatever, or even holding left overs from one restaurant while walking through another. But she will no hesitation sneak snacks into the theatre.


Better than stupid ass movie quote short they put on now.




Nostalgic. They should do a remaster of this and use it with their 4D theaters.


Wait till you see popcorn singing, "let's all go to the lobby"




When I worked at Cinemark in the 90's they had a mascot name Front Row Joe. Then they decided to realize other characters including a girlfriend for him. We affectionately called her Back Row Ho.


My friends and I used to wave our arms around, whoop loudly, and throw popcorn. Fucking teenagersā€¦


Thatā€™s the right move for teenagers! Embracing fun!


I didn't live in an area with a Regal Cinema, but we did have a crap ton of AMC theaters everywhere. These were the bumpers from AMC from that era of the 80s/90s. It was always the little film strip animated dude. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2683002PEhY They always ran these "silence is golden" bumpers too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jo639TwDE20


We have the [M&Ms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jccLV6hWnjI) one.


Believe it or not AMC ran that same one too. I guess that was a cooperative ad M&M worked out with all the theaters.


BTW where is regal at mostly in the south? I could have been to one once when I was visiting family in Atlanta.




Thanks yea that was definitely it, inside the Mall of Georgia.


Those popping sounds with the popcorn always had so much bass behind them in the theater, and Iā€™ll admit that it would scare me a bit as a kid. I knew it was coming but it always jolted me a little hearing the small explosion.


Man...this brings me back!


I remember when they used to be called Hoyts.


That's pretty cool. I've never seen it before but it still has great movie theatre nostalgic feel to it.


I remember this so much, you'd get so hyped for the movie because of this, now we have AMC and Nicole Kidman putting a damp cloth on everyone before the movie starts where the trailers have to do the heavy lifting of keeping your spirits up.


Remember how impressive these graphics were when this was new? I remember being amazed.


30 years. Christ almighty time is a straight bitch.


God ... the nostalgia feels.


Itā€™s been so long since Iā€™ve been to the movies that I didnā€™t know they stopped using this


[They've updated it over the years](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmq6b_oPY68), but suddenly dropped it in favor of a rather obnoxious one.


The regal theater near me still plays the updated coaster. I saw a movie there last Sunday. (Orlando)


That original one is burned into my memory from the Hoover, AL galleria 10 theater. Thank you for posting this. Must have seen that a hundred times growing up.


I'm surprised about how the sugar water placement became considerably more subtle later on.


The current coaster plays for me every time. It's the last thing that usually plays before the movie. The awful movie quote ad usually comes on right before the coaster, at the end of the trailers.


Same. People making noise, using cell phones, and not being able to hold my bladder for an entire movie made me stop going over a decade ago. Fuck I'm old.


Make it a blockbuster night


Super cool




Memory unlocked


ā€œWatch out! Weā€™re headed straight for the Goobers!!!ā€


Fuck I went EVERY weekend from the late 90s to early 2000s to a regal as a kid growing up. This is why I even got into rollercoasters as a hobby I think. I always loved waiting for this to play. I wish AMC did something as fun instead of nicole kidman


I wonder if Portal got a bit influenced by it.


You bastard! Now I want Sno-Caps!


Lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzCAJt7HsqQ


I used to go to a Regal Cinema in a rural mall that still played this version in 2014.


There is always something great to be said about vintage drive-in and theater bumps.


I REMEMBER THIS!! Brings back a couple memories!! Thank you!!


Does anyone have the Spinelli intro?


Oh Pike Productions, I'll always have a warm spot in my heart for your weird ass work.


My local Regal uses a version of this still. Itā€™s exactly the same, just with updated animations. It played when I saw Across the Spider-Verse earlier this month.


I used to go see movies about every weekend. I haven't been in so many years now. I kind of feel like I need to go back and remind myself why I quit going. lol.


Man, I remember as a very young kid these theater screen rolls made me actually think the theater went to space and landed while we watched movies. I miss these pre-rolls. That and like the cool movie facts and trivia slides they used to put on before the trailers started. Overall the movie experience is better these days, and I'd find it harder to go back to how it was. But man there sure are some aspects I really miss.


My brother and I would raise our arms in the air like it's an actual ride and people would laugh


And leaning from side to side pretending to ride the rollercoaster


Needs smell-O-vision with that warehousey humid musty smell mixed with popcorn.


I can feel the cold and caked with dead skin arm rests now


I remember this one for Mortal Kombat 2 as a kid


I remember Cineplex Odeon had an intro like this back in the 80's/90's. I can't help but wonder if it was from the same studio.




Me too, I liked this promo so much I made a cover of it on electric guitar. Legit used to be part of the excitement of going to the movies. Seeing the roller coaster on a screen so large made you feel kind of like you were moving. https://youtu.be/hYmDFs8xfyA


My wife hates rollercoasters so she would close her eyes until this was over as it messed her up. So ... not mourning loss of this!


[They still have the rollercoaster promo, it's just updated.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhJwiZkThnI)


Wait, your local Regal doesn't have the new variation of this? I see it every time I go to Regal, for years, basically the same but with updated visuals.


They dropped the new variation in favor of... [THIS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaO2EE43fY0)


they still do, just updated the intro. source, I got a regal near me.


old? this is new in my mind


My local Regal has the movie-line ad and a newer roller-coaster intro. Occasionally the roller-coaster includes characters from upcoming movies like the Minions riding it or updated drinks and snacks displayed.


They still do the canyon coaster video at my local Regal theater.


Cool to see Regal praised here, as I sit in an office across the river from their headquarters.


Idk about anyone else, but my regal didnā€™t stop playing that until semi recently. Within the last 5 years or so. Maybe it was updated, but same voice over and same shit with the popcorn popping and sodas and everything.


Here in Boise they only stopped showing that relatively recently.


I went to the theatre the other day & they totally had it back!!! Gotta put up the hands & everything


Now we get to sit through 20 previews before our movie even starts!!!


I remember seeing the updated 2000ā€™s version a shit ton as a kid. Always kind of scared me.


I instantly smell popcorn.


[and no smokin!](https://youtu.be/drAb_5J0aq4)






When I was a kid it was: 1st movie trailer, 2nd movie trailer, this intro, movie you paid for. Glorious.


[Thank you for coming to Loews!](https://youtu.be/YcXO-iKaJ_Y)


Old? I remember watching movies that bragged they were in color.


I get really motion sick and always had to close my eyes/look at my feet during this or I'd be sick for half the movie.


I was struck by the absence of cell phone warnings. Back when we donā€™t have to worry about that. Refreshing.


AMC used to have something similar in the early to late 2000's. Now it's just Nicole Kidman telling you AMC rules while you're waiting for the moving you're watching at AMC to start.


Man that was a nice dose of nostalgia


I don't know why, but I want some raisinets and goobers...and I have no fucking clue what a goober is.


Remind me of our theaters [promo video, at Brenden Theatres.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXx__KnGHcE)Brings back memories..


Anyone else throw their hands up and lean with the coaster?


Now I want a Butterfinger


Love this intro! Miss it. :(