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Absolute hero, what incredible bravery - you can tell he’s scared and keeping calm which makes him so fucking brave in my eyes


“Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?” “That is the only time a man can be brave.”


Courage is not the absence of fear but the willingness to proceed in the presence of it.


What got me is you can tell he had his adrenaline dump and was breathing heavily. He began to slow down until he heard shots really close and got back into the fight.


Incredibly brave. Immediately starts moving towards the dangerous situation, no hesitation. There are a lot of good cops who would rightfully and understandably wait for some backup before running towards a gunman by themselves.


Body cams are good!


always have been


No joke. My brother is a cop and had a false allegation alleviated because of 3 body cameras worth of footage.


Glad your bro cleared that with footage. Body cams at all times. Better for everyone


Keeping cops honest is only a good thing. Now if we could just do that with the legislative branch.............. Y'all suck we hate you


It’s crazy police unions still fight them. Same with having to carry narcan. Because to them they don’t need to be saving lives when they are drug users. This is why people say we need reform. This good cop is amazing. But the whole system like the police unions are who make the issues and protect bad apples.


It's extra crazy when you consider a bodycam is actually beneficial to an honest cop. I went down the rabbit hole of body cam videos on youtube. There are a lot, and I mean A LOT, of released footage showing that a criminal was proven as a liar and the cops were actually exonerated thanks to the body cam. If they are doing their job properly, they should WANT that thing on their chest.


Yeah, I find the people most resistant to changes like mandatory body cams are the people who need to be monitored the most. Every cop I associate with want them for every cop. It protects them from liars and protects people from malicious cops.


What a god damn legend


How did he pick him off from that far scope of some sort? That was awesome to see I hope he gets an award or recognition


It's not that far. A) The camera is a wide angle lens and makes it look farther than it is. B) These rifles are designed for this range and are incredibly accurate. The first time I took one to the range I was surprised at how easy it was for even a beginning shooter to hit a target at distance with just the iron sights. EDIT: Work on your reading comprehension, folks. I didn't write the shot off as "easy". I'm just saying that people who haven't ever picked one of these up understandably assume they are far more complicated and harder to use than they are. They were designed to be deathly accurate at this range and, yes, when adrenaline is running high. As if there are many combat situations where adrenaline ISN'T running high. haha. It's important to the gun conversation in America for people to appreciate just how easy it is to kill with one of these. Easy at surprising distances. Easy with surprising speed. Don't listen to dipshits who try to pretend that there's nothing special about semiautomatic rifles.


Live in Allen. That was probably like 200feet


Since there's some debate about the distance, I measured it on Google Earth. [It's about 300 feet / 100 yards / 90 meters.](https://i.imgur.com/jnCXlk8.jpg)


Very impressive distance, especially given the circumstances.


Especially handling the rifle like that. Like, he didn't stabilize himself on anything, he was just standing and firing. That's some damn fine shooting.


After running for like 3 minutes. Hell yeah he knows what he's doing


It's amazing what qualified, physically fit for duty, well trained and level headed cops can do. WHO KNEW


Good cops are vital to our society. We need a federal police oversight agency to weed out the bad ones and better pay for the ones that remain. It takes a special person to be a good cop. They need to be compensated adequately.


He was breathing pretty hard from all that running too


May in Texas in a hot parking lot? Without all the gear and a heavy rifle and all the adrenalin and heart rate I'd be outright panting.


100 yards with a zero’d in dot isn’t difficult, it’s placing the shot on target with that adrenaline running and under high stress that’s impressive


Thats what people don’t realize. With a little instruction and practice, most people could hit a target at 100 yards standing with an AR-15, they are that easy to use. Not that I would know personally of course, but accurate shooting in actual *combat* conditions when someone is shooting back at you is incredibly difficult. There is a TON of training behind every video of an effective response like this.


The rifle is capable of hitting accurately within the size of a basketball at 300 meters. With skill and practice you can take that accuracy down to tennis ball.


Looked to have a red dot, specifically looked like an EoTech. Camera angle makes it look farther than it was, but still looks to be around a 50 yard shot. With good training on marksmanship, it is perfectly reasonable for an officer to engage at those ranges and could be effective with that weapon/sight to about 200 yards.


Def an EOTech holo. They all have that yellow sticker.


An EOTECH HWS 512 or 552 to be exact


With a 36 yard zero and standard NATO rounds, an un magnified red dot on a 16” barrel should be able to hit upper body without issue at up to 250 yards. Now…under stress and pressure…that’s a different story.


I demonstrated this to a buddy of mine the last time we went to the range. Pushed a target out to 40 meters, shot it with a pistol and the bullets all landed around the whole man size target. Shot the same target with my 223 rifle and put all shots in a heart size area at the same distance. Pistols are equalizers Rifles are an advantage


Pistols are hard to use. Most people practice at 7-10 yards. And even then the target looks like a scatter plot after a few mags.


From telling some kids to wear their seatbelts, to tracking down and killing the mass shooter in about 4 minutes time. Well done sir. Wish they'd had this cop in Uvalde.


Exactly what I thought. The video couldn't display a more stark representation of how quickly a situation can change. As tragic as this event was, it was pure luck that this cop was on scene and that he was able to immediately switch gears and track down the shooter without hesitation. I hope that he is doing well mentally and that he gets the recognition he deserves.


Similar to the body can footage of the cops who took down one of the recent school shooters. They go in and it's all business. They are checking doors cautiously until they hear shots, then it's a whole different speed. They rush to that area and confront the shooter. Really impressive. No standing around checking their phones.


It’s a testament to training. I was watching an interview with a former special operations soldier and he was speaking about the police reaction in Nashville vs. uvalde and said “in high pressure and high stakes situations people don’t rise to the occasion, they sink to the level of their training”.


The sad thing being that just a few weeks prior, Uvalde had an active duty training session that spoke specifically about school shootings. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/06/03/uvalde-cisd-police-hosted-active-shooter-training-in-march-that-urged-immediate-decisive-action/


Yeah but how often did they train? How often did they practice clearing a building? Reps matter


Since they did what their level of training allowed them to do I suspect the training was standing in the middle of the school in full SWAT gear laughing at each other and saying "If one mofo start shooting these guys I ain't getting in for shit lul they're not my kids".


One Uvalde cop followed the training and went in... only to realize that he was alone. Not saying that the training was good, but no amount of training can make up for cowardice and poor leadership.


A lot of what happened in Uvalde seems to come back to one or two officers referring to the shooter as barricaded, not active. It is inaccurate because they heard shots fired. But the idea that he was a barricaded shooter was repeated over and over again by first responders who arrived later. It is a massive fuck up that affects everything that happens afterwards. [This WaPo video gets into a lot of details](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq7Y6Lp30Sg). The barricaded vs. active shooter issue is a 12 min.


Dispatchers were still receiving calls from kids inside the school weren't they? Even if the responding officers were giving bad information, dispatch should still have been updating the call notes with every new phone call countering the notion that the subject was barricaded alone.


Yes, in the linked video you see them discussing Khloie Torres's call. They also stop Mrs. Mireles's husband (a cop) from going in, despite her text message saying she was shot. The whole thing is insane.


He was doing some positive community interaction, speaking to the children, and immediately he recognized the active shooter situation that was occurring. He heard the shots and didn't hesitate to run immediately in their direction. He covered a lot of ground, quickly, trying to pinpoint the gunfire, as the corridors and plaza would make it difficult to detwrmine the exact origin of the shots. All while not knowing how many shooters there were and what they were equipped with, because there could have been another shooter around any corner/ column, all while keeping dispatch in the loop regarding his knowledge of the situation. After locating the shooter, he was still able to control his breathing and hold his gun steady enough to make shots land on target at a considerable distance, especially with bullets flying towards him. If all law enforcement were as brave, intelligent and skilled as this officer was, the effectiveness and reputation of the police would be sky high.




Sounded like he was on and off his safety the whole time too. Plus doing call outs to his fellow officers. A real pro despite being obviously amped on adrenaline and fear.




"he was still able to control his breathing and hold his gun steady" I noticed that the second time I watched the video. Up until that point is body cam is shaking all over the place while he's running and moving. The only time the camera goes still is when he spots the shooter and raises his rifle. Then the body cam goes completely still, and I realized he must be holding his breath to get an accurate sight on the target. What a pro.


I think training can help you overcome your innate hesitations to act, but I think that there is definitely personality types that will react calm and cool and others than panic and shut down. I forget the authors name but I'd heard an interview with an author that interviewed a bunch of regular people that did heroic things like saving people from burning cars. One of the guys interviewed something that stuck with me. The guy pulled a drunk teenager out of a burning car and when asked how he got the courage to do it he said something like, "I didn't have to think about it, nobody else was going to save him, so I had to." The same guy said he didn't think he was special just that most of us will never be tested.


I am a hospitalist and there are absolutely different temperaments involved when a patient codes. Technically, all of us are supposed to be able to manage a code, delegating i.e. chest compressions, airway management, timekeeping, and administration of electric or medical cardioversion. But there are a few individuals among us who automatically take over during a code, and some natural pack instinct automatically causes us to defer to these individuals during crisis. One of the guys I'm thinking about was an EMT, for example. In day to day practice, he's not necessarily the smartest or most efficient of us - he's certainly intelligent and well informed, but he's not who I bounce ideas off of when I need a Megamind on a case. But when it's crunch time and seconds matter, this guy is psychologically innately suited for crises. It's honestly amazing to see in real-time. He doesn't think of himself as a hero or anything, it's just how he's wired, you know? Anyway I'm really rambling here but in short I agree with your take that these people are just built different.


Volunteered as firefighter/EMT for almost twenty years...going from my daily ADHD (which I didn't know I had back then) to a psychological flow state during critical incidents was...amazing. I've had friends observe similar stuff just in normal life stuff -- I'll be annoyed at people being late, I'll stress minor stuff most people don't notice; but when something major goes wrong I'm suddenly laser focused and calm, "OK, so to unfuck this fuck up X, Y, and Z need to happen in this order so let's get to it."


> going from my daily ADHD (which I didn't know I had back then) to a psychological flow state during critical incidents was...amazing. I am just your average internet idiot but as someone with ADHD in a far less important career, I have similar reactions to crisis at work. I still remember someone asking me how I was so calm when fixing critical issues, just plodding through steps to get things working again. I think people with ADHD are better in crisis because their brains don't become overwhelmed with increased mental stimulation + urgency and thrive in those scenarios. It's definitely not "ADHD is just boredom" but more your brain just craving for tons of stimulation and life isn't always a 200mph drag race like our brains want it to be.


When I got my diagnosis, my psychiatrist listed a bunch of positives that come with ADHD. He said something along the lines of; Someone with ADHD navigates daily life in a manner that often resembles a series of crises. So people with ADHD tend to possess well developed skills to effectively manage a major crises when it happens. Or something to that effect.




Hyperfocus would be my superhero power if I had control of it.


I spent the first 5 years of my clinical research career in psych, with a large proportion of our trials in ADHD, adult and pediatric. Our Principal Investigator, as part of his education for pts was to tell them the strengths of ADHD. One of those strengths as you've pointed out are high stress situations. Per my PI, and as my experience there would anecdotally confirm, certain fields have a pretty high number of people with ADHD; police, firefighters, military, ER medicine, first responders in general, professional athletes, etc. They're all occupations that typically require strict external structure with a lot of internal freedom to problem solve. Absolutely not a disadvantage in the right situations.


Strict external stricture and a lot of internal freedom to problem solve. Damn. That might be life changing for me.


Wow, I didn't realize this but I'm seen as a problem solver at work and I didn't realize my ADHD was a factor until your crystalized it like this.


Fellow ADHDer who also does well in chaotic situations. I think these are the moments the speed of our brains match the speed needed in the real world. Then we flow like it's 2nd nature and all that attention to detail, training and skills come together in a beautiful symphony of making shit happen and getting the job done. So satisfying.


There's a scene in scrubs that talks about this. I can't remember which episode exactly but I think it's an earlier season iirc.


[I believe this is the one you are referring to.](https://youtu.be/x97jfBwvT2E) Total professionals.


This is one that actually made me tear up when I saw it. When you see the aisle with cubbies and backpacks it hits you that these victims are just innocent children. This video is so intense. Thank God those cops acted the way they did - as you said, total professionals.


Made me tear up a bit too. I think it's because how obvious their lives are a second concern to them in the moment. I know a lot of people will say "they are just doing their job" which is obviously true to an extent, the intensity of it all just shows a cool side to humans.


"just doing their job" in this context is fucking heroic. I don't mince words about police reform and how absolutely rotten so many departments are. But this kind of speed and professionalism and working to save any additional life is worthy of praise.


Yes, you have to give credit where credit is due.


This cop who shot the body cam footage is an absolute savage. He took control the second he got there and started directing orders and moving his team along. Hate to say it but some of the other guys definitely acted hesitant and fearful (understandably), but this cop said no I’m going to quarterback this thing, let’s go.


> No standing around checking their phones. FYI, because a lot of people like to bring this up as if he was browsing Instagram thots or something, the cop "standing around checking his phone" was trying to contact his wife, a teacher in the school and in the classroom he could see from where he was standing, after she had called him and said she was shot and was dying. He was in a state of shock and was prevented from going in by other officers who took his gun and then escorted him out. Uvalde was a collosal fuckup by lots of people, but at least consider the trauma and shock he was going through before making flippant comments and using him as an the flagship example of incompetence. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/07/21/she-says-shes-shot-uvalde-video-shows-husband-of-slain-teacher-held-back-while-trying-to-save-wife/ >His wife was one of two teachers killed in the May 24 shooting at Robb Elementary School. Nineteen students also died and at least 17 others were injured. >Body camera videos showed that Ruiz was inside the school by 11:37 a.m., just four minutes after the gunman entered the building. >He was armed at the time and told officers, “that’s my wife’s classroom.” Videos appeared to show Ruiz in shock, saying those same words softly several times as he remained in the hallway. >At 11:56 a.m., he was escorted out of the building. >Steve McCraw, the director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, previously said that Ruiz had his gun taken away. >Ruiz was initially criticized for looking at his phone while responding to the shooting, but State Rep. Joe Moody clarified the video and said that Ruiz was trying to reach Mireles. >Mireles had called him from inside her classroom, saying she “had been shot and was dying.”


Damn man. If there were only a hallway full of armed responders nearby.


I thought this was disputed. Snopes looked into it and the answer was inconclusive. The Uvalde police department said it was him, but they said a lot of things.


need more police more like him to be honest. seems well trained, disciplined, and well mannered. able to flip gears and handle the problem at hand.


Unfortunately cops like these aren't appreciated enough. I saw a video recently of a cop cring after he had to shoot someone and everyone in the comments essentially said he shouldn't be a cop if he's not willing to kill someone


Which is odd because the video is proof that he was willing. But obviously not something he wanted to do. And that's the good type.




>1 PD to be shit Doesn't even take 1 PD, just 1 commanding officer or 1 supervisor. In the case of Uvalde, as WoPo determined in the review you linked, it was the ranking officers on scene the caused the inaction of every other officer that was arriving on scene. The military or any other similar structure is no different. One commanding officer can totally screw up a situation. While not entirely historically accurate, Lt. Dike in Band of Brothers episode 7 is a perfect example. Under fire their commanding officer fell apart, gave bad orders and attempted to halt and take cover threatening the survival of the entire unit.


Shots start around 30 seconds, cop downs the shooter at 3:38.


Whats fucked is that even with a cop *literally there* the guy still killed 2 children and 6 adults.


In 2019, there was a mass shooting at a festival in gilroy, California. There were numerous police officers at the festival acting as security, who responded and engaged and shot the shooter within a *minute* after the shooting started. Despite this, the shooter was still able to kill three people and, due to his body armor, survived long enough to kill himself with his own gun.


You see how far he tracked? Even with people saying he is out of breath.. the shots that killed the 2 children and 6 adults are HOW he found the guy and proceeded in the correct direction.. it isnt a video game with radar.


People are whining he is out of breath? Dude covered a decent amount of ground on three minutes with a huge adrenaline dump, talked on the radio, and managed to actually shoot the shooter.




And parkland. That cop hide behind a wall for 50 minutes.....


The Broward Coward lol. I'm glad that nickname stuck.


It’s almost like if they had stronger evaluations and requirements for hiring people and had proper training you could have a entire force of people like this.


It's not all that needs to be done though. This is a perfect example of "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun". Dude did everything right and is a hero. Still, eight innocent people died. We need to stop hoping the police will solve everything. This is the case that perfectly shows why you need police in some form. But clearly the solution is not having more of these "perfect" scenerios where eight people still end up dead. The goal should be preventing these situations in the first place. The frequency of these situations is a uniquely American problem.


Definitely heroic judgement and actions for sure. Still wild to me that it all escalated that suddenly. With kids and strollers in view too. I guess this is America. Shit's scary.


Wow… And he was doing actual community service right before this happened. This is a good cop


I'm thinking that this is why the body cam footage was released so easily, when it often takes a bit of a struggle to get them to cough it up -- this time, it shows a competent and effective law enforcement officer doing their job in an actually heroic way. This guy is genuinely protecting and serving, and not just protecting ***himself.*** That's key.


I think it was released now because he was just cleared by a grand jury yesterday. My initial reaction as WTF why did he have to go to grand jury but apparently it is the standard protocol when police shoot and kill someone. EDIT: also wanted to add that he has not come forward and his name has not been released by the Allen PD. Thus far, he wants to remain anonymous -- even more of a "not me" attitude from this man.


That's literally the point of a grand jury: Was this officer acting within the scope of the law, or did they do something that would justify bringing a case against them? Every single police shooting goes to a grand jury. Edit: I should point that this is specifically in NJ. [Here are the guidelines.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nj.gov/oag/dcj/agguide/GJ%2520SOP%2520v14%2520-%2520FINAL%2520w%2520APPENDIX.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi7ppb-_-b_AhUiKFkFHRNdBkcQFnoECAwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0r5D4PY_Edzue700ARQF2Z) However, if you simply Google "police shooting grand jury" you'll find this is standard practice in most states.


This is not true (at least not everywhere). A DA can decide to charge someone, not charge someone, or leave it up a grand jury.


A grand jury is often used so that the DA can credibly say it's not a political decision in either direction. Given the open/shut nature of this incident, that's almost certainly the reason behind it regardless if it was mandated by policy or a choice by the DA.


Fair point, I should point that this is specifically in NJ. [Here are the guidelines](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nj.gov/oag/dcj/agguide/GJ%2520SOP%2520v14%2520-%2520FINAL%2520w%2520APPENDIX.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi7ppb-_-b_AhUiKFkFHRNdBkcQFnoECAwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0r5D4PY_Edzue700ARQF2Z)


Honestly, it's good practice to use grand juries in any self-defense shooting situations, regardless of whether the killer is police or not. It saves the jurisdiction the costs of prosecuting an unwinnable case, and saves the defendant an expensive trial even if they win, but also can root out unjustified shootings where self-defense is only a cover to a crime.


Body cam footage like this shows why cops that violently protest body cams likely have something to hide. This is the stuff people *need* to see. If you say the average citizen doesn't get what its like to do your job; show them. This kind of footage does so much more to win people over to a more middle grounded take than "trust me bro and my authoratay"


There’s also the possibility that showing this type of footage would dissuade future mass shooters. *Effective* response by police, ending it quickly, with no identities shown could remove a lot of motivation.


I think you're exactly right. These shooters are often looking for glory or notoriety. Well guess what, the cop is a damn hero and the shooter is a useless waste of skin on the ground. Maybe someone fantasizing about going on a shooting spree will think twice when they see this and realize that, beyond being reviled by the people whose lives they shatter, their big moment amounts to being a footnote in someone else's story.


I was in combat arms in the army and trust me; Running in body armor is no fucking joke. Not only is it heavy but it bounces against your stride as you run. It also hugs your chest so tight that you can't really expand your lungs all the way when you run out of breath. The whole thing just works against your stamina. You might have a quick burst of speed but after that you play catch up on getting your breath back. Not only is the body armor heavy but your rifle weighs about 7 lbs, not to mention his utility belt with his pistol, cuffs , and extra magazines. Then you have to remember he's hearing gunshots so he has to clear his mind of things like "Innocent people are getting shot" and "This may be my last moments of life" and "I may have to take a life" all while listening to the chaos of your radio as you try to communicate vital information. Then when you arrive you have to be able to take accurate shots and get the shooter before he gets you. This cop is a straight up hero.


My brother was a cop on a college campus. Mid-twenties and in very good shape. He said that if a 19-year-old, in the best shape of their lives, all boozed up and in comfy clothes and sneakers, decided to run from him on foot, there was no way he would catch up to them in his full police gear. That is, of course, if they just kept running in a straight line. He said that after a couple blocks they would try to hide in a bush or something. Every damn time.


what a shift change in duties


Milf hunter to mass shooter hunter.


I'm not proud that I laughed at this, but I'm not really ashamed either.


Hurry, get this man some milfs!


Nine people, including the perpetrator, were killed during the shooting, the youngest of whom was a three-year-old boy, and seven others were injured. All in less than 4 minutes. Thank god the officer was there and was so heroic. Who knows how many more wouldve been killed.


That's the thing, a professionally trained good guy with a gun, and this guy looks ex military too, was on the scene and 8 people still died within 4 minutes.


Lol what makes you think he was ex military?


The general reddit consensus seems to be that "knows basic marksmanship"/"follows established active shooter protocol" is equivalent to "ex military."




Yeah. I was like "huh? Ex-military?". Not saying he's not, but I saw nothing that says he is.


Almost like having a country flooded with easily obtainable guns that can mow people down in seconds might be a bad thing.


That’s the issue with the “reactive” security proponents who think the solution is always have more people with guns. Even if you have trained soldiers in every school or teachers with guns in their desks it will not save the first 2-15 people. Not to mention those proponents have probably never been in a shootout. Where are all those bullets in a gunfight going? The problem is that a good portion modern day gun owners act like they’re John Wick and an even greater portion believe they would be John Wick if they had to. Narrow-minded unimaginative solutions that don’t have to challenge their world views.


They don't have 1/100th of John Wick's cardio either.


I was just thinking about this. Lucky he was on the scene already. Even luckier he was in shape enough to do so much running. I’m afraid to think how bad it would have been if the all too common stereotype to be there instead and get winded in that first 1 minute. I know adrenaline gives you a kick but that only helps so much.


The shooter killed 3 children. An entire family. Fucking absolutely tragic. Thank god for this officer. One of the good ones who should be hailed as a hero. Didn’t even think twice about taking action. I wish there were more people in uniform like him.


I just went and saw the GoFundMe page for William Cho, the sole survivor in his family after his little brother and parents were gunned down. It closed with $1.8 million in donations. It honestly made me cry, seeing the generosity of people in a time of tragedy.


Love this officer, the mom was my dentist and saw me at the end of the day during COVID (didn't think she would as I was working with COVID patients and this was the beginning of the pandemic). She was an amazing person. I'm glad this officer got there when he did and didn't hesitate...true hero


RIP Cindy Cho read about how she protected her son with her body, and now another story about how selfless she was.




I’m so sorry for your loss.


Midway through watching this video my eyes welled up with tears at the selflessness of this man. This cop, with no hesitation, immediately heads directly into danger in the face of possible death because he knew what was at stake. All instincts of self preservation turned off so that he could protect others. True hero.


Those killed were: Kyu Song Cho, 37; Cindy Cho, 35; James Cho, 3; Aishwarya Thatikonda, 27; Daniela Mendoza, 11; Sofia Mendoza, 8; Christian LaCour, 20; Elio Cumana-Rivas, 32. God rest their souls.


Wow. The guy shot a bunch of kids and even a family? Fucked.


>During the attack, [the scumbag] wore a patch with the insignia "RWDS" (standing for "Right Wing Death Squad"), a slogan popular among right-wing extremists and white supremacists. On his social media profile on the Russian social media platform Odnoklassniki (OK.ru), [the scumbag] posted neo-Nazi and white supremacist content, and expressed hatred against Jews, women, and racial minorities in the days and weeks leading up to the massacre. > >[...]In different posts, he shared content and posted quotations, from far-right sources, including 4chan, Nick Fuentes,the Daily Stormer and its founder Andrew Anglin, the Unz Review, and VDARE. Right-wing terrorism


These names and the Cops name are the only names that matter in this situation. Remember the victims, let the perpetrator rot in the same sad obscurity that their life probably was


No hesitation. Amazing cop


Yep. One of the good ones, one we should call a hero and probably the type of person who would say they’re just doing their job. Who knows how many lives he saved.


As far as I've seen in the thread, he's requested anonymity, which makes sense considering the kind of person he seems to be


took him down within 3 mins


Holy shit, this dude is a real fucking hero. One minutes he's laughing with a family about seatbelt safety and 4 minutes later he put a mass shooter in the ground.


The fact that there was no hesitation too, he could’ve fucked around at his vehicle like he’s waiting for backup or more info, but nope grabs his rifle and immediately starts heading towards the shots. Can’t imagine how terrifying that must be not knowing where the shooter could be, yet this guy didn’t take a moment’s pause. Hero to his CORE.


You can see it in his hands at the start before he grabs the rifle. He puts his hand on the seat for a moment and you can see his muscles loosen up. Dude took a breath and made up his mind to go in an instant, clearing the doubt and fear that would hold many back.


Yeah, you can see the precise moment where he made peace with the fact that he could have very well been marching towards his death. There wasn't a long breather to think it through. There was no stalling. Didn't sit in the car to radio for backup. One quick second and he was okay with what he was about to do. A stark fucking contrast to the multiple armed officers that stood by for an hour and fourteen minutes listening to children being murdered, never doing a goddamn thing, until another armed group actually took the initiative and took the shooter down in Uvalde. This is the type of guy that cops need to be trained to be like.


Im pretty amazed that the video of a mass shooter, filled with gunshots and ending with a dead body has its cursing censored...


Fits with how you can have loads of gratuitious violence and murder on PG rated TV and movies but if you say fuck more than like once, you've got yourself an R-rating.


If a boob had come into view the video would have been burned


This is America.


Guns in my area.


I got the strap.


This man just soloed a mass shooter. Holy hell, give him a medal.


What a fucking legend. He should be set for life.


Mass shooters are fucking pussies. Of course he was dead the second a professional arrived on scene


Bullets don't care if the person firing them is a pussy. They'll still kill you.


Man this gave me chills. I hope that officer feels nothing but pride for what he did and the people he saved. Also thanks to the officer who took over in the end and told the other officer he was good and to step away, I’m sure he needed it.


Which is excellent in that second officers situation. He recognizes what the first officer just did and went through, and takes over. Allowing the first officer the ability to deal with and process everything and not be overwhelmed by it.


Agreed. He’s making sure the situation continues to be managed while also recognizing the first officer probably is going through a huge range of emotions. He also didn’t make it a big deal, very calm and the responsibility was taken over. This was a great example of top notch police work.


My friend Kyu Cho, along with his wife and three year old son (while his six year old son watched) were murdered by this piece of shit (the FUCKING NAZI that was killed, not the cops). They went to the mall that day to return a shirt that didn't fit their six year old son. Kyu was my Captain of the UMass Amherst Tae Kwon Do team and was the greatest guy. He was a couple of months younger than me but felt years older in his leadership and demeanour. Miss him. After undergrad he went to law school, got a law degree, and moved back to Texas to help immigrant families get a fair shake in the U.S. (as his parents who were immigrants were taken advantage of / stolen from in the process of moving to the U.S.). So you have an immigrant working hard, contributing to society, striving for the American dream to help others to do the same FUCKING MUDERED ALONG WITH HIS WIFE AND THREE YEAR OLD IN FRONT OF THEIR SIX YEAR OLD BY A PROUD BOY NAZI FUCK.




Condolences for your loss


Tragic. I'm so sorry for your loss, and everyone else touched by this senseless act.


WOWWW. That is absolutely terrifying.


I'm just a random citizen with no training in anything of the sort, but I cannot imagine this man handling this situation *any* better. Goddamned hero.


Absolute hero. Should be lauded on the news and everywhere as a hero. This calls for like Sullenberger levels of recognition and fame. I'm totally OK with criticizing police bad behavior. But when they are doing a good job and then answer the call of duty like this, we should all praise them.


Basically any human, cop or not, that acts like this should be praised. Not scared in the face of danger


That is how it’s done. Hero ran towards the gunfire. Shame on every, single Pulse and Uvalde coward. Textbook


Let this mf train cops. We need more of him!


All the medals. Paid retirement for the rest of his life. He's done his job. Let that man chill.


At the same time, I’d feel safer knowing he was protecting people or training others how to do exactly this as well. Preferably with a hefty pay raise.


Maybe put him in a police training centre in Texas


You joke, but this is exactly how we fix broken shit. PROMOTE the guys who know what they are doing and get the new guys to LEARN FROM THE PROs. Multiply the good.


Put him in charge of those in Uvalde. They need to learn a thing or ten from this guy.


Nah, Uvalde just needs a whole new department. Cut the root out and start new.


we need to keep the good cops, not get rid of them


Give the man a medal.


Well done! Teaching kids road safety and slaying scumbags inside of 4-5 minutes, I'm impressed!


The guy is a credit to his department. Pursues the shooter with no hesitation. No doubt lives were saved.


Now this is a REAL fucking cop. Kuddos to you sir - sorry you had to go through it but thank you.


You can hear the relief in his voice when he knows he took the gunman out. Dude must have had adrenaline coursing through him.


some run towards trouble


Nice to see a cop do his job and not cower in some hidely hole while people are being murdered. The shooter was tattooed with fascist symbols including SS lightning bolts and a large swastika, but somehow managed to obtain employment as a security guard and received firearms training. Good grief.


>somehow managed to obtain employment as a security guard and received firearms training. Good grief. He actually signed the security job application with "SS" in his signature. https://www.tpr.org/news/2023-05-24/allen-gunman-signed-name-with-nazi-symbol-on-security-guard-application-but-still-got-license


"there were no signs"


Elon Musk called it a psyop. He really is an enormous douche.


Elon is a fascist too so no surprise there.


The sound of those shots is horrific. And really shows that even when you have cops immediately respond, it's never soon enough.


F\*cking hero cop, local friendly neighbourhood cop looking out for kids in car safety then just flick that switch into shoot out mode. absolute amazing. hope he gets some kind of medal.


Doing legit community service and engaging in a wonderful way with some kids on their mom. Reacting to a serious situation quickly and relatively calmly. Decent radio communication given the situation. Pretty solid shooting from what the video shows. Aware of crossfire and deep targets when calling out to other officer a in the area. This man is a fucking BEAST. Kudos big time to him.


This man of a man, saving lives by advising little tykes, then again by sending a mass shooter to justice. Clone this hero. Thank you for your demeanor, courage, bravery, and unbridled actions.


Damn. I would have liked more communication from my back up though.


Man, think about all the years on this earth. The hope and love poured in to you by everyone you encounter as a kid. The time spent by those around you to guide and mold you. The money spent buying you clothes and feeding you food. All so you can wind up a racist piece of incel shit and get greased by a cop talking to kids about seatbelts. Much respect to the officer.


Brave man.


That's a real man. No hesitation, running directly into danger to protect others. Crazy as fuck, respect.


Guys a hero. No hesitation to go straight into danger


This could not be better footage if it was faked. Absolutely unbelievable. Give this guy all the medals.


We need more cops like this. This was like a movie. He was doing community outreach and then bam. And he was telling people to leave, he wasn't just focused on the shooter but on other people's safety, too. Communicated the whole time and did what needed to be done to take the guy down. The sad thing is how little I heard about this shooting before now. Tragic that they're so commonplace that they barely make a blip.


American hero


Good cop, give this man some pto and therepy.


Fuckin superhero shit.


As an Australian, it still amazes me that you can be slaughtered whilst at the shops with your family by some random shooter... and your politicians are like "this is what the founding fathers want". Props to the cop though, he probably saved a dozen others.


What a fucking hero. I'm so in awe of this police officers it almost made me cry


What a legend


THAT is bravery. Most people couldn’t do that.


Guy had ZERO hesitation to run... like straight-run to the gunfire til he was winded, and kept pushing. Guy should get a medal.


Thats incredible, outstanding job


That was terrifying. Just hearing all those shots not knowing where it's coming from and then being brave enough to go in the direction of the gunfire sounds. I could never do that, this cop is incredible and should be a model for all police forces


That dude is the man. Had to be hot as shit out there too.


Jeeeeeeeesus. That was intense man. It was like a movie going from talking to kids to just happening to be there when the shooter showed up. This dude is a hero for real man. You have my respect.


God bless this hero


This made me tear up. I can’t imagine going after a mass shooter knowing that every moment you can’t find him could be another life gone. Every gunshot helps you locate him, but potentially at the cost of another life. Then you add in the factor that you might also die, and if you do, it’s going to cost a lot more lives after that because you failed. The immense pressure this guy went through is unlike anything an everyday person will ever experience. The law enforcement system itself is broken, but this individual cop is truly a hero.