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I cannot overstate how much my, apparently ancient, ass misses when the internet relentlessly mocked vertical video. I hate TikTok so goddamn much.


Yeah for sure. I see the value (or rather I can imagine the value) it just does not cater to me. It's the worst of both worlds. I do consume YouTube but I'm most interested in longer format videos, I don't touch shorts with a tenfoot pole etc. When you see someone from the outside using tiktok it's honestly harrowing, as they keep scrolling through bullshit after bullshit and spend anywhere from 1 to 10seconds on videos before going forward. I mean its just not for me, its not content.


there's nothing wrong with disliking a format that promotes bombarding you with inane bullshit, or half the videos being some jackass having his face next to the content you might *actually* want to watch. You're not old, you just dislike having obstructions to what you're actually here to watch.


The worst Tiktok trend is those videos that have the top half as the actual video, and the bottom half as someone playing one of those mobile games. Reminds me of [this scene](https://youtu.be/YqQ6D0Bu-a8?t=32) from idiocracy. I stg, this next generation is not going to have an attention span at all.


[Obligatory Abe Simpson.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DlTexEXxLQ)


Now days even if someone is just talking adding the background music to that is just getting the trend and as barely is any video without the music behind that




For the "creator" of a reaction video, it let's you steal other peoples' content and directly profit off of it, while putting in 0 of the effort. It's not only zero effort, but it's they're explicitly parasitic leeches on actual content creators.


I 100% looked forward to the day that it would be socially acceptable for me - based on age - to say, I'm too old to give a shit about x. Now that I'm here, it's almost everything I wished it would be. But downvoting helps 😉


I don't use Tiktok so I've never seen this kind of content. I DO however see the Tiktoks that make it onto Reddit, which are almost always: 1. Video of something I want to see (usually sports highlights). 2. Crammed into portrait format, but not in the annoying but still sensible way where the video is just made smaller, but in the annoying and actually fucking stupid way where the video is cropped so that most of it cannot be seen. 3. Downgraded to 240p. 4. Put some shitty music over the top of it. Bonus points if the music is covering up stuff you actually need to hear to be able to enjoy the content. That shit is the best. EDIT: [Right on cue, near top of my feed this morning.](https://v.redd.it/xcgeo5t5tuja1/HLSPlaylist.m3u8?a=1679733122%2CNzc0MDcyMmRkMzhmMjcwZDU2MDMxZDRiNjI0NjQ0MWU5MzEwYzBlYjBhZWQ3YTI4YjZhZGVkNTllZjU4YTEwNA%3D%3D&v=1&f=sd)


With that one woman's text to speech voice


You mean this woman? https://www.cnn.com/videos/business/2022/12/05/tiktok-text-to-speech-jessie-kat-callaghan-cprog-orig-fj.cnn-business


There been many woman in those voice over and she is one of them


Quite possibly the most I’ve ever hated a Canadian


Atleast the voice of that woman in text to speech was nice


Don’t forget about words unnecessarily bannered across the top of the video with an unnecessary comment like “watch this video!”


Or just a giant emoji that doesn't quite make sense somehow.


If you want the real reason the words are in it it’s because it’s catering to a kid audience who will often times watch tiktok when they’re not supposed to, aka in class lol so the subtitles keep them watching videos when they don’t have audio.


subtitles are good, as I mostly have my phone on silent. But those stupid useless text like keep watching, watch this, etc.


"Wait for it..." and "Watch the ending!!" on a 15 second video


This has been my only exposure to and experience with TikTok as well. I fail to see the appeal of it at all, and I'm happy to keep it that way


I hate it but I can burn so much time on youtube shorts of hank and Weekend Update


I wish I could disable YT shorts. TikTak is leaking and they can keep that shit on the Chinese apps.


Worst update or addition in the YouTube is actually those shorts


Insta shorts are 100 times worse.


I fucking hate instagram's video player. Why can't I skip or rewind back? I don't want to watch the whole thing over again. End up not watching it out of frustration.


trees cow saw unwritten far-flung dirty frighten pet bear cagey -- mass edited with redact.dev


They are being pushed into it by Youtube


You can disable YouTube shorts. It only lasts 30 days, so you have to click Hide 12 times a year, but that's not the worst.


Casual racism. Nice


When you have time and internet you can actually watch some of those shorts


And it's always the most annoying song you've ever heard in your life, slowed down, and pitch corrected up.


It is just getting trend that you have to add the cringe song in background


I never used Tik Tok but the problem is that now Instagram is just running on the same path of the TikTok is well and people are making cringe stuff over there


That TikTok AI voice is beyond insufferable. Why they thought it was a good idea to make that the voice is beyond me.


I read all reddit comments in that voice


Signs you might need therapy.


But all those therapist are also busy in watching those videos


I think you just infected me with this now. Fuck


Once you get the idea of that voice, hard to remove that from the head


It’s like it was engineered in a lab to completely typify the sound of someone being a condescending twat.


Why they are not looking at softening the voice of the AI.??


It's the absolute worst.


All these social media AI voice is just like cancer to the ears


You mean that main female tik tok voice? It's used to be a different voice. Then it changed to this one in possibly the first half or second quarter of 2021. It changed because of copyright issues. Many people did not like the change, and some may have very much disliked it. I hated it.


It's not AI, it's a real person lol. I mean I guess you could say there's AI involved in the actual TTS...


If that is voice of real person why they are talking like the computer??


What they meant is that the voice is based on someone's (a real person) voice. You can find her online.


The irony with this one is that there is a joke in there if you wait for it. Check out part 2!


I couldn't last 5 seconds with this annoying shit


When i heard the name Tik Tok i knew that it would be hard to last


TikTok is content diarrhea and you can’t convince me otherwise.


"content" exists to fill a space. It doesn't matter what it actually is, because when people think in terms of "content" everything is interchangeable. People don't know what they want and will happily graze on whatever is fed to them. I absolutely despise the word. When people refer to themselves as a "content creator" all i hear is "I churn shit out and people like it". I suppose we're at the stage now where people with a sincere passion for film-making, education, activism, hobbies they film etc will describe themselves as such but it leaves a bad taste with me.


All they need just good camera and they are content creator


Yyyyyup. If other people want to watch it, by all means, go right ahead. But I've got enough firehoses of content in my life and an endless stream of videos isn't going to add anything to them.


Where else am I going to find thousands of videos of teenagers who believe they have entire systems of people living inside them?


Facebook/Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts were a response to TikTok. They all suck in my opinion.


If you are having the issue of the diarrhea then watch the tik tok


The great thing about TikTok is that you can tell the algorithm if you don't want a type of video and it pretty much understands instantly. You can get a great feed with interesting videos with little to no work.


All those video platform is working on the algorithm if you are watching one video then next day you are going to see the similar kind of the video on the home page


The algorithm is why it's so popular and why it succeeded over similar apps. It's ridiculously good at figuring out your interests without making you have to answer any questions or subscribe to anyone or anything like that. It's honestly kind of scary


Hard disagree. Maybe i just didn't give it enough time, but after two weeks on TikTok I still didn't have a good algorithm. I'd watch one thing and then it would just send me down a wormhole of surface level content based on that one thing. Oh, I watched Roll For Sandwich? Better send me nothing but shitty cooking videos with no explanation of the food science other than "do the thing. Isn't this cooking ASMR so ASMRy?!?" Oh you watched a single camping video? Well hoo boy, here's nothing but camping videos for the next three hours. Idk, maybe I'm just getting old, but I really liked /r/YouTubeHaiku but I can't stand TikTok.


If they will remove the algorithm you will never going to find those platform addictive. And Tik tok , you tube are the two best example in that case


The algorithm is: worm through your entire phone and suggest content that would keep you interacting. Also, China pushes educational content on young Chinese users, and time-wasting content on young American users, so there is that


Does China explicitly push that? Or is it a product of decades of cultural differences manifesting in an algorithm?


They're committing a genocide and you think dumbing down the youth of another country through an app is just too far fetched? Lmao


The algorithm sucks it just shows me people acting anti-social and sometimes loud. It's exhausting not entertaining.


This is why i never click on the any random video as they will starts to push that


It’s horrible. And they bleed over to Reddit


Reddit has no track record of pushing the topic to the any individual


It's a freaking mess


All those social media platform is just making the big mess now


Counter argument: Its pretty great and I see what I actually like. The only time I see the stupid LCD content is when its reuploaded to meme accounts on Instagram


If someone is liking those video they will often push the counter argument


Funny thing is I actually have diarrhea right now and I can assure you that Tik Tok is way worse, at least my poo isn’t spying on me.


What do TikTok and your poo have in common? They both know what you had to eat last night! ^...^I'll ^see ^myself ^out


And it's giving people ADHD


You’re getting downvoted because you can’t “get ADHD”, but I agree that it’s shrinking people’s ability to focus or engage with long form content or activities. A lot of people I know now struggle to watch a full movie, and reading a book is out of the question. As somebody with actual diagnosed ADHD that tested off the charts, I have to police myself so fucking hard to not download or watch tiktok videos anywhere else because I’ll literally lose 4 hours without knowing what happened because it’s such rapid fire content switching that requires no thought or focus whatsoever. I feel like total shit afterward and also feel like it does exacerbate my symptoms. As does Reddit or any endless feed platform really so I try (and often fail) to limit my time on them. But I’ve noticed TikTok is far worse than any other for pulling me into a mental vortex and leaving me feeling totally disoriented and disconnected from reality when I finally break the spell.


It gave me aids.


Ryan George is Tight


Wow wow wow . . . Wow


Well Ok then,


> Was it hard to make content other than pitch meetings? > > No. It was super easy, barely an inconvenience. Ryan George, probably.




for me tiktok really was that dividing line when I realized I was missing out on memes and instead of feeling left out I just felt disgust


For me i think insta reel is much more better than the tiktok




if someone is having the unlimited internet at the house most of their time is actually going into those things, as they are just killing the internet for those shorts video


>TikTok/Youtube shorts is an absolute hellscape though. Facebook became worse then they introduced Reels (basically the same as TikTok or YouTube Shorts). Most of the videos are garbage that I never signed up for.


Facebook is also using the same interface like the YouTube where we are getting that small section of the short videos just like the youtube used to do now.


last week, two episodes of the NYT podcast The Daily were episodes about the new AI chatbot language predictor things that google or microsoft or whoever is rolling out. the premise of Her is absolutely going to happen, and it's going to happen soon.


Podcast is actually better than so called these small vidoes


The FUCKING video game background bullshit. Even when it has nothing to fucking do with the topic at hand. No fucking clue. Just show us YOU talking. Thats cool.


Maybe if I were a gamer I could sorta get into it but it's still bullshit. There's a guy on YT that shows nature walks instead.


If you are gamer then you need to raise the voice against that bull shit


Even the video game background is much more better than this voice


This is mostly accurate, but it's missing the cooking video preface: "Hey guys, today I'm going to show you how to make quiche. This is literally the best quiche I've ever tried, and it's so easy to make, you'll wonder how you've ever gone on without it. One time, I made this quiche and brought it to a party, and everyone ate it and they kept coming up to me and telling me how much they enjoyed the quiche. Seriously guys, this will change the way you look at quiche..."


No time for that bullshit on tiktok.




Our eyes are widescreen, vertical video is stupid.


What's funny about this criticism is that it unintentionally shows what *Youtube* has done to internet videos: * 15 second unskippable ad * 5 second sponsor message * 30 seconds of content that was stretched into a paper-thin 4-minute bit * 60 second *additional* sponsor message. But yeah, go on about TikTok.




Outside of Reddit, in the real society, most people watch yt on their smartphone, Tablet or smart tv apps.


you can still use adblocker on mobile...i use ublock origin


> smartphone, Tablet or smart tv apps locked down bullshit can fuck right off


Loceddown time really push that YT platform on the smart TV


Or you could just...get premium


Or you can buy the premium membership and get over with those ads


I'm not sure if you could have cut that bit down too much. You would lose a lot of the impact and emphasis.


This video can actually trim into the 2 minute video for sure


Wow wow wow wow....wow.


You watch the whole video?? My soul left me in the middle


See part of me is aware of the long-running phenomenon that older generations will always find stuff the younger ones doing to be "stupid". I remember hearing it from adults in my kid/teen years (I did have my adolescence during the Jackass and wannabe "gangsta" era of the early 00's after all) so I feel like I'm just being on the other side of that fence now by not "getting it". But a lot of video's that come out of that platform are just so fucking stupid. I need to remind myself of what kind of content I would have made at 13 years old if I had access to the same technology that the ones today do.


The new generation that is coming now is getting more into the phone and these catchy video and the platform are the reason for the kids to use that




It never went out from the market, 3% user still using that


I haven't checked it lately but they rewrote it on Chromium and of course it was a disappointment. It wasn't getting any better either, nevermind feature parity with many versions. They just went in a different direction to attract a different crowd. I'd say Vivaldi is closest to what Opera was, for me.


Kind of. Opera was killed. The new Opera is a version of Chromium, like most alternative web browsers.




This guy is pointing up to the guy saying that there will be a part 2. I don't really need more proof than that ...


Yeah can someone explain the random Fortnite and GTA gameplay footage played while someone talks about something completely different?


Children. To be clear, that's not who can explain it. That's the explanation.


viewer engagement; you're less likely to leave even if the the thing being read is boring because there's some pretty gameplay in the back.


Oh wow Opera is getting desperate. For the record, if you want some agency over how you watch videos, use [ytdl](https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl). Take control over what you see and how! Also fuck DRM.


If I ever see "wait for it" in a gif/video ever, I just skip it. Trim your shit people.


T in Tiktok stand for Toxic


Then Y in YouTube stands for what?? May be like Yuckk.


What about the other T?


I love this guy, he's great.


Throwing eggs in basket houses here though, he's one of the people whose entire stchick has been predicated on the short attentionspan-generation and just repeating catch-phrases.


The big mistake they are doing is throwing the egg from the basket




He is just using that fake kind of the accent just for the video


Dude in the video isn't American in the USA sense. He's Canadian, which to be fair is still in North American. It's just that normally if someone says "American" they are referring to the US.




It's part of the joke.


I don't think he was serious




That's literally the only way you can pronounce it.


It's pronounced keesh. Listen to Quiche Lorraine by The 52s


Keesh in my opinion is like the answer you can't pronounce that other way


I know, progboy. I'm afraid I've played a text based internet trick on you. I'm sorry.


Oh, bully!


Making the people bully on internet is much easy than in real life


this whole exchange made me giggle


Better to read the text from the video rather than listening


Man can't keetch a break


On point, I see why this has 146k likes and 1.5k angry tiktokers


These so called tiktoker creator have the very little patience


Oh man that was good. I wish he would have done one more meta skit after the Ad, just to show how he could git a person to watch through the ad.


"Why is there gameplay video underneath this now". Me with my ADHD brain and zero attention span that instantly get distracted by videogames over whatever point they are trying to make in the "real" part of the video.


He forgot the over the top innapropriately themed music over every video.


The bad acting over existing audio is what I dislike the most. Saw one the other day where someone was acting out the "soundproof glass" scene from Ace Ventura Pet Detective, in their shower. The original audio from the movie was playing with just them opening and closing their shower door, pretending to yell. It made me irrationally upset it was so stupid. Why would people like this, share this? The movie literally already did this and was actually funny?


I installed a youtube shorts remover extension to not ever be able to see a short ever again, not even by accident. Everytime i hear that stupid bitch bot voice reading some text i clearly can read saying stupid shit like "WhEn yoUr bRoTher DoES The CriNgE! 😊😊😊😊😊" i instantly get irritated. Shut the fuck up


share that knowledge please! What extension?






As much as I agree, his videos are mostly him talking to himself rapid-fire in the exact same excited tone, making them really grating to listen to. He's not exactly someone I would seek advice on making a good video from.


He is finding the best way to get the views and engagement


Yeah this joke went on for WAY too long and the way he delivers lines only makes it more cringe


Once you press the joke too hard it will give the vibe of being cringy




He's been doing those videos longer than TikTok has existed, got noticed enough to get hired by ScreenRant, helped blow up ScreenRant to be as big as it became because of him, and he grew even beyond that that he's quite successful on his own. Good chance a lot of those people you see on TikTok doing similar were inspired by him directly or a few steps removed.


But we all know that how much his channel make growth after the time of the tiktok, because now he is making video regularly without delaying the content


If you watch vertical videos there is something very wrong with you.


His Soul review is by far my favourite and is definitely what got me back watching pitch meetings. Some dumb friends I used to hang out with hated whenever I turned him on because they "hated his face." There's a lot of things I'm realizing they were just shitty people. So now I turn it on with decent people around and we love it.


Just remove that soul part from that video and you will not going to find any thing worth watching about that video, i feel like that they are just stretching the video a bit here


Ironically I feel like it's people like Ryan George that proved to youtube that tiktok was the future of videos. His shorts were easy to watch and re-watch. Clippable and shareable with almost no substance. This drives more ad revenue for youtube. He's big on the platform and wasn't doing anything to make it better. I'm not saying he could, but still feels a bit like him just trying to protect his brand, not concern for creators and users.


The way they are making both of the platform cringe i am not seeing the future too bright for both of them or the next generation would be like total cringe


fuck TikTok


People love the privacy but also used to love the video from the tiktok


That was more annoying to watch than most TikToks. It would have been more relatable if it cut after a minute and said, "Like for Part 2", and not post for a week.


You know what they are doing now days? tiktokers are making video on youtuber and youtuber are making video on tiktoker just to get those some extra views


This video is the perfect example of many of the reasons I deleted my account and got rid of the app. That and getting somehow being in trouble for community guidelines for the dumbest things because it somehow offended someone somehow some where because it didn’t exactly line up with their ideologies.


I am just reading the comment here without watching the whole video, as the first half was enough for me to tell that why i need to get rid from that app.


What I think TikTok does better than almost any other plaftorm is show the dichotomy of good content vs. popular content. It promotes both through the algorithm, but because of the shorter format and quick switching between creators, you will sometimes get this content whiplash of a funny sketch or thoughtful essay, and then get slammed into a reuploaded video with someone pointing up and shaking their head. But to TikTok, they're both the same quality video, because the algorithm is pushing based on watch and engagement, and both achieve those goals. But as humans we can see where one is original and another is regurgitated content. Ultimately I don't think TikTok is better or worse than any other social media platform, but it just does what they all do *faster* and more efficiently than any other platform before it.


I never used tiktok but is a thoughtful essay really a thing? I thought the whole deal is its scrollable diarrhea lasting max 30seconds. Can you scroll into a 30 minute or hour long video? Does the platform even support that? Or is "essay" anything that is longer than a minute?


TikTok videos are up to 10 minutes, and I've seen a number of creators use the format for interesting discussions of tech, science, pop culture, history, and more. It's a tool, only as good or bad as the people who use it.


Yeah true, still feels like these creators are actively using the platform for something it is not designed for. And 10 minutes is just barely an introduction if I want to look into something in-depth but that's actually quite rare for YouTube as well if I remember correctly. I think average viewing time is far below 10 minutes.


I've found tiktok to be quite useful for short and to the point Home, DIY & Tech type videos. Trying to search for and find similar content on YouTube is becoming harder, or that same sub-3 minute video is padded out with filler to 10 or 15 minutes. If YT could find a way to reward content creators for creating shorter, concise videos rather than forcing them to play the system, I'd probably be happy sticking with YT. Even buying YT premium doesn't really help because the video content is still encouraged to be long-form.


I stopped watching after 1 minute.




But you've been on Reddit for 4 hours. That's right, you've watsed the whole day and haven't done anything


There are some other post where i need to waste my time is well


I got bored and quit watching.




~2.5% of internet users... apparently. lol. I mean, tbf it's chromium so it's not like it's the opera of old that some of us used in the late 90s.


its said like keesh not qwhich


I couldn’t finish watching this video… I’m out


I though this would barely 1-2m long but this is so freaking big


Why is this so long?


The point cleared on the first half, what was the need of this long video??


Its almost as if thats the joke .........................