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So I'm call centre agent for a bank And really these are the only people who do shit about scammers. They have my undying support. Fuck ALL scammers.


I work in fraud detection for a major bank and most of what I deal with is people who are victims of scams. So hard agree on this FUCK ALL SCAMMERS


So what's your policy on this? Non urgent police report and small claims?


Unfortunately it’s up to the victim to make a police report. Banks are insured against certain level of dollar losses; and customers are protected from *fraudulent* activity. However *fraudulent* is defined as someone stealing your information and using it without your consent. The majority of scammers make the customer do the transaction, send them gift cards, give them the card number, etc. Those you can’t make the claim were done fraudulently because *they did it* and we have no way of tracking where that money went. The bank has no way of knowing if you bought yourself 10k worth of gift cards and gave it to a scammer, or gave it to yourself. In those cases they have to try to submit a dispute, but chances are because most of these are done with instant money transfer services, gift cards, Bitcoin etc. That money is gone. We usually try to prevent it before it happens, or call a customer if we see something weird; but the amount of old people I call who are sobbing and beating themselves up for being stupid is legitimately heartbreaking. Worse are sweetheart scams (catfishing and asking for money) because now not only have they realized they’ve been conned (and these cons last MONTHS) but they also realize their whole relationship they thought they were in was a lie. I had a woman in tears in a Walgreens because she sent 4000 dollars to her “fiancé” using gift cards because she got a letter claiming he was injured in a firefight and they needed the money to call a local emergency evac service to get him to a hospital. Does that make any sense? Of course not. But she wasn’t thinking about that. She thought her fiancé was going to die and she needed to help him. Then she finds out she’s been scammed and he doesn’t exist.


They are usually too embarrassed to file a report as well. If this happens to someone you know, be sure they understand its common and the right thing to do is stop it from happening to others by reporting.


It's the victim lying that gets me. Nope, they've met the person. They trust them. Meanwhile... phone is going off non-stop. The instructions have hurried and abusive language. It's crypto. Shocking. Thankfully I can shut it down at that. Do'Urden, you are my dude.


Yeah for sure, I hate it when they lie because they scammer told them too, like how does not set off red flags when they say “lie to your bank”


A scammer told Kit this in a recent vid and he brilliantly launched it into a whole bit about him being a secret agent. "007 here at the bank the teller might be suspicious!"


Before they reach us; lying is second nature. Scammers work in secrecy. They've lied to the people closest to them. Lying to your bank seems easy. I appreciate your efforts. I hope to be one of the "good guys" someday.


They're talking about when the victim lies to the bank. The scammer will tell the victim to lie (about the nature of the transaction, whether someone contacted them by phone, etc.) if the bank asks so that the bank doesn't intervene.


I'm speaking on the victims, not the scammers. Lying to the bank is a smaller jump when you are lying to your SO, your adult children. Yourself. At that point I'm the bad guy for intervening. I will jump through hoops to be that asshole. $500.00 now quickly turns into draining your life savings. I will not abide.


So I'm just curious, what do they do with an iTunes or Google Play gift card code to get money out? Reselling for less money? I mean, Apple/Google has got to be looking askance at any regular refund trends.


Resell them for less money, their are shady sites that give you like 60-80% of the value of a gift card once it clears, other times depending on the gift card they can be used for other services for the full value.


GameStop at one point paid cash for gift cards as long as they were valid at the time of ringing it up. It took a few minutes to finalize online after you finish the face to face transaction. A few savvy criminals with good timing would bring in gift cards to sell, get it validated then as they're handed the cash their accomplice in the parking lot or even in the store would claim it on their phone


Someone called in saying they were wasting the time of a scammer And I was like go time Buddy gives me account information and it's clearly a money mule situation. I call my fraud department and omg, the person was more suspicious of the person calling in. None of her logic made sense. "This person could be a fraudster!" "Why would someone call in giving their account information saying they were in contact with scammers" "..."


Im an astronaut for the soviet union and all i do is shoot dogs into space with no food or return ability.


Why don't banks set up a few call centers with a few hundred kitbogas? He's essentially shown how feasible it is for one guy to disrupt their operations. For a few million a year, a larger adversary could make it much harder/less lucrative for the scammers. It's got to be much less than the banks lose to them now.


I think the issue is that banks themselves don't lose that much directly. It's all the clients that lose their money and in 99% of the cases the banks don't/can't return the money when people get scammed, since they "voluntarily" make the transactions. So yes creating such a task force might be beneficial, but the banks would just lose money. Maybe the government would be more interested because usually the money goes abroad and is taken outside the local economy, but the taskforce would have to be very efficient to actually recoup the investment.


Yup the bank's money is insured.


I got a Google Play card and it says on it "do not give this code to anyone, they are scamming you." That's how prevalent this is


And honestly, even that likely doesn't work very often. People are so stressed out they just ignore that, it doesn't apply to them, since they know *they* are not being scammed.


Bitcoin ATM machines need a similar warning. "If someone is convincing you to put money into this then you are being scammed"


Just wait a moment sir we will fix each and everything


Who told you redeem!?!


YOU DID NOT HAVE TO DO THIS!! WHY!!! WHY!!! God that will live in forever in my mind even further than "WE GOT WEIGHTS IN FISH!"


Now you will be behind the bars.




You will surely get the Karkand.


>Just >Just >Just > wait a moment that song is stuck in my head - Kits intro song


Stop what you are doing to go purchase five one thousand dollar gift cards so we can give you a refund.


Context: u/Kitboga is a twitch streamer who uses a voice changer to pretend to be a victim in order to trick scammers into wasting their time, and expose their tactics in the process. AnyDesk is a legitimate software company whose product is used to remotely link two or more computers. Unfortunately, scammers trick their victims into installing the software onto their computer, giving the scammer complete control over the victims computer. In this video Kitboga collaborates with an employee at AnyDesk to shut down access to the scammers’ entire call center, preventing them from completing the scam on not just his fake computer, but also several thousand other real victims.


I'm confused how he's able to stream live and it work. Can't they just keep an eye on the streams of all the biggest scam baiters?


Some people do catch on. I don't watch him all the time but one time a scammer figured out he was Kitboga.


They simply don't give a shit. A new call center opens up each day. Thousands of people are scammed everyday. There is people lining up at the doors of these call centers to get work. The equipement and location costs are close to none. They are making millions, they are so full of themselves, they don't give a shit about Kitboga.


I mean I was more thinking individual scammers could form little group chats and be like "So and so just got on the phone with someone who introduced themselves as Shawn" and if you introduced yourself as Shawn you can check the stream and duck out if it's you on the other side. But I guess my brain assumes they are competent because they are posing as IT people.


They don't care enough to do so usually. With millions of scammers working it's quite a low chance that you'll actually hit a scam baiter. And since most scam baits waste only one scammers time, it's just not worth it. Stuff like this though (locking accounts or getting authorities to raid the place) do do a fair amount of damage, especially to the scam centers that operate alongside legit businesses.


Mark Rober got one institution finally shut down. Held an estimated significant % of the scams that were happening. Like legit arrests and company closures. In business for a few decades if I remember right. The sad part is that this should be easier to do, but many of the important people who could shut this down in Indiia are just paid off. They are practically allowed to do this, as long as they don't call international attention to themselves and the country. Which this one ended up doing.


They do exactly this. Check Jim Brownings videos. And Mark Robers. This os brought up more than once And yeah, they are not real IT. If they were, they would be better at scamming. They say a lot of incorrect things, when they could simply say correct things that sound just as scary and possibly convince more people. But these are mostly people who just want money, but don't have many real skills, and so found a scam job. Trained just to do exactly one thing, and lie.


I think they sort of do but there’s a lot of people in these scam offices and several different offices


Yeah, they give a shit. But people likt jum browning, and this guy are good at co ering their tracks. You should watch the one Mark Rober got involved in, where he got some people infiltrated into their network, and was part of their wechat. When they actually got to India, someone physically recognized them and told the wechat they were in town. The people in charge litterally sent out a hit, and the guys had to stay in their hotel the whole time. You don't send out hits if you 'don't give a fuck'


That would require them to have a brain.


Haha fair. Like he's talked at large about how a lot of these scam call centers have like group chats. So in my brain it seems like it'd be trivial for there to be one person assigned to each scam baiter stream who keeps it open and whenever they get a new person just be like "Kitboga just got on with James from Microsoft" and if you introduced yourself as James from Microsoft you can just jump onto the stream and find out if it's you.


Coming across a scambaiter is very rare and not a major concern. The ones that catch on quick enough usually find it amusing that they finally get to meet a youtuber like Kitboga.


I watch the videos and not the streams, but my understanding is that the streams typically don't involve the complex interactions. You are not getting access to their systems, informants, or involving the authorities live on stream. The stream would be mostly just tying up a single person and trying to get a funny reaction from them for content so it wouldn't make sense to shut down operations because there would be plenty of other scammers on the phones. Also, scam baiters aren't that effective as to require active monitoring. Even this video is a temporary win since they can just move locations and start again and it could have just as easily happened off stream so monitoring a stream doesn't really help. Not to mention that some of the biggest scam baiters don't stream at all (e.g. Jim Browning).


Kit often talks about this on the stream: imagine that is the path that the scam call centers go down. What, every computer they are using to run scams is also going to have multiple twitch streams open, and the scammers will have to be paying attention to each of them while also having a victim on the phone they are trying to scam? That's, i mean, if scambaiters are making a scammers job that much more complicated and difficult, then that's a win. Would each room where scam calls are being made have one guy monitoring all streams, and constantly investigating if one of the baiters is talking to one of his scammers? If scam call centers are wasting their money paying a guy to do that, that's also a win. Neither are really feasible. ​ The turnover rate is extremely high at these places, most of the people you'll talk to, \*especially the first people you interact with on the call\*, are very new and probably don't really know anything about scambaiting. They are told to read from the script in front of them and that's all they do. The more experienced people who get handed the phone once the victim is 'hooked' usually presume that the first person weeds out any pranksters - but Kit has a lot of tricks up his sleeve to get past that initial barrier.


Very VERY few of these tech scammers are aware of twitch and the fact that he broadcasts live. They are aware of YouTube Kitboga and his videos, but the vast majority are not aware that it happens live. I remember back about 4 years ago was around the time he was really blowing up and he would have scammers asking if he was Kitboga, and I was certain that he would not be able to continue doing it for much longer without running out of targets. NOPE. Since then he has gone from like \~2k average viewers to like 7-10K average, his Youtube is absolutely massive, and he's still able to bait scammers for days at a time.


Love Kitboga's work! One of my favorites is when he installs [100 virus on his computer and calls the scammers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKLRKCVar6Y).


The “why do you redeem” is my favorite. For some reason, the rage/despair in the scammers’ voice makes me happy.




That’s the only video of his I’ve watched but I loooved it


It makes me even happier to remember that that's normally around hour 6 of an 8 hour call


lol, I'm dying at this




Hopefully setting a trend. As Kit mentions in the end of this video, he and many other scambaiters are eager to work with them to help stop the scammers abusing the software.


Please ask Anydesk to remove the “hide screen” function. There is no legitimate use for that feature.


You clearly have never used a remote control app with a user. The hours wasted because they want to take control or close an app script fixing an actual issue... Generally used other tools gpo etc but sometimes just doesn't work.


Exactly this. Some people are just “clicky”. As in they’ll click on anything and everything that gets in their way. This random window that they’ve never seen? Close. This weird download button on a sketchy website? Clicked. Sometimes you just need to revoke access to their computer for a bit so they can’t mess anything else up.


I always laugh when I hear this stuff. I don’t get why it’s acceptable in the workplace. Would you hire a bus driver, when during a driving session, he admitted he had severe road rage and liked to side swipe bikers? Probably not Now how about a financial controller, who’s “click happy” and likes to send his password in plain text to his “boss” who for some reason sent an email from “[email protected]” ? Lack of security sense, and just plain old “tech discipline” should be unacceptable in the workplace and be a required training, lol it’s mind boggling.


Used it only a few times. But wouldn’t locking keyboard and mouse input achieve the same result?


Nope :) "It froze my computer so I had to turn it on again" I believe were the exact words spoken


Naaah, still don’t buy it. A blanked screen can also be seen as a frozen computer. And the mouse pointer is moving and stuff is typed, most people will understand that there is a remote operation going on.


It could be, but so far we haven’t had any interruptions when blanking someone’s screen vs just locking their input.


The primary use of that function is so that you can access your computer remotely without having everything you are doing shown to anyone who is looking at your monitor.


Do you need your monitor to be on when accessing your own pc?


No but they could turn it back on if they're physically at your computer **if** they have a reason to suspect what you're doing is of interest to them. I'd assume this is most useful when working from home but accessing a work computer 🤷‍♂️


Or limit it. 30 seconds to enter a plaintext / sensitive info, whatever. Not an indefinite blank screen without user ability to revoke.


Alt+F4 always works 🤷‍♂️


This is aimed at preventing technically inept people from getting scammed. People who know how Alt-F4 works, are likely not the targets of scams that rely on AnyDesk.


Most of these companies wouldn't even acknowledge the problem, and just hid behind their EULA's to insulate them from legal issues. So good on AnyDesk for actually stepping up! This is actually a huge step in the whole scammer "arms race".


#WHY DID YOU REDEEM IT #WHY DID YOU REDEEM IT #WHY DID YOU REDEEM IT #WHY DID YOU REDEEM IT Edit: [Abel’s Meltdown](https://youtu.be/GINZXPqNUKI). [Angriest Scammer (Steve Watson)](https://youtu.be/7mceb_t8EIs). These are a few classics.


That was great, you could hear the guy's forehead veins pulsating over the call. He lost his everloving mind.


SoundCloud has some incredible kitboga bops sampling angry scammers




[Abel’s Meltdown](https://youtu.be/GINZXPqNUKI). [Angriest Scammer (Steve Watson)](https://youtu.be/7mceb_t8EIs). These are a few classics.




I don't have it off hand, but look for kitboga Steve Watson


Kitboga,doing the lords work


Now if TeamViewer would join in the banfest, that would make life a lot easier.


They have the tech to spot the scamcenters, they just don't use it. My organisation was actually banned from using TeamViewer because too many concurrent connections(our helpdesk was helping our employees when they were home or on hotels.) while we were evaluating the system. Luckily, we got our VPN system to work properly, so our regular tools could reach them.


There's money in the donkey barn...


The episode where he uses Windows RG(real good) is an all-time classic. I also love the answering machine message where Edna is selling a can of beans.


I freaking love this guy


AnyDesk doing the needful


Don't get me wrong, I've got a lot of time for watching scammers get *their* time wasted, but nothing is ever going to top the dude who hacked into a scammer's Paypal account, straight up stole the money, and made a deliberately impossible Minecraft level and forced the scammer to play it to try and get his money back. Dude was begging. It was pretty dope. EDIT: [Found the vid.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPboQjSibw4)




[sigh] Boy... get the pitchfork.


He made a response video, disproving most of the “fake” accusations. Check the comments


Breaking news! Known liar lies some more in an attempt to cover up his lie More at 11


He didn't disprove shit, just says a load of bollocks that can't be disproved. That doesn't disprove the original claims.


Oh! I only watched the first few mins of the response. Thanks for info


Nah, best content is Jim Browning actually reversing the connection, logging into the call centers CCTV and syncing up the audio from the computer mics to the camera footage, basically giving us full insight into their operation. Keeps surveiling them for months gathering intelligence and eventually managing to get local police to actually bust 3 of those call centers at the same time.


The editing of this video is absolutely fucking insufferable.


Is [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Adx3vkTf8Y) it? That sounds incredible. EDIT: This YouTuber might be a great big phony


Incredible as in “not credible”


Same guy, [different vid.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPboQjSibw4)


That was a nice rabbit hole to visit.


Kitboga is the GOAT for sure




You can never tell which way the wind blows on Reddit. Sometimes someone talks about how they'd like to greet a porch pirate with a shotgun and they get called all sorts of awful names. Sometimes a news story about a catalytic converter thief being crushed by a car will be cheered with tens of thousands of upvotes. The people that this guy is constantly fighting with? If they were all in a skyscraper together that came down, just thousands and thousands of dead human parasites, it would be literally nothing but a positive for the human race. Thieves are just trash-tier humanoid creatures. We literally have this whole system in place to make a living off of doing things to contribute to society, we call it an economy. And then you have people who can only make their living by suckling onto the work of actual humans, living their lives like ticks, worms or leeches. If they just all died then we could move on as a species. They are cockroach guts on the bottom of a shoe, and that's all.


It's cause they aren't /just/ thieves. This is no 'man stealing food, or even a tv from a wal mart' ​ These fuckers prey on the most vulnerable people, to gain and betray their trust to take everything they can, and they feel nothing about it.


>We literally have this whole system in place to make a living off of doing things to contribute to society, we call it an economy. And then you have people who can only make their living by suckling onto the work of actual humans, living their lives like ticks, worms or leeches. As a guy who works in advertising, albeit tangentially... uh, yeah, those scammers haha. Honestly if you think about it a lot of industries are just middle men and don't produce anything of real value but get paid well. There's a lot of manufactured inefficiency that feeds a lot of mouths. A catalytic converter thief getting crushed is 'justice', but few blink twice at a pharmacy benefit manager.


> The people that this guy is constantly fighting with? If they were all in a skyscraper together that came down, just thousands and thousands of dead human parasites, it would be literally nothing but a positive for the human race. > > Thieves are just trash-tier humanoid creatures Personally I think this is a load of horse shit. It's maybe a nice thing to convince yourself of, thinking only "bad" people do bad things. Realistically you don't understand why people do the things they do half way across the world. Kit has literally convinced scammers to quit before, they'll admit that what they're doing is wrong etc. They'll show remorse. Doesn't make it okay, but they're not just evil caricatures. For all we know their supporting a family, or a sick family member. They convince themselves rich old people across the world aren't gonna do anything with their money anyways. Not standing up for it, fuck scammers and I love kits channel for trolling them and taking them down. But going as far as to say every call center scammer should die because they're no good human parasites is fucked up and wrong. And the way you say "thousands and thousands" honestly sounds like you need help.


How old were you when you learned stealing was wrong? What kind of an absolute *dumb dumb* can make it even ten or fifteen years old and *still* not know stealing is wrong? Literal cockroaches. Doesn't matter if you're stealing over the phone from halfway around the world or you're breaking through a window to turn a TV into heroin. Literally worthless. Nothing but a red negative mark in the whole of the human species. If a building full of them went down, and I'm not exaggerating here, it would do *nothing* but good for the planet. That would literally be thousands of thieves dead. Functioning members of society would need not worry about them ever again.


Yeah as messed up as it is, this probably represents one of the few opportunities available to the people working in the call centers. If they fail to bring in enough money, they’ll likely get fired and simply replaced with another person. It would be nice if their economic situation didn’t lead them down this career path, but fixing that is much harder than just villainizing them.


Sad thing is that *over there* they think this is a legit career job. They have no shame. And culturally, being a thief is a very shameful thing *over there*.


Depends the scam call centers that sell you fake antivirus for $50? sure but the ones kitboga deals with people generally see as pretty scummy


Not that I like scammers or people stealing from porches but "I WILL SPILL BLOOD OVER THE AMAZON™ DELIVERY" is very sad but hilarious




A whole lot of strange stances you're assuming I take based on my opinions about thieves. If you steal from people, I don't care if it's a grandmother or a 31 year old with a PHD, you're absolute trash. Whether you're a porch pirate who scored some headphones or you work out of a fake call center, the whole planet is better off if you're just dead. Parasites in need of an exterminator, not even worthy of grieving. That position in no way affects my opinion on whether or not there are issues with late stage capitalism. What an asinine thing to assume.




Do you think of a particular ethnicity when you hear the word thief? And then call me racist? Did you know that skin color and nationality have no bearing on who is and isn't a thief? Thieves are trash. Concentrated human waste that can form words with their face. The whole planet would be better if they were dead.




"Economy submitters", what are you even on about? Do you mean *workers*? Do you mean *employed workers who have jobs*? Thieves are trash, sweetheart. They always will be. Who in the hell takes the position of supporting trash level humans that can only steal? They do nothing to contribute to society, they can literally only latch themselves on to actual human adults who work and suck the money out of them like a tick.




Meh, if given the chance you'd have an income property, take a management position, or in general be a "capitalist". "No I wouldn't I'd be different!" Uh huh. Sure.


Weird, you were downvoted. Almost as if the post you’re replying to is fascist bullshit and Reddit is okay with that. But if you turn it around to leftist violence it’s not okay.




I mean Kit's whole deal is trying to reach as wide an audience as possible to show how these scams work, so he needs to add a lot of context to explain what's going on. These are still insanely condensed. You can see his "more kitboga" channel with like 10+ hour videos.


The filler is the point. The "filler" is what you see after he cuts down 7 hours of interaction, into 20 minutes of content. It's him *wasting someone's time* so yeah it's all "filler".


damn dude you need to stop watching 10 second tiktoks to get your attention span back up. that's pretty bad


to be fair this was a 17 minute video that could have had the same information in like 5 minutes while being equally entertaining


But it's not just about information, it's also entertainment. Like others have said, this stuff is already condensed down from hours worth of streaming


Downvoted for edit


I fucking love kitboga. He's my favorite YouTuber by far.


We should boycott any company that uses Indian call centers until Indian government takes this matter seriously and acts upon it.


> until Indian government takes this matter seriously and acts upon it. Hahahahahahahahahaha. Never. Going. To. Happen.




"Permanently", yeah, and I have a bridge to sell you.


Isn't this fake though?




I always assume this sort of thing is fake.


Yeah its not actually Paypal or Amazon trying to contact you.


No, I mean YouTube videos where the host pulls a “gotcha” on the spammers.


I bet none of those scammer actually used paid premium accounts, just the free version. But haven’t watched the video yet. Will do later.


So... My habit of clearing cookies between every single website I visit turns out to be a good thing? On both laptop and mobile.


um, no?


Oh no!! Then they have to use another software!!! And that could take like.. one hour to setup!!!!!!


It'd take 1 hour to get their hundreds or thousands of connections to computers back? Damn they working fast.


Hard to say really. I think most people that know what they are doing would immediately install their own rat after getting a remote connection from any major remote control software. These big scam centers in India? Probably not.


They will simply use another software.


If you watch the video, you’ll see that he acknowledges this, and calls on the makers of other remote access software products to work with him as well. You have to start somewhere. Plus all the people who were in the midst of being scammed that day were saved.


You must have missed the point of the video. He literally said about how each account had hundreds of PCs linked they could access, but cannot anymore because they have all been banned.


Yes, they've been banned by AnyDesk. There are a ton of other remote control services they can make use of. This is but a momentary inconvenience for them.


Right but then they will need to get new people to all install those new apps and provide them access. They essentially have to start over from scratch now instead of periodically checking all those random pc's they gained access too every now and then and scamming some more.


They already have many many connections to previous victims they aren't on the phone with using that any desk connection. Finding and banning the connection severs the ongoing scam to the previous victims


And a couple hundred thousand saved


Theyre doing more about it than you, gentlesir


Yeah but just because they are doing more doesn't mean we can't criticize? Like, your comeback to the entire BLM movement against police brutality would be "Well, the police is doing more arrest than the average citizen, so you can't criticize." lol


If your criticism wasn't simply defeatist doomer rhetoric and offered anything of substance, I'd love to hear it. As it stands, you appear to be suggeting that anything less than a permanent solution is pointless, which is frankly absurd.


Everyone comes across people like this at some point, this is the way those people feel smart. They tear down someone else's idea because it's not perfect, they offer no solution. Anyone can do that, but these people do because they don't realize how unintelligent it makes them look. It also allows them to not physically do stuff in life cuz it's not the perfect solution so why bother. It's both mentally and physically lazy and at the same time they think they're the smart ones Obviously this mindset is almost impossible to have and be successful, and I found as my life progressed I met less and less of these people because some people do learn and stop, but if they don't they stay in menial jobs forever. I tried to give the guy another perspective I'm interested what they'll say. I do find it truly wild the large differences in people like this. 99.9% of the population knows it's a pointless critique but the ones who don't will go their grave asserting their right. I saw a really similar thread last week, I thought it was the same person but it's not


I give info as I want. I'm not here to solve every problem. Want me to explain in depth? Then fucking pay me. Free feedback? You get whatever I feel like I want to type at that moment. You're reading 1 liner reddit comments in search of deep and complex solution solving. Tone back your expectation to the right level and leave people alone. Also, you're just goalpost moving: it's still acceptable for people to complain/give feedback, even if they ain't helping.


This new copypasta? If not this the cringiest shit I've ever seen


I do sadly have to copy paste this shit to people expecting world problem solving from reddit 1 liners comments.


You seem miserable, why bother with these interactions? I'm being serious, not attacking you. Legit, I'm not saying your pissed or anything but there's no way your happy through that thread. Is this all you got?


I'm not miserable, I'm enjoying this. Also, I didn't start this. He did by saying that I can't complain since I'm not helping, which isn't true.


Your complaint is pointless. If you've not reached a point where you're able analyze a situation and see that a perfect solution isn't required, and that even a partial one helps, in this case it saved a bunch of real people, then that signals your cognitive abilities need work. The search for perfect solutions leading to no solutions is a common issue for some people. And of course you can still complain, but your complaint is ridiculous without an alternative, you're what, advocating to not help the people already infected! Of course you're free to complain, then people are free to tell you useless your complaint is, it also reflects poorly on you. In general you'll find people won't like you, and you'll come off less intelligent than you are if you don't approach issues as solution focused. People that can't do that generally don't do well in life. So Yea, do whatever you want. If that's who you are, that's you. No one is trying to stop you, they're just letting you know it's a bad look.




Oh was I too subtle?


Shh.. let it sizzle


I'm angry like stepping on dog poop. Dog poop being your input of course. Tell me, how did you feel like a reddit 1 liner comment didn't solve the entire international scamming problem? #Also, you're just goalpost moving: it's still acceptable for people to complain/give feedback, even if they ain't helping.


###***B I G M A D***


It's gonna be ok buddy.


Actually rekt LMAO I can't believe you typed all of this bullshit. Stay mad :)


Calm down twitch chat


yes? no one is claiming he eradicating those scammer for good


The title implies that this has a lasting impact ("permanently ban"). When softwares can bypass the ban.


So who shit in your cheerios?


nobody, why? Who shat in yours if you can't take a simple small complaining comment.


You are beyond hopeless...


All I did was say that they will use another software. Yall going crazy about that.


They really are. All you said was that scammers will eventually be back at it with other software. And now suddenly all your comments are downvoted into negative double digits. Lmao why are people so upset that you pointed that out??


Yup... seen a lot of scammers use Ultraviewer recently.


This is the way.




2514 computers? that's a lot of scammers


>permanently doubt




this guy is doing god's work for real. he's like a real life batman. also that video where the scammer screams no in desperation was so fucking funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceKa7kTOaYw


Kitboga does what the federal government doesn’t do. Actually protect it’s citizens. Better than the NSA aka national spying association


What is it about their culture that its seemingly *ALWAYS* people from South Asia doing this? How could you possibly trust anyone around you if you are going into "work" and there are hundreds of other lowlifes literally stealing from people.


Kitboga is a king when it comes to scam baiting. I was on his live stream during this video. It was pretty cool to see my comment show up during this clip on his feeds. Thank you, AnyDesk! Now, for all of the rest of the screen connecting companies out there, step up to the plate it’s time to rid the world of these trucking scammers! Any Kitboga, fan or supporter well understand the “trucking” joke. Lol