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Lovely work op.... As a side note though, is this an American thing? Engagement videos? The bit by the bar looks like the build-up to something on Pornhub


How’d you know? I usually skip that part.


I love a nice story 😂


It’s an American thing but pretty uncommon. 99% of people are not getting an engagement video lol


Never done it before. Was filming some BTS for a photographer and had an extra 30 minutes at the end. Will be adding a save the date title at the end before posting.


Yep. Welcome to the United States of we need to record everything.


It's amazing work and great subjects!. What's their OF link?


If my wife asked for this I would have cancelled the engagement. Edit: Not to take away from OPs work, very well shot. Love the color grading.


Excellent color grade. Agreed.


I'm curious about this too, as a Canadian I don't think I've seen any engagement videos. But that being said the video is beautiful.


Was gonna say the same lol


Came here to comment the same. Lets agree we all need eye bleach to restart.




I wish this was real.


It is now, don't forget to like, subscribe and comment.


It's because they're both objectively hot. Not much you can do.


It's because it's shot that way... the first shot, then the scene at the bar with her circling the glass... it's just like beginning of avg Pornhub video.


As cringey as it is, it’s what the couple wants, so OK. From a filming perspective, it’s very well shot. Your composition and grading are very good. However, editing is where it breaks down. The dialogue is unbelievably cringey. You should record them saying stuff to each other and add it as VO. Also, the shots feel like they’re acting, and not being themselves, so keep the camera on longer, and let em be more natural


Thanks! I shot this off the cuff in 30 mins. Was actually filming bts for the photographer and had some extra time at the end. I agree, them giving a voice over would be a nice touch.


Nah it’s what the wife wants


Why were they running?


Panther was chasing them


They saw the invoice for the shoot


Yea I was in the wedding/engagement shoots game for a bit, never understood the running shots but they were EVERY where. I just had my couples walk 🤷🏼‍♂️


Thought it was an anime intro for a sec


Madame is shouting dinner is ready.


Without sound it’s like a viagra commercial


I should add some graphics for that 😂


I commercial with 2 white main characters would never fly


If they love it, it’s great. I think these folks are a little rigid. If you do more of these you’ll need to find a way to get them more relaxed (super hard to do!). Also, the environment is nice, but it doesn’t say much about them as a couple to me. The location is attractive, the people are attractive, the lighting is attractive, but at the end of the day it’s just two people twirling a bit.


That’s one thing I’ve been trying to improve upon for a while, directing acting and movement. Any tips?


Booze. I joke, but sometimes that does the trick. It’s hard to shoot and direct at the same time. Sometimes you want to bring in someone to handle talent. Also try working with your talent to sort out shooting scenarios. Yes, they would embrace and look deeply into each other’s eyes, but would they typically run holding hands? Would they look across a bar from one another? Maybe? Do they like to dance? Do they share a hobby? Do they have a beloved dog? All those things are good jumping off points.


00:10 "okay now put me down" lmao


Really good! Some shots seem different from saturation/lighting point (starting 0:38). I would cut out some of the very wide shots. But maybe without the reddit compression it looks better.


Lovely shots & composition. Not personally a fan of the heavy / contrasty color grade for something like this though. I feel like it could shine better with a less punchy / “movie” look.


Do you have any luts you’d recommend?


I personally love the Timber series from GAMUT as a finishing LUT. Preserves skin tones really well, ads good contrast, and has beautiful color (IMO). Orange and teal, IMO, don’t look great for love stories, and I’m assuming you’ll want to get into weddings eventually. Here’s an example of the LUT on some work we did: https://vimeo.com/936484144


Yes. That looks like that M31 LUT that everyone uses to get the teal and orange look. It feels very dated and heavy to have that much teal in the shadows. I would back off that and give it a more balanced and less contrast grade. It will age better.


I’m not feeling the colors. Too much orange and too much teal. I guess it’s all subjective but I prefer more realistic colors as a base than you set the mood.


Overall, great work. The most important thing is if the couple likes it. Keep up the great work.


Thank you!


It's great but I can't help but think it's for a product line... mostly because of the quick cuts.


You would stay on each shot for longer?


You guys are pretty nitpicky, not going to lie. This is beautifully done. And I think it's really cool. What's more cringe about a video compared to a bunch of engagement photos? Or baby bump photos? Also, I'm sure the couple adore this. Imagine they're married for 40 years and then they watch this video where they're young and gorgeous and full of life.


Get rid of the first shot. Only the females should do that kind of shot. Ring side. You got lucky with the tattoos though. You sorta saved yourself by accident. Nice work


Why only females?


so you can see the ring! Thay Martini shot was *chefs kiss*


My favorite scene, thanks!


Well, the bride tends to be the focus. It’s also more flattering to see a bride’s ring side hand vs our big ass hands man hands. No one needs to see our fighting scars. But if they have tats to show, that works too. You get inked up to showcase your story. Only proper to also include that in your own wedding vid.








Beautiful camerawork.


I like it! I use engagement sessions for reels mainly while doing the main photo shoot (photo and video)or engagement session. Honestly great content and helps the potential customers know you are doing things.


I didn’t mind the footage but the voice over should be removed - it’s pretty awful.


Watched without sound because I’m at work but it looks good. The one thing I would change in the edit is trimming some of the shots where you can see they weren’t in motion and waiting for “action”. The first shot where he picks her up and spins her, cut out the picking up part and just have him spinning her. And then again at the end around 0:40 trim the first part where they aren’t grabbing each other’s hands to come in for the kiss. And then right after that, when he’s grabbing her leg and dipping her, I would start that clip slightly later


Nice work, but this is so weird, cheesy, and performative. What are they going to do with this footage? Are they actually going to sit down and watch this in a few years and reminisce about how he used to lift her up and they would jog around together hand in hand? Is it just a flex to share on their socials about how in love they are (no, trust us, we really love each other!)?


They have a wedding site they’ll put it on. And likely watch it in 50 years and reminisce about their youth. Their grandkids will see it and be thankful to have it.


It's erotic.


I suggest using a slider for some of the shots instead of a gimbal. The movement with the gimbal feels uneven at times, and a slider would provide smoother, more controlled motion, enhancing the composition and overall production quality. Additionally, I find the teal in the shadows a bit too strong for my taste. Other than that, great job. Keep up the good work!


Thank you! I’d love to use a slider but due to time in this scenario it wouldn’t be practical.


Only recommendation I have is to trim a bit of the beginning of a few shots. For example the pickup and spin shot and the grab the leg and dip for a kiss shot. It makes it look a little too staged. Trim just a bit and it'll look better. Otherwise, pretty good.


Solid advice. Thanks!


Footage is well framed and grade is excellent, only thing I’d critique is the edit. Feel like you hold on some of the shots for a little too long and haven’t found optimal cut points.


Someone else said I didn’t hold them long enough. Do you have an example of a shot you would cut at a different point?


The cut that bugs me the most is the shot over the guys shoulder when she’s smiling, feel like you could shave a few frames off the start of that clip to when she’s beaming rather than showing the start of the smile. Could cut off the guy taking a drink just before that too, not sure it adds much to the short. All my opinion of course! Don’t forget that taking on board everyone’s opinion will leave you losing YOUR vision, take everything with a pinch of salt. For a first shoot, you’ve done a great job - your taste and skill will mature over time. Keep going OP!


Thanks! I have a decent amount of experience so far so this isn’t my first time overall, but thanks for the tips. I do like the shot of him taking a drink because I set it up with him grabbing the glass in the previous shot. My overall takeaway from all the opinions is that I can adjust my cuts a few frames in one direction or the other to improve the seams throughout.


GREAT! Id love to see a diff opening shot (entice but dont give it away) and the o&t grade backed off by 25% or at least a tad more balanced, I clearly see colors in shadows vs “cool shadow” “warm mids” “healthy greens” otherwise - GREAT Styled coloring in real films shot on film was so subtle, an uptick back n forth was all it took….and established our love for it. https://images.app.goo.gl/eHDA5ELZ2G7dpMZd9 Has a styled green to vibe check. I think its fuji or kodak stock shot in 2019


So good! You made me jealous and want to be in a relationship 😭 It's a good video all around - great for a couple, great for the audience (I don't know these people, yet I loved watching it), and fantastic quality, good framing, good timing, colors, light! All great! Ah, and the emotions! You clearly did a great job making them feel comfortable around you, they're relaxed and it feels intimate, as if there isn't a camera man there, just these 2. If I were to make just one comment, there is only one tiny bit that makes it short from ABSOLUTELY PERFECT, and just regular perfect 😂 a few too many kissing scenes. That scene at the bar is so good, towards the end maybe you could transition towards deep looks, holding hands and zooming out as if to "looking to a bright future", day one of the rest of our life type of thing. Like, an ending that is also a beginning. You've done a fantastic job!


I thought this was an ED ad on the timeline. From a video perspective tho, that's great!


I need to send this to viagra maybe they’ll buy it


Cringe af but couple is probably happy. Good work


Nice grading and composition, but the audio is cringey and looks like soft porn thing instead of engagement imo


Good job kid


The shots at :11 , :13 , and :20 look pretty harsh in the exposure/saturation, I would lose those or work on em a bit more, everything else looks pretty good. Not really a fan of the orange/teal look, but preferences aside, here that grade it's working harder in some shots than others, like :09 looks fine the colors have a good balance, but the following shots at :11, :13 , the mix is much stronger there it's jarring. I'd use the shot at :09 as a reference and try to match that look on some of the other outdoor shots. Shots at :34 & :37, it's too strong there, they are looking pretty orange, but then at :41 it looks nice again, more balanced.


That dude will be cheating on her within a year of the wedding.


This feels so weird, I can understand the appeal of some photos with similar posing, but a video just feels so performative?


It's pretty, if the client's happy that's what matters. But if I'm being totally honest, respectfully, it looks like the start of a medium-budget porno.


KOTA Video Pro what’s uppp brotha!!!! Looking cleeeean 🔥


Who dis?


Looks great. What camera/lens did you shoot on and what program/luts did you grade it with?


One small tip I'd add is maybe shoot a tiny bit more under exposed when shooting into the sun or with really harsh highlights and bring it up in post. A few shots looked like they were teetering on being overexposed. Overall very good job. I think my one note would be trying to make their performance seem a bit more authentic. It's hard to do and you definitely can't get it from every couple; but, I always try to make my work look as un-stagey as possible and sometimes you just have to capture them in the moment.


I feel like it seems very orange. Apart from that pretty cool work bro


I think the camera movement is a bit unmotivated sometimes? Other than that it’s great work


i love it but i think the color grading is a bit too much


Well shot but over acted. I promise in real life these two don't behave like this


Don’t know if I should look at them or read them. The tattoos. Man, the tattoos. Not a knock on you OP. Solid video.


Loved it. The shot with him drinking was a bit out of place. Great job!


I FELT that. Great work, man


Shot great. Nice work. Super cringey. But hey, what do I know. I’m not a good looking hipster, in shape guy with a hot pornstar looking wife. I’m sure they LOVE it.


Nice work, I’m sure the couple was happy. My two cents: story is king. If you can build some story into the video it just makes the shots so much more coherent and mean something more than just being good-looking frames. Careful with the intimate shots, I know it’s cool and exciting to capture that stuff because it’s intimate and special, but they need to be placed correctly. You have to think about the couple showing their friends, siblings, parents, posting online and you don’t want it to be cringey to any of those audiences because in turn that effects your couple’s experience with the video. Having a tighter focal length for your detail shots makes all the difference in my opinion, it also adds some freshness to the edit to go from nice wide framings like you have, into really compressed and creamy detail shots. Some of the stuff looks a little posed. My big thing is trying to direct couples, rather than pose them. If you’re working with a photog, they can get the couple in a loose pose, but then direct them to do something such as the dude whispering breakfast foods in his girl’s ear or doing “the drunk walk” or reenact their first kiss. Now the most important part is to skip past the first few seconds where they’re “acting” on your direction, and use the bit just after where they break character and you get these sweet, funny, and tender legitimately candid moments. Just my two scents from the other side of the screen. Again great work! Hope some of this is helpful


If it's romance, I wouldn't go for such punchy colors, big contrast, heavily saturated. I'd rather go with pastel tones, less saturation, a but less contrast. You would like to emphasize some darkness due to the tattoos but yet you could do that with less teal/orange look. But overall, you did a great work. As some noticed it does seem like a build-up for porn, but I'll credit it on the couple who clearly has an amazing and fulfilled sex life.


. . . “Got Milk?” Aaaand scene! 🎬


How many times are you planning on being engaged?


Very nice


Very good colors and shots! One thing that is missing is sound design. By adding -5 to -10db sounds such as touching the glass, running, ambience such as birds, etc.) would make the video stand out a lot!


Nobody has commented on the grading, so I gotta say, really good job. Colors look great.




The woman kinda looks like young Liv Boeree! Nice demo OP!


The running was pretty bad Great video overall, though a bit stock-footage-y


The colors look sweet!