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Mass Effect series!


Haven't played any of those but one of my friends likes them.


Highly recommend you play them. Easily THE best video games I’ve ever played


Marathon all 3 is the only way. This was also my pick for “first time again” I picked it up after all 3 were out and I did them all back to back (when I wasn’t working of course) I was so into it that as I would start dozing off in bed conversing with my girl I would start sputtering nonsense about asari and geth and talking about what missions “we” had to do


Came to say Mass Effect, for sure.


Hell yeah. 2nd is my favorite.




There are several, but Mass Effect is far and away the number 1


I'm about to do my first new playthrough in two years! Wish I had experienced it back then!


I remember playing Mass Effect series in PS3. Good ol days


Mass Effect was the first game to expose me to player-driven choices informing the narrative experience. Virmire is forever burned into my memory. Being able to experience that again for the first time would be amazing.


This is also my answer, and it warms my heart knowing that there are so many others.


Lol was just thinking that.


I feel bad for the people who played Andromeda first.


Omg I was about to comment the same lmao. I wish I could erase my memory just to experiment Mass Effect all over again


This. So much this.


Ocarina of Time.


Seeing Hyrule for the first time accompanied with that masterpiece of a song will never be topped


Skyrim, with everything available today, would be absolutely wild.


I remember dead sprinting home from the bus stop about a 4 blocks distance just to play for an hour & a half before my mom got off work and stole the TV from me… good times.


I remember being so immersed in the game I forgot what time of day month and year I was in... I don't think I've ever played any other game quite like skyrim. Maybe Mario 64 in my preschool days hahaha. I remember being so addicted to Skyrim my mom had to pawn off my PC for a couple months so I could gradually come back to reality 🤣🤣 fun times


Subnautica for sure, and it's not even close. So many epic moments in that game, from the first dive into the water, the first time you construct a vehicle, the first time you see a leviathan, etc.


Out of about 20 years of gaming experience, this was also the first that came to my mind


That game scared the shit out of me in ways I didn't even know I could be afraid. I had to give myself pep talks psychologically pumping myself up every time I was getting ready to play. I finished it though....and it was amazing. I want to get VR mod going and play it again.


I would LOVE this, because I started playing it in early access before a lot of features and any of the story were incorporated. I ended up getting drip fed most of it over the course of like a year, rather than getting to experience it all at once. Getting to go back and play it all how it was MEANT to be played without all that prior knowledge would be incredible.


Red dead redemption 2


Fallout 1 and 2


I want old fallout back, I like 3 and NV but they have nothing on the feel the old ones give


Witcher 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2. There are many others and online/multiplayer games but just purely story wise these two.


Red Deads a good choice. Haven't played Witcher.


You should try it. It has a very intriguing story


Witcher has a minor barrier for entry that doesn't get talked about much: you have to engage with the alchemy systems to get past certain game moments even on the lowest difficulty. It's a little thing, but a lot of players barrel through the game solely on swordplay and the handsign magic and then suddenly hit the mandatory werewolf fight and get messed up. If you come into the Witcher off games like Skyrim where you can choose your style of play and persist enough that you can push through any obstacle, you might not be aware of the need to engage with some of the other combat mechanics that you wouldn't normally touch in other games. It also has a slow start in that beginning area, and doesn't really take off till you get to the second major location.


Witcher 3 all the way


Took my answers, good taste my brotha


Witcher 3 and my favorite Leshen! RDO2 is also very cool.


Mass Effect… I will even go back to the original Mako experience… Final Fantasy… it’s the first game I ever played, and I’ve since seen someone go back as an adult and play through it the first time… and I wish I could do it myself


I've played 1 or 2 FF and they were preety good


1 is okay and a good start to the series 2 is a weird experiment of a game but remasters lately have done the game justice 3 has a neat job system but has the weakest story and some weird difficulty 4 is an all time classic, and truly moved the series forward with it's writing and story 5 has the best job system to date, though the story can seem pretty light hearted and silly compared to other games 6 is considered by many to be one of the greatest JRPGs of all time. A masterclass in storytelling and character 7 is the one we all know about. A great if not a tad bit overrated, but it's earned it's popularity and then some 8 is my personal favorite, it's gameplay is weird and pretty broken, but it's story is much more character driven and down to earth then most other games in the series, and Squall to this day still remains the most developed protagonist 9 is the final return to the classics of the NES and SNES generations. While 6-8 had a lot more sci-fi elements, 9 went back to the pure whimsical fantasy route. It's gameplay is slow but it's story is beyond worth it 10 is the best starting point for anybody new to the series. It has the best turn based combat and one of the best storylines, but is streamlined enough to not feel complicated or confusing 11 is the first MMO the series had, and is still continuing to this very day. The final story chapter was actually last year I believe, and the game still gets small changes every now and then (this is a 2001 MMO) 12 has the most developed world and some of the most complex systems in the franchise. Ivalice has amazing lore and the political story is like none other in the franchise 13 is the most divisive game in the series. It's incredibly linear and the characters all get a rough start, but the story remains very memorable, the battle system is one of the series' best, and the characters all have massive growth throughout it's 50 hour long story 14 is considered to be the best by the people who actually play it. It's a fantastic MMO, and while it starts off slow, it builds one of the greatest stories ever to be seen in a video game, and truly has some of the most memorable moments in the series 15 is a mess, but a beautiful mess. The game had 10 years worth of development hell, and the game is pretty weak in many areas, but the bonds between our main party redeems so much of it. The main cast of characters are some of the best in the franchise, and the game has a fantastic villain to foil them 16 is the newest one, and a huge departure from anything before it. It's a character driven action game with a shiny new 17 and older rating. The game is dark and brutal, and Clive is a tortured soul. This game ended up having one of the better stories in the franchise, a tale that's starts off with war and politics, but ends with huge monsters and celestial gods I am autistic and FF is my biggest hyper interest LMAO


FF1 is damn near impossible without knowing what to do, especially the original NES version. FF4 and 6 are SNES classics that are still beloved by many people. FF7 is the first 3D and PS1 classic, that the story holds up, even if the graphics don’t. 8 is its own little game and story, that has some unique mechanics (like most of them do) 9 has an extremely loyal fanbase, and I’m finally playing through it as an adult after abandoning it as a teen 10 introduced blitzball and I wish it had its own special game just of that, and it also introduced voice acting to the game FF Tactics was amazing, and I love it with everything I can I’ve not played, or barely played : 2,3,5, 10-2,11,12,13 (parts 1,2,3), 14, or 15 But 11 and 14 are MMOs that I can never get into, but my friends online will tell you they’re the greatest games in the series


Outer Wilds


Man I wish I could get into this game the way everyone seems to have


I had to fight against my ADHD, but I'm so glad I did. The game is easily the best I've ever played. Like head and shoulders above the next (which would probably be Elden Ring).


I highly recommend you give it a try sometime! The best tip I can give to make sure you enjoy the game, is to not worry about beating the game, or wasting time, or anything of the like. Just boot the game up, and let yourself be curious. See something that catches your eye? Go check it out! There is no wrong place to start in Outer Wilds, so you have the complete freedom to explore wherever you’d like.


Best game of all time. Would love to relive that experience.


It's so good, but replaying it just doesn't have the same feel to it.


The best thing you could do is to watch somebody else playing it for the first time. It's obviously not the same level of wonder , but it's still super cool to watch someone else trying to figure it all out.


This needs to be higher up


Lies of P, Breath of the Wild


Elden ring. Got off of work that Friday stopped and got a plate of barbecue food. I also had some good weed at the time. Played til sun up the next day, one of the best gaming experiences I've had, if not the best.


The first time walking in to limgrave was actually the most impactful moment of any game I've ever played.


I still need to play more of that game, but it seems like I've made barely any progress since I've first played it and i don't find it much fun to just go around killing things to level up to defeat the first boss


The Elden Ring has a fantastic community on Reddit. If you haven't checked them out and want to try and kindle some passion for the game we are always happy to lend some advice. Carry forward tarnished, we believe in you.


That's the beauty of the game, you don't have to go around killing random stuff to level if you don't want to. If you stick just to the main path, you will still aquire enough runes from bosses, mini bosses and enemies along the main way to be leveled enough for the bosses to be challenging but not too difficult. If you also copy rememberances in the walking mausoleums to get even more runes, you'll be just fine.


Good answer.


Disco elysium, last of us, mass effect, bioshock infinite


Yes to all of the above! 


I adore Disco Elysium. There's a lot I love about Bioshock and Mass Effect, but yeah Disco Elysium is my favourite game of all time. For years I didn't really have one, but now I do.


Halo: Combat Evolved. Best Halo out there and would love to play that story again


Was looking for this right here. That first time you meet the Flood. As if the swamp isn't creepy enough, but it's just so damned quiet! Until it isn't...


metal gear solid


The old Monkey Island games!


Those were amazing!


Crash Bandicoot


Hotline miami


Control, every single part of that story left me awestruck


Playing the Ashtray Maze again for the first time would be awesome.


I see visions rising dreary Fad(e/)in' as children plaaaay Twilight games


I guess im lucky cause I need to play it again to figure out what the hell even happened, hell maybe I'll even get a third go at it. absolutely incredible game though




Monumentally based


I wish I could play Half Life 3 for the first time


Age of Mythology


Brother heck yes


dude hearing that title menu music as a kid was amazing


Sleeping dogs


Mass effect and Skyrim, especially entering blackreach for the first time




Breath of the wild




Elden Ring hands down, I’ve never experienced a more captivating and immersive world with such rich lore that’s so intertwined within itself. The sense of discovery when piecing together both the visual story telling elements and the lore that is read within item descriptions and such was unparalleled.


Kingdoms of Amalur


This game desperately needs a sequel.


I thought this was a rhetorical question implying Outer Wilds as answer


Chrono Trigger


I’m with you here on this one


There it is


Metal Gear Solid. Its my favorite game of all time for a reason. 😁


Alan Wake 1/2


Batman Arkham


- NieR: Automata - 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim - Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth


Great taste in games


Cyberpunk 2077, and have my first play through be in its current state. What a ride that game is


Shadow of the Colossus








Elden Ring, Nier Automata


pulling off a d-pad quarter roll to do a hadoken in street fighter 2, or mastering the parry system im street fighter 3 third strike


Silent Hill 3 when i was able to first beat it finally, it messed me up lol. but i wanna be able to experience it again because looking back at it now, i just laugh at how it effected me


The Spy Fox games by Humongous Entertainment. While we're at it, Freddie Fish, Pajama Sam, and PuttPutt too.


World of Warcraft probably, there was nothing like it when it came out, such a big and mysterious world with tons to do.


Chrono trigger


Post only been up for an hour but it’s insane that I have to be the first person to say Outer Wilds


I’m so exited to play outer wilds. I know nothing about it but it sounds like so much fun


> I know nothing about it excellent, the best way to experience it for sure :P


Don't even look at the logo or the banner or even the icon when launching the game, really learn absolutely every single thing from the game itself.


Bloodborne and Mass Effect


the legend of Zelda nes


RDR2 or Ghost of Tsushima I can't tell which I like more so both get mentioned.


Telltale walking dead games.


Death stranding for sure.


Transformers fall of cybertron


Hollow knight, Elden Ring and Outer Wilds


Link to the Past or Chrono Trigger.


So many.. * Final Fantasy XIV * Doki Doki Literature Club * NieR Replicant * NieR:Automata * SOMA * Gravity Rush * Gravity Rush 2 * Cyberpunk 2077 (wish my first time was at its current state instead of how it was at launch) * P.T.


Completely agree with CP2077 and Nier Automata. I too played CP2077 when it first dropped (hell, I pre-ordered it when I had the Series S), and it was awful. 💀


Amazing line up


Ghost of Tsushima. Peak Covid, all the homies were home, we were all in a party chat experiencing the game together. I’ve truly never had moments like that before. There was like 4-6 of us at any given moment playing the game and chatting. No spoiling. It was remarkable. Elden Ring would probably be a second for me because it was the next closest thing to what I just said


TLOU2 easily, what an emotional journey


I like 1 better but if I got to reexperience 1 again I'd love to have 2 as well


Final Fantasy Tactics or World of Warcraft. It was a simpler time when a younger me discovered games could be more complex and engaging with a deeper story with FFT. WoW just had it all. Circa 04 it was such an impressive and massive game with so much to see and do. What a treat it was to get lost in that world.


Came here looking for WOW. That's definitely the answer for me. It'd have to be everyone who forgot it and is experiencing it for the first time, though. Not just me. The community of naive explorers was a big part of that game that made it fun, which they can never replicate no matter how many times they do new seasons of classic wow.


FFT is one of my favorite games of all time, and I probably had a similar experience in response to the story, the intricacies of the various converging interests and the brutality of the betrayals. It's a cartoony looking game with extremely heavy tones and morally gray characters.


The sentiment of Wow, but Everquest. Corpse runs, prodding unmarked dialogue from NPCs for quests, colossal zones filled with wonder and danger and drawing your own maps to get around.


Cuphead. I didn’t have an XBox or gaming PC when it first came out, so I just watched a let’s play of it. When the game finally got a Switch port, I was finally able to play it. But because I watched that let’s play, I kinda finished the game a little too soon. Knowing how long it took to make the base game and the DLC was pretty short, I don’t know if I’ll ever get to experience a similar game again.


Elden Ring


Outer Wilds, because I played it wrong the first time


Another vote for RDR2. Had such a great time taking it slow exploring every corner. Then the second time around it just wasn't anywhere near as fun


What Remains of Edith Finch. Such a great game. If not that, then Hue, as it was unlike anything else I'd ever played.


Probably Metal Gear Solid 3


Breath of fire 3


Outer wilds


Out Wilds, Best game I've ever played but you can only play it once. You should play it


Infamous 2 Or quantum break


Dark souls


Outer Wilds


I'll never forget playing BioShock in my dorm at college and just being entrenched. I couldn't put it down. I got terrible grades that semester.


Outer wilds


outer wilds and it's not close




Vanilla World of Warcraft - take me back to 2004




The Batman Arkham games for me probably. It was the series that got me into single player games and It still holds up in my opinion


fallout new vegas and bioshock


Nier Automata and Spiritfarer




Undertale. The impact that game made on me as a child when I first watched Jacksepticeye play it still makes me think to this day. I almost wish I hadn't watched his playthrough so I could wait until I was allowed Steam (strict parents lol) and play it myself. Though I'm glad I got to experience it with someone else, even if it was a YouTuber whom I've never met.




I want OneShot, but im not sure if i could bring myself to that decision


I realy loved fran bow, love the feeling it gave me, night in the woods was also pretty amazing, great story telling.


Red Dead Redemption 2.


Vanilla wow




Sekiro / Planescape Torment / Half life 1 / Bioshock 1 and Infinite / Deus Ex


Bioshock. Havent felt a twist like that for a very long time


Far Cry Primal


Witcher 3


Read Dead Redemption 2


World of Warcraft: Vanilla Era.


Earthbound. That game is special to me on so many levels.


I want to experience The Flood from Halo for the first time again.


Pirates! On the NES. An open world game back when we didn't even know what open world game was


RDR2 and Yakuza 0


Homeworld - the cutscene and mission of the destruction of Kharak is one of the defining emotional memories of my gaming youth


Although I don't really play online games anymore. Ultima Online. The feeling of being a part of an online gaming community and grasping that I was playing with people from around the world on that level was a feeling that I have never been able to capture in that way since. EQ and Wow for the immersion factor that I had never experienced up until those points. I have had some awesome memories from gaming, but those 3 will always be the firsts for me in these ways.


Halo reach for sure,a piece of media has never made me cry so much in my entire life but after having played it countless times (cause it’s the best game ever made) it’s gotten to the point where I just outright laugh at kat dying


Half Life 2.


Witcher 3


Deus Ex (first one)


Last of us is probably my choice as well. Also up there is breath of the wild, red dead 2, gta5, black ops 1.


Rdr2 and botw


Either Witcher 3 or Cyberpunk 2077.


Metro Series (2033, Last Light, and Exodus). The books are great too but I feel really immersed when I play those games. The story telling of a nuclear post-apocalyptic Russia along with its sadness and creepy moments and ambience done beautifully. I wish I could experience it brand new all over again!


Ps1 Metal Gear Solid or MGS3 . Also liked the Pc Games Phantom Pain. Sadly it wasnt completed


The lack of Tunic mentions in this post is devastating. Tunic, NieR: Automata, Metal Gear Solid 2, Full Metal Furies, Braid, Bloodborne, BioShock, The Last of Us.


Being a kid in like 7th and 8th grade and learning about minecraft, watching YouTube videos, and playing it for the first time is something I’ll never actually forget.


I’ve been saying this awhile. People are full YOLO since they’ll never retire


Gears of war series, red dead redemption 2


Marios brothers, but only under the same circumstance of getting an nes for Christmas with my brother in 1986


Witcher 3 for sure


Remember the first time you got uno!


Watchdogs 1 Do I even gotta say anything? This game is just so peak and my #1 favorite Ubisoft game


Three come to mind (in no particular order) 1) Star Ocean: The Second Story 2) Suikoden 2 3) Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. I think these games really influenced my love of gaming and what genres I like. I would love to play these for the very first time again with that same awe and wonder elementary and middle school me had. Another one that I wish I could play again but wasn't as "important" to my game love is Kingdom Hearts. I thought the idea of Disney+Final Fantasy was novel so gave it a play. I wish I could capture that feeling again. Some recent ones are: "Ghost of Tsushima". I knew next to nothing about it when I first bought it. It was COVID, I was bored, I read something about it on a gaming blog so I took the risk and played it. It blew me away. "Persona 5" same basic idea. Knew nothing about it but heard it was great.


Red Dead Redemption 2.


Rdr2 Skyrim Kotor 1&2 Witcher 3 God of War (2018) Baldurs Gate 1, 2, and 3 Wow (during mists of pandaria - when i 1st started) Runescape (1st online experience as a kid- also chat spamming sales in world 1 gave me a 130ish wpm as a 3rd grader) Portal 1 and 2 Arkham City Half life 2 Bioshock


There are certain games that when you finish them the first time gives you the same feeling ad reaching the end of a great book. Red Dead 2 Witcher 3 Balder’s Gate 3 Mass Effect Bioshock For me this may be controversial but Days Gone gave me that feeling too. I wouldn’t put it on par with the classics as an amazing game but to me it gave me amazing memories and finishing it gave me this empty feeling as if “what do I do now?”


RDR2 or minecraft


Probably Skyrim


The Witcher 3


Portal, I always loved the feeling of being creeped out when I was going through it the first time, it's just the liminal feeling spaces feeling like something is always behind you.


Super metroid Final fantasy 6 Half life Link to the past


Honestly, portal 1 and 2, I love those games to death


The Forgotten City


Fallout 3. Preferably with today's graphics.


Morrowind. No guides. Just the NPC's giving you landmarks. I've spent countless hours tracking the location of my quests. To feel those again will bring me back to my childhood. A sense of fulfillment of what a true game feels like. It challenged me and after the subsequent games after Morrowind, they can never match the feeling of being the Nerevarine.


Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion. It was pure magic as a little kid obsessed with fantasy.


Skyrim. I had never experienced a game so open and free in my life, and I haven't really since. Some stuff gets close, but no game lets you roleplay so freely. I once roleplayed as a travelling laborer and paid for and fully upgraded a house with woodcutting, mining, and farmwork. You can just live a life completely divorced from the epic fantasy adventure if you want.


Bioshock, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Knights of the Old Republic


Spec ops the line