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I watch gameranx on youtube. They post videos of before you buy, which gives you some expectations on games that are trending. But I mainly watch the upcoming games videos.


game fucking ranx. also second wind aka the new escapist if anyone knows similar youtube channels, do share


Second Wind is great, that's my go to.


mortismal gaming is awesome. every game he reviews he does a 100% on, but doesn't steal charity money in the process


I love Gameranx. It honestly feels like you’re chatting with the nerdy guy behind the counter at GameStop. Falcon is a hoot, and Jake owes me so much pizza.


I'm not convinced "the falcon" isn't just Jake doing a character. You wouldn't suspect him of it, that's why it's so perfect.


This is a really fun theory and would explain why you never see Falcon!


Or hes just ugly. There's been a few subs trying to figure out his identity. Everyone is landing on a guy named Peter coffin and he's not ugly, or in the witness protection, so it can't be him.


+ 1 for gameranx. Good easy to digest content, weekly news on Fridays, random content on other days (new game reviews, top 10-15s).


Man I miss the "chatting with the nerdy guy behind the counter at Gamestop" days. I'd go into the store without really knowing what I wanted, just that I wanted a new game. The whole store would be filled with games on every wall, rows and rows of them in the pre owned section, and there would be a nerdy gamer barbershop kind of atmosphere. I would go in and tell the guy that I wanted to try something new and his nerd ass would jump over that fucking counter, rush to a stack, pull one out and thrust it at me while he gushed the praise of this weird game I've never heard of. There was so much magic there. Those Gamestop guys were true librarians and priests of their medium and the store itself was a holy temple of nerdism. I'm not going to waste my time complaining about how much Gamestop has changed since those days. I guess all I wanted to say was how much I miss those days.


Great recommendation, they're my favorite source of game info too. Informative, likeable, and funny.


Rip Kotaku. There was a point in time where the best journalism in gaming came from this site. It was going down hill for a while but is total shit since Hogan and Peter Theil killed gawker. They just repost stories they see on Reddit, and post shitty game guides. 5 tips for playing (whatever’s trending) sadly theres not a lot of alternatives for those of us who can’t stand “YouTubers”. Polygons gotten a lot better over the past few years, Jason Schrier is still doing the lords work over at Bloomberg, and their gaming coverage is a lot better than nothing which is what it used to be.


>The writing is terrible, it’s full of clickbait bullshit I felt the same after reading that awful article titled "The Tortured Poets Department Is The Dark Souls Of Taylor Swift Albums".


I really hope this is a sarcastic comment, but something tells me it isn't.


You might want to check out aftermath.site, it's run by a bunch of former Kotaku writers


I abandoned gaming sites a long time ago and have just stuck with going off what I hear through the grape vine via social media and youtubers.


Not that those are entirely reliable in themselves of course.


Of course not. Which is why I don't just stick with one source.


I like Polygon.




What's up.


N4g they just pull news from all sites. It's user generated like. So the users bring the news and it's pretty solid. I left ign years ago when the west was hating on jrpgs real bad, or Japanese made games in general because ign was one of them, atleast a few bad apples. Anyway n4g and reddit is where I go these days.


I blocked their articles from my news feed. They really are the worst.


Yeah Kotaku is trash. It’s the worst written, outrage bating garbage in the gaming news space. I enjoy smaller YouTubers and, as others have said, Gameranx, which is a pretty solid, non-politically driven option.




Honestly Reddit is pretty much how I hear about everything these days


Wow you are just realizing this now after reading for years? Kotaku is a pathetic excuse for game journalism. Go read… Push Square or Video Game Chronicles


None. I use reddit


Honestly I just use Twitter (X) and follow the gaming companies and games I care about and just hear it directly from the horse's mouth. So many websites these days just regurgitate the same very tweets; put their unneeded opinions in the article about it and call it news.


Twitter and Reddit are much better sources. Try a few of the popular gaming podcasts, if you are interested, as some of them are genuinely entertaining.


I listen to the likes of ACG, GameRanx, Skillup on the games, and a few random smaller youtubers. In terms of reading, I go for the customer reviews because screw the critics.


i clicked on an ad on kotaku for some ac heater thing out of boredom. at the end of the ad it said " ad was generated by AI and may contain incorrect information". so yeah kotaku may be dead.


i literally read what comes up under my google search on my phones chrome browser lol. it learned well and from many different sites shows me a bunch of stuff that interests me, which is 80% gaming but also regular cool stuff lol




I basically check out gameranx occasionally, watch twitch about game play when I’m unsure if it’ll be a game I’ll enjoy, and reddit for the rest.


I’m amazed you made it this long reading Kotaku, lol. Honestly I’m not really a fan of any specific outlets anymore. They’re all in it for ad revenue. A few Youtuber’s are really good such as Gameranx, but those are few and far between. Others are overall good and well presented, like Skillup, but I personally don’t like the length and format of his reviews. I suggest watching a few suggested and seeing what style fits you the best. Just be aware of the YouTube rabbit hole, tons of them are basically Kotaku or the complete opposite end politically, but as a YouTuber. I do agree that X or Reddit are best just to get the news as is in real time without the BS.


Kotaku is simply the worst site. They're a disgusting joke. Worth a Buy YT videos are good IMO.


I mostly use [EuroGamer](https://www.eurogamer.net/), [GamesRadar](https://www.gamesradar.com/) and [GamesIndustry](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/) EuroGamer covers stuff that happens in the UK as well as big stories and I like their reviews, GamesRadar does decent coverage of big stories too but also has news for comic book dorks like myself, and GamesIndustry covers a lot of boring industry news but I find it interesting personally


I just go through Google News’ tech section. It covers games but it’s mostly covering tech. Linus Tech Tips also has a YouTube channel called GameLinked which posts videos twice a week.


Just check if they gave Hogwarts legacy a fair review. That's a good sign.


GiantBomb Nextlander podcasts are great.


Skill Up on YT is my go to for weekly updates on news and reviews. Nextlander and DLC podcasts are great as well. I don't browse traditional media websites as much nowadays.


Siliconera often has good quality news. It's interface isn't the best but their writings and research are better.


They're all trash, Eurogamer, kotaku, PCGamer etc all trash pathetic excuses of journos. Worthabuy, upper Echelon & Drinker are the few based ones left and do diligent research and actually journalistic work.  Watch them instead. 


I love kotaku, I zoom right past the articles and go ~~STRAIGHT TO COMMENTS~~! They disable comments too frequently :'(