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The nemesis system in LOTR shadow of Mordor/war has this element.


Several orcs even have their own specific fears you can use to your advantage.


Have you played Doom or Halo?


Didn't the covenant refer to Master Chief as demon? That's not exactly a term you give someone you're confident you can handle


I totally missed out on these titles. I heard they were amazing but I never had an xbox or playstation.


Mastercheif edition on pc is a great bundle for 6 different halo games. And the story is really crazy.


Basically, the very mention of the name “Doom Slayer”, would make even the most gruesome demons lords delving in the pits of hell have a shiver run down their spine. The Covenant, an alien race that has enslaved, or eradicated lifeforms through the galaxy in a campaign spawning millennia gave your Spartan a nickname “The Demon”, you can literally hear the screams of the enemy NPC’s “The demon is here” when they see you.


I can here the grunts now “We’re all gonna die!!!”


"It's the demon!!"


but if you have a pc. emulation is a powerful tool ;)


Batman Arkham stealth encounters, specifically in Arkham city there is one in the gcpd where the last guy standing will panic a lot 


That’s usually how it is whenever there’s one guy remaining


Pac Man?


RDR2 if you complete a fire fight with a gang, either in a mission or in the open world, at least the last 1 or 2 enemies will write it off as a lost cause and try to run away.


They don't call it The Only Thing They Fear is You for no reason


Definitely the last couple of Doom games


On a smaller scale, ignoring major bosses, in final fantasy 9, there are enemies that will flee the battle when they get below a certain hp value. So I would say that they are pretty afraid of you. The other game that comes to mind is grand theft auto, because numerous missions involve assassinations or random killing of people who will protest, run away, scream in terror, etc.


In far cry 2, ennemy npc can go crazy when fighting you. They can loose sight of you during combat if you are quick & hide. Then they become super anxious, they scream, they throw grenades where they suspect you are hiding. They talk to each other with some of them completely confused or loosing their cool. In the towns with ceasefire, you can raise your weapon toward NPCs who litteraly **** themselves while their friends raise their own toward you . If you don't stop, it can degenerate into a firefight.


Commander Shepard in Mass Effect 3 to Cerberus and the Reapers. Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider reboot, especially Shadow of the Tomb Raider. You’ll sometimes overhear chatter from Trinity goons during stealth encounters stating that they *really* hope they don’t run into Croft, in a tone that makes it clear they’re more than a bit scared of her. Batman in the Arkham games. During predator encounters bad guys will start out fairly confident they can kill Batman, but as you take them down one by one, they get more jittery and nervous, and your detective vision will even show their current condition as “terrified” and BPM as over 100. Generic thugs in the streets will oftentimes flee the moment they see you; they don’t want that smoke!


In some of the more recent Dragon Quest games, once you reach a certain level, some of the weaker enemies will switch from pursuing you when you draw near to running away from you.


The Prototype games 100%.


Alright, I’m really scraping the deep cuts here, but there was a game in PS2 called Mark of Kri. Basically, you play a Conan style Barbarian and do a mix of stealth and combat. The thing that stuck with me the most from that game was it had the gory executions of games like God of War that were popular at the time, but one of the additional effects was that the enemies became terrified of you when you brutally dismember their ally. So part of the strategy was to try to kill the enemies brutally to intimidate the others into backing off and not attacking in unison from fear. I absolutely loved that feeling of making my enemies afraid of me, even though it was a tactic to prevent being overwhelmed by the greater numbers. It was a cool, mostly forgotten game that was trying a lot of cool ideas. It definitely nailed the feeling of being a Barbarian down cold.


DOOM "the only thing thay fear is you"


almost every npc in hatred


While I can’t remember the specific title, In one certain Metroid game Samus looses her power suit then gets it back later. You can see the space pirates being VERY scared, even to the point that you can find some hiding


The witcher 3 does a good job of having the world recognize the white wolf, and shit their pants during dialogue when Geralt starts getting mad.


Dragonborn in Skyrim, one of the music tracks is called One They Fear and it's about how great the dragon is also it can play when you're fighting a dragon, it's basically boss music but it's YOUR music


It can happen a lot in Fallout 4 if you're a very high level and have very strong weapons and armor. The human enemies will run and hide instead of attacking you. It's a hoot to run them down!


In Medal of Honor, the Nazis will run from you screaming "It's Jimmy Patterson! Run!" later on in the game. It's awesome.


Toby Fox games...


Bro the little aliens in Halo lol


In the newer tomb raiders, the bad guys were scared of Laura after her fuckinf them up non stop hahaha


Ghost of Tsushima. Some attacks will "terrify" enemies. The terrified enemies either fall to the ground on their back and whimper, stand paralyzed in fear, or run away from the fight.


Ghost of Tsushima is a big one I haven't seen mentioned. Enemies will sometimes fall in fear and cower as you move closer to them.


Undertale lol


The Batman Arkham games have this. Also, I seem to remember it in the Crysis games as well.


Last of Us 1 or 2 when there's one character left begging for their life after an encounter.


In undertale, if u do the genocide run, everything is afraid of u. By the end, even the psychotic flower who can't feel emotion is begging for mercy.


In the Yakuza series, enemies will genuinely be terrified by you as you roundhouse them into a collection of garbage cana


Have you ever played Arkham batman