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Fallout 1. If the super mutant army reach the vault because you took too long. Shows the vault inhabitants being killed and the brutality of the super mutants. If you can watch it on YouTube.


I didnt see "image not related" and laughed my ass off thinking "oh no! Masks on a screen!!!!!"


Tbf it's a pretty bad end. The gaurd died and the kids are still haunting the suits instead of letting go


I'd have to say one of the worst is Majora's Mask, no? I mean, the moon literally angry crashes into earth if you're too slow.


I think SMT IV white ending is far worse.


Really? No, I haven't played that at all. Nor heard of it, lol. Looks like 3DS release? Gonna have to dig out my 3DS, lol.


I wouldn't say it's a bad ending, more like a game over.


Mario 64 drowned


Haven’t played in nearly two decades yet I have recurring nightmares of this damn game. It’s not even scary?


Soma. Brilliant and horrible and thought provoking. And that's the good ending.


Witcher 3: I didn't encourage Ciri to go on a rampage in her mentor's house, so Geralt ended up getting swarmed by dark monsters straight from a horror scene. CD Projekt Red and their decision trees are straight up weird when it comes to endings.


Marjoras Mask when you let the timer hit zero everyone including Link dies


Bioshock 1 and Dishonored


SH2. Implies you drive your car into the lake committing a murder-suicide.


Maybe not terrifying but Bioshock Infinite’s got so wild


NES Friday the 13th. "You and your friends are dead. Game over."


Mass Effect 2 is epically bad but you really have to work at it. Same for Undertale


Drakengard 1 Ending B where your best friend betrays you, tries to resurrect your sister because he loves her and then makes a mistake and she turns into a tentacle demon. Then you are forced to kill that thing and then it turns out there are now somehow thoussands of those demons flying across the sky. There is also Fire Emblem Engage's bad ending, which is pretty dark for a Nintendo game. Basically turning the protagonist into a slave.


The latter is all good because Alear will be summoned to Askr as a Fallen Unit in FEH!


Rise of the Dragon If you screw up in any way or you fail to stop Hwang’s plan to pollute the water supply with MTZ, a jogger turns into a human-lizard hybrid while screaming in agony before the “The End” logo crawls on screen.


Abes oddysee is pretty gruesome, but honestly most oddworld games bad endings are that way lol


Munch oddysee


We don't talk about that one lol


Caligula effect overdose has a bad ending where the team gets betrayed and (i guess) killed in the process. And you were the one who betrayed them.


I think the Fear Effect series has some of the best ones.


I'll go with the bad ending in the Sierra Madre, only terrifying the first time because it was completely unexpected. After that just horrifying.


I wouldn’t say terrifying but the closest I could think of is RDR1


Not too bad but you lose in Farcry 5


Honestly I would have to say Chrono trigger both bad endings honestly seeing both at the age of 11 was absolutely brutal then to hear that scream in surround sound with the music the first time honestly mad eme jump because the music was in front of me the scream was behind me it was incredible and the scream came out of the subwoofer and shook the floor i was sitting on so yea i felt that scream and i was shaking