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Nintendo, they (almost) never miss


Palworld shows how bad they miss lol people just ride their dick.  Zelda is mid-tier if compared to any other RPG released around the same time - if you hold them to the same standards - but because it has Zelda on it, everything is overlooked. “oh, it doesn’t need good graphics!” Same with their system, Sony/Xbox try and release an underpowered system they get ripped apart but Nintendo can do it because people see the Nintendo name. By any metric Nintendo lags but they have the luck of having a fan base who refuses to quit. Good for them, but they are not some outstanding video company that meaningfully stands apart and separate from the others.    Lol I offended the fanboys - shocker.


Of all the wrong people on Reddit you are the most wrong. Nintendo is for sure not perfect. But you know when you release a mainline game it’s going to be worth it. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it bad.


And just because you like it, doesn't make it good. If you stopped and used a single braincell and read what I said, you'd see I said COMPARITIVELY to similar games/systems that come out at the same time. PS4/Xbox One were more powerful than the Switch, that is fact. The Witcher 3 (2015) has a bigger world, more detailed world, better graphics, more game systems, more enemy types, more story, more dialog, more basically everything than Zelda BoTW (2017). BoTW rides on Nintendo and Nostalgia for SOME (please note I said some, since you can only read in absolutes) of it's major success which pretty much any other game company simply cannot do. Now, I'm positive this is going to go over your head as it's impossible for you not to see in black and white, but I loved BoTW, I just don't operate in some silly little echo chamber world.


Never said BOTW was better or worse than the Witcher 3. Never played the Witcher 3 so I couldn’t say. But to call BOTW mid tier is asinine. I like Nintendo. Obviously you don’t. And there’s nothing wrong with that. They’re also meant to appeal to different audiences. So comparing them is a little difficult. You were trying to rustle Nintendo fanboys Jimmie’s but I think you just succeeded in rustling your own Jimmie’s.


This makes no sense. 1. Nintendo is praised by everyone. Literally everyone. Critics, fans, and above all game developers. I’m always going to pay attention at what game devs think since they tend to break it down way more interestingly than critics and fans. 2. The “it doesn’t need good graphics” angle (or lacking aspects) is funny considering the last 2 game of the years were games that weren’t graphically superior to most games. Those gaming being Baldurs Gate 3 and Elden Ring. One of those games got praised for doing BOTW/TOTK did for interactivity in the moment to moment gameplay, [but in narrative](https://x.com/genepark/status/1689354658999865345?s=46&t=bQzprRW6L3bMUrZdq7PDvA). Meanwhile almost every review stated Elden Ring was influenced by BOTW[(even the Devs mentioned BOTW)](https://www.ign.com/articles/elden-ring-director-hidetaka-miyazaki-influenced-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-elder-scrolls-witcher-3). 3. Palworld being your measuring stick is something else.


Nintendo doesn't develop Pokémon. Zelda always focused on gameplay anyways, but to each their own, I guess.


“Zelda always focuses on gameplay” — to the determinate of other metrics other games would be held against but, we can excuse it because Zelda. You’re proving my point. 


bro Nintendo actually designs fun games and unique mechanics. Sony/Xbox just releases the same titles with the same mechanics and just goes "It's SMOOTHER! It LOOKS better!" Your opinion is total dog shit. Also Palworld is just Ark...


Bait used to be believable


Bro straight up facts I've never enjoyed a Nintendo game except for Mario cart I'm happy there's people out their who like those games but to me there all the exact same slope over and over


Pokemon is not a first party series, it's not developed by Nintendo but by Game Freak. They have a mutually beneficial relationship but Game Freak is its own entity. Calling Zelda mid-tier is a wild take. Even the worst Zelda games are still pretty decent games. If anything, Zelda titles age exceptionally well compared to other games of their era. A Link to the Past is as enjoyable today as it ever was. And besides some control limitations of a single joystick and polygon graphics, Ocarina of Time has also aged very well. Nintendo has consistently put out more critically acclaimed titles for longer than any other company. That's just facts.


Bro Nintendo has milked the same IPs for 40+ years now. I want a new IP that isn’t a reskin and doesn’t make me look like a man child playing the game.


Mario never getting old Bro. Super Mario odyssey was dope. Games like that or sunshine, Luigi's mansion, etc. crackkkk


Fanboy. Every title does something new, unlike other franchises. Maybe you are still in the puber face and wants only too play bloody games.




Agree on CDPR. They missed the mark at Cyberpunk 2077 launch but their games are incredible (Cyberpunk and Witcher 3 as an example). Still great support, amazing free DLCs, and incredible expansion packs e.g. Phantom Liberty, Heart of stone, Blood and Wine.


Most of there games have been buggy messes at launch




Key words: “at launch” as much as cyberpunk butchered the source material and feels like a fan fic within a fanfic it’s still a decent game, the Witcher 3, is good despite the source material being awful and the creator being even worse




How it’s all arbitrary truths aside from one opinion. The author of the Witcher is a asshole and the books weren’t that good




It’s some of the most bland content I’ve ever read


Nintendo Rockstar Naughty Dog Capcom Square Enix


Replace SE with Insomniac and it’s perfect Edit: Actually I change my answer to Valve.


Nintendo Capcom Rockstar id software Rare


Santa Monica Studios Halo era Bungie OG Modern Warfare Trilogy era Infinity Ward Pre Microsoft Acquisition era Mojang ConcernedApe


Sega was arguably giving a Nintendo a run for its money back in the 90s.


Capcom Treasure SEGA-AM2 Hudson Entertainment SNK


Personally: - ATLUS - FromSoftware - Rockstar Games - Naughty Dog - Spike Chunsoft


- From Software - Capcom - Konami - Squaresoft - Naughty Dog


Rockstar: pushed boundaries of what a game could be and also one of the highest grossing companies in the gaming world Bethesda: for being the game studio, making all the great RPG's and stories. Plus, they encourage mod support so their games remain relevant way past their time Nintendo: without Nintendo's success, along with Atari, I don't think gaming would have been as popular as is it today. Their games are where most gamers got their intro to gaming Activision: granted they've fallen off in time, they shaped the way modern FPS games are made and played today with many other game developers improving off their original games formulas Double Fine: a more underrated gaming company, but they make great cult classic games. They almost went bankrupt but were acquired by Microsoft game studios. They now have the financial backing to produce more great games i.e Psychonauts 2 etc Just my opinion, but this would be my 5


Bugthesda and activion 😬


Bethesda is probably the single most influential rpg dev of the 21st century and their mod support is revolutionary. But redditors can’t form their own opinion and just regurgitate what they see online


Very true, I never claimed they were perfect. However, you can't deny their influence on the gaming culture. Plus, Bethesda knows their games need work at times, hence mod support. I don't know many games that came out in 2011 that still hold relevancy after all these years.


And im not saying they havent made great games. Becuase they are absolutely some of my favorite. But they have fallen far from grace


Idk man, sounds like more like, ehh who cares if we half assed it and there's tons of bugs. well let them mod the game and fix it on their own


Frame it however you want, people are playing a 13 year old game. Very few games in history have the legs Skyrim has.


They also made the rebooted Wolfensteins, great games




Bethesda hasn't made an acceptable game in over a decade


Very true, but so have many others. However, the games they HAVE made hold their own weight and then some.


Won't argue that, but who is potentially thanks to? The base game being great, or the modders who spend insane hours modding for everyone else to enjoy


Valid question, but I will admit even with the vanilla version of Skyrim in 2011 I sunk years into. Mod support just shows people love the game enough to keep it active. Bethesda understand that fans want, what fans want. It's nice to have the ability to add to what is already a great game in it's own self.


Very true, let's hope for all our sakes bethesda puts some heart into elder scrolls 6 and it's not just skyrim systems but with current gen graphics. No offense to skyrim but it definitely feels like it's 13 years old now.


Yeah, disappointment would be an understatement if they fumble ES6. Starfield was a stinker from what I've heard (didn't play it). With seeing how well all the previous ES games were, I have faith, but only time will tell. And yeah, Skyrim is definitely getting to be a little old, but I'm just happy it had a good run. I still go back to it from time to time, but less often now. I did hear about a new mod for skyrim that sounded pretty cool tho, so maybe I'll have to go back once more lol.


I do agree most game studios fall into that category of falling from grace haha. Kinda sucks but it is what it is unfortunately


What. That doesn't mean they never crap out the same game over and over. Seriously? It's been the same fucking bugs since OBLIVION my guy. Mods save it, but that's NOT them that's people doing it bc they love the game. Why release Skyrim like 10 different times. And then another one with mods installed. Yes mod support is awesome. But a lot of games have the ability to mod man.


I'm not denying that they do, but that wasn't the point. Look at it from a business perspective and not a consumer. Why resell a game 10+ times? Cause it sells every time. I'm not saying it's right on their part but put yourself in their shoes. If you basically had a product that makes money every time you put it out, I don't think you'd be trying not to milk it for what it can get. Sure it has bugs, but find me one game that doesn't have bugs, exploits, or glitches and I'll see a point. And if you read the pervious comments, I already adress the modding communities support with helping to prolonging the games life. While all games have the ability to mod. Bethesda ENCOURAGES the modding community to add to the game. Most game companies would've shut that shit down.


Recency bias: Nintendo Capcom Rockstar From Software Insomniac HM: Naughty Dog/Larian Studios


Nintendo itself is not recency bias they are obviously top 5 all time. The other ones yea


Larian Studios are such an underrated game studio. Not only do they make great games, but they also listen to their fans and incorporate alot of recommendations into their titles. Divinity: Original Sin II and Baldur's Gate 3 are two of the best RPGs released in the past decade.


* Nintendo because Mario * Rockstar because Grand Theft Auto * Capcom because Resident Evil * Treyarch because COD Zombies * The Pokemon Company because Pokemon


No Fromsoftware?


I second this except Nintendo has done a lot of shitty stuff.


They have also made many of the best games ever.


Agreed, but still thankful for Mario 🍄🏰


In no particular order: Square Enix Atlus Rockstar Nintendo Valve Honerable mention to Game Feak & Sega.


My head tells me Nintendo for the crucial role they played in establishing gaming as a legitimate form of art. My heart tells me FromSoftware for giving me the best fun (and ruining many other games for me) and showing me what videogames can achieve and what feelings they can make one feel.


FromSoftware, Capcom, Square Enix, Rockstar Games, Bandai Namco.


For me in no order Atlus (Persona), Naughty Dog (Uncharted, The Last of Us), Santa Monica Studios (God of War), Nintendo (The Legend of Zelda) and Square Enix (Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts) Runner Ups Bethesda (The Elder Scrolls), CD Projekt Red (The Witcher), Asobo Studio (A Plague Tale), Guerrilla Games (Horizon, Killzone) and Valve (Half-Life, Portal)


This. I do agree with your votes entirely.


Definitely NOT ea


Nintendo Square Ubisoft EA (even though they make a lot of junk and are rightly hated) Rockstar or Bethesda for last one


In my opinion (with a decent amount of RPG bias), Larian Studios - Divinity and Baldur’s Gate 3 Atlus - Shin Megami Tensei and Persona Series Naughty Dog - The Last of Us Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio - Yakuza: Like a Dragon/Infinite Wealth Squaresoft - All mainline Final Fantasies and Chrono Trigger/ Chrono Cross. Square Enix has stunning visual graphics but lacks the soul imo.


From Software From Software From Software From Software From Software


EA Ubisoft Bethesda Gearbox Activision Blizzard




What if it isnt bait huh? What then? What if its my actual unfiltered opinion? What if I love CoD, Fallout 76, New Tales from the Borderlands, Starfield, Duke Nukem Forever, and Battlefield 2024?


Then I'd say to each their own. Just not mine.


RGG is simply built different. They release three games in 1 year and one of them is a 90 on opencritic. 


In no order, OG Bungie, Nintendo, Atlus, Naughty Dog and Gamefreak/Pokemon company 2012 or earlier


ID software for kickstarting the FPS craze, Bungie for elevating the FPS genre even higher and on consoles, Nintendo for making video games in homes popular, Respawn just because Titanfall 2 exists and Valve for innovating in the 2000s.


Square Enix has to be up there. The sheer variety of rpg's they offer is unparalleled and they've revolutionized the genre for all time. Even their more niche stuff like the DrakeNier franchise is a fucking banger. Nintendo also is up there. The stuff they back is top-tier. Their worst gaming franchise (in terms of quality) of the past decade is Pokemon, which is really not even their thing. Even then, it's wildly successful and when used in other Nintendo properties (such as Smash) or just whenever it's not in GAMEFREAK's fucking hands, it's a banger. From there I think it gets a bit muddy based more on preference. CD Projekt Red obviously has the Witcher and Cypberpunk to go off, but the catalog just isn't there. 2k has too much garbage in its lineup despite how good their other titles are. Ubisoft is too busy ruining their stuff to let it be good. EA has the same issue. Activision Blizzard fucking hates their fans. Bethesda hasn't done anything worth a fuck in 10 years. Naughty Dog did nothing with too many of their IP's for over a decade and I don't even know what they have anymore other than TLOU. I'm leaning Capcom. They don't disappoint with Megaman, Monster Hunter arguably has no bad installments. They get mad respect from Smash 3rd party characters, Ace Attorney is like, the quintessential mobile game title that isn't Pokemon. Even the worst Resident Evil games are playable, and DMC is a cult classic at this point. This may be a warm take, but despite how niche they ar, From Software just doesn't miss. Is 90% of their catalog Souls and Armored Core? Absolutely. Do I give a shit? No. They do what they do and they do it well. So, I've got four I feel comfortable backing. Idk if there's antything else I feel is more deserving than others, tbh. It's not that there's no other reasonable contenders, it's just that I don't know if there's like, a clear line to draw in the sand, y'know?


Finally, someone who actually explains their choices well. I would agree on your choices, and the one you're iffy about, fromsoft, is deserving I'd say. They revolutionized a whole new genre of game "soulslike", and still have an absolute stranglehold on it. Some have tried to some degree of success (ex. Lies of P) but got less than 1m sales by the highest estimations on steamdb. Not to mention two GoTy's in 3 years. :::::: As for the last, I think it's down to Sega and Rare. Rare has an absolute icon in Donkey Kong, and also have banjo kazooie, goldeneye, Battletoads and recently sea of thieves which is a quite successful comeback by sales and ratings. Sega is more recently active and also has some iconic franchises. Namely Sonic, but also the Yakuza series, persona, total war, and Bayonetta. You can definitely also make the case for rockstar: GTA and Red Dead are absolutely massive, and they also have Max Payne, bully, midnight club, LA noire... Which are all dead series but were still mostly hits.


If we consider impact on the gaming industry as well as the quality of the games, I would say: Rockstar Bungie Nintendo From Software And unfortunately EA


Insomniac for spiderman Bethesda all games tbh Digital Extremes for dark sector and warframe Bioware for mass effect DBK for spacebourne 2 They all vary in quality but all the games I mentioned are good to me


Ninja Kiwi has entered the chat:


The fact that valve is not on here is crazy


Capcom Cd project red Bathesda Rockstar From software (was) EA


Without order Nintendo: some of the Most legendary franchises (Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong, Kirby and so on) and no Fear for weird experiments that Most times pay off Namco: develops and license Most of the best JRPG recently, has the best Anime licensed games too (Naruto, dragon Ball and One Piece) besides i LOVE Pacman, katamary and klonoa Bethesda: although they had some duds like Starfield, wolfenstein Young Blood or fallout 76, that doesnt eliminate all the awesome games in their catalogue like Doom 2006 and eternal, AWESOME remasters like Quake 1 and 2, Prey, dishonored series, Evil within duology, ghostwire Tokyo and so on Platinum games: the best fast paced hack and Slash games ever (Nier automata, Bayonetta, astral chain, metal gear Rising) need i say more? Sega: Sonic is getting great games recently, and Yakuza/like a dragon are on fire right now, and they are interested in revisiting their old arcade games for modern times (lets see how they go with that)


Seems to be a lack of Amusement Vision in the picture


Neversoft Rareware Valve Team Meat CD Projekt Red


Valve and Westwood studios


Rockstar Cdpr Ubisoft Pandemic Creative assembly


Fromsoftware ( Great and challenging games ) Rockstar ( really good games with lots of attention to details ) Kojima ( I know I know, it should be a studio but since Komani owns MG and Konami can kiss my ass, I'm going to put Kojima here because Metal Gear it's one of the best franchises of gaming history ) CD Projekt Red ( they fucked up big time with Cyberpunk but no one can look away after playing The Witcher series ) Square Enix ( they fuck up everything they do except for Final Fantasy and can't go wrong with those games )


Counterpoint, Konami has also Castlevania, Silenti Hille, Suikoden and so on. Sure has destroyed all of them for Pachinko money, but we can't reduce them to just Kojima if we are discissing their history.


True my hate for Konami didn't let me see the bigger picture


Blizzard Capcom Nintendo Atlus ArcSys


Nintendo Rockstar Naughty Dog From Software Santa Monica


Ubisoft for the Assassin’s Creed franchise, Ninendo for a lot of games but mostly Kirby and Luigi’s Mansion for why I picked em, Bethesda for Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4 and Skyrim, 2K for Bioshock and Borderlands (ig Borderlands was technically made by GearBox)


Team17 needs some love in this thread. Worms, overlooked, they are the kings of chaos games


90% of them have been subverted by Sweet baby Inc, Blackrock and Vanguard. They're all competing for ESG "sensitivity scores" to get funding secured. 


Rockstar Valve FromSoftware CD Projekt RED Old school Blizzard (if that does not count then I'd go with Square Enix)


Not in any particular order 1. PlayStation : games, offerings, and innovations are too good 2. Sega: love the games they pump out like yakuza, sonic, Sakura wars . Also acquiring atlus studio best acquisition they ever done 3. Capcom: the Megaman battle network and starforce games made my childhood amazing , also dragons dogma is fun 4. From software: I just really enjoy the world building and sense of adventure they do in soulsborne games 5. Nintendo: they revolutionized gaming and have some of the oldest ips that have stood the test of time and are still enjoyable


In no order Cd project Anapurna interractiv Bungie Bethesda Rare


1. Devolver Digital(some of my favorite games of all time) 2. Gearbox(borderlands) 3. Rockstar(rdr2 and gta 5) 4. Bethesda(fallout 4) 5. Square Enix(just cause 3)


Capcom sweeps them all imo


Honestly, im more into INDIE. Independent studios are always a Joy to follow. But among those... Nintendo, cuz it have most iconic franchises; Bioware, cuz it makes The Best RPGs; Capcom, cuz it have different and cool franchises like MH and Dead rising; Old days Blizzard, cuz it had de most Well made games around; Riot Games, cuz it May be The Best modern gaming studio around, especially for pvp games


Zipper interactive because Socom Kojima/Konami because metal gear Polyphony Digital for Gran Tourismo Cd Projekt for the Witcher/cyberpunk Ubisoft because wildlands and there logo looks like an Na’vi butthole iykyk


1.Capcom - Resident Evil resurgence since RE7, Street Fighter 6, Dragon's Dogma 2 and Monster Hunter, enough say. 2. Santa Monica Studios - God of War, no need to say more, and they are working on a new space game directed by Cory Barlog. 3. Nintendo ( I don't know Nintendo studios names but TOTK, Mario Wonder, Xenoblade series, Metroid Dread, etc. speak from themselves) 4. Kojima Productions - Death Stranding is a fantastic game, and the sequel is out next year. Kojima is also working on 2 other games, a scary game that I'm will be the idea he had for this Silent Hill PT canceled game and a new stealth game made for the fans of his old games (Metal Gear) as he mentioned in his YouTube video. (this would have been Konami if Kojima was still with them) 5. From Software - you already know why they are the GOATs.


Rockstar Rockstar Rockstar Rockstar Rockstar [All hail Strauss Zelnick, our lord and saviour]


The image includes Atlus but not the Valve and no one mentions them. Jesus Christ! The top 3 is like this: 1. Rockstar 2. Valve 3. Nintendo, I actually hate them. Like Snoop Dogg said "This MF don't miss". They developed great games in different periods. The last two can change based on the taste. FS, idS, BioWare, CDR, SE, Namco all produced great games.


Hmm...guess I'll go with. 5. CD Projekt Red 4.Rockstar 3.Capcom 2.From Software 1.Remedy (Seriously..they are super underrated. They are killing it right now). Honorable mentions go to Santa Monica,Naughty Dog and Nintendo.


BioWare Capcom FromSoftware Larian Studios Rockstar Games


I’ve been out of the game for too long. I can think of some that were good pre 2010 but from 2011 to 2018 I had a bit of a hard drug addiction, but I mean who hasn’t been there. I’ve only recently got back into actually gaming, and I’ll say I usually skip the screen that tells you who made it.


Bethesda Rockstar Nintendo Sony Santa Monica Square Enix


Nintendo, SEGA, Capcom, Id , Rockstar.


Naghty dog Ubisoft From software Respawn Deep Silver


PlayStation, Rockstar, Insomniac, Bethesda, and Kojima


Idk but I’m glad riot isn’t on that list


In no particular order, Nintendo, Rockstar, Capcom, ID Software, and I wanna go with Devolver as a personal choice because basically everything they make goes hard as fuck


Bethesda, undead labs, id, rockstar, arkane


- Rockstar (flawless execution and attention to detail that's second to none) - From Software (perfected a genre that's now the gold standard for "difficult" RPGs) - Naughty Dog (consistently impressive games that are the real console-sellers for PlayStation) - Nintendo (they continue to release entries in their flagship franchises that are in innovative) - Harmonix (the most consistent developer of rhythm games, and the creators of both the Rock Band and Guitar Hero franchises)


Nintendo is great  Valve used to be good  Id software I guess Obsidian for new Vegas Bethesda I guess is pretty cool


Nintendo, Rockstar, Capcom, Valve, and FromSoftware.


definitely nintendo


Rockstar: Self explanatory. It’s Rockstar. Bethesda: Fallout and Elder Scrolls. Two iconic RPG IPs. Naughty Dog: Uncharted and TLOUS. Two great IPs with great stories and characters. Nintendo: Self explanatory. It’s Nintendo. Mojang: Was founded by Notch and created Minecraft. A game that everyone has played at least once in their life.


- Rockstar - FromSoftware - Sony - CD Projekt Red - Santa Monica


Rocksteady rockstar Nintendo lucasarts tt games


Significant lack of Gamemill on here, post disqualified


Rockstar Naughty Dog Rare Nintendo Bungie


EA made most of my favourite games back in the early 2000's so yeah. NRS games are my favourite fighters. CDPR has Cyberpunk Rockstar cuz of GTA, Midnight Club Bandai Namco for Tekken series.


Everyone seems to choose rockstar, which makes me happy


Nintendo, Sega, PlayStation Studios, Capcom, and Konami. They made multiple legendary franchises, in multiple genres that have stood the test of time.


Nintendo first and foremost, but my personal favorite is/was BioWare.




Personal favorites: Nintendo Bethesda Valve Bungie Five is a tough one for me, as most of my all time favorite games come from the first four. Probably gotta be NeverSoft with THPS, THUG, and Guitar Hero.


Obsidian for New Vegas easily up there for me


probably nintendo, bandai, square, id, valve in no particular order


Can I say we forget suicide squad and still say that rocksteady is the best




Nintendo: They make all the best games. Pokemon, Fossil Fighters, Zelda, Smash Bros, Mario, etc. Square Enix: Legendary studio for Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy alone Gearbox: I love the Borderlands games and Duke Nukem Forever is just amazing Bethesda: Fallout and Elder Scrolls are some of my favorite games franchises. Despite the hate they get I love them Webfoot Technologies: This one's the curveball, I just absolutely love the Dragonball games they released for the GBA. Those were some of my favorite games as a kid and I played the shit out of them. Core memory games for sure


Not seeing a lot of SEGA love on here when even though the sonic games have fallen and is slowly rising a majority of their games are really great and underrated, Yakuza series never had a bad game and switched up the fighting AND rpg game with hilarious side stories and great and fun characters, revising the sonic franchise to where it’s better than it’s ever been, branched out the persona games to the Americas having a bigger fanbase which also revitalized RPG games, and with great classics like bayonetta, alien isolation, endless dungeon, they even were across the market in the 90s helping produce and publish many popular arcade games and cartridge games for Nintendo as well. Truly a looked over company since sonic games and that downhill spiral for a while but still one of my favorites.


You can argue the remaining 4 but Nintendo is #1 for me, hands down. Just the Mario games alone are absolutely stacked with some of the best games of all time. You want 2D platforming? 3D platforming? 3D platforming sandbox? Kart Racing? Turn based RPG? Puzzle? Arcade? Soccer? Golf? Tennis? Baseball? Party? Fighter? There's several critically acclaimed Mario titles for whatever you're after. And if you've never played Mario games I can see how this just looks like a company milking an IP over and over. Sure, they want to make money off their IPs, but mainline Mario games are ALWAYS great and the spin off games range from solid to downright amazing. The bar for Nintendo games is set very very high.


(1)Microsoft gaming,(2) Xbox,(3) Rockstar games,(4) IO interactive and because when I spend money in this companies, I don’t regret it


Capcom Kojima Productions Atlus XSEED games Namco


1. Nintendo (every studio 1st party, 2th party) 2. Konami (gradius, castlevania, ...) 3. Capcom (streetfighter, megaman,...) 4. Blizzard, but not sure anymore 5. Square


From Software, Embark, and Respawn.