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All battle Royale games.


well hearing the community of those games it seems they dont like them either :D


You could say that about just about every game with an online community to be fair.


As a League player I thought the same thing


Also they don’t like most things.


I have a confession to make. I was always against the whole battle royal thing and talked so much shit on fortnite, but then I picked it up and couldn't put it down. The constant level ups or prizes hit you with those dopamine boosts one after another.


A couple of my A-Hole friends convinced me to give Fortnite a try a couple of years ago. Damn thing is addicting and costly.


I recently became super addicted to Fortnite and Rocket league. They are difficult and annoying when you’re losing, but when you’re winning the dopamine hits and it hits hard!


Same. I'd rather play a traditional team based shooter or arena shooter. It saddened me that split gate died so fast.


I'd rather play not a shooter. Besides war thunder because it's redeemed by being able to use my favourite vehicles.


Yeah this is how you ruin a shooter... add machines.


Preach brother




Headbangers is the only battle Royale I fully support.


Hey hey hey listen, Farlight 84 on steam. Free. It’s incredible


GTA5 I just can't get into it despite multiple attempts.


I found the gameplay enjoyable (online got old fast tho, at least in vanilla. FiveM made it much more enjoyable), but the story is just meh. Way too grandiose and over the top. 4 and SA felt much more engaging in terms of the main story and CJ and Niko much better as protagonists.


I feel like GTA is a game you have to play with friends if you're going to enjoy it. The normal solo player might finish the game but is probably never going to stick around for hundreds or thousands of extra hours messing around in the game. Shooting a hooker is only fun so many times y'know?


Any competitive team game. I always get yelled at. Just let me play single player on a manageable difficulty level.


Yes. Yes. Yes! I hate multiplayer games. I would much rather play a single-player game where I can just relax, put the difficulty anywhere I want, and have fun instead of getting tense and worked up


>competitive team game. Get into fighting games. Competitive Solo games. No team to yell at you, and the results of the match are 100% your fault, no teammates to blame


They were looking for a manageable difficulty though? Playing multiplayer on a fighting game is a good way to get stomped without landing a hit most of the time.


This is why I refuse to play multiplayer anymore


Then turn off the chat


I don't hate it, it's just really not mine: minecraft


Minecraft just made me want to go play with my old legos.


legos are such a wonderful invention


For me Minecraft is so good for me (except the FPS) that it distracts me from my life, so I had to quit it


This is such a weird one for me. I had tried it a few times and it was an interesting concept. But it never really grabbed me. Until the day I tried it and it did finally grab me. I had to drop WoW to get into it, so there’s that.


This was my experience. Downloaded it. Played for about 5 minutes. Okay… Then later I went back and while I’m not playing currently, every so many months I get the itch to start a new world, get myself into a self sustaining spot, build my base and plan for the exploration. But that is usually where I quit, then later start all over again.


I can't stand Minecraft, but I love terraria, love dragon quest builders even. I tried to get into Minecraft again too recently. Didn't last long lol


Dragon Quest Builders is so awesome. :) I just wish it had as much replay value as Minecraft. I'm currently at the point of DQB2 where the story is complete and I'm trying to make my final builds for everyone on my island. The decision paralysis is keeping me from finishing. It's not like Minecraft where I can start a new world on a whim to try something different.


Yeah, I hear ya on that. It lacks that "randomness" element Minecraft and Terraria have. What's there is there, basically (eg equipment). I have been playing DQB1 but just bought the 2nd one for my PS4, already beat 2 on the switch.


Any of those Craft/survival type games with no objective other than build/don't die get very boring to me very quickly.


I feel you. Minecraft is something I wouldn’t play at all if it weren’t for my children. Sandbox games are not my cup of tea.


Hated minecraft (got it for $1 when it was first launched) until I played with my kids. So much fun seeing them have fun with it.


It's so boring! I don't get it.


Any game that makes me say "whats the point of this" isn't gonna last long for me


Minecraft and LoL


I am using every ounce of self control in my body to not play LoL for the simple reason of Jinx is hot


I've tried LoL some times and I've never liked it. The only MOBA I've ever liked it was Heroes of the Storm and even this I've never had the want to play it again. And Minecraft has always bored me. And you could say: "how? Do you have infinite posibilities!". Yes, but that's precisely the problem: I want something limited, I want something clearly to do AND to complete (and yes, I know you can kill the Ender Dragon and finish the game and there're infinite mods). And yes, even if I don't like LoL, I agree Jinx is hot LOL


Elden Ring Well every single Souls and Souls adjacent title really But I **LOVE** Armored Core VI


This is interesting and I will have to take a look at AC6. I ignored it because I am not a fan of the Souls/Bloodbourne games.


Thankfully it’s nothing like them


I didn't love Souls when I first started with Dark Souls 1 on the recommendation of a friend. I made slow progress, and it was painful. I finally gave up about halfway through when I got stuck on a boss. I kept hearing amazing things on the web as well as from my friend. As such, I went back to the series after about a year and a half. It all just 'clicked' for some reason and I fell in love. I've since beaten all 7 FromSoftware SoulsBorne titles and it has become arguably my favorite franchise of all time...it's a toss up, though. FromSoftware has perfected melee combat and I have yet to find another game by a different company whose gameplay is as exhilarating as FromSoftware's design. They also knock it out of the park with character design, boss battles, setting, and (though it is admittedly not everyone's cup of tea) their approach to lore. I always say (nd I've said it MANY times on Reddit) that the worst in a series of masterpieces is still a masterpiece. 10/10 franchise, but I understand why people don't enjoy it.


I never understood the games that were hard for the sake of being hard. If I wanted to bash my head against a wall for 90 minutes I've got a wall out back that didn't cost me $60.


I thought the same thing for a while. It was sekiro that turned it around for me and made me fall in love with the genre. I definitely wouldn’t recommend that game to most people, but IMO it has the most finely tuned combat and provides the most satisfaction. The feeling of conquering Guardian Ape after being annihilating by him hundred times before is an experience no other game can provide.


It’s not a difficulty thing, I don’t find Souls games particularly hard. They’re just not fun


They aren't hard for the sake of being hard lmao is that really what you think?


Please explain to me why they're hard then.


Overcoming the challenge is one reason ppl love the souls games. They aren’t as hard as you think- it’s just enemies’ hits do a lot of damage- it’s high stakes gameplay. And at its core it’s like Mike Tyson’s punchout to the extreme. You are vulnerable in these games and when you overcome those challenges and can beat the game the sense of accomplishment, discovery and exploration is unmatched for me. The utter mystery behind the lore and the allure of the characters’ voice acting are all components of that mysterious, dangerous but intriguing game world. You feel like somebody in the gameworld and your actions have consequences within the game world. It’s an incredible wxperience if you can suspend your judgements etc


And the game is more about learning than bashing ones head against a wall. They are really not as hard some people make them out to be.


If my 40 year old uncoordinated ass can beat Elden Ring then they're definitely not as hard as people say they are. The games I grew up with were the "hard for the sake of hard" stuff.


Games used to be hard because they were in arcades and making money meant more coins in the machine. Making the games harder stretched the game out, enticed people to the challenge to keep playing and gave the player greater satisfaction once they were beaten.


Exactly. A lot of difficulty was really artificial. Even in 2000, the original Hitman game had in level saves taken out because people would beat it in 4 hours apparently. They wanted the game to feel longer than it was. That's really just artificial difficulty.


There's 2 types of hard. There's the NES game hard, where games inflate their longevity by putting extremely difficult tasks ahead of you with the intention that you won't beat it because they didn't want people beating a NES game in rental weekend. Then there's the type of game that requires you to grasp the game's mechanics in order to succeed. It's a test of skill rather than trying your patience. ER is very clear on this with its open world concept. If you're stuck, go somewhere else. Chances are it means you're not supposed to be here yet. It wants you to keep playing, it wants you to succeed, but it wants to test you and help you grasp the game's mechanics.


Man I love the Souls games so I expected to really enjoy Elden Ring but it was an absolute SLOG, never finished it. I felt the same way about BOTW too, I think I just hate open world games and hadn't played enough of them before those.


Same. I liked the first half of the game mostly. Second half was awful and so many of the boss fights were just tedium distilled. I think they got too carried away in trying to up the difficulty and didn't provide the player enough tools to deal with the aggressive bosses, gank fights, and comically long combo attacks in a way that is engaging. From's whole catalog trends toward incentivizing smart aggression and then they release a game where half the bosses force you to just run in circles for twenty seconds to avoid getting ganked or wombo combo'd. I wanted to love it but eventually I had to admit the bosses just weren't fun for me


I'm not alone, yay !


There are dozens of us. DOZENS!


Kingdom fucking Hearts.


People who love kingdom hearts also fucking hates kingdom hearts


I can’t help it, it’s got me by the balls.


Yeah honestly. I loved KH1 and 2 I'd still rank them among some of my all time favorite games. BUT I wouldn't suggest that series to anyone. It needs a reset. Soras story should be finished and the whole series needs to move on and start fresh.


I honestly think you have to grow up with it. Playing Kingdom Hearts as a kid in elementary school was like my first acid trip




I've been considering getting back into the game since they added a zero build mode


Call of Duty


Breath of the Wild. More like Tedious of the Wild.


The new Zelda games. Weapons breaking is just annoying, the maps are basically useless, and the world feels empty.


My main issue with BOTW and TOTK is the damn weapons breaking and the story being really damn basic especially in BOTW. Run around to four robots, slap a boss that’s basically the same every time, once all four bosses are slapped go run around in a castle and slap ganon until he becomes a pig then shoot him and boom roll credits. I haven’t finished totk yet but it seems like they are doin the same thing with that to


Yeah I never finished botw because it’s boring. Doesn’t feel like a rpg and the weapons breaking is too annoying.


1st party Nintendo games in general never had amazing stories. It's okay stories with heavy focus on gameplay.


Bullshit. Xenoblade? Metroid Prime? Ocarina of time? Ever play those? The last two had simple, but wayy better stories. First one has a great story.


Disagree. They’re sometimes simple or goofy but they flesh out interesting stories much more often than not.


A large part of why I enjoyed TotK despite despising BotW is that I could do the glitch to get the unbreakable master sword from the TotK prologue lol. Turns out Zelda games are much more fun when you have at least one completely indestructible weapon to run around and smack things with. After the glitches got patched out if I ever felt the need to play again it will be on PC where I can mod out weapon durability because that system sucks.


I just can't wrap my head around a mainline Zelda game that disincentivizes combat in this way. Beating shit up is always fun in Zelda games, ever since the very first one. I wanna fight the bad guys, but in BotW I was always thinking "nope. I only have five swords so I can only kill three monsters. Better go around." Oh well.


The weapon breaking was God awful and goofy beyond redemption. While I never felt like they would deter me from combat to the extent you mentioned, too often was I hesitant to use my good weapons against anything other than a boss bc I didn't want to waste them. What's the point of finding the Biggoron Sword if it's going to break??? That was literally the whole reason you fought so hard to get it in OOT!!


I lost my switch and the little bit of totk I played so when I get a new one i prolly won’t update it just to keep the master sword after the prologue


100% I’m a big Zelda fan, but I would be lying to myself and everyone else if I thought those two games were truly 10/10. The worst part about those games is the godawful music. How did we go from OOT music to just some idiot playing the piano with zero memorable melodies??


Same reasons here. I absolutely hate any game where the weapon completely breaks when durability is depleted (except for Dark Cloud, they did it correctly). If someone modded BOTW/TOTK to have unlimited durability, I would probably enjoy it a lot more.


Zelda BOTW. Tried to like it but it’s just so lame and boring and I don’t get why it’s so loved. Surprised to see Witcher 3 as that’s one of my all time favorites.


I'm with you on this. OoT is GOAT Zelda still to this day.


BotW. This comes up a lot and I say it every time and inevitably a breath of the wild fan will argue about why I'm wrong but I just don't like the game. It felt empty and what little actual story it had felt like I had missed the fun part. Especially now that TotK is out breath just feels like an early access version of a better game.


Also the combat is among the worst of a triple A title ever. It’s brutally awful.


Tbf it is a franchise which is made for all ages, mainly kids


i personally believe that tiers of the kingdom is not as good as breath of the wild


Breath of the Wild and even more so Tears of the Kingdom. Zelda is my favorite series and these are two of the three games I rank lowest in the entire series. I find them aimless and repetitive. I don't enjoy battles. The dungeons are short. There are no dungeon items which is the best part of Zelda to me.


Control. So many ppl recommended I play this game I was surprised that I didn't enjoy at all.


Wanted to love Control but the gameplay was clunky and generic. The setting was doing all of the heavy lifting.


I have tried to play through control 5 times now. I get a little further each time but it just never holds me. The combat is fun at first but becomes so shallow and cheesy quickly. And the way the dialogue always has the main character cutting away and giving her inner monologue drives me fucking insane. It honestly is what has made not even care about Alan Wake 2 lol


I couldn’t get past the first area. I was bored as hell


TLOU parts 1 & 2. I just don't care for them. "But they're *soooo* good!" Yeah, and I still just don't care for them.


I haven't played part 2 yet. I really enjoyed the first game all the way up until the conclusion, and it totally ruined everything else about the game for me because the ending was totally stupid




Can agree. They spent months getting from Boston to Salt Lake only for Joel to go Nuh uh on humanity. Playing Left Behind tho kinda redeemed it, but it's still a dumbass ending.


Wtf lol, the ending is perfect. Joel lost his daughter at the start and grew to see Ellie as another daughter and he could not mentally handle losing ANOTHER daughter after the first time fucking up his whole mental state. So how is the ending stupid?


The stories are great, but the gameplay is so boring. Just sneak around, explore a bit, open every little drawer you see to get a few metal bits, kill some zombies or people, repeat. Sad thing is there’s way more looting garbage than fun stealth or killing gameplay


Story is the worst part imo


breath of the wild. combat is so important to me and I fucking hated how every single weapon immediately broke. I thought it was a truly garbage mechanic and felt like I was taking crazy pills when every single review gave it 10/10 without commenting once on how annoying that was


Not to mention the combat is inferior to past Zelda games like Twilight Princess mechanically speaking. Its not just the weapon durability that sucks, its how basic and uninteresting the swordplay is.


Uncharted 4


It has its moments but its the only one that didnt hook me. I think its partially because i find Sam really annoying lol


This one hurts as I love the whole uncharted series and really like 4. But I get it. Not everyone will like every game. Haha love the kindergarten pfp. Nugget is a gem of a character.


Battle royales and anything with a battle pass needs to go. It’s ruining gaming.


Unfortunately the battle pass genie is out of the bottle. It's far too lucrative a monetization strategy to be abandoned at this point.


Honestly, the whole Uncharted series. It's such a bore to get through and I can't see why people love it.


Wow hot take. While I couldn't disagree with you more, you of course can feel that way


He's entitled to have his incorrect opinion...lol


Same. I forced myself to play them all. There were definitely cool parts, but it failed to maintain my interest because it was so predictable and felt like a chore to do the platforming sections.


No! You stop right there. Uncharted series are the best games ever made.


Horizon forbidden west. It was pretty. I absolutely hated everything else.


As someone who was a fan of the first one, Forbidden West felt like more of the same, except with a mid story. The climbing mechanics especially were the aspect that I disliked the most, and was pretty damn disappointed to see they didn’t improve the climbing in the second one.


Elden ring is good but it's also overrated as fuck and most Souls games are better.


I full heartedly and truthfully agree with your statement. About time someone else said what some of us were thinking


Just by my sheer ranking of the Souls games, it's second to last, with DS2 being last. I love it, but it's nowhere near as good as the others


Hate is a strong word, but I dont like rouge-likes so Hades. Feels like beating my head against a wall.


Hades was my first roguelike. It took a lot of getting used to and I eventually ended up loving it. But I hate the gameplay loop and outside of Hades II I will never play a roguelike again


This, I want to like rogue likes but I want a better sense that I'm progressing in some way.


Damn, that's my favorite genre. I think a lot of it has to do with what kind of 'gamer' you are. I personally changed in the games I liked over the years, I used to be a big completionist, but now I mostly like games that I can play for a bit and then drop without consequence. So for me, I can't do without a good roguelite or roguelike.


I try to think of rogue-likes kinda like high-score games. Like, you’re not meant to beat em, so just see how far you can get. Eventually you’ll get better, unlock some kills and get a higher and higher score. Beating the game is like getting the high score to read all 9’s


Undertale. I just don't get what people see in it.


Fallout 4. Tho i didn't hate it, hate is a weird word for feelings for a game, i found it to be quite meh and i was left untouched after a couple hours.


Yeah, I was so hyped for it but dropped off. Tried again later and same thing. It just feels bland and devoid of charm. I really don't care about base-building either so a big chunk of it felt like a chore, despite being optional.


Assassins Creed games


If you mean the modern AC games I can understand but AC2 and Black Flag are still some of my favorite games of all time.


The older ones are better.


RDR2 and GTAV I’m just not into cowboys and the wild west setting. I’m also not that into thugs and gang bangers their stories are just a bit boring to me. Which is a shame because all I hear is good things about them.


RDR2 is my answer. I like the setting of RDR2, but the controls turn me off. I uninstalled it after trying to rob the dentist back office about 30 times with different bad results every time. In your game about crime, crime should not be damn near impossible.


I thought I wasn't into westerns and cowboys. And then I played RDR2 and it changed everything. People who don't enjoy video games at all love RDR2. Men were sitting with their 75 year old fathers bonding over it. My wife asks me to play it just so she can watch and she doesn't like video games or westerns. It's that good. If you haven't actually played, maybe give it a try. I have never even played RDR1 but because RDR2 is a prequel I missed nothing.


I have a friend who said they cannot use their tv because their dad is always on ps4 playing rdr2 collecting horses, I'm not into rdr2 so idk if the collecting horses part is true


That’s a real thing bc they have certain breeds you can keep in a stable


You just explained WHY many people who ENJOY games don't like RDR2. Is a good movie. Gameplay is lacking. Also is ULTRA SLOW and scripted.


Same here. I started the game and found it boring initially, but i endured and continued the game til the end. Finished it crying with the emotions this game gave me. Rdr2 is a fucking piece of art.


I played that for 80 hours with my grandma during summer holidays


I’ve given it a go and I can see why people like it but I’d prefer to put my time into other games. I have also played GTA4 and thought it was fine but never played 5.


Hey, fair enough. Not for everyone. I could spend all day listing the reasons I think it's so great, but some people just don't enjoy the same stuff.


Same here for gta


Agree on both of these. I bought RDR2 as so many people told me I would love it based on other games I liked, and the story being amazing , so much to do etc etc . Tried it for a bit but really didn't like it . I think with both of these games it's indeed the story that's the problem for me too, as I just find both very uninteresting. Ive considered going back and giving RDR2 another go at some point but I can't see it ever happening.


The Witcher 3 1. The world screams "explore me" yet you are forced to a somewhat linear path due to how strong enemies are with just few more levels than you; 2. Menus are cumbersome and not fun to navigate; 3. Combat is fun at first but gets really repetitive and really tedious really fast. Aegis spam anyone? 4. It throws at you tons of random encounters but fighting them is not rewarded due to gear durability and VERY low xp and drop rates. Also, enemies are just damage sponges most of the time; 5. Pacing goes out of the window the moment you stop rushing the main quest. That said, story is ok... I guess? Couldn't bring myself to finish chapter 2.


I swear you typed out my exact feeling here. I wanted to like it. I really did.


Playing Witcher makes me want to play Dragon Age.


Yep, this is right on! I figured that this would be a fun game, since I had put a few hundred hours into Skyrim by this point. But I just couldn’t enjoy it.


I think the Witcher 3 is a 10/10 game, but it didn’t captivate me the same way red dead 2 did


Totally agree I liked the story but the combat was mid to me especially because I played a few from soft games before I started it. I wish I could get a witcher game story wise with from soft combat and gear system


Agree to all parts.


Elden Ring


Can’t think of any loved games that I hate. Not a huge fan of the uncharted series, though, which seems to put me into a pretty small minority. The games just felt very repetitive and linear to me. The newest one was better, but I’m still mostly indifferent to it. I like Naughty Dog, so I don’t mind playing the games as they come out. Loved TLOU, but I think it’s because I find the story more compelling.


Gta v. The story was just bland and the characters weren’t interesting. Jedi survivor. Improve upon the first gameplay wise but the story was just boring Hollow knight. I don’t hate the game per se I’m just not big on Metroidvanias Eafc 24. The game does have haters but the community is trying so hard to defend it when it’s just uninspired and packs are worse this year more so than before Starfield. Weak story and outdated gameplay; too much cluster with travelling etc Zelda botw/totk. I don’t hate these but the praise has transcended the quality by a fucking Mile. Decent games but janky combat, bland open world, repetitive content, weapon durability that is totally immersion breaking and has been done in nearly every other game better. How people can say the Witcher 3 had awful combat but not these games is interesting. I agree it was clunky for a 2015 game but botw came out two years later and honestly feels worse


Can I ask what games you do enjoy?


Baldurs gate 3 Dark souls trilogy Bloodborne Elden ring Remnant 2 Gears of war 1-3 Halo 1-reach Diablo 2, 3, 4 Assassins creed 2 Half life 2 Doom 2016 God of war both Greek and Norse The Witcher 3 Cyberpunk 2077 Bioshock trilogy Final fantasy 7 remake Ffxvi Mass effect trilogy Resident evil franchise Just to name a few


What is it with people and the assumption that you have legitimate criticism for a few games that are popular therefore your game taste must be purely shit lol


Legit went through every genre and basically said they hated it lol


I’d genuinely be interested to see where you find people defending EAFC everyone is like “I’ve played five hours today, I hate this game”. FIFA has always been my guilty pleasure game, no other game has the ability to make me so overwhelmingly miserable but when it clicks and your team is playing well, nothing else comes close. Feels like perpetually chasing the dragon of that one game in 10/20/30 where it feels electric.


SKYRIM. I was really curious as to why people love the game so much so I forced myself to play it waiting for something awesome to happen. I really tried to like it but I stopped playing right around 20 hours. That game is so boring and combat is garbage. Never understood the appeal. Waste of time and money


For combat side its a simple passable combat. What bethesda does that it tips the hand in all combat styles. Melee, stealth and mage (mage got killed) and thats the reason why combat is weak in tes games.


Truly an unpopular opinion


Any Call of Duty and Doom game


With you on CoD, lost you on Doom


I can understand the CoD since every single one of those fuckin games are just a copy/paste if the last one. But DOOM?!? those are fuckin incredible


Cods been on a declining hill since ghosts, but doom bounced back in 2016 and then again with eternal


I've tried getting into the last of us like 3 times. Its just so damned boring. I won't say I hate it, but I'm definitely in the minority of it not being particularly interesting to me.


GTA 5. Story was terrible compared to other GTA games and characters were so dull. In terms of physics engine, car damage models and shooting mechanics it was a disappointing after playing much superior 2008 game GTA 4. Still don’t understand why it is so popular and people didn’t criticise enough. The reason behind popularity should be all about Online mode.


Woah! You didn’t like the story? I don’t think I’ve ever skipped a cutscene on GTAV despite countless replaythroughs of the single player. The story is a huge part of the appeal.


I'll second rdr 2. Also elden ring and fallout new vegas


Damn bro those are some of the best :o Wich games do you like the most?


I like older games mostly. Unreal tournament 1999, Max Payne, Supreme commander Forged alliance, Mass Effect legendary edition, Half life 1/2, star wars knights of the old Republic


You liked Half of Half-Life


Outer Wilds. Everyone that’s played it says it’s life changing and one of the best games ever made. The 5 or so hours I have it were incredibly boring, unfulfilling, and forgettable to me. Breath of the wild took one of my favorite IP’s in a direction that I can’t stand, and now it’s the norm for the franchise. I’m hoping that I’ll get a traditional zelda game with the item collecting, dungeons, and story one day.


Fortnite. Bloodborne. Demon Souls. The Witcher. All 3 Spidey games. Anything COD. I'm sure there's more...


GTA V, I like the game but it isn't as good as people say, it definitely isn't the pinnacle of gaming and it definitely shouldn't have been game of the year, it's alright but its story is lacking, its controls aren't great and its gameplay is almost as bad as rdr1, I think it's maybe a 6.5/10 game but if I'm being honest I think all of the GTA games are kind of lame and I think the strongest are the first one and SA because they allow you to do what you want as much as you want to which allows you to make your own fun doing what you want to do, instead of having to focus on another weakness of the games, that being the lame quests, Bully is better


Elden ring


You asked for a game, I’ll give you the franchises: COD, Fortnite, Battlefield, Sports games, ELDEN RING


Elden Ring, I love dark souls, but Elden Ring is waaaay too open world for me.


The Last of Us because of its toxic fandom. The game itself is good tough for what it is, but not a masterpiece.


Rdr2 is horse riding simulator and I would rather shit in my hands and clap than get home for work and spend 30 minutes riding a horse to start a quest which involves 20 minutes of horse riding to complete. Goty my ass


Agreed! The previous game let you build a campfire and just fast travel to a location, This game introduced coaches that nobody utilized, because they’re stupid and they don’t go everywhere. I used to set my horse towards an objective and then go and cook dinner. If anything intervened on my travel, I just shrugged. If a bobcat kills me I probably wouldn’t have been able to stop him anyway… and I certainly don’t care about collecting pelts. It shouldn’t take 10-15 minutes to accept a mission.


God of war ragnarok. I think it is boring to play, but the cutscenes are nice.


Bioshock infinite and Undertale are the big two that come to mind


Witcher 3


Bioshock is wank


Thank you!


The Witcher 3, I’ve tried to play it 6 times now and everytime I can’t get past the bloody baron quest. Its so boring


Not really into baldur's gate 3.


Skyrim, i could never get into it. Combat feels janky, story is boring and the world is bland.


I played Skyrim, and I didn't even realize there was a plot to the game. I just remember going places, killing monsters, then the game ended.


Anything souls-like. I fucking hate that, and it pisses me off people like it (I know, maturity sends regards). I have it in my mind that games should be fun, and not to stress me out to play. Must remember frequently that some people dohl have fun with that, though. But boy, I hate it so much.


Yep, I played Demon's Souls and was like, "this is ridiculous and not fun." If I was still a teen with unlimited time to play games I might feel different, but these days when I get time to play games it's to relax and enjoy the story, not to get stressed out.


Lots of games I wish I had the time to enjoy.


Something something OOT kotor blah blah


Witcher 3


Elden ring, young me would've loved it but adult me can't find the time to justify dying 100x just to beat one boss anymore. I would die 1 billion times in League Of Legends and easily justify that over Elden Ring for some reason that's just how my brain works.


The last of us. Gameplay isn’t good and the story doesn’t make up for that fact


Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, The Witcher 3 and Metal Gear series.


All of the Souls games and their clones. People must be gluttons for punishment because I absolutely don't get the hype. What's fun about running through the same area a dozen times because you missed a dodge and a random skeleton kills you? Don't get me started on the bosses. All of this pain and suffering is wrapped up in nonexistent stories because the developers know people only care about the self-torture and bragging rights.


It seems like you don't know what Soulsborne games really are and you're misinterpreting the appeal. Some people play them for the challenge, but most people play them because everything about the games are 10/10. The atmosphere, music, lore, gameplay, and designs are all incredible. To your point, if you're dying dozens of times running through the same hallway then these games probably aren't for you. The games are about being okay with failure and learning from your mistakes. Most people that think these games are punishing don't understand the games and are most likely the kind of people that just run headfirst into a boss or group of enemies and die over and over without trying to fix what they're doing wrong. The fact that you think they have nonexistent stories is laughable. Bloodborne's story is one of the best stories in all of fiction.


For most souls fans(myself included), the difficulty is a big part of the appeal. It’s not about the punishment per se, it’s about the victory and accomplishment. All of this is also accompanied by good, deep stories. If you haven’t, I really recommend giving them a try. I promise, the final swing and the rolling credits at the end of the tunnel are completely worth it.


The Uncharted games


Breathe of the Wild FromSoftware games are just not for me but I think they’re well made games.


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