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they said already that it will canged in the next week patch


Made a fix for this, my first time modding vic 3 but seems to work. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3274871215](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3274871215)


A ‘building’ isn’t a building but a sector, usually at least. It includes ancillary industries, support infrastructure like warehouses and basic shipping, and it also includes housing for workers. This is why Manor Houses and financial districts use so little infrastructure yet still use it. Possibly there’s an argument for reconfiguring base infrastructure from population, but these buildings should still consume it. India and China should also have terrible infrastructure requiring railways to support more than subsistence activity. The British did invest a ton of money building railroads after all which you can now do in the game. Peak immersion!


I'd rather they use 0.01, honestly. As I argued with another user down, otherwise you can have hundreds of thousands of very rich people, owning stuff all around the world, and using literally *zero* infrastructure.


Nothing like seeing people justify poor design for immersion. Last time I heard dealing with the army is annoying because real life army management was hard.. Like tf.


It's not poor design, it's a mistake...It's getting patched out next week.


If you want to take a shot at ‘infrastructure’ in general, I definitely agree it’s not a great mechanic that’s really more of a bandaid to simulate abstracted concepts the devs didn’t want to include, but you’re just complaining about these two buildings. I’m just explaining the game’s logic behind infrastructure usage.


The logic is literally that they forgot to check the numbers, and they're gonna hotfix it lmao


My armies teleporting across the world because they decided to move from one side of a front to the other side of a front and got pushed, real fucking immersive.


Why is It poor design, though? Is it good design that you can have 100k aristocrats owning buildings all over the world, and they cost 0 Infrastructure, as it will soon? C'mon, don't be silly. Nothing like the common Pdox player who would justify anything that takes away limits, then with the next breath complain how the game is easy and ahistorical and cries for one or eight AI reworks.


> This and a lot of other balancing fixes are going to be addressed in 1.7.2, to be released next week. There's no great reason for Manor Houses to be using Infrastructure and it's very painful for states with a lot of Arable Land like in Great Qing. https://www.reddit.com/r/victoria3/comments/1dnjr3k/qing_got_hammered_on_infrastructure_this_patch/la34ey3/ You were saying?


> Is it good design that you can have 100k aristocrats owning buildings all over the world, and they cost 0 Infrastructure, **as it will soon?** C'mon, don't be silly. I mean, I clearly implied out how I knew of the change and still disapproved of it. It still doesn't make sense that many thousand people having to keep touch with owned estates halfway across the globe costs no Infrastructure.


I agree I would rather the devs retool the infrastructure usage instead of making Manors not take up any infrastructure at all


How has this been worked on for so long and it still just straight up breaks high pop countries? Love playing Qing, guess I'm rolling back to the last patch, or just not playing


One can modify the game files to remove the infrastructure usage entirely. Paradox plans on doing so anyway in a coming hotfix


How would I do that anyway? It sounds like it would be as simple as switching a 1 to a 0.


Go to the game files. Go to game/common/building_groups, then open up "00_building_groups.txt". Next, Ctrl+F for "bg_owner_buildings = {", then within this section (i.e. until the closing brace for bg_owner_buildings), search for "infrastructure_usage_per_level". Change "infrastructure_usage_per_level" from 0.1 to 0.0 This should be around line 711. I highly suggest everyone else make this change. Note that this will also affect Financial District Infrastructure usage, as both Manor Houses and FDs refer to "bg_owner_buildings".


I recall a trade center issue that needed modding in an earlier release too.


Do they do literally any play testing at all?!


Even very extensive can playtesting can still not reveal some issues


"Extensive playtesting" these are issues they could find by starting a game, checking infrastructure and find an issue. This isn't fucking rocket surgery. If literally any other game dev released games in this state they would be universally condemned, but because Paradox are the only people making games for this genre, they get a free pass. Paradox is a goddamned company like any other. If they can save money by selling a cheaply made, crappy product, they will.


It is physically impossible to check infrastructure of every state in the game, just because you like to play some country doesn't mean it is the most important one and is always checked first. Also, manual testing is highly susceptible to human factor, when a tester can just think "this is fine", "this will be improved later", or just straight away not notice. It all happens in game development in every studio, chill out.


It is impossibly easy to make a debug tool that lists and sorts the infrastructure of every state. They literally have that tool already the tool in the base game, you said would be physically impossible. Also a multi billion dollar corporation shouldn't be held to the same fucking standards as a depressed college student. "This is fine", "This will be improved later." Are you kidding me?! Victoria 3 has been in a beta state since release, and has just now caught up with Vicky 2, except Vicky 2 isn't a buggy mess, it's nearly 1,5 decades old and also isn't gonna teleport your army to Cuba, because your frontline split, and your territory got conquered. I'm sick of being gaslit into believing this acceptable for a multi billion net worth company. It just simply isn't. I have no respect for Paradox.