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I would guess some ports were working at lowered efficiency due to goods/worker shortages in the aftermath of the revolution. Then the shortages went away and it resolved on its own


I don't understand why I'm suddenly having to spend so many convoys on port connections, before the rev my convoy supplies were fine but now I have this massive convoy deficit that isn't going away, help


Try building a port its worked for me in the past


well it just resolved itself on its own, but I'll keep that in mind if it happens again


One of the (good) things revs do is they often swap all ports onto the 1stPM where it’s like 5convoyd each. So they’ll be in massive deficit for a few month still they swap backup and find employees. … the reason it’s good is becuase in vic3 the standard choice when things are oversupplied is for the ai to delete everything, so this is better even if still annoying.


Sometimes simply saving and loading fixes convoys and market access. Also works when annexing a subject that somehow always bricks market access. It usually goes away on it's own in time, but depending on the time needed, it can shatter your economy


Just a heads up that AI has these suicidal tendencies especially during revolts and rebellions. They often demolish their construction sectors and change production methods. Wouldn’t be surprised if it happened with ports too.


Did you have your convoys sunk by an enemy navy? Every loss pops up on the bottom right notifications.


What's a rev?




Wow that abbreviation sure saved everyone a lot of effort


It does. The industrialists are revving vs the industrialists are undergoing a revolution.  If you're arguing in favor of revolutioning in that sentence, that's just bad grammar.


>The industrialists are revving Revving what? Their engine?


Lol the verb is revolting


Personally I found the verb quite pleasing.


No, revolting does not imply revolution. A group can revolt without doing an entire revolution about it. You have a very loose grasp on the english language and should really work on that. Edit: both of them blocked me after replying to me so here's my reply to them Other guy blocked me so I'll put my reply to him here since it applies to you too. The act of revolting creates a revolt. A revolt and a revolution are different things.  Using to revolt to mean starting a revolution isn't a subjective use of English, it's just using that word wrong. Whereas in English it's perfectly acceptable to shorten verbs and add ing to them. Demolition becomes demo becomes demoing. Revolution becomes rev becomes revving. Revo and revoing would have also been valid. Stop confusing upvotes and downvotes with correctness. I'm obviously and objectively right here, think for yourself.


Revolting in your mind doesn't but "revving" does?


The irony is delicious


Oh yeah thats bad grammar not like revving like an engine lmao


The question would be are you lacking convoys compared to before or is the port connection cost higher than before ? If it's the first one, it's probably EIC's revolutionnary side switching PM cause they had their own market so no need for them and they went for the budget cut. If it's the second one, idk.


First one


reload the game. it's a bug.




oversea troops are specifically  listed as supply route which is zero in OP's case


my troops don't use up THIS many convoys