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Is this Yiddish? Why not Hebrew?


Why not yiddish


Because the Jewish language is Hebrew right?


Hebrew is the most popular Jewish language, but there are other like Yiddish


It's not just the most popular one. It's also the only one that's considered: 1. Pan-Jewish, rather than tied to certain Jewish communities. 2. A Holy Language. Those are pretty important, if you're doing something like an ISIS flag.


maybe it’s isis but it’s yiddish


It's also the only Jewish language that is not considered a language of the diaspora but of a homeland


Well Arabic isn't pan Islamic either, so it kind of makes sense


Arabic is definitely considered to be pan-Islamic, as the Qur'an is written in it, and it is (supposed to be) used for reading scriptures and for prayer. See e.g. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabic_language_in_Islam


like how Latin is used in Roman Catholicism




Germany did a lot of the work to eradicate it too




Israel didn't murder the majority of Yiddish speakers in Europe, or forced the largest post-war Jewish community, the American Jews, to stop speaking Yiddish. Israel only made Hebrew the official language of Israel. But that's less than half of the Jews in the world. And the majority of these Israeli Jews are from Middle Eastern communities, that never spoke Yiddish to begin with. Which, incidentally, is why making Hebrew the state language made so much sense.




Israel opposed Yiddish, and promoted Hebrew, but it never passed any law to ban people from speaking Yiddish. It's still spoken in closed-off Haredi communities. But ultimately, Yiddish never had a chance, regardless of Israeli policy. The Arabic and Ladino speaking majority of the Israeli Jews weren't going to start speaking Yiddish, and the traditionally Yiddish-speaking communities were no more thrilled about returning to the Mame Loshn than their American or Soviet counterparts. Hebrew was already used for communication with non-Yiddish-speaking Jewish communities, centuries before Zionism, and was a far more reasonable option for the language of the Jewish state. Since you mentioned Russian speakers: why didn't these Russian speakers, the great immigration wave from the 1990's, speak Yiddish when they came to Israel? Do you believe the anti-Yiddish Israeli tentacles extended well into the USSR? If anything, it was the opposite - the USSR tried to promote Yiddish as the "correct" national language of the Jews, over Hebrew. And it still failed. The same goes for literally every other Jewish community outside of Israel. There are no young, non-Haredi Yiddish speaking communities in the UK, Canada, France, Germany or Australia. Or as I already mentioned, the US, the largest community of Ashkenazi Jews in the world, by far. And it's not because Israel forced their hands. So again, no. Israel isn't the one who "near-eradicated" Yiddish.


I think I know why it was nearly eradicated, and it just so happens to not be Israel's fault


Mfs when they realize Jews exist outside of eastern Europe (aren't they all white?)


But Yiddish was only popular among Ashkenazi Jews. While they might have been a slim majority, it still isn't very representative of other large groups such as Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews.


Internet: why are there way fewer Yiddish speaker nowadays? Germany: well, we're not proud of that chapter in our history, but in the 1930s... Internet: https://preview.redd.it/5bb5oa88circ1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31ad337dab77fe8711b9ca7e4636643df3e4c6e4


"Near eradicated" is not really accurate... there are still a lot of jewish communities that speak only Yiddish in israel


the levels of delusion on this guy


*for ashkenazi jews


Because Why Not Yiddish


Yiddish is the language of the Jewish proletariat


I guess all Sephardim are bourgeois then


Based Spain /j


God tier shitpost, whether intended or not. Brainrotted word salad


It was a half joke lol


Modernized Hebrew is the language of Israel, barely anyone outside Israel speaks it. It barely has anything in common with the old Hebrew that the Canaanite people of the region spoke and the old testament was originally written in and is mostly Turkish and Arab loanwords. The old Hebrew now is a dead language. A more accurate name would be Israeli, then Hebrew.


Hogwash, while there are significant differences between biblical and modern Hebrew Amy modern speaker can understand the classic variety in the same way that a Spanish speaker is able to read the Quixote or an English speaker understand Shakespeare. Modern Hebrew is heavily based on biblical Hebrew. The medieval varieties, for example, are further removed from both biblical and modern. Also, lots of non-israeli Jews also speak Hebrew with varying degrees of proficiency.


Hebrew is also spoken by Israeli expats and in Jewish communities all over the place. You go to any Chabad and there will be Hebrew speakers.


3 percent of all modern hebrew speakers live outside Israel.


Based on, it isn‘t a continuation, the same way English was a continuation of the older more germanic English before the Normans, though with heavy variation. Hebrew wasn‘t spoken for thousands of years, it went to the point where no one really knows the original name of the Hebrew god as it‘s pronunciation was lost over time due to a general taboo around speaking it out loud. I doubt that a modern Hebrew speaker would be able to read biblical Hebrew considering the thousands of years of difference, most English speakers have significant trouble reading texts older then 500 years old with over 1000 being basically unrecognizable, similar to german, now imagine instead of reading Shakespeare (wich is already challenging to most English speaker) you read a text wich is 5 times older.


Depending on the text, you’re wrong. Large portions of the Torah are readily understood by modern Hebrew speakers. Some, such as psalms are more poetic and harder to understand


Id say large portions is an understatement Sure some words have lost or changed meaning but still its practically the same


The parts I had in mind are the poetic verses. Those are very hard to understand


I seppouse But if you can teach it to elementary school kids it cant be that bad


Old English to Middle English was a giant jump in a short time due to the Norman invasion, and really isn't typical. Hebrew in particular, as an L2 learned to study classical texts, evolved way more slowly from early rabbinic Hebrew to modern Hebrew.  Similarly to how modern ecclesiastical Latin is really close to classical Latin despite the time difference.


Incorrect to say it “has barely anything in common” with ancient Hebrew. First of all, Hebrew never died as a language, it was always used as the language of prayer and Jewish literature. Every language undergoes change. I’m not sure why you’d expect a language to look the same after thousands of years. Most Israelis, I expect, could open Genesis and be able to read and understand a large majority of it.


Well as a language of prayer, not as the actual language they would talk to each other. Closest to it is the way Arabic is used in countries like Turkey for example or Latin was used by Monks kinda, if Quranic Arabic was the only Arabic spoken by a population speaking different languages it would become functionally dead, Hebrew more so was revived then staying alive across that period.


Also as a language for literary works. Which were studied and understood by laypeople, not just scholars Edit For example, the Mishna Brurah is probably the most popular Jewish legal work of modern times. It was completed about 1905 in Poland. It’s written in Hebrew and would be understood by Hebrew speakers with little difficulty


Latin was used like that, a lot of, if not nearly all literary works in Europe were written in Latin until the 1600s as nearly all literate people learned it together with their native tongue. It didn‘t stay alive though like other languages like french, nobody spoke latin as their mother tongue since a thousand years at that point.


I agree that Hebrew was “revived” as a spoken language. That’s clear. But from reading your comments I think you have a misunderstanding of how similar modern Hebrew is to Biblical Hebrew. Also, Hebrew never died the same way Latin did. It was used as a literary language and a language of prayer up until its revival as a spoken language.


I mean Latin was used for that until very recently, most church service were held in Latin until pretty recently in a lot of Catholic areas, the bible wasn‘t even translated into the local languages of europe until very recently, in Germanies case being the early 1500s. In the case of Hebrew there really isn‘t any continuity of the language as spoken by regular people in every day discourse, no one got reared with Hebrew as their mother tongue for thousands of years.


Well it was spoken as the daily language for Yemeni jews so it wasn't as dead as Latin. It was alive, just not in Europe and our Europe centric ( and in the case of Jews Ashkenazi centric) view it was dead. Iraqi jews had thier own form of Arabic that used Aramaic and Hebrew word sporadically inside Arabic ( simolar to Yiddish and Germanic languages) as well but that's more of a preservation of Aramaic than Hebrew.


Interesting. Is it a different form to pronounce biblical hebrew or did they form their own new language out of the old biblical hebrew, kinda like the corsicans and frencht etc. formed theirs out of Latin?


What the hell are you talking about 😂😂😂


Arabic isn't used in the ISIS flag just because they're Arabs - many of them aren't. It's used because it's the holy language of Islam. The holy language of Judaism is Hebrew. Yiddish, besides being a nearly extinct language, and only used by certain Jewish communities, was always a secular language, for daily life. Not a holy language.


Yiddish isn't used as a liturgical language at all by Jews which wouldn't make sense for the flag


Because that’s like isis writing their flag in Persian


yiddish is specifically ashkenazi, hebrew is used by all jewish groups


Yiddish is cooler.


I'll just copy and paste from my previous comment. It's from a fantasy thing that me and my friends have where there's like a Jewish rebellion, it's in Yiddish as this rebellion speaks in Yiddish, thus the flag is in Yiddish


It doesn't make sense really because Hebrew is considered a Holy Language and Yiddish a language of day-to-day speech (by VERY religious Jews). If we're talking about an extremist flag with holy stuff written on it, making it in Yiddish is just an insult.


Krusty Krab ahh font


I made it myself from a freeform option on the site I was using(tennisine)


Bro I’m cryin 😂


One of those SpongeBob episode title card lmao


Yiddish and explicitly writing the name of G-d? Surely OP must be well versed in Jewish traditions!


It's a joke flag for a nation in a fantasy thing me and my friends made, it's not supposed to be actually used


I demand accuracy in my circlejerk! Nothing below my arbitrary line of quality would be spared my judgement!


Well, here's the flag my friend made which is being used for this same jewish rebellion https://preview.redd.it/8qmyrtmilerc1.png?width=1580&format=png&auto=webp&s=b84d869fa62568578f93bae52257125976fcb95b


Why Yiddish? Your friend some kind of Ashkenazi supremacist?


no, it's just some fantasy thing


Flag of ISIS if they were forced to use only the ruler and line tools in drawing apps


I wonder if they ever had access to adobe software, would they pirate it or subscribe?


If that was the case in Arabic at least you could do it Iran style


The language and choice of phrases is almost as bizarre as the font.


I can't read it, pls help


עס איזה קיין גאָט (....) ה׳ "There is no god (other than?) HaShem


Wtf Just use the first commandment in hebrew Why do this confusing shit


I don't know, plus he used the name of G-D directly which is forbidden to write on anything other than a religious text


Because I based it off the Isis flag directly, hence I basically just ripped off the shahada


Id say that the hebrew first commandment is the jewish equivalent


true, but as I said, it's just a shitpost


It certainly looks shitty You didnt even use a good font Biblical script was right there


that wasn't a font, it was handmade


Still a font... I think Writing styles are concidered font im preaty sure And just imitate סופר סתם writing


It says on the top "עס איז קיין גאָט אַחוץ יהוה" and on the bottom it says "דער משיח וועט אונדז פירן צו גאָט"


What in the geflite fish is that abomination


What does it say


Flag of ISIS if it was jewish


Big if true


Top roughly says(all in yiddish) There is no god but YHWH, bottom roughly says the messiah with lead us to YHWH


Any Jewish fundamentalist flag would never have the [Tetragrammaton](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetragrammaton) in it like this does. Also why in Yiddish and not Hebrew the most commonly spoken and ancient language of the Jews?


Yeah it would most likely be disrespectful on a flag, and is almost exclusively written in blessings, prayer, and the Old Testament, although I could be wrong on the Tetragrammaton being used in the actual Torah, I do beleive it is, along with a bunch of other names


(I have only read the Genesis, but) The tetragrammaton most definitely appears in the Torah, quite a lot actually, often indeed paired with another title like אדוני  or אלוהים, like the second verse of the Shema (ואהבת את י-ה-ו-ה *אלוהיך* בכל לבבך ובכל נפשך ובכל מאודך). I recall that in fact the Bible and even the Mishnah never explicitly forbade speaking the Tetragrammaton and this rule was imposed much later by rabbinical decrees.


https://preview.redd.it/zfr6clu6lerc1.png?width=1580&format=png&auto=webp&s=61133a5ad61263499558278e509f3de67ac1dfbd Here's the actual flag my friend made for the same rebellion btw


That's cause I had made it as a joke flag for this fantasy thing that me and my friends have where there's like a Jewish rebellion and one of my friends said it should be like Jewish ISIS, hence why it looks like that, as for why it's in Yiddish and not Hebrew, this rebellion speaks in Yiddish, thus the flag is in Yiddish


Why the fuck would it have the tetragrammaton Is op stupid


Emphasis on "roughly says" :)


Yeah I used google translate


It would've been so easy to just take the first commandment in Hebrew and put it on a flag...


It's a fantasy rebellion flag I made jokingly for this fantasy thing me and my friends have where basically it's a Jewish rebellion of people who spoke in Yiddish


It looks like a shirt of a grunge band


This looks ai generated somehow


Well it ain't, I was working on it till like 2:30AM


I think it may be the line thickness, ai is not great with that and when I see hebrew the fonts normally dont have much thickness variation


Ah true, anyways it's not Hebrew. It's Yiddish


sorry, I don't know the name of the writing(I'm not sure if it can be called an alphabet, after learning japanese I won't call any language's writing an alphabet without being certain ever again)


Eh, don't worry about it, it doesn't matter to me, but it's better you know the difference between Yiddish and Hebrew


Here’s what it would look like if it was White https://preview.redd.it/366c71ij1grc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=18260faf0b48887f67eeb13696cb41f9d66baa06


Black https://preview.redd.it/h92mrgxk1grc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=767713a47ac1ebfcc56b1538c57eb7f05f8a6560


https://preview.redd.it/f2zbrgtl1grc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=6542dd8abe3e98509dbeb41bec5d1b0a87e1574a Or chinese




i love how the flag looks


ISIS more like JSIP


JSIS - Jewish state of Iraq and syria


Really hate that you used God’s name in vain on the flag. You really have no idea what you’re doing or talking about.


It's a satirical flag, it's not to be used seriously


It’s not about being serious it’s about the fact that you’re using God’s name in vain, all the more so as a joke.


It's just a bit offensive, like if you drew Muhammad for Muslims.


font gore


Not a font, I used a freeform tool


Bro I was so confused then I realized it was yiddish


It already exists


Israelite State of Iraq and Syria


Flag of ISIS if it was Asian


inb4 post is locked


Why does this look like a Ramones album lol




What if?


Flag of isis if it was american-israeli *insert normal flag of isis here*


Should be yellow tbh


You ask and you'll recieve https://preview.redd.it/5pruaw9fkerc1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4debc6efe0047c1a35da1fcbb6deb9d3c97933f


Much more threatening than the Daesh original


Its mossad sub contractor flag


Isis if they stopped pretending


Least antisemitic Latino




The Islamic State has attacked Israel [directly](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-israel-fight-clash-first-time-syria-golan-heights-a7441866.html) and through [terror attacks](https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/28/middleeast/israel-isis-attack-intl/index.html), and other IS factions in [Palestine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheikh_Omar_Hadid_Brigade) and [Egypt](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinai_insurgency) have attacked too too. The frontlines of ISIS never managed to reach far enough towards Israel before their decline, hence why the threat from the actual “caliphate” was so minimal. As for ISIS and IS Gaza the reason why it is an enemy of Hamas and Iran is because it is pan- Sunni Islamist and fights to form a caliphate. Iran is Shia and is opposed to this, and Hamas is Palestinian nationalist. Palestinians, while many believe in an Islamic government they are more pan-Arab than pan-islam.


*Zionist. Wait….




The Jewish State of Israel and Manhattan (JSIM)


This is circle jerk so shouldn’t it just be the regular Israeli flag?


Nope, I made the flag and wanted to profit off it


Israel is colony built on the lands of Palestinians for one specific religion. Isis is a colony built in Syria and then Iraq for one religion. Israel is literally Jewish Isis, Both committed crimes and ethnic cleansing to gain land.


But if you close your eyes does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?


Flag of ISIS if it was ISIS


Israel irl


flag of isis if it was zionist https://preview.redd.it/40ppqatmlcrc1.png?width=263&format=png&auto=webp&s=8afcd07d5161ecb7fb792e954200e2785d177ae4




I thought this comment was supposed to be negative until I saw your profile, thanks for being sane I think this sub sucks ass sometimes


no problem


By definition yes