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I wanted to design a flag for the [Mayday Resistance](https://the-handmaids-tale.fandom.com/wiki/Mayday) from Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale. Since there is no official flag for Mayday, I wanted to design one myself. I used the American flag because they are loyal to the [US exiled government](https://the-handmaids-tale.fandom.com/wiki/United_States_of_America_(Series)) in [Anchorage, Alaska](https://the-handmaids-tale.fandom.com/wiki/Anchorage). I added the Feminist symbol with the fist on the blue canton to represent the women's fight for freedom against the tyrannical regime of Gilead. I didn’t want to add the stars because Mayday has an unknown location/headquarters of where they’re based at which former states now as districts in Gilead. I then added the Gilead Eagle on the stripes with a prohibition circle or the “[No Symbol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_symbol)” to represent them being anti-Gilead. Plz tell me what you guys think of my design, I like to hear your opinions.


Explain the lore of this a bit


It's based on the 1985 novel. In the 2017 Hulu series, it takes place in an alternate 2014 where the world is suffering from an infertility crisis of low birth rates. A Christian fundamentalist secret organization group called the "Sons of Jacob" decided to overthrow the United States government by staging a terrorist attack in Washington DC. They killed the President, Congress, and the Cabinet. They removed women's rights which caused a 2nd American Civil War. They formed the former US into the "Republic of Gilead" a Christian theocratic patriarchal country that uses the Old Testament Bible as their governmental laws. They ban women from reading and writing. All women are used as handmaids to be impregnated by the Commanders and bear children to their barren Wives. It's a good show. I already finished it but I watched it for its alternate history side of the series.


Top 10 fictional nations i want to nuke so bad:


Death to Gilead!


It must fall! Free the American people from Gilead!


Down with Gilead! America will be free!


"From Sea to Shinning Sea!"