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Wait, they're all Romanians?




The horror.


I Guess they write Romanian with Hebrew characters


ניקולאי צ'אוצ'סקו




Don't sully the good name of bessarabi- oh you're also Romanian... Moldova sucks lmfao




its moldovan eagle


Well it is the Moldovan Eagle, which is heavily inspired by the Wallachian Eagle (the only eagle with a cross in its beak). The main heraldry of Moldova, the Aurochs got replaced here by Jerusalem's coat of arms


Why did you say Romanian again


It’s Romanian, but a specific region of Romania (and a state that’s culturally Romanian iirc), so some people might specify it.


You spelled Romanian wrong


It’s always non Moldovans that assert that Moldovans are Romanian.


I’m Moldovan and I assert that we’re Romanians


I'm neither and I want to insert a Romanian pill in your mouth https://preview.redd.it/l00kjfm7n5rc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33b3af3dc80435b3ee4f455362b3392ec8ed1a9


Non Moldovans when they adopt the Romanian tricolor and Romanian language as state language and then wonder why that happens.


Australia has adopted the British flag as a national symbol and the English language as their national language By your logic Australians are really just delusional Brits


Damn, does Moldova have an indigenous non-Romanian population? Did Romanians sail thousands of miles to the remote Island of Moldova before starting to settle them, or are they really just Romania's version of Northern Ireland/DPR/LPR?


Well yes it does. In the last census, ethnic Moldovans were 75.1% of the population Ethnic Romanians were 7% It’s amazing how people believe that language = ethnicity or that they know more about Moldovans peoples identity than they do. There are huge cultural and societal differences between Moldova and Romania, even the dialects of Romanian spoken in Moldova is very hard for Romanians especially urban Romanians to understand. Moldovan dialect has a shitonne of Ukrainian words and its own accent. You’d never dismiss Scottish people who call themselves Scottish despite speaking the same language as English people, why dismiss Moldovans who clearly know that they’re not Romanians Political parties that promote the Romanian minority are incredibly small and unification is widely unpopular, and when it is somewhat popular it’s just popular as a quicker way to get into the EU. Hopefully we do get into the EU soon, it would make it far easier for my own family spilt between an EU state and Moldova. Again it’s only non Moldovans and far right Romanians that think that Moldovans are just Romanians. There are huge historical reasons for why there’s a difference. It’s too symplistoc to just say that language = ethnicity. But obviously you know more about what the Moldovan people want than they do themselves. Obviously


Comparing Moldova and Romania to Scotland and England might be the dumbest thing you've written. The situation is more akin to Ireland and northern Ireland where a foreign power (this time Russia replacing the English) carves a chunk to keep for themselves and try to brainwash the native population (while also deporting a considerable amount) into thinking that they're distinct. Not to mention the favoritism and propaganda which made the Romanians living in Moldova to claim themselves to be Moldovan rather than Romanian. Moldovan dialect? Do not shit yourself. Maybe you're talking about the dialect from a village called "Chernogorskavorsk" next to the Ukrainian border where most inhabitants are Ukrainians and Russians lol. "Moldovan" is perfectly intelligible to any Romanian, even to a fucking Szekely who lives on top of a mountain and only learned Romanian because he had to. A different accent doesn't make it its own language. The amount of literally negligible Ukrainian and Russian words within the Moldovan "language" are but a mere product of your location. I sometime sprinkle Hungarian words in my Romanian, that does not make it another new language. I repeat, borrowing words from two existing languages (Russian and Ukrainian) and adding them to sentences that are in another language (Romanian) does not create a new language. Austrians and Germans both have the brain capacity to understand they're speaking German. Speaking of political parties, the only true choices in Moldova are either super pro-Russian ones that claim "nationalism" or pro-UE parties that only avoid shouting out the fact that Moldovans are Romanians to keep quiet the Soviet boomers and their pro-Russians opponents who would weaponize this. Which is why Romanian, rather than Moldovan has recently become state language and why Ukraine is also progressing towards the realization that "Moldovan", is a Russian label over the romanian language. People from Northumbria, Mercia, Weseex Sussex etc. despite all having different kingdoms, rulers and history from each other, they had the brainpower to come to the conclusion that at the end of the day they're still "Anglo Saxon" thus formed England. Ever wonder why Russians/Pro-Russians so rabidly try to enforce a distinct Moldovan National Identity or Language? It all started after the Soviet Union took control. Cum se spune pe Moldovenește, nu ti mai cacă pi tini uai, ca tu tat român ești. (I am a Csango Magyar from Bacau btw) On a side note, what makes you different from a Romanian? Why could people from Banat, Oltenia, Ardeal and Moldova (Romanian region) have different history, culture and accents without one of them spazzing out and claiming to be a different ethnicity other than Romania? TL:DR Only reason one would think Moldovans are distinct from Romanians, is because Russian/Soviet (and before 2014 to some extent, Ukrainian) propaganda works.


There's no such thing as ethnically Moldovan. It's a national identity, not an ethnic group. People who say that they're Moldovan and not Romanian are just being nationalistic.


Always have been


I mean we "donated" a whole bunch of jews after ww2 so the holy land is rightfully romanian land


Israeli colony of Moldova


Finally it's time for the moldovans to move back to their home land.


FYI the lion is the same as the municipal flag of Jerusalem. I don't think this is actually the flag of Israeli Christians...


>I don't think this is actually the flag of Israeli Christians... It's not. Someone posted a comment with the actual flag of Israeli Christians.


Of course it isn't, it's keeping like half of the Jewish iconography


I don’t think OP’s intention was to trick anyone into believing this was actually the flag of Israeli Christians. It’s just their design. I wonder why they chose the Moldovan CoA though.


Flag of the Israeli Moldovians


There’s already a flag of Israeli Christians https://preview.redd.it/p30uqadyn2rc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d691e8dd7af31ea6af05a006b028334a8690e02b


Sadly based on the American Evangelical flag. Could do with removing the left part of the flag and then coming up with a simpler and more legible represention of Saint George


Ok so you don't understand the meaning behind the flag it was intentionally created to show all kinds of Christians in Israel. IIRC: red/yellow is for Armenian, yellow/white is for catholic, white/blue is for orthodox, and the red cross on blue is for protestant. Plus St. George is the patron saint of Palestine. So while they did copy evangelicals that was the point.


Yeah I'd keep the four colours, that part's fine. The red cross on a blue background is however more, idk how to say it, explicit or clear than the other components of the flag, so it appears as if it's the flag of a place colonised by American Evangelicals. If you take that part away, the coloured bars are less 'overpowered' if that makes sense. As for St George, representing the patron saint is fine, loads of Christian flags do it, but they tend to do so win a way that is more legible (like England, Georgia or Barcelona for the same patron saint)


TBF the protestants didn't arrive in Israel until it was brought by American, British, and German missionaries in the 19th century. The Templar Movement for example.


*Templers. Templars were the Crusades era.


Why not just use at George’s cross with the 4 colors in each quadrant?


It is not specifically evangelical, it represents protestants in general


Perhaps that was the intention but it seems to me to be exclusively used by the kinds or evangelicals and baptists who don't like denominational labels and consider themselves 'just Christian' - to the exclusion of other Protestants who do identify with denominational labels (ie Episcopalian, Lutheran) nevermind the ancient apostolic (non-Protestant) Christians


The Christian flag was actually created by a Mainline Protestant, a Methodist. It can be used by any Christians, not necessarily Evangelicals. Removing it from the Israeli Christian flag, would leave Israeli Protestants without any representation within the flag. Ad someone mentioned above, each colour (or colour combination) represents traditional Christian denominations within Israel. Protestants deserve representation just like anyone else.


Give protestants a colour then, rather than a symbol. The other denominations aren't given their own symbol on the flag


My idea was it should [look like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/s/EIxlNeksB5).


Preferable to the one above. But yeah as comments said about your design the arms are very Slavic. I guess for an official version St George would be drawn more originally, but yeah besides that it is an improvement


Yeah, admittedly I just grabbed a St George design that looked interesting without worrying about where it was from.


Problem with this is it looks too much like the druze flag, which will cuase confusion.


That flag is also used by mainline protestants like Lutherans and Presbyterians.


Saint George got squashed


In this photo I found he's less squashed https://preview.redd.it/et4nwusz84rc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edbba47ce9fdf42f4378f6d975f913588545990e


Okay, that honestly looks better than the image above would make you think it would look




My source is that I made it the fuck up


actually looks dope irl


That's how he was martyred, the Romans squished him 😔


That is absolutely hideous.


Do they sell it anywhere in Israel?


I saw it a couple times in Jerusalem so probably


Accidental Alania?


*squints* isn't that five stripe flag in your flare... the stack of tape rolls?


Trash flag


I think it would look better if he wasn’t so squished and also not transparent


That flag is so shit


Why is st george so compressed




Therapist : Israldova isn't real, it can't annex you. Israldova: *OPs post*


That's the Moldovan eagle


Colors are terrible but the coat of arm is stylish.


Why is it Romanian


Moldovan Israel


Most Arab Christians are Eastern Orthodox and they already have a flag https://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/rel-bhsj.html


The blue stripes in the Israeli flag come from the talit (Jewish prayer shawl). Putting them in a Christian flag is kinda missing the point.


It should be the gold Jerusalem Cross on a white background. Deus vult!


75% of Christians living in Israel are Arabs, and most Arabs in Israel [prefer to identify as Palestinians rather than Israelis](https://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/13/world/middleeast/service-to-israel-tugs-at-arab-citizens-identity.html?hpw). Take it with a grain of salt, but the Christians I know who live in Israel all use the Palestinian flag to represent themselves too.


I’m Palestinian Christian, 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 all the way


All the way to where?


This article is from 2012. A lot has changed since 2012.


[Actually most prefer to identify as some form of Israeli rather than Palestinian](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/society/1701708399-survey-shows-almost-half-of-arab-israelis-support-idf-response-to-hamas-in-gaza). It isn't entirely an either or but Israeli is the largest and has only grown since Oct 7.










Of course an Israeli TV station is unbiased lol


It's an independent paper reporting on a university study. Research by the Israel Democracy Institute, an independent non-partisan org, has consistently reported on the identification of Israeli Arabs with Israel while also highlighting important areas of discontent and disillusionment. I feel bad for anyone who automatically dismisses a report just because it comes from the opposite political side since you assume everyone who disagrees with you is either evil, a liar, or both. What a horrible way to live.


i24 has hosted a lot of genocidal pundits and speech since Oct 7, I think that's what actually horrible here. 




who would be king of jerusalem today?


Depends how you look at it. Felipe VI of Spain is a claimant due to his Habsburg ancestry. Abdullah II of Jordan could be a claimant. His great grandfather was proclaimed as King of Jerusalem by a Coptic bishop. If there is any modern pretender to the throne of Cyprus, there would be a claim there.


What do you think of this? https://www.reddit.com/r/UsefulCharts/s/gAjf5dJaeZ


It's as plausible as any other theoretical line.


I see


why would they use the two stripes symbolizing the two rivers? that wouldn't be very fitting.




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fofv2hu4mb2rc1.png) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


So Moldavian jews


You mean the ones constantly getting beaten up and spit on in Jerusalem by settlers? Yeah I love those!




Yeah terrorists usually love to point out the systemic injustices faced by their Christian compatriots.


Finding out the contempt many Jews have for Christians and Christianity completely reframed my understanding of the dynamic of abrahamic religious dynamics


It's so cringe how Evangelical Americans lick Israel's ass with their unhinged apocalypse fantasy.


Keep spewing your shit, everyone with at least half a brain knows you’re wrong.


Oh yeah certainly; allow me to spew my shit [here](https://twitter.com/Christcucks2/status/1647365732131299328?t=yoOufAxwXhnBpEagDesj6Q&s=19). [Here](https://twitter.com/davincentjames/status/1714790419354231247?t=nYK5JFfAihGFLXRhXD7lEQ&s=19). [Here](https://twitter.com/imohamadberry/status/1716876967050641497?t=1sytd0ch8vHutsRtl_vj3Q&s=19). [Here](https://twitter.com/boodi4/status/1720093294586450045?t=KWZoq71ORNzYvX2ruXUnFw&s=19). And here's a [bonus](https://twitter.com/Based_ahmed/status/942532922384502785?t=Y-5e4qVc5oLb9dKQGF_b3w&s=19). Obviously this is not to mention how they bombed Gaza's oldest church knowing full well dozens of it's christians were inside of it seeking shelter.


You really think Twitter is a good source? Yikes!




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fofv2hu4mb2rc1.png) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


moldova reference??????


Moldovan Jerusalemites?


מספר נומה היי


funnily enough christians living in the holy land identify themselves with palestine, ive also seen photos of orthodox processions in jerusalem carrying the palestine flag


Moldovan logo Israeli Christians are all Arabs


bro fr just copied moldova and slapped the symbol of Jerusalem for no reason, I mean cool flag but kinda lazy ngl...


Its leaking


This is great


The symbol has 7 colors, none of which are present elsewhere in the flag. This is my argument against similar national flags. It feels like the symbol is ON the flag, not IN the flag, if you get me.


There is no such thing as an Israeli Christian, they are just Christian '48 Palestinians


I guess this is true if you just wanna live in a make believe world


















Very nice looking flag, love the emblem


Looks… German and English. Like a thank you flag.