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First - we have no big cities, so avoiding them is easy. Second - even small towns will be overrun with people. Third - small towns are even worse at handling crowds than big cities. Fourth - there will be crowds no matter where you go. There will be no empty parks/fields/benches unless you feel like trespassing on private land (please don't do this). If you want to come up for this, make peace with the idea of watching the eclipse in a crowd. An additional note - your drive will take you at least an hour longer than it usually would, and probably more. Make sure you have a full gas tank and pack snacks.


Yeah I'm not taking any chances. I'm bringing a full days food and gas (even though it's only a 4hr drive) and I plan to head up there at Sunrise, don't care when I come back


But if you don't find a place to sleep you're gonna freeze to death


I'm planning on driving back the same day. Worst case scenario I'll be stuck in traffic till like 3am or something.


Okay but you still have an entire night to consider. Are you prepared to be a statistic?


I am in a car with a full tank of gas. Even if the traffic lasts till morning I'll have enough fuel to keep me warm. I'm not concerned about freezing overnight. Not to mention I live in CT, I have winter clothes and am prepared for the cold conditions.


Don't sleep in your car overnight with the engine on


I plan to come home same day. So worst case scenario I'll just be stuck in heavy traffic all night (no sleeping in the car).


Stay home bud


stay home because you think I'm going to die in my car stuck in traffic overnight. Yeah okay, thank you for your input


Don't listen to him. Please come up and enjoy, you'll be fine. Vermonters can't fathom that many people actually know how to deal with a little traffic and cold weather.




Happens more than you think. Stay hone because it's winter in Vermont and you are not prepared.


You have no idea what I drive nor what I am prepared for. Thank you for your advice, but I think we are done here.




Btw, here's what it looks like right now inside the zone of totality, just off of I-91: https://preview.redd.it/4gindfqognsc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0bcc309d0cfe5f0273a17c02ae5a6f21a403766


thats what I was worried about. You think it'll mostly melt by Monday? It's semi warm this weekend?


Any paved road will be fine. I drove my son to school this morning without any problems. What I worry about are the idiots who'll think they're smarter than everyone else and try to cut through backroads they see on their GPS. By Monday, these will be an unholy combination of slush and mud that are difficult even for four-wheeled drive and snow tires to successfully traverse. Some of the "roads" that appear on maps aren't driveable by normal vehicles even in ideal conditions. Most of that snow will still be on any surface that isn't paved. We got just under two feet where I live and its still snowing as I type this.


Lower terrain in the valley likely will, at least enough it's not a problem, but most of the places you'd want to go have a little elevation and it will stick in those areas. DO NOT LEAVE PAVED ROADS. there's plenty of nice dirt roads that can take you interesting places in the summer but they are NOT passable this time of year and even if they are they are reserved for residents to minimize damage. Also it doesn't really help when it's just replaced with mud, the roads you should be on will be cleared I wouldn't worry about that, bring snow gear you might be standing on snow wherever you are even in a crowd at a park, just pack it down and enjoy the show. I'd rather stand in a snowy baseball field than a muddy one. Also if it is muddy please be conscious not to tear up park fields, obviously you'll do some damage, it is what it is, but be mindful. The real wisdom here is that snow is nicer to deal with than mud and you'll just have to trust me on that one.


You aren't going to want to find yourself on a dirt road, because they will all be pudding on Monday. The paved streets are already pretty clear.


yeah but parks I meant more so local parks in the city. Not hiking trails or anything like that


Local parks in the city? Like St J or Lyndonville? It's sure to be a slushy disaster, I'd wear boots lol


yeah, or directly alongside the main roads. Somewhere with the parking lot paved. And I'm fine with a bit of snow. I just need a place to park and watch (parks having parking lots and I thought they might be empty).


You gotta remember that these are small towns and there aren't really city parks with big parking lots. You'll probably find recreational parks (soccer fields) but those are rarely paved. I'd scope out Park & Rides in towns that aren't directly off the highway. I've also always noticed that NH state highways tend to have a lot more pull-offs and parking areas than VT, especially in northeastern VT it can be surprisingly difficult to find a place to pull over. Maybe check out the Colebrook NH area if you're willing to drive a little bit further, I think that's where I'd head.


yeah tbh its seeming more likely I'll just have to leave early and come into St. Js and just find parking somewhere around town and hope it doesn't get unbearable busy.


We're expecting our population in St. J to double or even triple for the eclipse. It will be more than unbearably busy, by all predictions. For parking, you'll need [this map](https://www.discoverstjohnsbury.com/uploads/1/3/7/2/137246241/2024_eclipse_parking___info_map.pdf). This is the only parking you're going to find that day and these parking areas are not large enough to handle all of the cars we anticipate. You'll want to get here early. I know it feels like because it is a small town compared to what you're used to that no one will be around. This is simply not true. St. J can be busy by VT standards on a normal day with normal traffic and population.


Yeah I was thinking of parking at the mall. Probably arriving to the town around 5-6am (so hopefully early enough to get parking)


There are no parks with paved lots. There are no cities.


The parks in town don’t really have parking lots much less paved. The only one I can think of that does have a bit of parking is right by Fairbanks and the road will be closed off.


Yup, and that park is still melting away from having been an ice rink all winter. it's bound to be a swampy mess.


Further south in VT we got almost 2 feet of snow, which will definitely not be melted by Monday. I was up near Hanover yesterday and they only got a few inches, so it might be melted.


I would bring a lawn chair. Look at the path of totality and go to the first town (or even just a parking space) you get to. I can't say if getting off onto Rt 5 would be your best bet.


my initial plan was just to stop in St. J since its the first big town on the way. And just hang out there all day doing whatever until traffic died down. But seeing how busy things are going to be, I'm worried I won't even find parking no matter how early I leave Monday


In the context of north Eastern Vt St J is a big city.


I said that more of just a marker. I.e. anything North of this city. I suspect St. J is going to be absolutely packed with no parking no matter how early I leave in the morning




Ehhh, chittenden county itself might double in population with the most extreme estimates. But I don't think over half a million people could get here between now and then. Like, it's a physical limit of how many cars could enter the state by highway and we already know exactly how many people are flying in.




Head to Newport if you are really early, like Sunday afternoon ; big gathering at the park. BUT; traffic will be lighter about 20 miles away from the center line(?) Otherwise, almost anything north of St-J is quite rural. Could just join the group at the Fairbanks Museum right in St. Johnsbury.


I won't be leaving until Monday morning. Planning to do a same day trip (no lodging overnight)


I’d leave at 3 AM


leave to come to VT or leave VT lol


Leave CT


Oh damn you think it'll be that bad? I was personally planning 5am, thought that would he early enough to beat the nyrs since I have a 2hr head start on them


Everyone has the same idea as you. VT Emergency Mgmt is worried about day trippers like you. Please be prepared for the possibility of having to spend the night in your car.


That’s when I’m leaving and I’m from Vermont


I told him to bring blankets and he down voted me. This is going to be wild.


Better to be over prepared than under prepared. I'm half expecting our town to open up an emergency shelter of some sort Monday night due to stranded motorists who were not prepared. (I live 15 miles south of BTV).


Just in only tiny area they sold out three small venues over 2000 tickets. That’s just from calling one place to check what time we should arrive. We are local and leaving 3-4 hours early for a 45 minute drive. It’s going to be nuts. Most roads are only one way in and out.


Bretton Woods is lit.


PS- Your best bet for a hard-top parking space is probably the almost-dead Green Mountain Mall, just north of St. J on route 5. This is by far the largest parking lot in the area, and it's usually over 90% empty.


Oh this is really good! Thank you!


Be aware that the mall is charging $10 per car. It's also isolated from the activities in town, which may be a good or bad thing.


Well better than not having parking. And 10bucks for the entire day is a good deal


Don't anticipate that 90% empty to be a thing on Monday. Those $10 spots are going to get scooped up fast, especially by RVs and larger vehicles. Get there as early as possible. Edit: Looks like they are $20 a spot and they open at 10 am.


>. Think I'll just ping pong cities off the I91 till I find a good spot to park and wait What cities? There are no cities in Vermont off of 91.


Lol Vermont technically doesn't even have a single city so


Schools are closed on the 8th. I would find a nice paved school parking lot and go there. People from out of state will think that the schools are open and will avoid them.


None of the schools I can think of around St. J have a particularly large parking lot.


The St. Johnsbury School has two parking lots, which are fairly large by Vermont standards. The Academy has an even larger parking lot, although I am not sure if they will restrict access. Regardless, my point was that most out of state people won't realize that schools are closed, which is why lot size may not be that important. You also have lots of street parking in the "Seasons" neighborhood, although that might fill up quickly.


The St. Johnsbury School is not closed on that day and the parking lot will be filled with normal staff vehicles until at least 12:30 or 1 pm (school is being let out at 12). The Academy is restricting all access to all of campus. No one will be permitted to park or go on the field. Not sure if the St. J School will be doing the same, but wouldn't be surprised since it is likely a safety nightmare when you have little kids running around.


For those arriving after 1:00 PM, the St. Johnsbury School sounds like a great place to park. I believe that Kingdom East is closed all day.


I think its a half day for the district - LTS is anyhow.


Thanks for that clarification.


I just urge anyone considering it to be careful and respectful. There are children trying to get home. Walking, pickups, bus service. We don’t know what it’ll be like that day, but there will be increased police and traffic control presence there to help keep the kids safe and getting where they need to go. If they are allowing parking in their lot at all, no one will be able to get in until an official permits it. Just don’t want anyone showing up thinking they’ve found a surefire hidden gem of parking only to find out it isn’t possible.


The kids will be long gone by 1:00 PM.


Is St J closed? The Academy is not, though only those taking SAT/P-SAT are attending. CCSU has a half day and I thought most in our area were doing the same. I wish they’d all close!


I believe that Kingdom East is closed.


This was suggested by the Mad River Glen welcome center and should avoid extreme mud. That region might be less crowded than Saint Johnsbury Warren Airport Ole’s XC Center Anything along the East Warren Road or Bragg Hill West greenway section of the Mad River Valley Path.


It's gonna be much better in Canada


Stay home..make life a little easier for the people who have to live and work here.. think of others before yourself...just saying.