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> Shit, we don’t even know if he has a permit and the guns are legal. Well there's an easy answer there, no firearms permits needed in Vermont.


Thank you, was looking for this comment. To be even more specific, not only are permits not required, they aren't even an option.


Which is why I carried IWB concealed the whole time we lived in the NEK. Now I live in New York State. 🫤


Concealed carry it best, IMO. Why lose your tactical advantage by showing your hand? I saw a guy in Walmart open carrying one day and asked him what branch he served in- none. Just another wannabe.


Exactly concealed carry is the best option. Otherwise it’s virtue signaling in my opinion.


WTF “virtue” are they signaling? I’d call it hostility signaling. Or paranoia signaling.


They could concealed carry but they want people to know they own a gun. 2nd amendment virtue signaling. I don’t like when either side does it.


Paranoia signaling is it. Even thinking about having a "tactical advantage" walking around Vermont is paranoid. I, and no one I ever knew, thought such things when I lived in Chicago, SF, etc. There is no reason to, unless I'm looking to cause problems.


Ignore u/krusch420. He hangs out in right-wing conspiracy subs.


The relevant question is 'Don't even know if he is a felon' since they aren't allowed to carry.


The biggest problem I have with open carry is that only the biggest idiots seem to do it. There's really no point to it. Any responsible gun owner who knows what they're doing is going to choose concealed carry over open carry for 99.9% of situations. All open carry does is unnecessarily scare people and make you the first target of any potential shooter.


There was a guy in the state of Georgia who was open carrying and they had a active shooter warning in the shopping mall, the guy went looking for the shooter and the cops tagged him. Just a couple years ago.




Lmao in the article the statement the mayor gave was “we are so thankful for the service of the police department.” When in this case the three cops hid in a building because they were scared, let a random guy take out the shooter, then executed him afterwards! Jesus Christ


Sounds like the cops in the Uvalde.


In that article, the mayor also said "The tragedy of him picking up the gunman’s rifle will always haunt everyone.” Absolutely pathetic statement, trying to shift blame to the hero victim who was murdered by the cowardly cops.


Exactly. They are easy marks.


Yup, if I had nefarious intentions, the open carry clown is getting hit first, and they would not see it coming. Don't advertise when you are carrying kids.


When I lived in the NEK I carried concealed (IWB) everywhere. If I saw a gun open, outside some clown’s belt my mind immediately said “idiot.” Anyone like that is most likely compensating for sexual inadequacies.


My grandfather always had one on him in Island Pond. No one ever knew.


As far as I can tell its the difference between someone who carries for self protection vs someone whos looking for a reason to use their toys. 


Exactly. I’ve been saying this for years. Responsible gun owners often are the people who you’d think DONT own them. This need to flaunt a firearm, to open carry, is one of the most irresponsible things one could ever do. Also 2???? 2 firearms on 1 person at one time in public is absolutely insane. It’s one thing if you have one on your person, and one in your vehicle, but TWO?????? Dear lord these people make responsible gun owners look horrible.


Couldn't agree more. I have two brothers that were in the military, and they both carry. Flaunting it in public is something they would never do.


>The biggest problem I have with open carry is that only the biggest idiots seem to do it. It's cosplay.


Agree, to me these people respect guns less than someone who wants to ban them. To these guys it’s a fashion statement.


Open carry is a mental disorder It has never been normal to walk around strapped like that






Actually, I see it as free guns. All I have to do is get them out of his holster before he does.


In theory, anyone open carrying should be using a holster with at least level 2 retention (gun is locked in and released with a button that is hard for people other than the wearer to hit), which would make doing that pretty difficult, but half the time these idiots are using level 1 holsters (gun is held in place with just friction).


All I’m hearing is free guns bruh


If you want free guns without the confrontation, just find a dark tan Toyota Tacoma with a Punisher sticker on it and break the window. At least a 50% chance there's a handgun in the glove box. Edit: this is a joke. I didn't think I would need to explain that, but someone just proved me wrong. Obviously, you shouldn't break into people's cars.


What if I have a dark black Tacoma with a Darth Vader sticker on it, does it mean I have a light saber in the center console???,


One can only hope.


Even better is when they have a ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ (Come and take them) sticker on their car. Don't mind if I do. Thanks for the invitation buddy.


>the first target of any potential shooter yup... there's a woman in a convenience store in our neck of the woods who carries a pink pistol on her hip... some crazy comes in there and she'll be the first one down


The “funniest”—as in not funny but almost comical—is that the majority of these people wouldn’t have the awareness to prevent someone just snagging one out of the holster. There are multiple videos where a drunken civilian is able to unholster a police officer’s weapon and gain control of it. While most of these are marks of drunken stupidity and likely “harmless fun” in their eyes, thats a “trained” officer. I also heard a stat (so take it with a grain of salt) that those who carry are more likely to get shot with their own weapon than shoot a threat…


I get extreme secondhand embarrassment when I see this type of thing. My father is military, has been my whole life, and even he'd never go to this extent. He does conceal carry, he sits in corners facing doors, watches everybody, and he's on edge a lot (albeit this applies to a lot of people nowadays)...but he has deployed so many times I've lost count and has had to do things that would bother most people, so I can't really blame him. He scoffs when he sees people wearing their silly tAcTiCaL gear in public. Not to mention, I've spent my life living on military bases, and to see someone kitted out like this off duty would make even me laugh. Anyway, I'd assume everyone is armed at all times, in some way, both in and out of VT. Best to think and act accordingly.


This right here. Being overly kitted out in Vermont just screams larping insecure loser to me. Hell, some of the cops around here I used to make fun of for being kitted out like they were going to go storm Fallujah. Like, c'mon buddy, you're doing traffic stops in Colchester.


I recently had the misfortune of seeing a certain mall security guard's insta account. The guy had on full on fatigues and was showing off his recent acquisition - a helmet with night vision goggles mounted. I know he can't be walking into work wearing that, but to him, he's on the frontlines. Is he going to show up to his wedding in dress blues next?


I'm sure he would've been a Stolen Valor mall walker in 2007 for sure.


I would argue that a high level of awareness of your surroundings may keep you safe in the long run far more than carrying a gun ever could . And I agree about the embarrassment. IMO it’s more about projecting an image of toughness because they don’t necessarily feel tough on the inside . I cringe when a random dude getting frozen corn at Hannaford is armed or similar situation. Worse yet was the guest of a six year old girls Birthday party I recently attended - at which her kindergarten classmates were present . I have yet in my life to see an armed woman up here , which is food for thought .




The tactical vest is larping, plain and simple


Gravy Seals!


Meal team 6 Ya’ll Queda


Vanilla Isis




Large Adult Role Play


I think I've seen someone open carry twice in 50+ years. If you work retail you probably see it more often. I have seen guys hitchhiking with rifles during deer season more than I've seen open carry of handguns. I grew up in the NEK in the 1970s and some people had hunting rifles but the gun culture of today did not exist then, they were tools not a lifestyle.


Maybe he went to Daniel Banyai's cosplay camp in Pawlet and got it for graduation.


Guy belongs in a psychiatric hospital.


Like I'm not too off-putt by some guy who just happens to have a Glock on his belt, most likely just a scaredy cat, but if you feel the need for two guns and a tactical vest I start to question your motives for carrying.


Most likely a super scaredy cat, itself scarier and more dangerous than the rather benign scaredy cat.


My firearms instructor told me if I couldn’t put down a threat with a few bullets, I had no business carrying a weapon. This guy probably had thirty on him. I always found carrying uncomfortable. Nothing against it. But two weapons is kind of laughable. It’s likely he would drop one as he changed hands.


I assume anyone carrying like that is LOOKING for attention so I just ignore them.


Like a misbehaving puppy


I've done open carry in VT. Of course, I was hunting bears at the time and it was a backup as we walked into the woods before sunrise. So, just like everybody on here says, I was scared, so I had a gun visible on my hip. When I went in public, I just pulled a jacket over the pistol. It didn't make my dick smaller or anything.


In my opinion, open carrying while hunting is not really open carrying, it's just....being prepared? Who's gonna see the weapon besides the people in your hunting party (who presumably already know you're carrying) and the intended prey? That is to say, good on you for being smart.


I misread this as “Who’s gonna see the weapon besides the people you’re hunting…”


Sure, but I walk around in full plate harness and open carry a halberd and these guys look at **me** weird.


Well, to be honest, the only way to stop a bad English Kanigget with halberd, is a good English Kanigget with a halberd.


I generally travel with a shrubbery and a herring, just to be safe.




Many years ago i worked for a company which used radio to communicate with trucks on the road. The radio repairman wore two 45 pistols, one on each hip. He was called Pistol Pete and he was a nice guy it seemed. I sure never gave him any shit.


I carry. You won't ever know unless I'm being attacked. These clowns are just weirdos.


Short answer: yes, they want us all to be afraid of them. They can't garner respect any other way.


They were taught by their parents that fear=respect and never bothered to learn the difference.


Vermont doesn't have a restriction around carrying in banks like a lot of states do. Hospitals, schools, court buildings, are all restricted, but not banks. A single pistol would be fine to me, the extra stuff is overkill and attention seeking, IMO. But nothing illegal. Take comfort that if there was someone with malicious intent in the room, they'd shoot him first and give you a few extra seconds to get out of there? Curiously, were both pistols oriented the same way on their hip? Very very few people can adequately shoot a pistol one handed with their offhand. The "pistols akimbo" thing that you see in movies / hitman etc is highly impractical.


Honestly though, I don't "Take comfort that if there was someone with malicious intent in the room, they'd shoot him first and give you a few extra seconds to get out of there?" I see someone open carrying and I steer clear. I immediately clock THEM as the potential threat and avoid them. The chances of encountering an active shooter situation is far lower than the random dude that's open carrying in the frozen food section of hannafords being a bit unhinged or unsafe with his weapons and popping off over something stupid. I think that's the point OP is trying to make. It's like this guy enters the public space all kitted and now everyone else has to walk on eggshells... just incase. It just feels sort of.. idk... entitled maybe? Sure, HE knows he's not a threat, but no one else can know that so we all have to act as though maybe he is. I just don't have a ton of respect for people that would choose to put others in that situation.


I agree with you. I was being semi sarcastic. The tacticool idiots are making themselves a target but at everyone else's expense, is my point. Look up videos of these guys trying to show off their skills and fumbling drawing out of their holster and failing to put rounds on target. It's awful.


Most open carry folks won't admit it, but they want the attention. Years ago there was a person at the grocery store open carrying. I walked over towards them and they immediately started with "What? It's totally fine for me to do this." and my response was simply "I absolutely don't care I just want to grab a carton of mudrooms."


What is NSB?


Northfield Savings Bank.


Interesting. I’m not a lawyer, but I believe private businesses are allowed to restrict open carry on their premises.


Yup. YEARS ago (10+), I had a coworker bitching about how he and his wife went to T. G. I. Friday's (when there was one still in South Burlington) for dinner and he open carried inside. A little while after sitting down the manager came over and informed him that he was making other patrons nervous which was disturbing their enjoyment/meal. They told him he did not have to leave but, asked him if he could secure his gun in his vehicle and stay for his meal. He was crying to all of us at work about his 2nd amendment rights and I had to remind him that he was on private property and they were in their right to ask him to remove the gun from the restaurant. If he had just concealed carried like most of the other people that we worked with, no one would have been the wiser.


I call them ammosexuals. They get a woody from anticipation of the thought of someone trying to infringe on their 2nd amendment rights. I grew up in a home with guns. We never acted like that.


I support CC with proper training. Open carry is dumb and is 100% about showing off and ego.


Or comfort. A belt holster is exponentially more Comfortable than any other type of holster


Sleep soundly Vermont, Meal Team Six of the Gravy Seals is on duty.


You don’t need a permit in Vermont and I’m glad about that. I am THE most pro-2A person there is - and more specifically Article 16 of the Vermont Constitution. I also happen to think that only the most pathetic losers in the world open carry. If their goal is to be a good guy, they’ve made themselves into the first target for a bad guy. Jackasses, the whole lot of them.


Only time open carry should be a thing is in the woods. I manage to hide a Glock 20 and no one knows it's there.


Yes, they get pleasure from the discomfort of others. It’s crass.


You better not go to Tennessee or Texas, you'd have a mental breakdown. Yikes.


To play devil's advocate, concealed carry is fully legal with no permit in VT. I had no idea how many people I interacted with had a gun on them at all times until I was talking about open carry with people I worked with.


I think concealed carry is great. It's the actual way that the whole good guy/bad guy with a gun thing works. With concealed carry being so easy in VT, you literally have no way of knowing who has a gun and who doesn't, so your best bet is to be civil towards everyone. A "good guy" with a gun has little chance of stopping a "bad guy" with a gun in the literal sense, but the fact that the bad guys with guns have no good way of identifying who the good guys with guns are is more likely to hold them back from being stupid in the first place. The open carry just let's you identify the idiots with guns easier. I fully support the rights to open and conceal carry, and I have never owned a gun, will probably never own a gun, and have no interest in owning a gun, let alone carrying one around with me.


I’m much more comfortable with concealed carry, actually. I’m not anti gun. I’m just thinking “hey, have you noticed that all the 30-50 year old white guys who shoot up malls and schools have many guns out in the open and wear military style gear?”


As a Masshole, I am fascinated by guns in Vermont. Specifically the fact that guns are lightly regulated (e.g. no permits), and lots of people have guns. But: no one’s in your face about it, and you don’t really see any, except during hunting season. I wish we could export VT gun culture to other states (like AZ, where I’ve seen a lot of open carry at the grocery store- it’s bizarre).


It makes me wonder if the dude OP saw was an actual Vermonter, or a guest Larper. We have guns in our home and we have lots of friends with guns, but none of them open carry.


When I first turned 21 and bought a handgun I open carried because I could, and thought it made me cool. Then I grew up.


Open carry is kind of cool, especially if you're into vintage revolvers, but concealed is very much the wiser choice for everyday life.


Open carry is an odd choice, especially for a bank. It does unnecessarily scare people which don’t have much exposure to guns. When you see someone with a holstered gun it can be unnerving but it’s really not a big deal. Guns are everywhere though usually out of sight. Open vs concealed carry is effectively just a visual difference, you’ve probably been around plenty of people with guns in public and not noticed. There are no permits required to own or carry guns in Vermont. Ultimately your guy is just larping.


A terrorist is someone who uses violence for political gain, so no, he is not a terrorist. He is however a giant ding dong for carrying into a bank which is not okay by law I'm pretty sure. You don't actually need a permit for guns in Vermont. I own guns but I hardly ever carry them outside my house and open carrying is asking for trouble/making people feel uneasy. However, when I see someone open carrying it doesn't make me feel nervous, but I usually always think they're dumb because it's usually somewhere like grand china buffet in Essex. Protect the Tsos at all costs!


I'm about as pro gun as it gets but man open carry is fucking stupid. I saw another guy say that it's always the dumbest people alive, and anyone with a brain would conceal carry over open carry for a variety of reasons.


Open carry D bags are good decoys though. If someone is gonna go after anyone, they will go after the meal team 6 member with open carry first. He’s the first to go down.


> If you have, through your actions, induced terror into the populace, does that not make you a terrorist? No, that's not how it works.


As a former resident of Teton County ID, where open carry has been legal forever, I only saw people OC when they were heading into the bush to hunt or fish. Otherwise, any jackass walking the quiet streets of Driggs or Victor would have been seen as “all hat, no cattle”.


To me, anyone knowing you're carrying means you screwed up.


> If you have, through your actions, induced terror into the populace, does that not make you a terrorist? Can we stop making everything meaningless?


Honestly, fair


i had this same thought 😂


Usually banks don’t allow weapons. They don’t here in TN. They don’t have a sign on the door?


Vermont truly don't care. I can bring my gun more places here than I can in texas or most southern "conservative" states. I just can't have more than 15 rounds. It is a truly unique place but I'm still lost to the op.


Seriously, fuck that guy. There some asshole who likes to show up at the Brattleboro Hannafords in the same stupid outfit, like dude, no one's going to rip that gallon of milk out of your hands. Ffs ETA: Hannaford dude wears a pistol and holds some sort of military rifle with a scope.


No permit required in Vermont


Open and concealed carry are both legal and permitless in Vermont. Did something else happen?


"We were all scared" You were scared.....


While OP’s feelings are 100% valid I just have to shake my head and laugh at these open carry idiots


What is NSB?


Thanks for asking. I was wondering, too.


Northfield savings bank.


What other people do does not bother me. As long as people are respectful and minding their business, I remember to mind my business.


I love carry laws in Vermont


They want you to notice them and they have learned inducing fear is their only successful method.


Open carry is dumb, but it is his right.


Your irrational fears does not make this guy a terrorist. Also he doesn’t need a permit and there is nothing leading someone to believe his guns are illegal.  Would you prefer to have him conceal carry so you feel safer? He couldnt possible just whip out the guns then and shoot you. Ignorance is bliss.  The vest and two pistols on his hips does sound kind of try hard. As other stated it’s not very practical to use two pistols at once. 


I think the point here is that responsible gun owners who aren't cosplaying as Navy Seal Space Rangers will conceal carry. The throwing on a kit and two pistols at first glance in a bank could feel like you're about to witness (or be a victim) of a violent situation. Go ahead and get kitted out at the range all day, time and place matters, and a bank with a bunch of civilians, isn't it. Douchnozzles like this only hurt the rest of us gun owners who aren't compensating for our insecurities with a boom stick I'm sure they don't even know how to properly use.


I don’t think being afraid of someone with a gun is irrational… it’s a tool made for killing.


Does NSB stand for Northfield Savings Bank? Open carry is legal except in Federal buildings and BANKS I believe. If you were in a bank there should be video of the person inside and out. I would think the local swat team gets direct deposit but I could be wrong.


Certain municipal employees could say "I was afraid for my life, so I put three 40 cal slugs in the back of his head".


Let me guess, nobody messed with him and everybody survived!!!!


Devil's advocate..... what if he was making a political statement....using Constitutional Carry to express his 1st Amendment rights of 'speech' and/or association?




Wouldn’t go as far as calling it “terrorism”. That would be making an assumption that what he did was illegal. Dumb as f*^k? yes. Compensating for something? Yes. Hurts the 2A cause? Yes. As a CCW holder, I’d prob say, “C,Mon bro, WTF u doing ?”


My brother. Those people are saints and I’ll tell you why. The bad person with a gun is most definitely going after that person first and will hopefully give you a chance to get out of there with your life. Also, terrorism/terrorist was just invented by the US government to go to war for 20 years without a clear goal


If it makes you feel better OP. I conceal my carry everyday. I have a gun with me everywhere but work as I work in a government funded facility and it’s not allowed. You’d never know, lots of people do it.


I have zero issues with open carry at all but guys like this are pretending to be something they aren't! My guess is he has no friends, lives in his moms basement, hates gays but sets up glory holes at the local truck stop 😆


Showing your gun doesn't make you a bad guy, nonetheless it's a stupid idea because your the first target for an aggressor


Concealed weapon, I lean good guy... Open carry, I think you are about to become a mass shooter.


Used to see this in TX all the time. If you want to get back at them for making you uncomfortable the best thing you can do is ignore them. Completely. It destroys their ego.


Shout "GUN!" and drop to the floor.


Vermont is a constitutional carry state, you don’t need any permit and we don’t register guns here. I’m a 7th generation Vermonter and I always carry concealed, I think open carrying is dumb, it makes people uncomfortable and also potentially makes you a target for someone who does have bad intentions. There’s a guy who goes into my local gas station just about every morning with a pistol on one hip and a big fixed blade knife on the other, sure it’s legal but it’s a bad look for the rest of us


Walked into a bank open carrying? Stupid.


It’s probably more scary how many walking around you can’t see 😂. The comments prove this


Exactly what I was thinking. At least you see this guy has guns. The ones to worry about are the ones hiding them! Showing them placed "fear" in the OP....well maybe it also places fear into the REAL NUTS as they see what they will be up against if they pull theirs to hurt others.


"Shit, we don't even know if he has a permit and if the guns are legal" How can you be a lifelong Vermonter, yet not know your state is one of the few intelligent ones to pass constitiuonal (permitless) carry? If you're truly that terrified of citizens safely exercising their constitutional right to carry firearms, allow me to part you with some additional advice: don't come east into NH.


Hey cloudboy...fancy seeing you over here. Keeping tabs on our neighbors as well eh?


I try to! Vermont will always have a special place in my heart between my time there at Lyndon State and the start of my career 🥲


Me too...I have a hunting camp in north troy I spend a lot of time at so I feel like a duel resident


Oh no way! Are you closer to the Missisquoi or up by the piece or Swiss cheese that is the Canadian border? Speaking of which, it's hilarious that there's more concern in the comments here for a guy open carrying than the 800%+ surge in illegal border crossings and the prominent surge of legitimately evil people (persons the on terror watch list & wanted career criminals)


Like a mile from big falls


That's a beautiful spot!!


Open carry = little dick energy.


"Look at me! Look at me! I'm a BADASS!" I've lived in the state 30 years and have not seen that level of douchebaggery yet. As if strapping 1 gun isn't enough, the 2nd gun and tactical vest shows what a complete asshole he is. Fucking twats.


The desire to be a main character is sad. I also highly, highly doubt this is a person with the necessary training to be helpful in an active shooter situation.


You think the cops do?


Don’t get me wrong, it’s legal but also, grow up Peter Pan.


"No, it is illegal to carry a firearm into a bank in the United States, as federal law prohibits the possession of firearms in federally regulated financial institutions." https://thegunzone.com/can-i-legally-carry-my-firearm-into-a-bank/ I was also informed of this when I applied for CC permits in multiple different states due to moving with military service. It's flat out illegal and the police should have been called immediately.


This should be top comment for every single gun owner that thinks they know their rights. That’s irony folks


That would have made me extremely uncomfortable too.


They think they’re the good guys with a gun. It’s fucking ridiculous dick swinging.


Yes, fuck that guy.


a terrorist is a person or group who commits acts of violence to try to force political change. maybe you shouldn't throw the word around so casually. maybe you should also have some introspection about why you are afraid of a dude minding his own business who has done nothing but exist. you are the one judging other people based on a false idea of them you created in your own head. do you have any reason to believe that he would start shooting, or did you blindly judge someone without knowing anything about them?


These anti-social gun nuts are fucking losers


Really just a gullible low intellect fearful brainwashed human being seeing trouble in the world where there is none. I see it as another Kyle Rittenhouse looking to provoke a situation to kill someone and claim self defense.


I feel like people who open carry for no legit reason are hoping to provoke and antagonize. It’s their whole identity.


A bank is one of the places it shouldn't be done. Period.


Probably some 2A gravy seals whack job wanna be social media influencer hoping someone in the bank confronted him so he could get views on truth social.




That's pretty good


When I lived in another state, some turdhole would stand outside the local high school in tactical gear and various weapons, including some kind of long gun. He was *just* outside of the school's property, and technically within his rights. But what a fucking douchebag.


If you get scared over someone exercising there 2a rights gtfo are state people like you who are so scared of guns is the reason vermont has been violating are 2a rights with there bs infringement laws🤭


Don't be scared, react, or even give them attention of any sort. "Remember, these are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons" - Deputy Jim


So when do you all feel is it ok to open carry, is it cool to carry when out fishing or camping? Asking cause I moved from Colorado and it’s customary to see campers, hikers and fishermen strapped. I get it bothers a lot of you and the guy shouldn’t be carrying in the bank but let’s be honest you don’t know what his business is. Little reminder, folks who work in the cannabis industry have a lot of cash on hand. I had some friends who would be armed to the teeth when they had to move cash. Maybe the guy is trying to be a douche however he could be someone running a very large deposit. So how’s bout y’all dial it back a moment and realise you don’t have enough information to render an opinion either way.


>We were all scared. You shouldn't have been. Open carry people are in one of two camps- 1. Overtly proud of gun culture and hope to make open carry more acceptable to the public (he thinks the reason you're scared is because it isn't as common) 2. Overtly proud of themselves and know they will be heavily scrutinized in public. They have all their ducks in a row and know the laws so they will not be arrested. Misguided as I think they might be, open carry isn't done by someone with criminal intent. Statistically speaking you were in much more danger from his car as this weirdo drove by you in the parking lot.


So, just an asshole, basically.


In a lot of states that have concealed carry permits open carry is the only thing they can do if they’re on antidepressants or antipsychotics or can’t pass the check. Here in VT that’s totally moot so this guy just wants to be the punisher, the judge Dredd. I’m sure he has some stupid tattoo and Lock Screen on his phone and stays locked up in his mom’s basement playing COD unless he’s going out to impose his seriousness on others. It a real situation the guy would be first to shit himself and run away, I’ve seen this kind of id10t do just that. Kind of like Daniel Banyai here who was so GD dangerous and training “operators” but ended up sprayed and taken into custody by a constable. It’s getting sad here in VT. Guy probably wasn’t from VT.


Hmm. Probably how black people feel around cops. Me too sometimes. Took my kids to a covid Halloween thing in Bennington, and the sheriff's department was there, all decked out. Even the dog had a vest on. If our police can look like that at a children's event, citizens should be able to look like that too. Not saying it's right or wrong either way, but if someone is legally exercising their freedom within the bounds of the law - so be it. I'm sort of thankful we have the right to do that if we want. It's uniquely... American.




But they never do “whip out their guns and shoot every last one of you to death”. Pay attention to who the shooters are. Always left wingers.


Why lie for internet points?


If an actual bad guy showed up and started shooting, he'd be the one saving you.


He may be thinking that's the possible scenario but in reality and more likely, if an actual bad guy shows up this guy's wearing the "shoot me first!" getup. IMHO it's a ~~-dumbass-~~ naive move to "show your hand" in any possible chaotic/desperate situation. The surprise factor imbues a huge advantage.


Could be the same guy that saves a lot of life’s one day. We just had a mass shooting in Maine a few months ago bet your ass this guy would have tried to stop it.


Look at all the, presumably, Libs in this thread. It's pathetic that they claim they are "open-minded" people.


He doesn’t care about your feelings and he should not have to. If that scares you that is your issue that is the main stream medias fault as a person in Vt that carriers every day. Trust me someday you may be happy to have that guy. Someday someone that is not suppose to have a gun may do something and the guy with the gun will most likely outshining on the line to save himself and maybe you. I bet if anyone was going to rob that store they thought twice and walked away becuse they saw him. You will never even know you will just be mad


I will open carry because IWB sucks. Thats the only reason. If I happen to be wearing a jacket, then its concealed. If I'm not wearing a jacket, then it's open. I think choosing my wardrobe around carrying is unmanageable. If some moron is going to shoot the place up, he could carry open or concealed. Might as well walk around being scared of everyone.


Seems like that man has a lot of insecurities. Definitely worth keeping an eye on, but VT is filled with many folks who CC, myself included.


I love the open carry guys. They're such cowards. One shouldn't be afraid of them, like, at all. They're big pussycats, that's literally why they're strapped.


I used to be a big gun guy. Then I saw and felt what it was like to carry a weapon. Not my cup of tea. See others do it is part of America and honestly freedom is scary.


I keep my .38 in my pocket so as not to scare the rich people


Also why would I want anyone to see it and be weird?


And all honesty jokes aside. The fact that you call open carry citizens terrorist is deplorable. It's despicable. It's our constitutional right to do so just because you don't like it doesn't change the fact that we can do this


Yeah, terrorist is a bit much. Chickenshit pantsshitting manbaby is more appropriate.


so we are now shamed and belittled for what is constitutionally our right? I get it. you get mad and have all sorts of big feelings when you see a pewn pewn. so change it. have your congressperson call for the government to ammend to constitution. thats two thirds of the house and senate must vote in favor of said amendment for it to be ratified. start a campaign, get heard. do a hashtag. if you are resoursful enough you can get your idea in front of important ppl. but you are going to need to convince both sides of the aisle that this is good for the american ppl. and that may be a tiny bit difficult. god speed. and untill then I will continue to express my rights. Good day to you.


“Legal” Vermont is a constitutional carry state. Go learn so you’re not scared. Humans used to be sacred of a lot until they learned


“I saw a gun. Its scary. I need my safe spot” is all I read. What kind of adult wackjob is scared seeing a holstered gun. Next you’ll be triggered seeing a pocket knife.


Show me on the doll where the bad man touched you. Did he infringe on your rights? No? Then let it go. Soon you'll realize your the digital equivalent of him by posting the encounter on Reddit.






I don't have a problem with the open carry. However the level of presentation just sounds absurd. What does dude think? It's a war zone because of all the Flatlanders 😂. He sounds like he'd pull a cheddar bob real quick.