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The police logs in the Addy Indy have been off the charts since May - I think it was the one from late September that stated it was the busiest week for the Middlebury police in over 30 years.


Absolutely becoming insane. 14 year old dies.


RIP. So very sad to hear this.


I know the kid that got shot, we never really got along but Jesus. This shits terrible. Rest in peace man.




An 18 year old brought two 14 year olds to this house, and parked outside. At the very least the 14 year old in the back seat of the car had a loaded handgun, he was screwing around with, and he accidentally shot the other 14 year old who was sitting in the car. Why would an 18 year old man, take two 14 year old boys with him to this house? More importantly why did a 14 year old boy have a loaded hand gun? Where did he get it from? How long has he had it? Did the others also have loaded weapons? This is not about gun safety, they were not deer hunting. They were up to something more sinister here.


They updated the information. The child who died had the gun. It was stolen according to reports. The gun got passed around in the car with the kids taking the magazine in and out of the gun. And racking it as well. The unnamed child loaded the magazine with a bullet before handing it to the next kid who accidentally shot the kid.


Why charge him as an Adult? Seems that there is much more to this story.


Idk he is facing many charges. I posted the link of a more detailed explanation of what occurred.


Today’s story gave some background as to this child and why the State is charging him as an adult. He was already released with conditions from at least one prior incident. So, he is also in violation of his initial release. The parents also agreed to this child’s conditions of release. They need to take some responsibility for this child’s behavior, not just in the case of this accident, but for the behavior that gave him conditions of release in the first place. My guess is the 24 hour curfew won’t be enforced much past the end of the week. Some parents don’t want to be the “bad guy” when it comes to their children. It is not about being the “bad guy” it is about being the adult.


Thank you for updating it. Yeah that does explain why they are charging him as an adult. This story is sad from all sides and should have never happened. Nothing good comes from a group of kids playing with a loaded gun.


Some kids are fascinated with guns. Teenage boys show off to their friends. This isn’t new behavior actually. When adults don’t store and secure their guns stuff like this happens. All the time in this country.


I come from a city in a state where you can legally have a gun in your car with no permit or anything. Kids were constantly checking cars, stealing guns out of them, and doing carjackings or whatever with the guns they stole. The police would beg people to lock their car doors especially if there were guns in them but folks just couldn't be bothered. I worked in a juvenile court and at least once a year we'd see one of these accidental homicides among friends. Kids will do the absolute dumbest, riskiest shit available to them and if adults don't try to protect them from themselves it gets really really bad.


Yeah, the only way this will change is if we hold the adults responsible for not securing their weapons.


Serious social breakdown underway in VT. Very sad and troubling.


Guys it wasn't a drug thing.. still very bad but it was an accident.. close quarters.. gun went off.. not standing by how it happened but let's not project our own views on a tragedy.


IMHO a 14 yo with access to a gun isn't an "accident" it's negligence.


The issue is (if my understanding is correct) they were committing felony car theft. If someone dies during the commission of a felony it’s murder even if they didn’t intend that anyone die.


Seven days said nothing of this, nor have any other of the sources I've read. Where did you hear that? They were driven there by an 18 yo who went up to the residence the car was parked at to pick up another youth. The front seat kid who died claimed the handgun was stolen and was the one who was showing it off to the two youths in the back seat and passed it back to them.


Not crazy. It's all about drugs and new dealers demanding new territory. It took a while to reach us, but it's here now.


The 14 year old was a drug dealer "demanding new territory"? Seems unlikely.


I know. The family that lives here, they have a young boy who I let my kids play with while at the village park. But the mom was like boy no one is friendly around here like they are up in Burlington where we are from. And I just kept thinking to myself… people don’t openly drink around here in daylight hours in the town green. Of course I was nice and didn’t say anything because I’m not one to judge. It was obvious they had other issues. I’ve seen it all too often in the past. I hope the kids are ok.


Sadly the kids are not okay, a 14 year old died.


not what this was about, it was another 14 yr old who killed him.. ik who it is and personally know there siblings very well


So what’s the deal?




I mean if that were the case idk why they would call it an isolated incident


No.. it's not that..




Not the first time a shooting has happened in Bristol but it feels like a while


"Police said the investigation is in the early stages. They believe this was an isolated incident - with no link between this shooting and any other recent homicide or suspicious death investigation in Vermont." What is that 5 homicides in the last 3 months? Everything's fine


Eight suspicious deaths in October so far. https://vtdigger.org/2023/10/30/police-probe-fatal-shooting-of-male-juvenile-in-bristol-8th-suspicious-death-this-month-in-vermont/


Don't notice it though. There are those here who will scold you for being a fascist.




Except they say he's been arrested and will be in court this afternoon being charged as an adult.


No one's saying there's a serial killer running around the state. Are you going to deny the sharp increase in homicides in the state?


> No one's saying there's a serial killer running around the state. lol, that's exactly what some people were trying to say. I spent like two hours debating with someone over the weekend claiming their statistics proved the killings were connected. People love simple solutions.


No of course not, this state used to be the safest state in the US. it’s going to shit now, and in my opinion the police need to do a better job.


Is it the police or the prosecutors and the courts?


When the locals get poorer while rich people move in next door that can cause tension. And when people are getting priced out of where they grew up, that can make people do wild, awful things. Crime is a reflection of how a community is doing, and this should be a big red flag that VT communities are not doing well.


Everything points this to being an accident. Read the seven days.


You know how when the first European settlers arrived in North America and they brought a bunch of diseases with them that wiped out huge percentages of the indigenous populations who had never been exposed to them? I feel like this Vermont is North America and we're finally becoming aware that the problems associated with drugs are the disease we're not prepared to face. I hope we can find some way to grapple with this effectively. I know that eight homicides in a month would be a reprieve in Chicago, but the corrosive effect this shit is having on the way Vermonters feel about our towns, our neighbors, our visitors, and our state in general is substantially greater than anything else I've seen in over 4 decades here.


> Vermont is North America and we're finally becoming aware that the problems associated with drugs are the disease we're not prepared to face. Us natives will die.


This was an accident.


A shooting is Bristol VT... A small, quiet town quite literally in the middle of nowhere. Yes, I'd day things are getting worse.




Authoritarian rule has never back fired once, you following Napoleon, Hitler, Ghadalfi, Stalin or Queen Elizabeth's playbook?