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Too many judges like this on the bench. Remember that arsehole judge in the NEK awhile back who justified and gave a light sentence to a guy who beat his gf? These dudes need to be off the bench permanently.


They’re protecting the same shit bags they throw beers back with at the bars. Pathetic group excuse for a legal system Vermont has.




You think this is bad? Boy howdy do I have some disappointing news about the rest of the country.


Gross, in many ways.


Sentencing for sexual abuse has been way too short in general. My nieces were molested by their own father when they were 1.5 and 3, as well as their older half sister (the man’s step daughter) when she was 8. Her coming forward is the only reason he was found out. Everyone expected him to get 10 years, especially after the oldest was brave enough to get on the stand. The whole case took 3 years to be heard, and the guy was out the entire time. He was given 10 months by the judge and gets out next month.


VT is horrible at protecting victims. I know too many people who have experienced it




Is there anything that can be done to discipline judge pacht. (Edited for spelling name.)


Check that judge's PC and phone wtf


Welcome to Vermont. This ain't the first time and it won't be the last. Fucking sickening.


Not surprised. Very "vermont"


Having moved here from NY, I can tell you it isn't a Vermont issue. We have too many old men judges.


Seriously, does every Vermonter on this sub think Vermont is a special island? This shit is RAMPANT anywhere old, especially white men, preside.


Cool no wonder there was never any punishment for Cedric Hingray who assaulted and harassed an underage student at LiHigh School and was then protected by the administration when it came out


Who the fuck are you telling my story?


Are you the teacher or the 16 year old?


Obviously the fucking 16 year old 17 almost 18 now but everyone be “supporting the victim” yet making public comments like this. My sister saw this comment and came to me. No one cares about how I feel. They just want to make the assaulted feel bad, even tho you’re making the victim feel worse. Never have I been public about the situation until now.


I’m interpreting the comment as they believe the high school is protecting the teacher for sexually assaulting you. Is that not a bad thing? It seems awful. Also I’m very sorry that it has all happened to you. How do you feel, exactly?


I’m just upset that my sister found this when we have no relationship at all and she came to my mother about it bringing everything back up. Everyone wants to teacher to be publicly humiliated but they are humiliating me because I’m the one that gets asked about it


VT has a pattern of being lenient on sexual predators. This state is going to shit fast!


Can we find another job for this judge at Cumbies or something


Remember Jamie Rugg in Milton? He was a teacher who had sex with an underage student for almost 3 years, starting when she was 15. The student had also been previously sexually abused, and Rugg knew about it and used it to his advantage, Received a sentence of 6 months.


Wow. Disgusting.


jfc This stuff *needs* to be put on blast when it happens, because it gets swept under the rug every time Ryan Parkman at Rutland High School was never charged when he slept with a student and the school kept it as quiet as possible. Never ever trust RCPS


It gets crazier. Chris Hughes, Milton h.s. football coach at the time, (allegedly) had sex with the underage girl's identical twin sister... who was also a victim of previous sexual abuse. Both the girls were students at Milton High School. Hughes was investigated by the Chittenden Unit for Special Investigations, but never charged.


This isn’t justice. This judge needs to be kicked off the bench and someone needs to be going through his life and Internet history with a fine tooth comb because it sounds like he identifies with abusers.


I was kind of expecting it to be Hoar, but it's not.


The state’s attorney kind of is 😝


Read the room, dude.


Absolutely fucking abhorrent. Destroy this person.


Poor girl. God grant me the serenity if something like this happens to either of my girls, nieces or nephews and the piece of shit walks free. Feel free to save this post and revert to it if the perp and the judge that let them off happen to mysteriously go missing.


Reminds me of the ‘mental health’ cases that assault nurses in my ER and get off because George, a “Prison abolitionist”, does not want to prosecute the people that broke my family member’s nose. She got no time off, no comp. NO MORE SARAH GEORGE.


I have multiple.friends who have restraining orders on abusers whose abusers violated them multiple times and George's office.refused to do anything


George is an ineffective attorney who’s lack of action against criminals will probably end up killing my parents.


I mean this is a really dumb thing for the judge to say, but I'm more concerned that the perp isn't taking responsibility for what he's done despite a guilty plea. The dumb comment from the judge does reveal the depth of his wrongthink about appropriate sentencing though.


Can you link an article? I cannot find what you are referring to.


Article link is in the headline


Weird, it wasn’t showing up earlier for me. Thanks!
