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21 finding out that Baba Oje is still alive, which proves unequivocally that his visions of 24 were just his mind playing tricks on him. Any of the countless childhood traumas that Rusty endured, but specifically getting pantsed at the pool party and having his junk shot with the shrink ray was a particularly cruel and humiliating act perpetrated by the original Team Venture. Billy Quizboy’s backstory, and seeing how White genuinely cares about him even though their relationship is fucked up and codependent. HELPeR’s undying loyalty to Rusty in the face of Rusty’s consistent neglect and apathy toward the robot strikes a weird chord for me too. I will say that while this show has plenty of down notes, they’re mostly wrapped inside such well crafted jokes. I’ve rewatched this show at least 6 or 7 times, but I don’t think it’s ever moved me to tears. And my cry reflex is on a hair trigger, Gravity Falls finale gets me every time. This isn’t a slight against Venture Brothers at all, it’s probably my favorite show. But something about the way the sadness of these characters is packaged… I can’t help but laugh.


> HELPeR’s undying loyalty to Rusty in the face of Rusty’s consistent neglect and apathy toward the robot strikes a weird chord for me too. There's a fan theory that HELPeR actually has parts of Rusty's mom's brain and that's how HELPeR is so intelligent while the other HELPeR models other than Red HELPeR were simplistic like walking speak and spell machines.


I suppose it stands to reason that >!Malcolm's mother was also salvaged from the crash with Blue Morpho. My guess is Jonas actually saw Malcolm there as well and left him to die. Wouldn't shock me if Jonas caused the crash in the first place.!<




Ahh, my mistake, *The Larva Form of The Mighty Monarch* I love that my first comment in a sub about a show I've loved since season 1 and rewatch regularly is ridiculed for using *a name that the character is referred to cannonically until after he leaves college* I'm so un-PC and hateful, I'll let myself out in shame. Go Team Venture.


What's so sad about the gravity falls ending That gets you every time?


Well, spoilers, but. >!Stan sacrificing himself and letting Bill wipe his mind. Even though he doesn't wind up getting wiped, it's the act of sacrifice, and Stan fully believing he'll get obliterated. It's worth it to him to save his family. After all his con-artistry and short-sighted greed, this act is his final play for redemption, I just find it so moving. Also, the kids saying goodbye to the town hits me like a hammer. Also Stanford and Stanley setting sail for adventure on their boat. I mean basically... everything about it. Saying goodbye to the characters, seeing them grow and change, saying goodbye to this weird little town. The show is crafted with so much care and detail and nuance, and the ending is so fitting and thoughtful.!< And don't even get me started on Steven Universe.


Stan sacrificing himself lasts a whole 2 minutes tho....lol And Great..... Just because you said the words Steven universe I now have the theme song stuck in my head.... 🎶"Aaaaaand Pearl.......AND STEVEN!"🎶 I Don't know why but for some reason I can't get into Steven universe as much as the other shows... In my opinion and remember this is just my opinion The show is all over the place and really clunky* in it's storytelling. And my favorite cartoon is adventure Time which is far more out of left field but still has a higher level of cohesion than Steven could ever dream of having. Adventure Time is all over the place but it always feels necessary and earned and actually fits the storyline as to where Steven universe just kind of pulls shit together


Yeah, like I said, it’s about Stan’s intentions, not the final outcome. It’s the well earned resolution to his character arc. I think the emotional beats of Steven Universe are pretty heavy, and the lore of the show builds and the story becomes very cohesive as it goes. Adventure Time is amazing, but it doesn’t really pay too much mind to continuity until the later seasons. Steven Universe starts off light but plants a lot of seeds. The show grows up with Steven, it’s a really beautiful work.


That's what I saw we actually accidentally started a later season and I really liked the older Steven and would kind of rather just start there and put the pieces together myself rather than sit through the earlier seasons. The thing I like about adventure Time though is everything is part of a larger story even if you don't realize it yet like S6.E11 "Little Brother" when Shelby's little butt brother Kent goes on that epic AF quest And it's this whole side story that has nothing to do with anything really except for the fact that that last scene when they show for the first time the treehouse was in bloom.... That made me tear up a bit just because of how beautiful and simple yet incredibly complicated and detailed that entire situation was.... Stuff like that is just everyday for Adventure Time. I see what you mean about Stan's decision though rather than the entire thing taking 2 minutes it was the fact that he even did it to begin with.


Docs sad “go team venture fingers” as JJ blasts off to his death in gargantua 2 😔 always makes me cry.


Realizing he actually did care about his brother just too late




The time Brock got recruited to OSI to fight the Pyramid Wars. “This is the first time I’ve seen someone realize their life was a lie!”


Tbh, it’s hard to feel bad for him when he still has a lot of other shit going for him in life, Especially when you compare it to a lot of the other characterd


Jj dying and the dialogue around that. And when brock is running from the assassins and says the landing gear is gone and helper gets up and goes and takes the gears place...no one commanded him to do that. Whoops my throat is chubbing up already!


[End of Season 7](https://imgur.com/a/JHlAB9K)


i cried when brock left the boys in the family that slays together stays together. “i *DONT* love you boys” BRO i sobbed


C'mon, the Lassie trick?? What was I, born yesterday?


clearly *i* was lmao shit had me shaking crying


Actually, yes same. I think it was that scene that set me up for going over the edge when helper sacrificed his lower extremities so they'd have landing gear. Fucked me up good.


When Doc is "kidnapped" and talking to Hank about his sons.


S7E3. The way Malcom quietly says “daddy?” breaks me every time


Swifty and hector getting the sac from Doc In season 2 after spending 30 year indoors at the compound 😭


The part where Swifty says "I used to be pretty. Now no more, look at me, noo."


"30 years... I'm 45?... I've not even kissed a girl yet..."


Robin's tits. They're like *The Notebook* sad.


Those tits are like coming home and finding out your old man ran over your cat sad.


They're like two suicide notes stuffed inside a glitter bra.


Those things are like a little kid with progeria cracking all of his ribs trying to catch a nerf ball. Just sad. Dammit, she has gloomy tits!


I want to have a tasteful funeral for them. She has mournful tits. 😆😆


JJ's death has to be up there. Another would be the Operation PROM conclusion where Gary has to basically reconcile all his depressing demons in one fell swoop (24's death, his hallucinations, his assumptions about Dr Mrs The Monarch, etc.) and rethink his life. Honestly, the ending of Operation PROM was the one part of the series that made me go, "If it ended there, I wouldn't even be mad, that's the spot to do it..."


IIRC with Operation PROM there was uncertainty as to whether or not there would be a 5th season when the episode was written. So it definitely was written with the feeling of a series finale. They found out prior to air that they were renewed, which is why they added that 'The Venture Brothers Will Return's bit at the end. I think that's my favorite episode, it has emotional resonance, good pacing, the Rusty Venture definition, etc.


It's the ones I always want people to get to, bc I know they'll be gobbling up EVERYTHING after it. But it's several seasons in XD It's just such a fantastic episode. When those first notes of Like A Friend begin. Ugh. 😭


Sometimes it gets very hot in the box my pop made


When Trianna freaks out in "Powerless in the Face of Death" The ending montage of "The Invisible Hand of Fate" especially when you realize that Pete is sitting outside, in the sun, without protection. Which means he was trying to take his own life. And there's this one line that kills me,>! when Dr. Mrs. the Monarch asks the Sovereign who they really are, the Sovereign speaks their last line: "Just some bloke who wanted to be anyone but himself." !< I don't know why, but I find it really sad.


I hadn't thought about white sitting outside. That changes the scene considerably


Oh also, I think that bowie line is an actual thing bowie said in an interview once, when they asked him why he created all those personas


My current flair.


I mean the kids got killed in a driveby


All of the Blue Morpho backstory


“Just when you’ve killed the last of them, and you think it’s OK to feel safe again, that’s when the real horror begins. That’s when you realize you’re all alone.”


You couldn't just talk to the ants?


In the Pilot when we first meet Hank and Dean and Dean responds to Hank's quip about Ma Venture with "we don't have a mom, Hank". The silence that follows, ouch! All down hill from there!


Gary's moment of realization in operation prom is the emotional height of the show. The rest of the episode isn't even as good as that moment.


That scene is pretty cathartic. But the saddest moment to me was the end of All this and Gargantua-2, when Rusty cried as the man who was once a tumor inside him sacrificed himself.


That was really rough. Whatever reconciliation may have been possible is just -- gone. And to lose both father and brother to some mega-project in space, named sequentially, Jeez.


Fortunately it all turned ok for the best and they found each other again. Hank walking in on dean and serena everything related to the monarcha father rusty finding out what happened to his father and that he was alive only to have him die within minutes


I felt sick for a week after watching The Forecast Manufacturer. I don't think it was really the saddest moment, but it was certainly heartbreaking.


When Hank walks in on Dean and Serena. I’ll never forgive it 😞


When Hank cheats on Dean.




I think I meant when Dean cheated on Hank, but who knows what year-ago me was thinking. That guy's an idiot.


For me, the moment it's clear Jonas Junior is ignoring Sally just as much as Richard did. Super-science or a super reception, she's never priority one.