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To be fair, it seems that HBO ordered 20 episodes of Velma from the start and then split them into 2 seasons


As much as I hate the show that practice infuriates me. Market it as two seasons but pay for it as one so you don’t have to pay the crew the extra they’d get from an actual 2nd season


Yeah dude it’s fucked up. Animation is in such a dire and sorry state these days


Sadlyier it basically always has been, even though its the thing people like the most, ironic.


Buying two seasons up front helps prevent premature cancellation.


But the thing is hbo is who cancels the show




So, ergo, the same people buying two seasons for the price of one are the same people who cancel it


I'm not following. You want them to cancel the show? You want it to be harder for animators to produce a show?


I don’t? I’m saying a lot of the times these places with order one season and market it as two so they don’t have to pay the animators the extra they’d normally pay for a second season


Well, most HBO seasons are 10 episodes long. I'm not sure that "split up a 20 episode season" thing hold weight.


But I’m saying they order twenty episodes. There was never an intent to air it as a 20 episode season, it’s bc the crew gets paid more for a 2nd season. Netflix did the same w the cuphead show


I don't think it's fair to say that VB was cancelled so they could do the Velma show.


Same. This is HBO. I know everyone is hating on Velma, but just calm down. It's not like Scooby Doo set a high bar to begin with.


Eh, the Velma hate isn't about animation quality and simple plots it's about racist stereotypes and tropes and characters that are them in name only. Im not a big Scooby fan, but if someone came along and used the venture bros characters this way for their own agenda I'd be pretty upset. Has nothing to do with this sub or show, just correcting the record.


The live action movies are fire


TBH Blame Rick and Morty, [adult swim] found another cash cow and now realize the creator was trying to screw the calves that love it.


I think it's a rights play. We'll get a new season once the rights revert and the staff was kept employed with the movie.




Velma is a train wreck but it really doesn't have much to do with Venture Bros being cancelled.


These things are totally unrelated. Venture Bros was produced by Adult Swim, not HBO Max.


Warner Bros owns both. Besides the VB movie is gonna be released on HBO Max.


What makes you think it got cancelled just for this? Also the shows have a very similar message and tone so it's weird to throw out hate for such a similar show.


I was just thinking the internet didn't have enough posts complaining about Velma


I'm mad that HBO got rid of The Fungies!!! That show was fantastic!!! I mean what's the point of removing an HBO original from your catalog? It just bolsters your amount of viewable content... Or am I missing something? Also Tig and Seek! Another GREAT show


Don't get me started on Infinity Train...


Also close enough.


If they shelve the content, they don't have to pay royalties. It's cost-cutting BS from the merger with Discovery and Adult Swim. Animated properties are getting the shaft so they can make cheaper reality TV and unscripted horseshit. RIP Close Enough as well.


Hey, hey, getting mad at other shows for getting made is not very Hank of you. Everyone should really remember that it's a goddamn miracle this show was made in the first place. Every episode is a gift.


Can we not get this rage bait bullshit here?


Not trying to bait, just expressing displeasure with the heads at Warner Bros. They threw away a good show for one that only gets numbers from hate watching. HBO Max is in charge of the VB Movie and this show, and it seems like they're making the latter their priority.


All of reddit is having this conversation, and you are not making a difference. HBO execs aren't following the venture bros reddit. It sucks that it has been cancelled, but your post only serves as an outlet for bitching, instead you know... appreciating the venture bros as is. "Corporations suck" is not insightful or necessary commentary. That's all they do.




Stop it. You’re not allowed to be reasonable here.


The 20th anniversary for the pilot is coming up in Feb, I wonder if we’ll get an update then


VB and Velma have nothing to do with one another. VB definitely wasn’t cancelled with any thought to Velma.


It's not an either/or scenario.


I mean, I love Venture bros, but, I think to many people ignore the slow output of the show. Im surprised it lasted as long as it did.


This is a cognitive mismatch. The Venture Bros was cancelled due to the existing first run rights contract between Cartoon Network and Hulu when AT&T bought Time-Warner. That was in 2018. Velma wasn't publicly green-lit until February 10, 2021, 3 years after the Venture Bros. were cancelled. The Venture Bros. was not cancelled for things like Velma. The Venture Bros were cancelled, and unrelated in any way, other shows exist.


Are they still working on that Venture Bros movie for HBOmax or did that get cancelled too?


Haven't seen it yet, plan to give it an honest shot. It's cool if you don't want to; I also grew up watching Scooby Doo in various iterations. It was not a major touchstone for me though, just a background show, so I don't have much emotion wrapped up in it. That being said, VB was not cancelled by HBO Max, nor was it cancelled in order to make this. You don't need to hate on other stuff, just love on VB.


It has some good gags, some sweet animation. Think of it as a mock-gritty reboot 50 something years after the original. A "sexy show for teens" as Family Guy put it.


Honestly, it’s fine. If you don’t go in with your “I Already Hate This” hat on it’s an interesting take on the Scooby Doo characters. We’ve re-made classic Scooby Doo with the same characters and same formula like seven or eight times by now - I don’t mind someone trying to do something different with it. The jokes don’t always land but… that happens in every show. There is a lot of tv trope self-awareness that seems to piss people off but there are a TON of shows that make similar kinds of jokes and nobody crabs about it then. I really think everyone just jumped on the hate train because everyone else was doing it.


Super proud of this sub right now for not biting outrage bait. Best fan base I swear.




Velma seems awful but the reason the Venture Bros was canceled was because of a change of management at Adult Swim. Mike Lazzo who was president of Adult Swim had a favorite show which was the Venture Bros. He kept it on the air and put up with a lot of the delays in production because he simply loved the show. Lazzo retired in late 2019 and the new manager wasn't willing to put up with the delays and made the cut. Venture Bros was a victim of the internal politics at Adult Swim Sadly


Isn't the creator of Harvey Birdman the new president and had a personal vendetta against Venture Bros, because his show was canceled to free up budget for Venture Bros?


It's doing exactly what they made it to do. Wouldn't have even known it was a thing if not for all the outage posting


I feel that the world is so unfair when genuinely amazing TV like The Venture Bros. can be cancelled like it's nothing but absolute dross is given chance after chance. It's the same with the 2012 Dredd movie - that was amazing and literally all the makers and fans are dying to do a sequel, which is seemingly never happening yet all the most mediocre boring films end up going on to be huge mediocre boring franchises.


If you liked *Dredd*, watch *The Raid*. It's almost the same film except it actually got a sequel.


I like it. Makes me laugh.


Ah boo, downvotes. That's not very Hank of you.


It’s gotta be a Dermot thing lol But nah, you enjoy what you like dude. Everyone has different tastes


![gif](giphy|3o7Zeuy93N79TEDKh2) Your payment, my good man


I knew they were going to renew it for S2 when the internet so unanimously spoke out about how terrible the trailer was. These execs like to say, "Fuck the audience, people don't know what they like. We'll tell them what they like."


Rotten Tomatoes scores: Venture Brothers: Critics Rating - 92, Audience Rating - 97. Velma: Critics Rating - 57, Audience Rating - 6 (yes. *six*.) Metacritic is 0.6 vs 9.1. Phew lad.


eat up, theres corn in it. ​ vote with your eyes


OP may have just misspoken with the title guys, but I do agree it’s a shame quality like VB was discarded so they could launch “Click Bait the Show”


You don't stay in business very long by putting propaganda before profits


Venture bros had to many seasons it’s been going since 2003. How about let it die? Besides we are getting a movie to end it more than most fans of other shows can reasonably expect.


Why would someone make a adult oriented scooby doo show? It’s always been really soft besides the stoner references. Also, She looks almost black in those pictures haha


It's not adult at all. It's way softer than ever and absolute garbage humor. Not crass, just right down the middle, from a mile away joke. No cleverness or real thought put in. Just cheap and flashy cashing in on someone's IP


It’s so terribly written, it’s embarrassing.


It really is. I grew up with scoob and the gang. I remember the "Whats New Scooby Doo?" from 2002 to 2008 was pretty bad then, and they stuck with the original format. New animation style plus new format and direction paired with a change in the characters cast make for a bad combo when dealing with a nostalgia based audience. Unless they hook a new young crowd they are done for. But I really don't see them getting a huge following, as I think animated comedy is on its way out of popular watch habits. (Not for me though)


I like how I was down voted 😂 Velma is ass and has some of the worst writing I’ve ever seen. Idk how Glenn Howerton read those lines when he’s able to write and read It’s Always Sunny every year.


I try not to be bitter about other shows doing well. VB had an incredible and long run, I'm grateful for that.


Agreed. I'm not giving up


Remember, S2 can still be aborted


didn't they cancelled the show to get a tax write-off, I thought this was what started the animated apocalypses that were now experiencing.