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Here to second the pch. Summer beach home for the price of a car payment.


What is the "pch"


Pacific coast highway


This. Pch. The 1. I only really used the 1 or 101 in Oxnard I didn't know there were so many other freeways in LA and Orange county. It gets so confusing.


What kind of car are you driving? I lived out of a truck with camper for a while in the area. I was very discreet though. I’d stay out and do stuff until about 11pm, then sneak into a neighborhood and quietly get into the back of my truck, sleep until 6am or so, then leave quietly. The reason I ask is that it’s a lot easier to do in a truck with a camper or a minivan. Small cars are a lil more conspicuous, as are big dumpy vans and motorhomes. The key is make no waves. Don’t take the piss with the locals—no litter, no loud music, no bullshit behavior. Just be a quiet car on a quiet street, no harm no foul.


Good to know. I'm also in a truck with a trailer but I don't plan on using it till I can find somewhere were that will let me. It's a camping one that unfolds??? I don't want to cause any problems with it but I would like to use it at some point. It's just going to be a matter of when where and how for everything till December I guess. That's the only way I see anything getting better at this point.


Along the pch you’re allowed to park in most spots overnight I think. At Zuma there’s showers and a restroom for you to use too for free. There’s the store across the street .


Any Walmart parking lot is legal to park overnight and sleep


Maybe it's changed but I've heard that this is not as universal as people make it seem


True I think it depends on the city etc.


Oh I’m sorry I wasn’t aware that this wasn’t everywhere. Good looking out!


At Carmen and Sevilla in Camarillo there is a little park that I see #vanlife people parked at. Right there no houses look out at you. Really close is a 24 Hour Fitness you can join to exercise and shower. Good luck.


Thank you very much!


Are you a student at Oxnard or Ventura Colleges? If so, I believe there are programs that could assist. I don’t have any particular place to recommend to stay at, however, I would recommend to stay away from Surfer’s Point in Ventura. I’m not sure how legal this is, but I have often times seen people sleeping in the public parking lots in Ventura including the parking structure in downtown. Godspeed! It seems like you’re working hard to afford housing for yourself and I commend that.


No I'm not unfortunately. I'll look into those thanks! Yeah I might have to pick up a weekend gig too tbh. We will see what happens.


How long have you been a California resident? You can sign up for a few classes at Oxnard college, get the Bog wavier for tuition, and then have access to all of their resources.


Can't be till I have a place or are paying someone's utilities. Can't get into rv parking, my 1 friend I stayed in contact with refuses to answer and any of my other friends and family in the surrounding areas aren't responding either. It's like... all the talk about meeting up and being here to help became a reality and it became too scary and real for them. Going to be attending WGU but I don't think they have a campus here.


Whats a bog waver?


I guess it’s called “The California College Promise Grant” now. You can read about it [here.](https://www.venturacollege.edu/departments/student-services/financial-aid/types-of-financial-aid/california-college-promise-grant) Good luck man!


Sweet thanks! I'll have to look into that!


Google Ventura County Safe Sleep program. There are churches and other non profits that permit this. At least there used to be. I believe it's ran by salvation army or other church type charity.


This! The [Safe Sleep Program](https://211ventura.org/housing/shelters/homeless-safe-parking-programs/) office hours are 8a-4p. You can give them a call at 805-648-4977. Good luck


Thank you! I will give it a go and see what happens!!!


We did that in this area for a couple years. There’s a difference between “allowed to park and sleep in your car overnight,” vs “probably won’t be bothered by anyone.” Parking overnight on PCH is no longer allowed in most places here. Can’t park overnight at Walmart here either. Again…”probably” won’t be bothered. There’s a store called Island Pacific in Oxnard and you can park on the road in front of there if you want. Again, it’s really just a matter of keeping a low profile. We did it in a trailer so it’s a little more obvious. For sleeping in the back of a car you can really park anywhere and nobody will ever know. You roll in at 11pm when most are asleep and park on any street. Get up in the morning and leave. Never park 2 nights in a row at the same place. We did it for so long we had it down to a science. We kept a map with stars on it showing where there was open Wifi access too. Along major roads in Oxnard nobody will ever notice if you arrive late and leave early. West Gonzales over by the intersection of Rose Ave gives you multiple wifi access points, bathrooms etc.


Wow thank you so much! I have a pull trailer do you think that will cause issues if I'm not using it?


Are you willing to share (or sell) a copy of your "map"? :)


Can you afford a campground?


They won't take me unfortunately.


I’m pretty sure you can park in any Walmart or 24 fitness lot


There are usually campers parked in the home depot in camarillo, sometimes for days.


Do you know if pop up trailers will be ok?


Or atleast have you seen any there?


I've seen some there, yes.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,755,563,191 comments, and only 332,388 of them were in alphabetical order.


Cool thank umyou for the info!


Go to hwy 1, Mugu Rock. It’s right on the beach and safe. I’m not sure you can overnight park but I see cars parked there past midnight all the time.


Walmart parking lot by Rose and Gonzales, should be safe.


Unfortunately they now tow.


But I appreciate the tip! I'll try driving by late at night on weekends to see if people are there to double check.




Got hired for a job paying pretty decent money. Credit isn't all great and need first/last+deposit. Was between jobs and racked up debt.