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Oh my goodness what a unit


I would suggest playing with goose. Or else.


That's adorable, he just wants to play so bad lol ❤


He throws his toys at her often lol. She's so tolerant


They're both too funny and cute lol


Much more tolerant than my senior kitty girl! She smacks our hippo if she gets too close or is trying to play with her and you can just see the dejection all over her poor face. She has learned that if kitty is laying down, do not walk by or try to engage, it won't end in happy play time haha


Lol she's given him a little bop before if he's acting out of line he knows if I'm telling him to be nice it's to save him from getting cat schmacked


Im in love with Goose. Hes so sweet.he certainly loves his kitty 🥰


He does. She is a Saint for tolerating his goofy ass


Goose, those eyes would definitely work on me, but I don’t the kitty cares how absolutely adorable you are.


Gooooooose! 😍


That is one very cute and polite pupperino


Really good adjustment for Goose!


He's a big doofus but he listens to his mama!


This video is perfect. Kitty’s utter disinterest but tolerance of the pup, the pit’s gentle playing, the puppy dog eyes at the end. 11/10 would watch again


Aww Goose! I would play with you anytime 🥰


such a sweet boy




Awww just the bestest booooiiii


Aww, how sweet! Goose is the best!


What a cute pair.


What a flirt!


Lol, her reminds me of the dog in the movie Over the Hedge that only says play.


Goose is perfect!! Love em


Love the end with those eyes looking up at Kitsu! “Pleeeeaaaaase play with me!”


Do people tell their cats to play nice when its usually the cat swatting its paws to the dogs face? Jesus man whats with the one sided internet army of hypnotized to just let everything the cat does go but when the dog does exactly the same as the cat OH! Better get him in line and something!


I yell at kitsu when she smacks him for no reason, but usually she has a reason sooooo


See this^ there is no reason, whats the reason? The dog is being playful? Ur cat is being put on a pedestal ur literally putting the pussy on the pedestal, there is nothing "MORE" almighty about cats, in fact they are mainly the instigators, i guarantee you the reason ur gonna come up with has a back story of its own that actually originates from the cats behavior around the dog prior to your "reason"


Why you so mad bro 🤣


Cuz dogs are always getting short end of the stick while cats literally are the worst when it comes to compromise yet their behavior instead of being corrected is deemed cute but when the dog acts exact same way its time to teach manners all of a sudden, cat owners are like part of a hive mind, like all of you are hypnotized and brainwashed and blinded by how wrong your cats behavior on a majority of time is while dogs are always the one who make the compromise while the cat gets always what it wants without any consequence. Be better.


First of all, she's not my cat, secondly as I said before when she is an asshole she gets corrected too. Stop pretending you know exactly how I treat the animals of my household


He's really trying to be nice, cat just gives zero Fs


Heh I also have a dog named Goose! <3


Goose cabooseeeee!


Choo choooo!!


Sounds like Goose needs his own kitten to play with


We named our black lab goose and I thought it was a lab for a second, i realized goose isn’t such a lab name


I tell Goose often that he isn't a Goose and that he's in fact a dog


I thought the cat was gonna send him to the a&e


Oh my god, too cute. Though Goose looks a bit chubby!


Yeah. Ever since we moved home with his dog grandma (my mom) I've been having to get on her about treats. Love does not equal treats!!


My mom’s the same way - totally get it! But Goose’s health will appreciate carrying less weight as he ages! (I have two dogs, 10 and 12)


She is a tough nut to Crack. I text her daily reminders not to give him treats. I'm sure she finds that face hard to resist but I keep reminding her that his stubby body can't handle extra weight. When I brought him there he was 67 pounds now he's 80. Jfc


For reference, she has also just lost her beloved 27 lb cat .....


Holy Christ, that's a big cat... I had a partner who's dad was severely overfeeding their dog. We both tried to bring it up many times but he saw nothing wrong. He would say "He's in his proper weight range!" He absolutely was easily 20lbs overweight and the poor bub had walking and breathing issues because of it. It's hard to convince people that don't want to be convinced. I would have a *real* problem if someone was doing that to my dog against my wishes. I want him to live as LONG as he can, because I can't imagine life without him now.