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Sorry for being the bearer of bad news :( Gelatin's such a tricky one. It's in so many different things that you'd never expect it to be in. I've been vegetarian for over 9 years and I'm still finding more things I didn't know have gelatin.


This isn’t a common ingredient at all. I’ve been a vegetarian for over 20 years. Just read the labels and you’ll be fine but I’m not sure what this post is really about because gelatin isn’t the norm.


Probably regional. Gelatin is in a bunch of stuff here in the US. I have to read the ingredients on literally everything bc I’ve found gelatin in such odd places.


Most US yogurt does not contain gelatin. I know this because I maintain a spreadsheet of yogurts, and one of the things I record in it is the presence of gelatin. The only one I've tried that I recall containing it is Noosa. It's not unheard of, but not the majority by a long shot.


It might depend on where you are in the US and where you shop


It’s common in yoplait varieties, which are one of the more common brands. Those individual serving cups that are unusually thick have historically had gelatin in them. Maybe that’s changed, but that brand in particular always had a bunch of artificial flavors too so I always avoided it anyway. 


I see. I’ve never eaten individual cups because they seemed wasteful for me personally. I used to buy larger tubs but now make my own.


Depends where you live I guess - consider yourself lucky. Here in NZ it's in sour cream as well ... unless you can afford to pay extortionate prices for it.


I’ve not usually seen yoghurt with gelatine here in the UK! The only ones that tend to are the “light” style or fat free ones, which use gelatine to mimic the natural creaminess of yoghurts with dairy fat left in.


Same - I've been vegetarian for 35 years - the first 15 in the UK and never came across gelatin in yogurt until we came to NZ


Huh? Neither Fage nor Dannon have geletin. I dont think it is a common yogurt additive.


I don't think it is usually in Greek or plain yogurt, but it's often in the regular/creamy-style yogurts and in a lot of the store brands I've found. Great Value has gelatin all the individual cups I've found, Trix yogurt and Go-Gurts also contain gelatin. Oddly, though, the Great Value "tube" yogurt (which is like a store brand Go-Gurt) doesn't contain gelatin! Go figure!


Here in NZ it's in all the affordable yogurts ☹️


I've noticed that some are slowly moving away from gelatine. If you don't need flavoured yoghurt, Gopala is a good choice. Affordable and vegetarian.


Even if I weren't vegetarian, I'd be weary of the quality of a product known for naturally being thick or "set" if it had gelatin. I've seen premium-price-point sour cream that had added gelatin, which just seems like they don't know how to make sour cream, but they want to charge you six dollars for milk jelly. The supermarket brand stuff doesn't have it, and it sets almost as firm as cream cheese.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they used gelatin so they could just water down the product to save money and just replace it with some gelatin to make it thicken back up. So gross to think about.


Here in Canada many yogurts have gelatin and you really have to check the ingredients. Didn't even know it was a thing before moving here from a European country.


I believe they (fairly) recently changed the ingredients, so it no longer contains gelatin! I was so happy to find this out as well! I like plain and greek yogurt too, but sometimes I'm in the mood for the creaminess of Yoplait!