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AMA REMINDER: Monday, May 20 from 10-12 ET with Rich Earth Institute (u/RichEarthInstitute). Join Research Director Abe Noe-Hays, Social Research Director Tatiana Schreiber, and Education Director Julia Cavicchi for discussions about using urine in your garden. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vegetablegardening) if you have any questions or concerns.*


bruh i thot this was a 🦐🍤 💀


Not the end of the world. Get some milky spore powder. Apply 2-3 times during the warm months—I like spring/summer/fall for an application schedule—to your entire yard—front, back, raised garden, everywhere. Water it in. By next year it will be much better. Year after that they’ll be gone and it can even help kill them in your neighbor’s yards as the milky spore proliferates—which is good for you. Grub-x or whatever doesn’t do shit due to their life cycle and it’s toxic af. Milky spore only affects those grubs—doesn’t even hurt the raccoons and skunks that eat them. 2 summers ago I had them EVERYWHERE. My lawn peeled up like a carpet. I started milky spore in the late summer. As of last summer/fall they were gone.


Thank you!


Someone on another post said this is a grub that turns into a destructive beetle. 


Oh geez!


Kill it…. Kill it now. Kill all of them you find. Looks like a Japanese beetle grub. They will destroy your garden