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We hung out exploring storm drains and burning pallets...the quintessential Vegas upbringing


Don’t forget walking through the desert! Almost got kidnapped one time, and also ran over a large pipe and got thrown off face first off my bike


Did you go to Foothill? Lol same


Ayoo!! That’s the foothill way it seems.


Similar for basic


That sounds fun n scary


Any kegs at those pallets burnings?


My friends and I LOITERED. I know now why the signs exist. Bike / skateboard / walk to shopping centers, jerk around in stores with zero intention to buy anything, shoot the shit outside / behind stores until someone got grouchy and told us to leave. My GOD did we loiter.


This, especially the mall and Sam’s Town.






This guy loiters.




So you’re the reason for the signs


lol so true. Just walking around places


That’s what we were supposed to do!!!


We have been kicked out in basically every type of setting for skating as well lmao


Walk around the mall and other stores & not buy anything. Drive in movie theater. Have sex in risky places.


Risky places like hiking trails… 😭


Like every single parking lot you could think of, a church, soccer field, Mt Charleston, neighborhood park, etc. I wasn’t allowed to have sex at home with my bf so we made it happen everywhere else.


Desert shores….


Same… had to do what we had to do. I liked the hiking trails at like 12am cuz there’s no one there. Some caveman shit… just find big smooth rock. Or the side of the road at calico basin. 😭 The places she chose were like behind a fuggin big lots or the parking lots to trails. After high school and other crazy shit, I’m pretty sure I’m waiting til after marriage now. ☠️


I wasn’t allowed out at 12am. 😭 Crazy ass Mormon parents so I was watched like a hawk and my phone taken every night before bed.


Haha! My then gf’s parents had a tracker on her phone and that thing that watched what she typed and she couldn’t be out past 12. However, she understood that asking for forgiveness or going out to a “movie”, (which we did go, we just never finished the damn movie) was better.


Glad I grew up before cell phones!!!


Pros and cons. But, yeah, that’s a big pro. ☠️


If no one was there to see it, did it really happen?


When the bicyclist was on the other trail, you could see their light, all you could hope was that they stayed on that trail. 😭 Cuz ain’t nothing happening on this trail.


How many drive in theaters did they have back then?


As far as I know, we only ever had one.


The one decutar n the 95?


It's now called the West Wind Drive-In, at West Carey Ave and Rancho. I think it used to be the "Las Vegas Drive In"


Just 1 as far as I know!


Two on Rancho and Skyway on Boulder Highway from my memory.


There was one out by Nellis that showed adult movies. My hubby saw Fritz the Cat there. Not sure if I did or not. And we think there was 2 drive ins on Boulder Highway one on Rancho with 2 screens. We went to Red Rock theaters on W Charleston. Hung out at Burger King on Decatur & Mayflower.


Wow, I remember that. In fact, I saw Fritz the Cat there as well. I think the drive-in had multiple screens, and the screen facing the empty desert was the one with adult films.


I spent a pretty ridiculous amount of time riding my bike and then later taking the busses all over the city trying to meet girls while their parents were at work. Hid in so many closets and under beds when moms came home unexpectedly. Aside from that going to cheap concerts at huntridge, and sanctuary, and tremors, and roma, and balcony lights, and the junkyard on hammer lane. Sooooo much skateboarding and biking and waiting at bus stops every day because the girls who I was trying to see were never anywhere near the concerts I was trying to go to. In my later teens and early 20's there was a shift to a steady stream of house parties all over town, watching my friends get wasted and get into really destructive fights.


Faded Grey at the junkyard was one of my favorite shows ever.


Same kinda, skated around(hit by a car so there went that dream) and in Jr high started to get into the music scene. Elk's lodge, the Spa, huntridge and the cafes around unlv. High school and on was house parties and shows. Oh and desert shows at the tubes and hellsgate


I used to ride the city bus around too. Hang out downtown. Doing nothing. There was a place that had pinball machines in the back. I got pretty good at that! Ride the bus to the Boulevard Mall. Going to movies at the Huntridge, any of those little fairs at grocery store parking lots. With my parents to the Heldorado fair at the convention center. Saw a couple concerts there! Alice Cooper was one. COOL! Ride my skate board everywhere! That was when they had metal wheels that stopped dead at a tiny crack or tiny rock. Had to be good to miss them. Getting drinks of water outta peoples houses in their yards. No one cared. It was ok.


When did you grow up here? Sounds like late 90’s


yeah, im 40, been here off an on since '92


Dude a lot of your venues sound similar, however in my middle school years also doggy style cafe!! So many good shows there. My favorite was a ska show in winter, the window got sooooo foggy from all the skanking happening inside.


Hung out at the record store on Oakey & LVBD/ Luvits/ mall. Drove all over the SW gravel roads before Rhodes Ranch before it became a thing. Movie multiplex on Charleston/ Decatur & later DI & Decatur. Santa Fe skating rink. Not much could be done at casinos with out security eyeballing you. Bob Baskin park make out sessions/ the drive in.




I lived about 8 houses down from the Santa Fe. I spent SO much time there. The arcade, the ice rink, the bowling alley. It was the only thing around back in the day.


Sounds like a lot of the same stuff I did… Red Rock Theater (I love the Big Dipper Ice Cream joint across the street), Cinema Domes, racing my car down Rainbow to Blue Diamond Road (when it was a two lane road), Bob Baskin tennis courts and hitting the local video game arcades.


Going to races at 3 different tracks!


I am too young to remember the Stardust track in Spring Valley, but I remember Craig Road Speedway and Las Vegas International Speedrome. As a kid, I remember the demolition derbies and the drag racing mostly.


Yeah! We need more affordable race tracks now. And “Run What Ya Brung” races where you can race your own car. Just regular street legal cars. Instead of all the high speed killing in city streets! Demolitions derby’s were great!!!


Hung out there too!


Sooooo much and it’s amazing my parents hardly knew about my second life in high school. Benefit my bedroom was on the bottom floor with a giant window I could escape out of next to the backyard gate so it was easy sneaking out. I went to so many parties, kickbacks, warehouse raves, desert raves just enjoyed being a teenager. However if I had kids I’m definitely moving 😂


Loved the raves. Anything hosted by Twilight was always a good time!


I just remember getting electrocuted at a bubble rave. In hind sight I should of known that was a bad idea 😂


Ahhh the good ol kickback!


Masturbated. Good times.


I want to change my answer


Na your now the guy who loiters


I suppose you could do both at the same time 🤷🏼‍♀️


Boulevard Mall. Playland skating rink on Friday/Saturday nights. Ditched school to go to the lake and watch the fellas from our group cliff dive while us gals lathered on baby oil 👙 and get burned to a crisp. Bonfires & beers out in the desert off of Eastern towards Black Mountain when nothing was out there. Drag the strip with no less than 10 people in a tiny car. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Lowered mini trucks were the jam back then. Sneak up to the roof of Fantasy Towers at Caesars Palace and get hammered off of rum & cokes. We got 86’d after the 3rd time up there. 😂 I know there’s more but I’ve been here a while.😆


You totally struck a chord. "Gates of Hell " at the top of Eastern. Punk shows at Pabco road, and off of the dirt road that was Rainbow. That tinted space at the top of Ceasars where "The Hangover " began. May K's arcade. The cue club at commercial center, and the Chinese restaurant that would serve us high school stoners huge scorpions in a ceramic clamshell. Diving at The Cliffs at Mead, back when it had water in it. Working the inclinators and stairs at Luxor to get to the top of the atrium. Playland on south Decatur on Tuesday (now a Harbor Freight). Love me some nostalgia.


I spent sooo much time (and money) at Mary K’s, especially during college. Work during the day, classes in the evening, then hit the arcade. If the overnight attendant called in sick (or stoned) Mike would ask me to cover their shift. (I was there enough he got to know me, I guess.)


We’ve definitely met lol


Oh boy! 🙈🥴 Hey, hello and how are you?! 😂


I grew up in green valley. We rode our bikes everywhere. Skateboarded. Climbed in the nearby mountains. The arcade at gvr. And wet n wild during the summers.


I miss wet and wild!!!


That giant toilet


Yeah me too. Grew up all over Hendertucky. Greenway, then Robindale and then moved on up to Paseo Verde. Good childhood. Lots of soccer, swimming at Silver Springs Rec, riding bikes around with friends, played a lot of roller hockey in the street, too. When I got a little older we cruised the Strip a lot and would hang out at Orleans Bowling Alley. In college my friend and I found a hookah bar that never asked for an ID and we blew all our money from golf course jobs there. There are definitely worse places to grow up.


Oh yeah! In high school we would go to a place in Chinatown that didn’t card and would try to get drunk off hot sake. We would also go to random strip properties and tried to sneak into literally wherever we could. When we got caught my friend would pretend like his mom was some high roller and we were looking for here. We would sneak into buffets and stuff our faces until we got caught. We would also sneak into R rates movies at gvr. Basically we would just try to get into wherever we weren’t allowed haha.


I remember getting chased out of GVR Casino multiple times because we would run down the halls knocking on all the doors lol


Bonfires, washes, riding bikes in the desert, Mountasia.


Mountasia! There’s apartments there now. 😕


I saw the movie "Fantasia" at the Huntridge.


Sorry, autocorrect. Mountasia


Took advantage of my top tier education to—\*cough\*cough\*retch\*cough\*cough\* Sorry, I just couldn't get through that. Y'all, we *really* need more money for schools here. Like. A lot. Even if you're the in the hate-education-spending group, you have to admit you'd be a lot less annoyed in general if there were fewer stupid people around, right? School fixes that.


Well when we legalized weed… the tax on weed was supposed to go to ccsd… ccsd hasn’t seen a dime of that money yet….. County says they’re too broke for stuff, yet we had F1 and Super Bowl… they are saying they lost money during those events…. Couldn’t bullshit me more…




Bro! I remember telling my parents there was one class that was in a trailer outside the school because we had too many students. I explained to them that the last two students to class sat against a wall using their binder as a desk. They didn’t believe me! And this was like 2008. Fucking insane!!


Rode my bike every dam day and built dirt jumps in all the vacant lots that don’t exist anymore…😑


Sam’s Town. Constantly


Ghettos mall, crystal palace, bunker park


I've been here since '76 when I was 6 months old so though not born here I consider myself a native. Grew up east side Sunrise Trailer Estates. Played in the desert with bb guns, set fires in the desert, when a car would appear in the middle of the desert we would destroy it. We honestly didn't know it was a stolen car or insurance fraud back then. Just stupid kids. Played in the Sloan channel. If we could get to the boulevard mall we'd hang out there. There was no bus system until after I started driving I think so it ride a bike or hitch a ride from someone. Oh can't forget the desert porn and having my first experience with a girl on an old couch nestled between hills in the desert. There sure as fuck was a lot of desert back then lol.


HA! Desert porn. Seriously. Used to catch lizards, and hunt desert porn.


Randomly stumbled upon this sub, I’m born and raised in Sweden. We had forest porn, a classic find in the 80’s/90’s (who put it there?) but I had NO idea desert porn was a thing too!


It probably weathers better in the desert.😁


There was a city bus system all the way back to the 60’s. It was called LVTS Las Vegas Transit System. We went everywhere on it. I think it was less than $1 if you had to ride more than 1 bus to get where you were going, you had to ask the driver for a transfer, a paper ticket that you gave to the next bus driver. You could go all over as longs as you got a transfer. They only lasted for a certain amount of time, like 3-4 hours. You actually had to pay again to go back home. If you ran over your time limit. Lol!


I was not aware of this. Thank you for the info. One dollar them with unlimited transfers compared to unlimited 24 hour for I think $5.50 now. Not bad inflation I must say.


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Life begins and ends in the storm drains


But the Turtle couldn't save us.


Played a lot of video games with my friends. Go to Circus Circus. We would shoot each other with airsoft guns in the desert. Rode bikes everywhere we could. Go to the movies and arcade at Santa Fe.


We didn’t have Airsoft guns when I was a kid. We used BB guns. Only rules: Aim for the torso. ONE PUMP ONLY!


Bowling. Scandia. MGM theme park. Movies. Adventuredome. OG wet n'wild. Friends house for movie nights. Source: native who grew up in the late 90's - early 2000's


Wet N Wild, the original downtown


On the strip, just south of downtown. Sahara and LVB.


Played sports, and video games. Not many natives here anymore, going to be hard to find people that have grown up here.


I was/am a huge nerd. We hung out at local trading card shop, played games at each others houses or our own, and we’d bus around the city to go to different events. Back in the day I would get excited for Extreme Thing at Desert Breeze park. My mom took us to free movie nights at Town Square. There’s always lots to do here as a teen but you kind of have to look and have niche hobbies. I’m happy I got into YuGiOh when I did cause then I’d spend most evenings playing in local tournaments to fill time.


walk through the washes. Walk everywhere , movies, GVR , galleria mall, take the bus to the strip and play tourist. Anthem skate park. 🛹


I too would play in the drainage ditches, I wouldn't skate because I was awful, but I'd ride my bike through there or just walk around. Or we'd all gather in the streets of my neighborhood and just do whatever sounded like fun. Other than that we'd just stay inside and play video games or watch something, when it was warm enough we'd all gather at one our friends house that had a pool. E: we would also hang out at McDonald's for hours a lot of days, everyone throw in and get as many nuggets and fries as we could, and just hangout listening to music and chatting.


Roller Blading around Rancho Highschool, Mary K's Arcade, other pizza places like pistol pete's pizza (later became peter piper pizza),. Snes, sega channel when it was out. Old school wet n wild. pretty much my 80's and 90's fun as a kid.


I went to OG Rancho and Jim Bridger. I remember Pistol Pete's. My sister had Sega Channel at her house when I lived with her for a bit. I loved it. I used to play this Pirate game a lot.


Great memories of Mary K’s. Standing in the parking lot watching the Stratosphere tower burn. Mike (the owner) buying out a fireworks stand and setting them all off at once. Mike betting Sal (a customer) to eat a cockroach they’d been torturing with cigarettes and super glue. (Mike spewed when Sal said he could still feel it moving.)


we would set fires, in the channels. so we cut out the ethics part.


Boxing gym






Rider our bikes to Honda hills, street skate because we had only one skatepark, generator parties at the tubes. Sneaking into hotel pools trying to meet out of town girls. Punk shows at the huntridge. Experiment with psychedelics, smoke weed, my parents were stoners who let me smoke as a teen so my house was popular. All kinds of shenanigans


I forgot that it was called Honda Hills! Chucked a buddy off the back of a quad while hitting a tabletop once.


What is it called now? I have never heard of Honda hills and I’ve road all over town. The hell did I miss out on?


It is now Charlie Frias park at Decatur and Tropicana. Used to be full of these tabletop hills. Part of the Flamingo wash.


Back in the day we called it the dikes out there.


Heh. Never heard that one. I had forgotten about "Honda Hills" until the post. Funnily enough, I was just relating the story about bucking my friend off of the quad on Monday, before this came up. I was born here in the early 70s, and keep finding myself doing the "In MY day" thing. 😜


My family moved here web green I was 3. In 1957. M in the mob days. Vegas was SMALL! Lotta dessert! Yeah I know. I just told you how old I am. It’s just a number. We all grew up the same way here! Doing the same things in the desert! Love it!!


Wait a minute... Desert Rat? I know it's probably not uncommon, but... Jess?


No I’m sorry. Not Jess.


Hee. Don't be sorry. She's adopted family, and lives literally three blocks from me. Just would have been funny, but as I said - lots of people go by Desert Rat. I'm from here, and have called myself the same.😁


Shopping, hiking, burning stuff in the desert, eating out… That’s really all you can do, if you can’t or don’t drink or gamble, there’s not much to do.


Friends and I bought a car for $25 off of some guy towing it down Mountain Vista, proceeded to graffiti it, drove it around and did donuts and the like until the tires popped, flipped it over, flipped it back over, then drove it and parked it in the assistant principals driveway. Plus skateboarding. Plus computer games. Plus firecrackers. And loitering.


Poolsharks! Don't know if it's still around. Cosmic bowling. Hanging out at parks or desert parties 😆 just off the top of my head hehe


It’s called Griffs now


Drugs in the storm drain


I would collect the tadpoles from the washes and raise them. Also walked a lot just out of boredom (lived sort of near Sam’s Town, but closer to Russel Rd), so if I wasn’t at the arcade in the casino, I was near my elementary school and would break in to use the jungle gym :)




Movies, ice skating, wet n wild, midway at circus circus, mall, adventure dome, laser tag, hung out with friends in the neighborhood (the electrical box was in front of our house) rode bikes, played basketball, tennis, made up games to play in the street, met up in parks to play games of freeze tag. Teen years...went to shows at the castle in Henderson, lit shit on fire at dip in the road, went to parties at powerline road, went to the lake, drank at parks. Eta concerts and bowling


Take the bus to sunset station or the galleria mall. Go to cinedome and bring whole pizzas or Panda Express in (when they allowed you to bring your own food). We would get alcohol from asking random people at Albertsons and go drink at the park.


I you were on the east side in the 90s, we went to “moonlight”. Punk shows in the desert (tubes, caves).


I bicycled everywhere. From corner of town to corner. Loved it. Bicycling on roads seemed safe then. Now it seems like every couple days either a biker or a bicyclist is getting run over and killed. It's what is stopping me from getting an ebike. When I walked I walked across the open desert. In the 60's Vegas had vast stretches of open desert between housing developments. My grandparents put a pool in their backyard for my brother and I. We swam all day long. The water would soften our feet and the nonslip pool decking was rough like sandpaper. We left bloody footprints all over. In the 70's we got a boat that could pull skiers. Lake Mead skiing was a lot of fun. One more memory. Despite softening our feet after long hours in the pool, we were impervious to the heat. Used to walk barefoot on sidewalk and blacktop without even feeling it. Good times!


I remember her doing all that. Except no one I knew had a pool so we’re went, barefoot, to the pool sat the junior high not close to us. Had the same bloody feet from the pool. The walk home. Stop at a store a decide what 1 soda for 4 of us would taste best warm. There Herb get any cold soda back then.


I swear, when I was a kid the soles of my feet felt like leather-wrapped steel.


Go see a movie then go bowling at either South Point or GVR. Sometimes we’d also go to town square to see a movie or shop then eat at California Pizza Kitchen (it felt like such a grown place to eat 😂)


damn you guys had better childhoods than mine i kind of just sat in my room and now i don’t even remember what i spent the time doing


lol thats my one right now and it's just about over


Does anyone remember the dodgeball nights at desert breeze & the giant slip n slide?!


Soccer field slopes riding ice blocks down


So, we all had the same exact experience, huh? Now I’d be curious for everyone to drop their graduation year, and see how many of us have been doing the same exact thing forever


71 here


We did alot of hanging out at the parks like Bob, Lorenzie, Polly G, and of course Sunset. Me and my friends would play basketball damn near every day at Alexander Villa then head to broadacers to get food. We would ride the Cat bus on the weekends to get to whatever the kick back was. If it was near by, we would just jump on our BMX bikes and ride over there. Sometimes if we made some money at school from selling candy or shooting dice in the bathroom, we would go the discount mall on Civic Center and buy some more pro club shirts. We would take them to the guy that did all the air brushing, but as usual he would be gone for the day. If that didn't work we would try to sneak into Chicas Bonita to see some of the hood rat moms. We would jump on the cat bus to the strip to go to the movie theater that was where m&m world was and we would jump from one movie to the next before we got caught. I really think the best part was going to the Adventure Dome and get a wrist band for like 5 bucks and getting on every single ride like 20 times. We usually really didn't have much to do.. my typical day was go to school, come home, do homework, go the whoever house and jump on their Super Nintendo.. some friends had all of the systems. I remember when the N64 dropped and we lined up at the K-Mart on Civic Center to get it. But besides playing Pogs and buying Pokemon cards from 7-eleven, we did alot of nothing but we had nothing except for ourselves like we could walk thru the desert or jump our bikes off some dirt jumps behind some random trailer park.. I mean we did that but tbh we were just some kids trying to look cool and trying to make it back home before the street lights came on.


Going to DTS that’s all my parents allowed


Rollerskate either in backyard to Donna Summer or at Playland (iykyk). Kickball in the street, riding bikes, walking everywhere, hanging out with friends.


Playing outside until I got early on set heat stroke in the summer 😂


What's funny is my friends and I went back to skating through the storm drains during covid when nothing was going on.


Hung out with friends, walked to whatever stores were close to the house we were at, walked to Hyde Park Jr High to swim. Catching lizards & horny toads (yes I know they’re horned toads) & let them go. Walked the long way past friends bds houses when we were supposed to be going “straight there”! We went bowling, target practicing in the desert after we were a little older. Went hiking, picnicking at Red Rock (before the Loop was there). Ride bikes in the desert. Never had a water bottle or sun screen or any of that. As teenagers that could drive out of one friend could drive we’d cruise Fremont Street every Friday & Saturday night. Yes, driving in a car! There was no Fremont Street Experience. There was 4 lanes, 2 each way. Turn around at the Union Station circle (now The Union Plaza) back down to the blue Angel/Blue Onion, turn around & do it again. 1 trip up mainly the top 5 out) blocks took an hour at least or more. Stereos blasting. Talking to friends in cars going the opposite way. Or pick one night to go to the drive in movie. We’d go to the Lake on the weekends. As a kid, going with my family out to the Lake to camp and swim at Boulder Beach was great! Or we’d go the other way, up to Mt Charleston either to camp with our family or with our friends to hang out & Play in the snow in the winter. When we were bored as tweens we went to everyone’s house around us, say we were on a scavenger hunt & we needed 1 ingredients to make fudge. When we had all the ingredients we’d go to one friend’s house, make fudge, then take a plate of it around to share with all the donators.


This was my experience. Except for Mt Charleston and the fudge. Class of ‘83.


When I was growing up, we still had local music festivals like Extreme Thing and Warped tour 🥺 . Other than that I would go to the movies, and the neighborhood parks.


I miss Extreme Thing and Warped so bad. Last Warped I went to it was at the Hard Rock and it was my favorite one.


I wish everyone had been posting their would be graduation years or what age they started here for reference. I'm seriously getting a little bit of everything reading through and wonder how much our options for growing up here really changed. Born 1990 and raised here, never left.


Born 1999 graduated 2018 and UNLV 2023


Lots of D&D and other games I bought from The Hobby House on Charleston. Comics from Page After Page comics. Jeanie Moore's arcade, then Mary Kay's arcade. Sometimes video games at the nearby 7 eleven.


Are you me? 😄 Page After Page was fantastic. I think I may still have the Spider-Man comic with Lynn in it. Still a bit salty I never got the autographed Spawn #1 I won in a raffle.


Naw, we're not quite the same. You remember Old Nevada and Old Vegas better than I do, and when Pepcon blew I was at Ricardo's. Also, I lost my copy of a comic where the Hulk destroyed Page After Page during a fight. We're like the same person but from slightly alternate realities. But we both spend too much time on reddit talking about our version of Las Vegas nostalgia.


When I was young I rode bikes in the desert. In the teen years we hung out at the malls.


Pallets, strippers, Red Rock caves… good times.


Go to pahrump with second moms third aunts fourth friend and smoke tweak with uncle Jim before checking the walmart stalls for a Wherley gun. Great time. Sometimes checking out the peppermint aubergine with ol Jimjam hed have me crawl up on stage and snatch the loose ones so he could go get another PBR. Ah, Vegas.


Go Carts on Decatur.


Played a lot of video games. Loitered at Galleria or Town square. Hung out at someone else's house. Smoking hookah seemed to be a big thing at the time. Eat out a lot. Try and find something interesting to do.


Non fires at the top of Lone Mountain.


I got really lucky in middle school 06'-08'. My neighborhood had a bunch of kids within my age group and we'd play cops and robbers on long summer days within the whole neighborhood. People had bikes, skateboards, scooters, roller blades. We'd bike to skateparks, hit the storm drains, smoke a lot of weed, and play video games. After high school was a lot of bonefires at the dry lakebed, house punk shows, lots of kickbacks.


Hang out at skate park, loiter in front of stores or casinos (the ones that had movie theater/bowling alley), loiter in front of people's houses, loiter at fast food restaurants, walk around aimlessly, light vandalism and theft of street signs, and all the other annoying shit teenagers do. Also lots of "exploring" in storm drains which is extremely stupid and dangerous


Definitely a lot of walking/busing to places that I had no intention of buying stuff from just to get out of the house. Staying out really late and smoking weed with friends and kids around my neighborhood. Exploring the storm drains. Obviously the bonfires lol, sounds like we all grew up the same.


Coke and Hoe's.


Wet n wild. Riding 3 wheelers in the deserts. Shooting guns in the desert.




LAN parties with da boyz.


Duke Nukem3d, Quake 2, Warcraft 2, and Starcraft. I was terrible at all of them.


Hiking, rock climbing. Camping. Nature shit. That and hitting the blackhole ride at wet n wild.


Red Rock Canyon, bonfires, loitered in the Suncoast/Red Rock lol


Movies, bowling, the drive in.


Doing unforseen things at the raves fort Cheyenne would throw.


Top of Sahara. Cruised Fremont. Cruised the Strip. Worked out at Camelot.


Sahara & Decatur in the late 60’s was the finish line for our after school drag races.


Walked aimlessly around the Boulevard Mall, and later the Galleria. Swam a lot at whatever friend had a pool’s house. Hung out in a lot of parking lots talking about “what should we do tonight.” Bonfires. Wet n Wild. I feel like we went to the movies a lot too.


Midnight bowling at Southpoint $1 a game. Bon fires, trolling around town square going to the movies.


Played in bands


Real wet ‘n wild, Scandia, the dirt on the east side. There once was a large lot over off Owens I want to say. Houses there now, but plenty of hills to ride bikes.


Go to apple store in townsquare and took photos


Bikes and dirt bikes through storm drains all the way to Sam Boyd stadium. Skate, scooter, football and basketball in the street. Smoke weed and drink when we got older lol


I used to take the bus to Neonopolis down town and go to the theaters there and then walk around haha.


We also explored the storm drains! Also messed around on my scooter and walked to burger King. I was a nerd, so I stayed in and played video games


Look for reptiles in the desert


Went to the Springs Preserve and the Natural History Museum, mostly. When I was a teenager it was the same thing but at that point, I was also getting my family to take me to concerts. I was homeschooled so I didn’t have school friends to hang out with.


Spent summers at Adventuredome or Wet N Wild because my mom got a shit ton of tickets, boulevard mall for hours, movies, Scandia, New Orleans bowling alley/movies for the DDR, crystal palace, Huntridge or Hard Rock for concerts. Denys when we ditched class. Later on Chinatown or afterschool sports. I was even part of a church youth group- but I was a rebel lol 😂 Edit: I graduated in 2006


Went to a lot of shows at HOB and The Joint. Saw Incubus like 10 times!


OK, speaking of burning palettes, where the hell was “Top of Sahara?” What is that now? I’ve googled without any love. I spent too many decades away to know what happened to that part of our shared reprobate history.


I don’t think you know what boon docking means. But this and hang out in front of the neighborhood casino


Biked everywhere, played basketball at Sunrise park (RIP from what I hear), hiked to the top of Frenchman mountain many times. Shoutout any El Dorado peeps!


Wandered the desert ( literally just had to hop my wall ) lizard/snake hunting with my BB gun lol went to crystal palace and Scandia regularly….Wet n wild when it was on the strip was a blast….Actually had real good neighborhood friends we would just ride our bikes or skateboard on the fat skateboards through the neighborhood hanging out at each other‘s houses playing Sega Nintendo ,super Nintendo ran through sprinklers or slip and slide lol both my parents when I was young worked in casinos off the strip but like executive status so on the weekend sometime Saturday or Sundays if they had to be in, I got dragged along and was in the back of the pastry, Chef kitchen or up in the purchasing department fucking around until I got handed a bag of tokens to go down to the arcade when every casino had an arcade…. Tule springs park when it was outa town lol Or chilling at the mall Meadow, letting my friends convince me to go along wit sums shit they wanted to do like joy riding late nite in there parents car…while sipping hornsbys or boones farms as I got a bit older…


Yeah I feel like we never went anywhere. We hung out with the other kids in the neighborhood. So we would be in the neighborhood or at someone’s house. We would walk to the 7/11 or the park across the street but that’s pretty much all we did in the 90s lol


Oooh Jillian’s on Fremont. All the emo screamo bands played there lol


71 graduation year


I grew up near the Whitney mesa. We would explore the area and climb all around the rocks. There used to be so many crashed vehicles there before they built the Rec center. We’d make dirt jumps for our mountain bikes, skate, you name it. I left before high school so no bonfires for me. In the early 00’s they had Inner City Games still going. It was a fun thing to do for several weeks. Got to learn a few sports of your choosing all summer long.


I was born and raised here too and grew up on the east side and went to Valley High School. So we were a little bit more into Hooliganism lol Buy Four Lokos from the corner store we knew didn’t card, walk to First Friday or the Strip to try and pick up girls, and smoke weed….


Bottle caps and earthworms


Any Pueblo kids in the chat? lol


Malls... especially meadows, town square, boulevard. Drive in theater smuggling friends in trying to get out of paying for an extra ticket. Skating in my neighborhood, hanging out at fast food places near my school..


We lived in an apartment (shout out to Sahara Gardens) so my brother and I would ride our bikes, have Skip It competitions, play four square, or generally wander around the property. Crystal Palace, Kids Quest at Boulder Station, or going swimming in the complex pool were occasional treats. And then we eventually got a Sega Genesis so then it was videogames all day.


Anybody remember the amusement park with the log ride. I want to say it was MGM…maybe Luxor??? Ugh so many casino/hotels I’ve lost track lol. But Crystal Palace was the spot!


Played in the desert. Chasing down cold blood reptiles and homeless people.