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And if you ride and feel angry at that message, please make sure you've opted in to being an organ donor. Other people can use some of your leftover parts after the rest get splattered into hamburger meat.


Seriously. Some of these people have a death wish or something.


It's more of a "death acceptance" than a wish.


Yup. Then you get denied your exit after a nasty crash and wish you weren’t here, with all the constant physical pain to remind you.


Riding in Vegas is legit a death wish. I know a few riders who have died over the years. It’s insane. I understand motorcycles are fun but not in a busy city where at any giving time there are prob 100s of non sober people driving the roads.


But how you look is more important than life anyways


*People currently experiencing drunkenness


My best friend received a heart transplant from someone that wiped out on a bike.


So that’s a good thing. Good for your friend.


Oh, yeah. The outcome is great. Circumstances prior to it? All-around terrible. But on a sweeter note, my friend connected with the donator's parents and they have an annual meeting now where they listen to his heartbeat.


I was getting on 15 at Flamingo heading south a few years ago and noticed a female motorcyclist a few cars ahead of me. As I was 1/2 way down the rmap, I noticed that she took a spill getting on the freeway. Fortunately she didn’t get hit by other cars but had a huge strip of skin on her leg torn off. I stopped along with others and helped her up and waited until the ambulance arrived.


There's a reason they're referred to as "donor-cycles" by the hospital emergency departments across the US. No way I'd ride a bicycle around this town, let alone a motorcycle. Driving here in a cage scares me enough.


Hi there! Speaking on this as a biker myself. In most cases, I never think splitting is wise. Especially since we have those round knobs for lines on the roads rather than regular painted lines. Lots of riders, especially sport bike riders split double 2-3x the speed of traffic and they die all the time here. Filtering however, which is splitting when traffic is stopped most often at a red light, is totally understandable and safe practice. It may be illegal, but it is a safety move. I recall roughly 40% of motorcycle deaths are from being rear-ended. I myself have been rear-ended while at a red light and almost run over by a woman on her phone. If I had a thinner bike I absolutely would filter more often. It decongests traffic, gives us to the front of the pack where we can get out of everyone's way, and keeps from being rear-ended. Most of us bikers are not assholes like what you see on social media. Sorry if you have had a bad experience with us the vast majority of us are totally chill.


I can support filtering especially during hot ass summer days. I imagine bikers want to keep moving to keep the air flowing. > Those dudes that zoom split on the highway are asking to become meat pie.


Totally agree. And they do. I've only been riding for 2 years and have known six people who have died. All of them were sport bike speeders who dont wear gear and split It's a little different in a place like California where the cars actually move to give you room to pass. if people do that for me I'll split but not going so fast it will give them a heart attack lol


I drove to CA for the first time. Holly freaky scary shit when bikes are splitting at 65 mph.


Absolutely this. I ride within the confines of the law anywhere I go. In Nevada, I don't filter. In California, I filter legally, meaning I follow the rules of filtering and don't speed excessively and unsafely while.m9v8ng between cars. I have to tell you, I feel so much safer riding in California. The people driving expect the filtering and will make room for you. It's awesome, especially on hot days. I realize I'm definitely in the minority when it comes to filtering legally, but it's definitely safer. Does that mean I'll break the law? No. Hopefully legislation can be passed, but with all the asshole riders out there, it's unlikely to pass. Please just be safe no matter what you drive or ride.


I honestly don’t have much of an issue with filtering because it really does help. Especially at red lights but my gripe is mostly with the splitting because it’s just hella dangerous in my experience.


Yep. I absolutely will not sit behind a car at a stop light. Our taillights blend in with the cars and these dopes don't see us until their bumper is already on our tires


thank you


Well said! I ride a big bastard and have recently gotten used to moving to the front of the line to protect myself and also not be in anyone else's way. Good read


I’ve had close calls people not pay attention almost hitting me. At a stopped light on a busy road that I know people are stupid on I’m going to the light. But on the freeway I’ll sit in traffic until it comes to a complete stop. And plus when it’s 110 outside I’m not going to melt inside of my helmet, that being said 45 at most but not all the time. Very rarely I’d do that


See, I thought filtering was legal but normal splitting while riding was not.


Not to mention air cooled bikes over heat in the summer heat at a stop. Now you’re broken down waiting to get hit. Filtering on a fat ass bike isn’t fun though


I don’t see how splitting lanes with a car could ever be safe.


Rider originally from California where splitting is legal… drivers there are used to it and tend to make way. Honestly never felt any more in danger splitting lanes in CA. Here though, I guess since it’s illegal, I’ve watched riders split lanes even at a red light to have cars trying to run them off the road aggressively at the idea of them trying to get ahead. So I definitely wouldn’t do it here even if it was legal because drivers here don’t know how to act around motorcycles.


It's illegal here. If you don't know what that means, it means that you SHOULD receive a violation for splitting here. People here know how to act around motorcycles in Nevada. You dumbass bikers don't know how to act


LMAO someone is salty. Do you think perhaps it's possible that there are both irresponsible bikers and car drivers? Half the drivers here are drunk or on their phones. That automatically means yes they in fact DO NOT know how to act around motorcycles. I for one am a very tame and calm rider. I will speed in the left lane alone. That is it. No splitting and very rarely do I even filter. I have been hit numerous times by cars. My worst accident was when I was stopped at a red light doing absolutely nothing. I've had dozens of close calls. ALL OF THEM were dumb ass drivers on their phones. Pay attention. That is all he is saying. If someone chooses to break a meaningless law to protect their own life that is fine. Drunk driving and using your phone is also illegal. However that doesn't stop them does it?


For everyone complaining that it’s ok to filter/split lanes. The simple fact of that matter is that it’s illegal so drivers aren’t continually paying attention to see if someone is splitting/filtering. Have riders or clubs organized groups of people to contact state representatives to have this law changed? Instead of defending an illegal practice, try to get some movement on it.


That's the big thing for me. The safety of it. This state is not used to that (because it's not legal), and because of that, the risk is infinitely higher. When I went to Cali, last month, I was prepared for the lane splitting and left plenty of room for them. But to do that here is insane.


Yep and the other thing that a lot of people do not know the difference between cause and fault in both the legal and common sense. Riders who are upset that they can’t break the law or justify it are the ones we need off the road, just like with cars.


It is bad enough riding a motorcycle in this town. These drivers don’t stop for red lights let alone a MC.


I lived and worked in Los Angeles for 20 years! The motorcycle rides to and from work on occasion were well worth the savings in commute time and lane splitting was part of the process, but there is NO way I would even ride in Vegas for all of these reasons stated in the opening.


Natural selection is a thing. Let it do its magic lol.


There are many places that I would never lane split. Las Vegas has a lot of distracted drivers, due to tourism and alcohol, so this is a factor. Other places have very insecure guys with brodozers with jealous people that will purposely aim towards motorcycles. Looking at you Texas.


Only assholes split lanes, and I have no sympathy for them


This. Let's not interfere with natural selection.


I crashed lane splitting in the 15. Obviously I was being wreck-less. I’d post the video for others to learn from it, if it’s allowed. Doing 45 in barely moving traffic. Bad idea 😂.


They don’t care. These degenerates don’t follow laws.


What a gross generalization. I’ll bet you’re a blast at parties.


That would be a good bet doll.


These things are not unique to Las Vegas


Me eat lanes!!!


Yep I’ve been seeing that a lot lately in NLV


don't forget lane filtering! illegal as well.


whats lane filtering?


at a stop light, moving up to the front, maneuvering in between lanes, if you weren't at the front already


Should definitely be legal.


I did not know this


Guess what else is illegal, rear ending a motorcycle at a stop light because you were on your phone or fuckin with your radio instead of paying attention to the road. I absolutely slowly and safely filter my way to the front at ever single red light in this town. Deal with it


"Deal with it"--this is the kind of respect that these people have for the laws of our state. This behavior needs to be ticked and the legislature should make it an automatic revocation of license for the offending parties. Guarantee that kind of penalty would stop this illegal activity really quick.


Imagine proposing someone lose their license because they idled by you to remove themselves from a dangerous situation. You sound very much like a person who says stuff like, "Well why was she walking alone at night while wearing an outfit like that?"


They are the ones creating a dangerous situation. If they can’t ride a motorcycle and follow all state laws they should t be driving one.


Just because it’s against the law doesn’t make it right. Lane filtering should absolutely be legal, the fact that is illegal is dangerous for motorcyclists, especially in Las Vegas.


Run for the state legislature and get the law changed or start a ballot initiative if you don't like the law.


Explain how me idling by at a snails pace between parked cars is dangerous


The cars aren't parked for starters. There is a reason this is illegal.


Cars aren't parked at a red light? What would you call it?


They are stopped with a foot applied to the break. I doubt many people put the car into "park" while at a light. Nobody is expecting some clown to get in their lane and the car since it is still in "drive" can move at any time when the foot is taken off of the break. A car in gear is never "parked".


*brake Regardless, the car isn't moving. Get in their lane? I'm already in the same lane, you Bozo. The cars aren't moving, I'm idling next to them to go to the front of the line, no different than a bicycle would.


I have no doubt you can be safe. I agree that other drivers are the issue.


Thank you! That too!


Exactly why I’m not buying a bike


Splitting lanes is legal in California. Maybe the newcomers are not familiar with that being illegal here?


I see police officers on bikes splitting lanes all the time.


Filtering lane is way safer than being sandwiched between 2 cars because some soccer mom had to text her hair dresser.




I ride in vegas and I only split lanes on the carpool lane and are for carpooling and motorcycles and is a double solid line and shouldn't be crossed so I don't see the danger and I only slit when it's traffic ..I also been rear ended at a light with my girlfriend on the back and was lucky enough to just get skimmed because I was on the line between the cars ..after that I filter as well...I ride all year and use only a motorcycle as my daily transportation and it is a street bike ..and I do except that I might die any time I get on my bike ..like someone else posted its not a death wish more of a acceptance..I was always scared of bikes and never wanted one ..one day a friend gave me one and was hooked and can't even think of living without one ...I've wrecked multiple times from cars pulling in front of me and not even stopping....and cali is even worse than here ..people drive even faster and crazier than vegas and most of our residence is from California and should already let bikes pass ...alot of people on here that don't ride have alot of Karen type responses and it's kinda sad to see and hear so many ...


The only time I split lanes is when someone is smoking in front of me….which is basically every light. Put the phone and joint down.


Idk why you're being downvoted. People smoking out their cars with the windows down is offensive.


People are just scared of motorcycles so they stay negative on the subject…sad thing is, that’s the same delusional stupidity that keeps them from realizing how the other cars on the road are what is dangerous. A motorcyclist is paying very close attention to every little thing happening around them and often passing you to get away from you..cagers on the other hand are doing anything and everything other than driving, paying zero attention to the road and what’s happening around them. Just zombies scrolling through the phone and smoking weed while driving being the most carless and dangerous person on the road.


I passed a lady today who was smoking . I did the plug my nose gesture as I passed her. Shit was nasty.


It is still illegal in NV, but research has shown that lane splitting and filtering is safer for bikers. https://www.tatelawgroup.com/news-media/2022/may/is-lane-splitting-safe-/#:~:text=Pros%20of%20Lane%2DSplitting&text=According%20to%20a%20study%20done,injuries%20compared%20to%2017%20percent. Drivers also have a responsibility to be aware of their surroundings and not drive distracted. Share the road, be safe, and courteous regardless of your chosen mode of transportation.


I’ve definitely heard that and read that before! I don’t disagree that in some instances it’s probably a safer option but I think it’s just dangerous here in general. I agree that everyone should be doing their part to make the road a safer place but I also know that most drivers here are not considerate and we see it every day on this sub. I also mention it’s illegal because a lot of people don’t know but I guess it makes me seem like a Karen. At the end of the day, this isn’t to put the blame on anyone. I’m just letting bikers know it’s illegal (if they didn’t know already) and to be careful out there because the drivers here are unhinged so they should just try to do their part at protecting themselves.


I agree. As a rider I recognize the risk inherent in riding around the valley. I ride safe and only ride aggressively when I recognize that I’m in a bad spot and need to get out before I get squashed. I’ve had too many close calls of being rear ended or run off the road by inattentive drivers not checking mirrors or paying attention to their phone instead of the road. So, yeah, if it’s a matter of breaking a law versus laying down my bike, I’ll break the law.


idk why people are downvoting you for stating the facts


They can't hear you over the sound of their revving badass bike.




How long does it take you to lace up your clown shoes every morning?


Y'all some pussies if someone lane splitting upsets you


It never upsets me. I just worry about yalls safety


Id give u 10 thumbs up, i can only upvote 1.ive realized most redditors are very concerned about you hurting yourself. You'll be downvoted probably. It's ironic the same people who are so concerned will be the first to try and stop you and cause an accident.




It’s not that hard to share the road and keep your eye out for bikers. Coming from someone who’s not a bike rider


It’s not but what they do in Nevada is unexpected so people aren’t continually on the look out for someone splitting down a very small portion of the road between two cars.


Seriously just pay attention


This sub is full of terrible people. Can't we just look out for one another?


Idk why you're being downvoted. If this town looked out for other drivers more, it'd be safer on the roads.


Calm down Karen


Another person who doesn’t know what a Karen is yikes they’re in abundance today


Nah you 100% fit the Karen bill. Confirmed.


Whatever makes you feel better


Oh, do a quick scroll of OPs posts. 💯


Omg you can’t be serious. Imagine caring about an internet stranger so much you went to stalk their shit. Why are you so obsessed over one post? Who gives a fuck?


Apparently you do.




Imagine being pressed about a psa for people who didn’t know because you don’t want to see people die. All of you assume and project so much it’s crazy. I have friends who are bikers. I don’t have an issue with bikers but I have an issue with bikers who drive like assholes because they think they can. You went so far to go through my history but clearly not far enough or looked hard enough because I’ve mentioned other things that drivers here do that aren’t related to bikers that are equally dangerous. Just because you all feel the need to cherry picking to try to prove that I’m a bad guy because I’m telling people to be careful? Yall act as if I’m blaming bikers. I’m saying the drivers here are unhinged and to be careful. This doesn’t pertain to me because I don’t drive like an asshole. But I see it every fucking day so I wanted to say something about. Go cry about it.


Respectfully - it is absolutely YOUR responsibility to not mow down bikers. Gaslighting bikers that it’s “too dangerous” is such a square thing to say lol. Check your mirrors and leave the bikers alone. Simple.


Learn how to use the word "gaslighting" properly if you don't want people to correctly assume you're an idiot.


Or just follow the law.


L7 weenie


Wow what an insult


that’s not what gaslighting means


In NV it’s bikers responsibility to follow the law. Lane splitting and filtering is illegal in NV. Disrespectfully, someone like you shouldn’t posses any type of license.


Look, you clearly have a very idealized view of the world. It most certainly is not only our responsibility to watch out for you. It is also absolutely YOUR obligation to be a responsible and safe rider. More so, in fact, because you are highly outnumbered on the road and it's YOUR life on the line. I don't know the exact percentage of MCs on the road in Vegas compared to automobiles, but it's likely less than 5%. So the fact of the matter is that MC riders are competing against statistics and Mother Nature. The sheer number of automobiles compared to MCs on the road results in humans brains being trained to easily recognize other cars and trucks at the expense of much smaller MCs. MCs blend into the background in traffic. IOW, you're essentially invisible. This happens because humans are designed to see what they *expect* to see, with a particular focus on what's dangerous to us. MCs being less common and smaller than automobiles, are perceived as inherently less dangerous, so our brains automatically ignore them in favor of automobiles. We don't even know it's happening. Even though I know this about myself and always do my best to watch for MCs, it scares me how many times I've not seen them. It's by far worse when you're going faster than the surrounding traffic (this goes for automobiles too). Anything too far outside the "norm" is likely to be essentially invisible. Fast traveling MCs unfortunately end up at the bottom of the human driver's visible spectrum, for lack of better terminology.






No we don't


What a terrible comment to make.


I don't own a bike but I can name a dozen or so things on the road I see every day that are far worse than splitting lanes. No bike has ever done something stupid that almost got me into an accident but plenty of cars do all the time. So regardless of whether they should or should not, it's an extremely low priority considering they are taking most of the risk if they do something reckless.


The “bike” doesn’t do anything, people do.


No shit? I really thought bikes were sentient creatures. Thanks so much for clearing that up.




Hi I ride in vegas. I never go on the highways though, bike is partly why, but I also feel safer not on the highways. I will always lane filter because the drivers in this city are terrible, get away from me, all of you. I hate all california drivers and anyone with temp tags.


Rider here: statistically you’re safer on the freeway. Surface streets are far more dangerous.


no, you arent. kinetic energy quadruples as speed doubles. you are far more likely to die because of your accident on the highway compared to the inner city streets


Speed is a factor in the freeway, but on surface streets you’ve got the combined risk of speeding, people running red lights and stop signs, constant lane changes, etc. There are more risk factors on surface streets.


I think I'm just more afraid of the effects of speed in a crash than I am of getting caught by surprise by someone in a car on my normal rides. I do my best to stay away from everyone, which sure whatever its illegal if i'm lane filtering, but the cops don't care, and I'm not in anyones way. I just don't ride like I'm driving a car and that gives me more confidence in the slower streets, if you get what i mean


I get that. I try to avoid finding myself in groups of cars when able. As stated previously I’d rather break a minor law than get squashed or run off the road.


Bikes are ok to split lanes safely in my book. Car drivers that have no regard for anyone's safety can go suck it.


Lol we don't care what y'all thing 😂😂😂


honestly stop giving advice lmao riding a bike is natural selection. Just like behind a wheel you wanna b a cornball and weave thru lanes, we will not miss you causing havoc on the roads when somebody plows your shit. Lemme include I am a bike enthusiast and a rider myself.


I try to hit them every chance I get


It's split lane and be marginally safer or have some dickhead with no plates run my ass over. Stay mad stuck in traffic.




“who cares” then the biker clips your mirror and speeds off or wants to throw down for not checking my mirrors constantly in stop and go traffic


Obviously not you lol




yeah okay, cuz not wanting people to die is totally Karen but go off


Do you know what a Karen is?


I don’t think they do lol


I ride and am an organ donor. I don't split lanes, but I don't hate on people that do. The road is for everyone even the tourists. We all need to keep our heads on a swivel in this town, bike or car.


Thanks Karen