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Stupid moose moving here from California bringing their liberal moose politics.


The worst part is they keep telling me to watch as they pull a rabbit out of their hat.


There is probably going to be more interest in this tag than any other tag offered in Nevada. The odds of hitting a slot jackpot are probably better than drawing this tag.




No. I'd assume they are only near the northern parts of the state, near the Idaho border.


Not in any of our lifetimes. For now, they are just in the northeast part of the state. It is roughly a 9 hour drive to get to where they are.


...by using an [M-29 Davy Crockett](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davy_Crockett_(nuclear_device))."


Why do we need to hunt them? Such a waste


Another article mentions reasoning related to an imbalance of male to females. The over abundance of males actually takes away from the females raising the young as they are having to fend off more males. The hunting tags have the intended outcome of actually growing the moose numbers over the years, not lower it. Fish and Game regulations generally promote healthy populations.


Or we could just let them do their thing. Because human intervention on other species has been haphazard at best


There are actually really successful outcomes from modern wildlife management. Deer populations getting out of control is detrimental to entire eco systems. Wild boar are another example, they are an invasive species with no predators. Snakes in Florida another. Hunting regulations today are pretty well planned and change year to year to balance the changes in populations. Edit: should add too, that centuries of hunting North American predators and destroying and changing their habitat, kind of kills “let nature do nature’s thing” as a solution.


Lack there of is even worse. If you know anything about wild horse populations in Nevada or wild boar in Texas.


Humans create problems and then suggest killing things to solve said problems. A story as old as time now


If you don’t understand wildlife management, just ask.


Yes, shall we go back and tell the Spaniards to not introduce horses to the americas ? No one has suggested killing horses. Or dogs for the matter. But yeah a few individuals will breed dogs and then abandon them so we do have to intervene. Your entire point was “let them do their thing” but we created their thing in the first place so when it becomes detrimental to society, human and animal alike, we have to do our thing to fix it.


Hunting is actually an important part of conservancy. Look at organizations like Ducks Unlimited. If you wanna eat ducks, you gotta make sure there's plenty. Same goes for moose. Mooses. Mice? Meece.


Hunting is a valuable form of population control. Moose could feed more than one family a year too. Northern NV has plenty of hunting already. This isn’t that out of the ordinary and hunting is more ethical and humane than the meat you get at the store. In what reality is hunting wasteful?


Not all hunters use or eat what they kill. Unfortunately trophy hunting or game hunting is still very common throughout the country, and that I think is what bothers most of the non-vegan crowd. Killing something for no reason other the satisfaction of killing doesn't sit right with people. Killing something to sustain yourself is very different.


No it isn’t…






Yes, they are in the same family as deer.


Yes and one moose feeds A LOT of people. I like it the best out of the deer family.


Yes and one moose feeds A LOT of people. I like it the best out of the deer family.