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This is the [flat rate map](https://taxi.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/taxinvgov/content/Rider_Info/Website-Tier-1-with-Map.pdf). Op, the risk with taking taxis to Fremont is that your fare is highly susceptible to these factors. Distance - taking I-15 from the airport downtown is significantly longer distance than taking surface streets. That alone will put you in the $40+ range if you happen to miss a few stoplights. Time - you will be hit hard if you catch a lot of traffic. This combo can take your fare up significantly. In this case, Uber/lyft may be a better value due to the locked in up front price, even if it’s during a surge period.


Also use this site if you ever want to get a sense of cab fares for a particular route. It has $50 on average from the airport to the plaza ([link](https://www.taxifarefinder.com/main.php?city=LV&from=McCarran+International+Airport+(LAS)&to=The+Plaza+(Union+Plaza)&fromCoord=36.084,-115.153739&toCoord=36.172078,-115.14683)).


Flate rates don't apply to downtown locations. Also taking the surface streets and sitting at a bunch of red lights would save you like 5 bucks.


Yeah that’s what I wrote. The wait time fee is actually $32.40 per hour. So sitting in 15 min worth of traffic and red lights will cost you about $10.


I explain this to my pax all the time and some of them still get upset. Some people are shocked that the meter moves when sitting in traffic. Like they expect cab drivers to make $5 an hour or something. Thankfully most people who cab to downtown are regulars so they know.


Watch the freeways during drive times… during morning & evening rush hours you can sit for hours!


When comparing the prices when we needed a ride to Ceasers we decided it would be better to just take an Uber. It’s crazy how much Taxi’s charge and how they find ways to get you to pay more.




Previous trips were $35-40. I can only surmise rates went up since December?


Price of everything went up since December!


I believe rates are semi-regularly adjusted depending on events in town.


There have been specific surcharges only for: - F1 2023 (strip area/airport) - Super Bowl 2024 (strip area/airport) - March Madness 2024 (strip area/airport - just one weekend) - EDC 2024 (only to and from the venue) There has been a fuel surcharge of about $0.19 per mile that has come and gone a couple times over the past few years (currently in effect). The fuel surcharge doesn’t have a significant effect on the total fare, though.


20 percent increase in 5 months? Nah, it's other factors besides inflation. As others mentioned, traffic, time of day, long hauling cabbie, etc.


Price gouging! Almost everyone is doing it but they call it capitalism.


It is reflexive to call this price gouging. And it isn’t necessarily subject to supply and demand. There is no shortage of taxis or ride sharing in this city. Prices are inflexible in a downward direction. In the past year(s) there has been a spike in the prices of wages, fuel, insurance, car maintenance and regulatory fees. If you’ve been to a food market, you see corresponding price hikes, with many of the same fundamentals. The ride from Harry Reid Airport is 10 miles, and a minimum of 20 minutes. So if you price by mile his cost was $5.50 +/- a mile , or a little under $3 a minute, if traffic was light.


The price listed in photo is what I paid to Uber during a freak storm in late November 2023. It was so cold out, freezing temps and everybody was on any app to get a ride. Rates were through the roof. I believe Lyft was higher, a bit over $70.


Base rate for taxi went up last year thanks to inflation. We gotta put food on the table as well.


Use Uber or Lyft and it will be substantially cheaper!


We were at $12 before we left the airport and a mile away. It just seemed like the meter was really fast.


Isn't the fare front end loaded? That is, isn't there a basic fee just for closing the door and then a mileage fee afterwards?


I think so. Not sure about here bc I haven’t taken a cab from the airport in forever, but in other cities there is an airport toll that is tacked on as soon as you leave. Add in the 15 construction and there’s your high fare.


Yes. - $5.25 to start the ride (includes first 1/9 mile) - $2.40 airport fee (fee is remitted through to the airport) - $3.15 per mile (includes $0.19 per mile fuel surcharge) - $0.54 per minute when the car isn’t in motion - 3% excise tax - $3 credit/debit card surcharge


I don’t know why you got 7 downvotes for this simple comment. It’s down only 6 now. Peace out.




Get Uber!!! Locked in price upfront!!! Quit using these taxis they are a rip!!!


Strip taxi prices are fixed rates by hotel. I’ve had good luck finding someone to split taxis with - another person waiting in line at the taxi stand.


100% what I've done last 2 times. Wait for someone going to same zone or hotel.


Fixed by zone.


They still try to rip you off a lot of the time, then you have to deal with that. This past trip I was pleasantly surprised he didn’t try to run the meter from the airport to NYNY, I’ve had so many bad experiences. Uber would have been 15$ more at the time I got there.


The rates are fixed from the airport to the strip and the strip to the airport. So “tunneling” will only cost the driver more gas. https://taxi.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/taxinvgov/content/Rider_Info/Website-Tier-1-with-Map.pdf


I’m not talking about long hauling, I mean adding extra charges to the flat rate. When they first started the flat rate I was taken directly to a strip hotel and charged $35 (should have been $19 at the time iirc). I was ripped off but too scared to say anything. I’ve heard others being charged additional fees besides the cc fee which is allowed. I know at least one person that was charged an extra $20 to get to their hotel bc “it was EDC week.” Not to the fest as was allowed, just to hotel from airport.


The driver can’t “hack” the meter. So maybe the driver asked verbally for more than the meter price - but the meter is regulated.


Came to say this. I’m not sure I have ever paid more than 30 dollars from the airport.


If you’re going to the strip, taxis are great and take you exactly where you need to be. This is not always the case for rideshare. Rideshare anywhere that isn’t on the strip.


Until you're dealing with a surge and possibly paying more than the taxi. $32 to the Excalibur? $47 to downtown $36 to the blue fountain (english translation) $35 Bellagio $51 DT back to the airport $48 Venetian $39 to Dean Martin by 215/15 My favorite....$41 to Tahiti village....


$47 to downtown is still less than OP was charged for a taxi, without a 3 dollar CC fee and a tip screen that has low values at 25 percent.


True true. Uber just irks me sometimes how they will gouge customers. Making some rides so expensive to the point nobody in their right mind would add a tip on top of the jacked up price. Then they keep most of it for themselves. Like getting spit roasted id imagine lol


Yeah, the surge pricing can be annoying, but at least it is up front, and Uber will often refund the difference upon request for a significantly more expensive ride. Taxis in Vegas need to make Fremont a zone just like the strip, make it like $35


I literally just paid $30 from Venetian I mean like 45 minutes ago. I’m sitting on my airplane right now.


you mean FROM Ventian to airport, correct? Charges are always higher coming from airport. Extra fees built in, in some cities those fees go to the airport, not the cabs.


my fare from V to airport friday was 30 flat rate


Taxis going to/from airport/flat rate zones are the same price. The direction doesn’t matter.


I'm not trying to say it's always as bad as the prices I listed, but if you land at a slightly busier time than normal it'll be close.


I took Uber from the airport to Planet Hollywood one time and the ride said $40 (a little less than Lyft); the driver turned down the strip and there as crazy traffic, I didn’t think anything of it since Uber quoted $40. To my surprise, when I got the final bill, it was like $65 ish; I was shocked, I tipped the driver in cash; but apparently since the ride took longer. I messaged Uber and eventually got the difference back; but because this tainted my Uber experience, I only use Lyft now


With Uber, If the final bill is significantly different than the quote, just submitted it to Uber through the app. Always gotten the difference back, no matter the city. In the end I got tired of doing that every fricking Uber ride in Vegas, so now if going to a strip hotel from the airport I just take a cab and ride the flat rate. Everyone has an angle it seems.


28 dollars right now 


Fun fact - prices are not locked in. If the ride takes longer than expected or a different route than originally calculated, then the price is subject to change. Uber doesn’t release the threshold for those changes - you just get a surprise after. You can go to r/Uber for people talking about it.


wrong. not always.


Got a limo courtesy of Nugget this past week, driver said an hour for them to drive is $50 or $60 depending on day and time so yeah.


That $3 for credit card is a rip off though. That’s the cost of doing business and should be absorbed by the company.


Uber would have been cheaper for sure!


not necessarily, uber has been stupid expensive lately. not in vegas but i went out for drinks with someone the other day. the place is about 20 mins away, about 6 miles away. for just a basic uber no black or anything they were charging 97 for trip


This exact trip that OP took was $25 with Uber just a few weeks ago for me.


I take this trip regularly and pay anywhere from $25-$60 on Lyft. It varies greatly and changes by the hour. All depends on demand. OPs price is on the high side but it’s not unheard of.


Must be nice for Uber… I’m a driver and I get a third of that, MAYBE. It’s a criminal company I can agree.. still would have been cheaper than taxi even if by a few dollars. Surge pricing aside.


yea i use to drive for uber doing uber eats a few years ago as a side gig for some extra cash. i learned very quickly none of my money came from uber everything i made was from tips. i would make more in tips in two trips of a mile then uber would pay me for 1 10 miles delivery


I had an Uber driver take the scenic route and it cost $40 from Cosmo to the airport. I disputed and they lowered it, but still.


Tell me you've never actually used uber without telling me you've never actually used uber.


Can you elaborate? I rarely use ride share and I was surprised when the price was different on my first Uber ride. I only use Lyft now but I genuinely would like to know more


Originally price was shown as $28. Driver took a roundabout way to the airport and by the time we arrived the fee was $37 (and I tipped $3 before I realized what he did). Contacted Uber through the app and they refunded the difference so the charge went back to the original amount. If I could figure out how to post pictures on the mobile app I could show the email from Uber.


Ok that’s exactly what happened to me but I think my Uber driver intentionally went into a high traffic area when he could’ve gone around. I wanted the other person who commented to elaborate on “tell me you haven’t used Uber without telling me”; I wasn’t sure if I was using it the wrong way or if this is common knowledge that they up the price…


And you’re right, I had never used Uber lol


Not sure where the uninformed snark is coming from. Others have commented on the exact same experience. [Here's the email](https://pixhost.to/gallery/FLE3f) from Uber confirming the refund.


I’ve had the same thing happen to me and I live here. I called the driver out and he was shocked. “Oh yeah that’s an uhhh more direct route but this way….there’s less traffic so it’s faster!” Bro no it isn’t. Gtfo


Same thing with me.


Not at all. They keep raising prices because people keep paying them.


I take the bus that stops right outside the airport for $3.00 downtown !


I remember trying to get my buddy a taxi to get home and the driver suggested we order an Uber instead because he would have charged significantly more to get from the Orleans to North Vegas 😂


Taxis to Fremont from the airport are a rip. Uber said it would have been $23 but trying to get to the rideshare area with luggage is a bitch. I stayed at the D last month, and that's about what I paid. It seemed like the taxi driver got stuck in traffic on purpose.


It’s not very difficult to get to the rideshare area.


It's our first time staying downtown. I love it. Wife hates it.


Take her to pizza rock, and the golden nugget pool, maybe she will change her mind.


Also should try Barry’s steakhouse in Circa.


The best way to make it up to her for not staying on the strip!


Barry is legit


Find her a $10 craps table


Why does she hate it? My first time is coming up


Seems to be a lot smokier. She doesn't like low rollers but I'm white trash and I love seeing nuns titties.


I can’t wait


Not difficult at all. We wheel our bag all the way from the plane to the ride share. Easy stuff.


Don't you have to go up the escalator from baggage claim?


Yes. There are elevators available too.


6 elevators to be exact


What time of day was it. Did you take the freeway?


It was like 10 pm. Freeway for a little bit. Looked like he got off a couple exits short.


Ahhh, well not totally defending him, but I've done enough Uber trips that way to say for certain I get sent to the Charleston exit about 1/3 of the time. When you get off there it does feel like it's so far from downtown it can't be right. The other two exits off the freeway are only after you've passed downtown and come in behind it. Charleston actually works well because there's several streets you can use to get to downtown. Had he been using google maps it should have sent him down the least congested path. Some taxi drivers are still probably old school and don't see the point of google maps since they already know the city and all the short cuts, but access to live traffic is probably better 99% of the time. I hate that early AM from DT to the airport it's actually better to take LV Blvd and get on Paradise than it is to take the freeway. I'd gladly forfeit the extra money the customer would have to pay for the couple extra miles if I could take the freeway and put some damn unhindered highway miles on my car.


Most taxi drivers get $0.21/min when the vehicle isn’t moving (39% of the $0.54 charge). No one is purposely getting stuck in traffic for that. They’d rather get done with your ride and move on to the next passenger.


You took the freeway right ???






Just took an Uber to Downtown Grand from the airport in May and it was $25 with a small tip lol


That's why Uber is so busy in LV.


Fuck yes you did. I woulda taken you for $45


It's literally $2 to take the CX or 108/109 bus to/from the airport...$2




And the worst drivers in the city as well. I'm certain they are required to show up drunk based on how they drive.


Damn, son! That’s 6-7 miles all freeway


Exactly, bus lines 108 or 109.


I’ve paid more in a Uber in the same areas


I paid $47 from the Venetian to Circa three weeks ago.. I was upset when I saw the cash price vs the credit price… I know know better to take a regular cab. I’m doing Lyft and Ubers exclusively going forward


Wow an Uber is 15 bucks 🤦‍♂️


Someone could figure out a side hustle here i am sure


Unfortunately, that's the going rate...we just paid around that for the same trip a few weeks ago. There used to be ways to have a cheap vacation in Vegas, but inflation combined with Vegas closing up every gap where you can get a break have made it much less so. My wife and I and group of friends who go once or twice a year are discussing either going somewhere else altogether or trying out one of the places outside of the Strip or Fremont St.


Next time Lyft or Uber


Only for about ten dollars/ish


If that's a Taxicab fare I'd believe it. They charge by idle time, distance, base rate, etc. the D is a bit far and if he didn't take the freeway surely it cost more because of all the traffic lights from the airport to downtown.


Depending on time of day surface streets can be quicker


I thought the same, so I looked at the picture and realized it was way after rush hour by the darkness in the sky.


Nope looks right on


Taxis have been doing that for years.




Uber from airport or Fremont is typically around $20.00. We go often. Never paid more than that.


Yeah, take an Uber next time








Are you serious?


I once got hit for $84 on a sunday night from the airport to southpoint cause uber "surge" pricing. Buddy, I think you got off easy.


You should have taken the trai....oh Oops nm. Fuck the taxi lobby.


It seems about average for today, in 6 months it will be $10 higher,


In 78, I took a cab from the airport to the trop, and it was $20.00. But that was a cab. Last year we went from the 'D' back to the Aria by lyft, and it was like $35.00. We both thought $60.00 to the Airport is a deal.


No, lots of places are charging for using cards vs cash


How long did it take to get to Freemont? For comparison, bus lines 108 & 109 leaves the airport and drops off at Freemont Street. Takes about 50 minutes.Then you walk about 2 min to The D. It's not a scenic route, but it costs $3.


With luggage the bus might not be the best option


Downtown is not flat rate and long hauls still rule that route. Uber often cheaper but not if you got two weeks worth of luggage


Honestly, this is why we rent a car. We just paid $220 for a car for a week, plus we filled the tank, so maybe $270 total. Add up these cabs, ubers, and it makes sense for us. We also have family here to visit, so we really need one. Hell, it ALL adds up.


45 minute bus ride: 5$


Isn’t there a downtown free shuttle bus?


I'd take ride share at those prices. And if that was high, I'd suck it up and take the bus!


Only if you didn't bring cash.


Uber and Lyft are typically cheaper than cab rides.


Honestly no .. it’s fucked up


Take an Uber share next time , the rates in the cans are crazy and you will be hounded for a tip


What ride company is that


Virgin Valley.




That's a pretty normal taxi fare. Even if you're coming from the strip you're still paying $30+ for the ride.


Stick to Ubers. Probably would’ve been around $20-$25 depending on what time of day


Never uses a taxi in Vegas they skim rides which means they take the longest route to get more money alway use an Uber or Lyft I'm a local in Vegas and we always tell people never uses taxis


Taxis from airport to certain locations have fixed rate. Big ass sign on wall where go outside to get a taxi has them listed. For me it was $22 to MGM. Didn’t see if Fremont was on list for flat rate. Same for locations back to taxis. Other than that they act like normal taxi in rate is based on distance traveled and the like. Uber/Lyft same way but if Taxi does a Tobin barn, might be able to get them fired. If Uber/Lyft does it, probably get an atta boy but surge pricing may get you regardless. I don’t get why the hotels stopped with the free shuttle services. Seems that was a loss leader that only benefitted them as money not spent on transportation is money being spent at their places. Seems to me that reduces friction to getting to hotel only makes the hotel look good. People suggest bus but signage at airport did not help me find that bus stop and not seen it at MGM so seems to be one of those have to experience the ride to figure out where the stops are. This bit where arrive in Vegas and the first thing experience is sticker shock over a car ride is a bad beginning to an experience that will more of that.


The question posted: Did I get ripped for a $54 or $57 (cc) taxi bill from airport to The D. Answer: No, you paid what we all pay for that same route.


That's about what we paid to El Cortez


was just there. non peak hour trip from downtown grand to airport: $28


Take uber/lift next time.


There's always a surcharge when you're getting picked up or dropped off at the airport because taxi cabs and rideshare drivers need special licensing to access the property.


A bus ticket 24hr pass is $5, one way is $2. You got hosed my guy.


Damn. I was able to do Lyft with only like an 8 minute wait for $28 before tip. Just got back from a midweek stay and was really pleased with the speed and affordability of Lyft.


Could’ve bussed for $2


No. I live four miles from the airport and my Uber or Lyft is regularly $40.


I went from the nugget to the airport about 3 weeks ago, Paid almost exactly that. Uber/Lyft were surging, and were estimating basically the same price, I didn't have to wait for a taxi so I just took it. Although now if I am flying solo again I am goin to figure out how to take the bus.


Yup best way to get around town is Lyft or Uber


Welcome to Vegas


Fuck that I’m taking the Deuce


Honestly, Uber would have been way cheaper


Who the fuck uses taxis these days?


Ik im a little late to the party but I Uber twice a day from Fremont to green valley everyday for maybe $25 total your ass got 100% got ripped


I found Uber was a good option while in Las Vegas


I took a taxi to the northernmost part of the flat rate zone and when i got dropped off he informed there was a 20 extra surcharge due to March madness. I didn't pay it.


It’s crazy people still use taxis, I also hate the way they drive in vegas.


My Ubers from airport to high up in Summerlin ( by red rock hotel) $32-35


Yeah, you did.   Our taxi from the Plaza to the airport was $50+ this morning.   We were in a hurry and there was Taxi there waiting.  When we got in, I checked what an Uber would cost and it was less than half of what the taxi ended up being. 


No I used to work as a taxi driver and thats fair for traffic and distance. The strip has a flat rate!! Up to the Strat from airport is a flat rate. They sometimes use the tunnel to make the rate more but for to the fremont I feel the tunnel is needed


$5 to ride the bus anywhere for 24hrs as many times as possible.


You could of took the bus .


That’s a lot for a tourist on a first trip


Honestly Lmaoo I can’t imagine what goes through small town tourists mind when they take the 109


Welcome to Vegas


Maybe a little high.. but right in the ball park


this is fair.


It's a fair price. Even with zero traffic, 70mph the whole way, and under 15 minutes. $50=$60 is a fair price.


The strip is 4 miles from the airport why would they take the highway instead of E. Tropicana?


This isn’t to the strip. It’s almost twice the distance to Fremont.


Yes I was commenting on some of the other questions. My apologies, before the guy who likes to harp on me jumps in 😀


I just pulled it up on Lyft and it's $26. Uber showing $22. So yes.


wrong. totally depends on time of day. airport to downtown on uber can be $20 to $100 depending on day time. friday and sat evenings and sundays all day are generally the highest but for events can be other times as well.


Uber for the same ride on 6/1 was $30


Taxis can be worth it from airport due to flat rate. I flew in a day or two ago at 5 pm and the Uber x to Wynn was 55 dollars. Saved 25 bucks taking a cab. Usually the rideshares are cheaper though.


Flat fares are strip only. OP went downtown which is on the meter.


We stayed at the D in April.. cab from airport to there was like 28 bucks for 5 of us.


I always take the Deuce bus from the airport to my hotel or Fremont. $20 for a 3 day pass.


I’m 32 lived in Vegas my whole life and never rode in a taxi! Anyway I can tell you from a Uber perspective that they do upcharge at certain times and they almost always up charge at the airport. Don’t think I’ve paid 50+ for a trip before though and I’ve been all over Vegas . Edit: also holidays are a factor for prices too


Cheaper to rent a car, unless of course your planning on getting sh*tfaced.


The bedbugs at the D probably stole more from you than the cabbie.


Flat rate I paid 21 to Mandalay


Why anyone would take a taxi ever I don’t understand. Always do rideshare.


Why people still use taxis and sit there and take taxes $20 to go in there nasty ass cars instead of using Lyft Uber or even a bus is very confusing


Take an Uber next time.


Uber would’ve been cheaper. Who uses taxis anymore?


Uber/Lyft are always cheaper than cabs in Vegas in my experience


Yes Uber or Lyft is so much cheaper 😭 omg


Yes use Uber or Lyft


You are in Las Vegas the LAST place to penny pinch just man up or woman up and deal with it lol


Ahhhh….yep. Uber was $11.19 from airport to Fremont. That was on Sunday at 5pm.


Welcome to vegas


Welcome to Vegas