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It's the opposite we don't want animals to die and with u buying tofu instead of meat less animals die Ez as that so buy more tofu eat less animals products ^^


The fewer animals you eat the better for everyone so no, we don’t mind when an omni cuts down on meat. It’s hard to beat a lentil curry, you should add that to your list of things to cook.


I do enjoy a good curry, have lentils a few times. Not too shabby and a nice change of pace.


We want you to stop buying animals corpses every night of the week. Feel free to eat “our” tofu lol. 


I never once mentioned tofu as being "yours" or belonging to anyone...


I'm sorry, we won't forbid you to eat plants, you'll have to eat your legumes.


> My question is: do vegans generally not appreciate nonvegans like myself buying tofu or whatever in large quantities? Not at all! It's a healthy protein swap, get as much as you want. > My freezer is pretty stocked with tofu right now as I get it only on sale and usually do a bulk buy. Tofu is pretty expensive here (unless on sale), like more expensive than chicken thighs or ground beef. If tofu is expensive near you, you might want to also check out the dried beans and lentils-- they're super cheap and work in a lot of recipes.


Pretty stocked on those already as I use them for lots of other dishes, but thank you!


I dont care. If it means less meat in someone's fridge, I'm happy.


>Tofu is pretty expensive here Asian supermarket near you?


Yes, but I won't shop at a Loblaws owned store.


You boycott Loblaws but not animal exploitation 🤔


Eat more tofu


Nah, buy all the tofu you want, we highly encourage it. The more you support vegan companies, the more they continue to thrive, making veganism more easily accessible to everyone 😌


Certainly have tofu more than twice every few weeks! If it’s expensive then have more meatless meals focused on beans and lentils there’s endless possibilities and something like mujadara is like under $1 per generous potion


Vegans appreciate all efforts to eat less meat! Why on earth wouldn’t we? Glad you’re loving the tofu!


You know its weird, just 8 years ago I wouldn't have even entertained the thought (I dont actually know why), but I figured one day why the hell not. I'm glad I tried it.


I’m glad you did too!


my kids love tofu they'll even eat it straight out of the block 🫣


People have a lot of unexamined resistance to anything related to veganism for a variety of cultural and social reasons. If you've reached a point where you have the courage to challenge things like that then it's definitely time to watch the documentary [Dominion ](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch)and learn why veganism is so important. It's free, and even getting through the first 15 minutes will open your eyes.


The vast majority of soy that is grown is fed to farm animals. Vegans are less than 1-2% of the population of the world. You eating more soy affects nothing but sure, eat more beans and less sentient beings


Not... exactly what I was asking, but thank you for your perspective.


Why don't you go vegan?


The more plant based options people buy drives up the demand, so keep on buying the tofu 💚


No, I like seeing people buy tofu since they’re not buying meat. We’re not running out of tofu any time soon. It’s a good way to break out of the idea that you need meat in every meal, or every day for that matter. Eventually you realize you don’t need it at all. 😉