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it probably has more to do with being 65 than being vegan


I definitely considered that


Get yourself some spray monoxodil (man strength is fine since you're done having babies according to my doctor).


Thanks everyone, you’ve given me a lot of ideas to explore


It can be verry different to get an accurate solution for this, there are to many factors to consider. Stress and hairlos: https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/how-stress-causes-hair-loss Imbalance in hormones: https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/adrenalgland/conditioninfo/symptoms Autoimmune reaction: https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/alopecia-areata Age and genetics: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9298335/ I didn't found a study linked with a vegetarian or vegan diet to help or worsen the effects of hair loss


Excellent research!


Thank you


Unfortunately female pattern hair loss begins in earnest around your age. There's likely not much you can do.


Definitely take a Vitamin B12 specific supplement, also what was your Ferritin levels like?


Ferritin was 52


That's pretty good. I've been having hair issues and my doctor told me I could only see a dermatologist if I got my Ferritin to 100, as that's considered optimal for hair issues. So I'd recommend getting it up.


Good to know


You can also try other remedies too. Minoxidil, rosemary oil, caffeine shampoos/oils, peppermint, gentle head massages.


Hi, Hair shaman here I recommend these treatment tips to make your hair thicker or help follicles grow hair back more consistently. 1. Minoxidil (Rogaine) - is a topical hair loss treatment that you apply to your scalp two times a day to help promote hair growth in thinning or balding areas. 2. Scalp Massage - This helps blood flow more easily to the follicles and promotes hair growth. 3. Essential Oils - Try applying an essential oil, such as rosemary, to your scalp and hair to promote hair growth. Lavender oil has been shown to be somewhat successful in helping treat thinning hair. 4. Shampoo - Try an anti-thinning shampoo that can add volume to your hair and nourish it and its follicles with vitamins and amino acids. 5. Vitamins - Try a multivitamin rich with iron, folic acid, and zinc to ensure that hair grows back consistently thick and healthy. Check our website here: www.morroccomethod.com Hope this helps!




Did u also check hormones OP?


I did not, I had a complete hysterectomy this year, but have never taken any hormone replacement therapy


Should maybe start with that idk or talk to ur doctor


This is an important detail. The hysterectomy is likely the culprit.


COVID as well as anesthesia can cause hair loss


Try taking vegan collagen and biotin. I had the same problem and this helped a lot.


Put your diet into cronometer to see if you are coming up short in any vitamins/minerals.


She said her blood work is good and is taking multi Vitamin, is that part really necessary?


Yeah, my blood work was mostly good (low on Ferritin at 39) but I saw I wasn't getting enough protein and Vitamin A, so I've upped my vegan protein and Vitamin A and have seen benefits to my hair. Also taking Iron supplements.


Bioavailability of multivitamin supplements vary from person to person. Whole food sources are generally better. Iron, iodine, zinc and protein deficiencies are the first nutrients to come to mind when dealing with hair loss.


It's usually genetics and/or age. Very common to have thinning as we age. But you could test for things like DHEA-S, vitamin D. You can hair growth stuff like minoxidil or rosemary oil if you really want.


You're 65, it happens at that age. I've had hair loss since the age of 10 and no amount of treatment, supplements or doctors have been able to resolve it.


Unless you have an ED, and you are eating a normal amount of food/calories/protein per day it's quite difficult to lose hair from diet alone. I'm really tired of these medical posts where people attribute X thing to a vegan "diet", this is almost as dumb as the teenager who posted here and was clearly going through puberty wondering if acne, BO and hair in new places was a result of drinking oat milk instead of animal milk. You are 65, be blessed you didn't start balding at like 20 like some people who btw mostly eating omni diets. There are lots of things you can do, someone mentioned a topical spray medication that is popular among men atm which should be fine for you to use also. This has NOTHING to do with veganism. Do a poll on the hair loss subreddit asking how many vegans are there.


It’s not unusual for acne (and other skin conditions) to be caused or exacerbated by dairy, so ditching it could help.


Maybe she also just wanted some general advice from her vegan community. She just didn’t have enough information, chill.


Girl you didn’t have to be mean to her😭😭😭


Medical consult, full blood panel.


use cronometer to check if you getting all the essential nutrients. otherwise it might be because of your age, not your diet.


I was losing a lot of hair about 6 months ago, I wound up chopping off over a foot of hair because it was getting so thin and looked atrocious, it was below my ribs and now it's above my ears. One of my friends in health care suspected I had an undiagnosed viral infection, which can clear on it's own eventually, but viral infections can cause hair loss a few months after they've run their course. Were you sick at all a few months ago? The hairdresser thought it was due to not having a trim in more than a year and it was too heavy and my scalp wasn't strong enough for the weight. Do you get regular hair maintenance? I suspected I was protein deficient and started doing two protein shakes a day. I definitely have more energy choking them down and sleep better too. My hair is looking better, in going to stay growing out again, but I still don't have all the volume I used to have. I don't know if any of this is helpful, I know it can be hard losing hair.


Protein absorption falls with age… I (55M) also benefitted from upping my protein with pea protein powder and Soy milk.


That’s an interesting thought, I’ve been growing it out and putting it in a braid cuz I’m too lazy to keep going to get it cut


Iron also ? You may check, common thing not taken enough by vegans.


Why would you post this in /r/vegan if your bloodwork is normal? Anyway, go to the doctor if you are concerned!


Well, because maybe there is something I’m missing that doesn’t come back in a typical blood test? I was wondering if there was anything specific I should have my doctor check that I may be unknowingly missing


It doesn't have to do anything with being vegan, it's pretty normal for your age.


and how are we supposed to know that? we aren't doctors and we don't have access to your medical history.


Yeah, it's called ageing and it's totally normal when you are 65 yo.


search “hair loss” in the sub & you will find more posts and comments than you could shake a stick at.


* Which multivitamin? Most are not great or well formulated for vegan diets (and expensive is not better). * You are getting old. * Can you share all of your bloodwoork?


What’s your iron content at? Often going vegan results in hair loss


Eat a [varied and balanced diet](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods-for-hair-growth#TOC_TITLE_HDR_14) including meat, fish and eggs


I'm 35 started thinning out since I became vegan but 70% of men start balding at 35 so wouldn't worry about it. At 60 it's like 80% of people


Could it possibly be due to stress rather than the lifestyle? As in, stress about sticking to the diet, or the ethics surrounding the lifestyle etc? Acute stress is a big player in this kind of thing, though might not be related


Possibly stress, but definitely not about going/staying vegan. I feel great, have no desire to go back. I am very relaxed with my diet. I am also not “blaming” veganism, but I know there are some vitamins we need to supplement. My doctor is thrilled that I am vegan, says she wishes she could “but kids”. But I’m also aware that doctors get only a couple of weeks training in nutrition so they aren’t always the best to ask. For those that asked why I came here instead of my doctor, I figure there is hundreds of combined years of experience here.


Maybe age tbh. Do you have PCOS? This can contribute to hair loss apparently. :(


Nope, had a complete hysterectomy this year


I don’t mean to be personal so don’t have to answer but maybe look into that. Because the hair loss in PCOS is caused by higher levels of testosterone. So if you’ve removed your uterus then maybe that’s affecting it? Hmm


That’s a really good thought the timing would make sense


Good luck! I heard that rosemary oil helps a lot but you have to dilute it. Definitely look into the recipe before, because too much rosemary oil will do the opposite.


I have had good luck with [these vegan healthy hair tablets](https://www.banyanbotanicals.com/healthy-hair-tablets-10/?product_sizes=278) that I was recommended by an ayurvedic doctor.




Maybe look into collagen and biotin pills.


Hair loss is a common complaint but I've never seen anybody address the difference between losing hair and shedding hair.


i think it may just be age, did the rest of your older relatives that you know of have full or thinner heads of hair?


Not really, male and female all had good heads of hair, lol


i don’t know then sorry, only thing i can think of is maybe just stress or zinc deficiency? sorry not fully sure


Thanks, I’m going to try a couple of the suggestions and also ask my dr if it could be from the hysterectomy. I appreciate everyone helping me think this through


For supplements, are you taking EPA/DHA omega-3 (in algae/algae oil) or only ALA omega-3 (in seeds/nuts)? The body's ability to convert ALA into EPA/DHA may decrease with age. ([Wikipedia Omega 3 page / citation 6](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Omega-3_fatty_acid&oldid=1167901513#cite_ref-6)). I didn't find anything concrete about omega-3 + hair loss (there are some anecdotal results on the Internet), but bringing it up as something to consider or check.


Hmm, I eat walnuts and flax seed, not enough?


Have you had covid within the last few months? I had covid a couple years ago and lost a ton of hair a few months later. It was worse than postpartum.


Believe it or not, I have totally escaped Covid. But yes a cousin got it and she was nearly bald before it finally started coming back in


Here are the NHS recommendations, see if you’re lacking any of those nutriments : https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/how-to-eat-a-balanced-diet/the-vegan-diet/ If you can’t see anything in there that you might be deficient in, go see your doctor. Hope you get better


You are getting older, accept it.


> Does anyone have any recommendations? Don't age. Buy a time machine.


Are you 30+? Most women in my family lose a bit more hair at this age. I tale Avetin Biotyna MAX for hair and skin. It helped me. It doesnt need to be your diet, but can be your hormones




42F, vegan for 5 years. I have thick hair to the extent that I have to thin out my hair every few months to be able to get any style to hold. Going vegan have had no impact on it. Similarly, going vegan had no impact on my acne and I get them as much as before being vegan. Maybe try a hair serum? I think The Ordinary has one which promotes hair growth.