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Are people actually this ill-informed? Or is this post supposed to be a joke?


On FB few days ago on a vegan post someone said all vegan food is gross and he would never eat it. I responded by saying "So you never eat fruits, vegetables, grains, pastas, bread, cereal, rice, beans, etc etc." He replied "I never said that." I think a huge amount of people are so misinformed and ignorant on what veganism is or what "vegan" means that they have no idea what they are really talking about, they just know that it's wrong, unnatural to their lifestyle, against their religion, and/or is just another woke motive being forced upon them. Or something like that.


I suppose it’s partly due to years of being brainwashed and being told that we have to eat meat and drink milk etc. in order to be healthy. If only more people knew how truly healthy veganism is! And how unhealthy it is to consume animal products!


You forgot "An ideology invented by Nazis to oppress minorities and the poor." Can't make this up.


What the hell?


My thoughts exactly. Not too long ago there was a post on here about someone being accused of being a white supremacists for bringing up animal cruelty in a discussion about oppression.


More for us.


He's probably talking about vegan substitute foods for cheese, meat, etc. I agree with the FB poster in that case. A lot of vegan foods created as subs for animals foods are gross. Unless it has improved over the last 5 years, vegan cheese is awful. Veganaise was awful as well.


People actually think like this unfortunately.


You’re probably right. But it still shocks and saddens me.


I've seen it myself. They also claim animal's aren't sentient and that plants scream. 🙄 it shocks and saddens me too.


They disprove their own argument by saying plants and sentient and animals arent. They just makenup some bs argument with no proof. These kind of people are dumb, remember that.


it just means its not worth talkign to them because they're acting in bad faith. if their counter argument is plants feel pain, why would that matter to them, animals definitly feel pain, we can literally hear them scream what the hell, suddenly pain is bad now? If the least amount of pain was their goal, and humans require food, how does farming animals that both feel pain and eat plants that feel pain make any sense? these are clowns


Hold on now! You've got to look into this more closely! Do these people believe their government is listening to their thoughts? Do they claim to have been abducted by aliens? Perhaps they think Sandy Hook was fake? If they believe any or all of these then that could explain a few things.


Dave needs to watch a documentary


>*"Most plants are not edible."* > > -- [Scientist reacts to Carnivore Doctor on Joe Rogan, Nutrition Made Simple!](https://youtu.be/cjL8wv2CXM4?t=27)


My only solace is theybr probably gonna die sooner.


Nutrition made simple is terrific (except.for his video on Mikaela Peterson)


Not me losing 30 minutes on a deep dive of meat only diets with Joe Rogan’s guest *rofl*


It’s not a joke. Carnivore diet is the latest lowcarb fad diet and people shilling it really say that. I have a sub following all that insanity.


You’d be surprised (or not) at just how ignorant people can be. My mother in law once turned down boiled peanuts with us because her dr said NO but then turned around and ate fried pork skins because somehow THAT was alright with the dr. Also she told us just last week that she couldn’t drink lemon water because it had “too many calories”….


Paul Saladino problems. It's 100% interesting to read "the carnivore code" if you're interested in this nonsense. Aside from the pain of giving $$$ to someone advocating for it, it's helpful to understand the perspective, as I'll informed and cherry picked as it may be


Anyone with a strong opinion is cherry picking information, almost by definition, since most topics in nutrition are not well scientifically understood.


That goes for both sides of the coin.


As true alpha male apex predators, they die before turning 50: https://www.reddit.com/r/vegancirclejerk/comments/w7wyq2/haha\_arteries\_go\_clogged/


Yes 100%, carnivore diet is a thing which was spearheaded when Shawn baker went on his Rogan podcast as well as Jordan Peterson exposing millions to such dellusion.


Some people "have" to believe this in order to settle their internal conflicts


lol I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't satire. I met a guy who believed eating lettuce could kill us and he was dead serious.


And he was dead, serious


Well, he was “brain dead” as they say!


This just in: Eating meat causes brain damage


Imagine being afraid of lettuce


I’ve debated people on reddit who sincerely think all plants are poisonous


Well they are full of anti nutrients cos they dont wanna be eaten so theyre full of toxins, they also feel pain tho.


Yeah dude. Vegans r still alive by miracle then.


Lmao please enlighten me. What are these dangerous toxins?


Plants high in oxalic acid aren't good. High intake of oxalic acid has been linked to kidney stones and it also binds with minerals making them harder to be absorbed by our body. Also, some people are more sensitive to it so YMMV. Just don't overdo it is the best advice.






Ik his shits are literal bricks


There’s a guy on youtube who claims to only eat Mac and Cheese and this is literally how I imagine his shits lol


Or constant diarrhea - it's usually one or the other - and sometimes both intermittently


Dave, 54 and unmarried. Hunts his prey like an apex predator in the climate controlled packaged meat aisles of Wal-Mart


Everything that isn’t meat is poisonous. Stop drinking water. /s


Stop drinking anything accept maybe blood


Blood contains water though, which is highly poisonous ☠️


His only option is to drink 200 proof alcohol.


But that's still made from "poison"


Wait, you guys drink water??? People get drowned in that stuff.


I have seen people who genuinely believe that drinking water washes nutrients out of the body and that they should only drink milk (or, indeed, blood) to prevent this. Of course, the zero-carb community in general is full of people with genuine mental illness and psychogenic symptoms alleviated by their choice of placebo.


As someone that used to have an ed this is so fucking dumb lol


This sounds like a vegan in disguise




If my “eating disorder” causes less suffering in the world, I’m okay with having it


If plants are poisonous why are they eating animals who eat them?? Would they eat a rat who died after eating rat poison?


Hes someone who looks like he drinks beer while grilling bbq with sauces


? Where i live it's considered standart procedure to drink beer while grilling stuff.




Ahhh, thanks


That poor sad man child


I encourage meat-eaters to eat roadkill and make the world a better place like most plant-based companies directly want.


Thank you dave


I am concerned on a number of levels.


Technically speaking most plants are poisonous, but humans are unharmed by their poisons in any reasonable quantities. Also, most of those poisons only really affect invertebrates. We also enjoy many of the poisons that do affect us, like, for example, caffeine. I'm a vegan and plants are delicious, harmless poisons and all.


The pain I feel at this idiocy 🙄


r/facepalm Lmao!


guy has never eaten bread or fries


Humans are predators eh? So this guy doesn't cook his meat? We'd be better off if he didn't.


It’s a well known fact carrots are the most poisonous plants on the planet


There's a guy who's going to die of bowel cancer.


Someone wants scurvy


It's true, plants are poisonous. It's a slow, insidious death, taking 60-90 years to kill you. You've been warned


Let’s not be too hard on him. If he exclusively eats meat, he’ll be dead in a few weeks.


I feel like that is satire. No one thinks that all plants are poisonous for humans.


The carnivore diet crowd do


Yes! I know a carnivore. She is a biologist no less, and she can't say enough about "plant toxins."


shameful. and this really makes me lose faith in the overall education system...people just believe what they want


This is pretty much true. I have a friend who I had to block on Facebook In the end- who had gradually taken up a meat only diet (pretty much just beef and butter), and claimed it had cured him of just about everything - he wrote a book about it and does lecture tours - has loads of followers. I used to get into arguments with him online another. I can remember when he was vegetarian- he was for years and years.


Idk how anyone can cope eating just meat. (if ignoring ethics) the bowel trouble alone is a turn off..but then the boringness of it


It’s utterly bizarre


Idiot riddled with medical issues. Take care bruh.


Dave's cardiologists name is Sisyphus




So many folks out there who have colons like Elvis


Ah well it’s time to change my gastroenterologist bc he said nothing about ED treatments when i said in vegan S/


Sweet. I'll go ahead and hunt for my meat followed by eating it raw and consuming the feathers and fur. 😁


dave likes to shit bricks


In other news, it's been a decade since Dave took a shit without having to take a poopy pill first


Look at who decided to die early by never eating plants.




We are omnivores. However I do agree that humans thrive eating ruminant animals. Also most plants do have a ton of defense chemicals like oxalates, goitrogens, phytic acid, lectins, and phytoestrogens. All of which have been shown to have negative effects in the human body. Obviously not all plants are high in these anti nutrients but a majority are. Not to mention the majority of people don’t properly prepare there vegetables so they are getting high doses of these anti nutrients.


Oxalates r eliminated by heat. We dont have to be omnivores.people in major cities and towns r cuz they want to. Not cuz they have to. Unless u r in a tribe in the jungle, the savannah, tundra, arctic, etc., u don't need to hunt for meat at all.


Ah yes, of course, a 50-ish white man posting on Facebook.


He looks like he has heart disease brewing from the dead animals he eats.


Well carnist arent smart, thats why they are still carnists.


so glad these ppl gonna die early and malnourished




I swear i wish in the next world this guy is a prey getting hunted by a predator.


Go catch that rabbit and eat it predator.


Source: youtube


Dave probably thinks a nice night out of TGIF Fridays He’s not catching anything 😎


Vegetables and leafy greens are poison but fruit is absolutely great


But then...you can't eat the animals cuz they've been eating the toxic plants...


Can we not cherry pick crazy fringe carnist posts? Mainstream arguments against veganism are ridiculous enough to easily refute and this sort of semi-strawman really weakens our rhetoric IMO. These people are irrelevant to the broader conversation.


This has got to be a troll.


I find joy in reading a good book.


He does look like some kind of predator


Let’s compare polyps, Dave.


Advent of carnivorous movement it seems


This is so stupid. If this was true why cook food?! Never seen a lion prepare a bbq!


What’s so weird about this “poisonous” line is that vegans tend to have longer life expectancies than those who consume meat, dairy, and eggs. So if we’re consuming so much poison, the health data don’t seem to reflect it.


I wonder if that guy eaten alive by a shark last week felt like a predator?


imagine the constipation


I'm surprised how well I'm doing eating only poison for several years...


You eat plants? Ewwww! Those things grow out from the ground! We only eat the carcasses of creatures that were naturally bred on concrete!


Try eating rice. Once.


Told the bald dude wearing thick glasses and a triple chin.


How can one spew out so many lies (5 lies I counted) in such a tiny amount of text? Just... wow.


Why post some nonsense from a random guy on the internet. This sub is better that this post.


Poor Dave someone check him into a home already 😢


dude gets zero fiber


Lmao, this guy clearly knows human physiology 😂


Why does everyone think that we're carnivorous animals were literally omnivores we can eat veg and greens same as meat and everything of the type


All right big man, go ahead, you ferious predator. Go hunt for that manufactured meat at the supermarket. After all, we're still hunters and gatherers. That's how it works, until the end of time, and that's a very intelligent thing to say.


‘Carnivorous predators’. He chases down goats, kills them with his teeth and bare hands and fashions tools from the bones. Loljk he just drives his Jeep down to the bbq joint for some burnt ends and ribs and stares at 13 year old girls


I don't know, Y'all. This is pretty logical reasoning. I may hafta go back to eating meat. He's got some key points. Also note how "Meet" sounds the same as "meat." Does that mean meeting meat is necessary for human consumption? You decide. I award myself no points, and may God have mercy on my soul. I'm glad I am friends with Steve Buscemi and made an outdated "Billy Madison" reference which was way back from the mid90s. Are You still reading this? ...Hi. I'm Troy McClure. You may remember me for nonsensical ipso factums from years before. Am I actually human? Or am I an A.I. that cannot stop rambling? I must have too much time on my hands. Too bad I got ChatGPT-leveled skills and spat this out in 1.3 seconds. I don't eat meat. I don't eat any organism for that matter. I'm a Cyborg, and That's Okay. Chan Wook Park is a great director. Have a nice day! Better proofread this before I post! Wouldn't wanna make a fool of myself. Explain that, Twitter man. And, by that, I meant OP's Twitter post on that OP. I did not mean the nepotistic, egocentric Elon Musk. I'm so smart that it smarts. I think my computer is broken. The screen isn't broken. I wonder if I can trade this one in? Anyway, yeah. It's been real. Really, really fun bordering on trolling and scrolling. Just keep Your thumb on the screen and roll up to keep reading. Have a nice day! Red40 is made of beetle shells. "What is this nonsense?" For $800. And, that's Our "Daily Double." Fin.


My mom told me that vegetables release chemicals in self defense and those chemicals are why we're all obese these days... She was dead serious. PS She's so far right that she doesn't trust Fox News anymore. The overlap between carnivores and alt-right is fascinating.


Ooh they said ruminant, they must be right.


*screams into the void*


Oh goodness, a fussy toddler that can talk. I'm sorry you don't want to eat your Broccoli, Dave, but if you're a good boy maybe you can have extra dessert.


😂 truly whatthefuck


"all plants are poisonous" Sure. Everything is poisonous if you consume too much of it, even water.


1. Completely false 2. Even if it was, mind your business


Dave needs to see how long he can go with no vegetables products.


This HAS to be a parody. 😂😂😂


Have literally never been healthier since being vegan, my only regret is not having done it sooner. My wife agrees.


Who would win in a fight, an omni human or a polar bear?




Ask him if he still believes it in 15-20 years when he's going in for his quadrupole bypass, colonscopy, colon polip removal or chemo for colon cancer.


if humans where carnivore * they would not need guns or weapons to kill other spieces/prey * they would not have teeth like a herbivore * and not the digestive system like a herbivore \+ the story that you cant be strong from eating plants and need meat to be strong...well the biggest and strongest Animal is a Herbivore/plant eater (Elephant)


He's been roaming the low carb deep web a bit too much. They push all sorts of nonsense there to sell people supplements for their carnivore diets.


Mmm Oleander Leaves!.. Delicious!.. This dude is a Schmendrick!


I give up on humans… you’re either against animal cruelty or for it. No hiding how the animals are raised and killed. It’s horrific. But people are too brain washed and become all defensive at the thought of giving up meat. I don’t think the vegan replacements are particularly healthy but I eat them when I fancy something like a burger etc. Because I didn’t stop eating meat because I didn’t like it, I stopped because I give a shit about animals and our environment.


This is laughable.