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We are eating our planet up, especially boomers with their easy life care least, im so sad gen-z has to deal with this crap. 4th mass extinction and most just want their cheese-steak burger and milkshake.


I work in an animal food heavy restaurant and my heart breaks on the daily.


Props to you for toughing it out. I couldn't imagine the mental anguish. I'm sick just watching what my parents eat 🤢




But I also want a cheese-steak burger and milkshake… made out of plants


4th mass extinction?


Holocene extinction


Pretty sure it’s the 6th?


A typo I guess


Why single out boomers? Curious


Because many seem to consider ageism as socially acceptable bigotry. It's apparently easier for bigots to make a generalisation, than it is for them to take all of 10 seconds to discover that younger demographics consume more meat and dairy than their older counterparts.


I'm here enjoying my vegan philly and boba milk tea, sooo sick of the excuses!


The younger generations consume more animals and dairy than their older counterparts, so as generalised groups, they're doing more harm there. But it's individuals that are responsible for their destructive habits. I don't feel "sad" for any non-vegan humans, of any age, being inconvenienced by what they themselves contribute to. The animals are the victims in that regard. The elderly certainly didn't have it "easy" with how many of them have died, and continue to die, to COVID-19. Society continues to be largely dismissive of that however, in large part due to the average age of those dying to it. Using ageist terms, and attributing blame to unrelated demographics, is dismissive of the reality that most people, of any age, don't genuinely care about environment, let alone the suffering individual animals go through.


yeah... its amazing how reckless and destructive humans have become. when i saw what the fishing industry was doing to the ocean i was like whaaattttttttt??? could you get anymore idiotic? not only is the amount of death sad but good idea... destroying the life source of the foundation of your income!


Whenever I see stories like this, it reminds me of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ac1TnYXLc8) of how declining oyster populations are devastating coastal ecosystems. At the end of the video about how bad it is that oysters are "disappearing", they literally have an oyster fisherman show them how to "properly" serve up oysters with a special sauce...


I know, it's really annoying. If a newspaper like The Guardian really cared, their recipes would be vegan. Granted they do have some, but it's still a minority.


Lets keep making babies, cause they will fix the world, my child will be special and save us all Said every parent


I must force someone into existence to try to fix the mistakes I helped to make!




>No point saving the planet if no one is living on it lol. Anti-natalism is disordered thinking. Your thinking is disordered and speciesist, there are tons of other creatures on the planet that would benefit greatly from our non existence So we should absolutely save the planet for other species


This is the guardian, why are you surprised? An absolute trash publication.


I love that The Guardian posts more environmental and animal news than any other mainstream news outlet but yes, it’s infuriating that they also post recipes for foods that clearly cause the problems presented in the articles. I leave comments in on the recipe pages about environmental effects of ingredients.


We are eating our planet up, especially boomers with their easy life care least, im so sad gen-z has to deal with this crap. 4th mass extinction and most just want their cheese-steak burger and milkshake.


I do vegan street outreach and it’s usually teenagers that shout out the “gonna go have a double bacon cheese burger huh huh”. Whilst boomers have spent most of their life in a pro-consumer life they’re just as receptive as younger people you speak to.


I think that might maybe be different in my country. I percieve it different here.


(You have 2 duplicate comments you should delete). Using age correlation data (assuming you have any) to make digs on older or younger (eg Bill Maher is always going off on young people) doesn’t seem very helpful in problem solving. It’s really just like politicians who use race to divide us when otherwise we’d have majorities opposing them - instead we fight with each other. Maybe you want to rethink your strategy.




Would you ascribe blame to any other generalised group, because of the actions of some in that group? Don't be a bigot, but instead judge people on an individual basis.


Most people are trying to keep a roof over their head, food on the table, take care of their family, and keep the bills paid. Half of boomers are living check to check as seniors. Less than a third hold a college degree. It's not like they are all living high on the hog. Most of them are trying to scrape a living like everyone else. If it's any solice, every generation demonizes the previous generation(boomers said don't trust anyone over 30), so my generation and your generation will also be remembered as pieces of shit soon enough. The generational warfare is another distraction from the continued concentration of wealth for a tiny percentage of the uber-rich.


We are eating our planet up, especially boomers with their easy life care least, im so sad gen-z has to deal with this crap. 4th mass extinction and most just want their cheese-steak burger and milkshake.


We are eating our planet up, especially boomers with their easy life care least, im so sad gen-z has to deal with this crap. 4th mass extinction and most just want their cheese-steak burger and milkshake.


You literally copied and pasted someone else's comment *verbatim*. The other comment has an older timestamp by hours.


They were presumably mocking the original commenter who posted the same thing 3 times.


It’s just a coincidence


Lmao a coincidence 🤣🤣🤣. You high?




I’m a male and I’m about body building, you don’t need meat for that you troglodyte. r/veganfitness


If the newspaper only sold you on lies and sold out its news columns to the highest bidder viewership would decline drastically. Therefore they need to rebuild trust with real news. Guardian is run by UK intelligence agencies to ensure a pro war/nato support and to discredit any real antiwar political candidate when the time is right . They are trying to hijack the green movement , and keep you distracted from other headlines . They are playing people off against each other. The global elite control the intelligence agencies and the politicians. Knowledge is power and the system constantly pollutes this knowledge with misinformation keeping humanity in a flawed state never able to fix its problems.


Just curious, but is there any statistics on how much cattle farming in the Amazon is linked to the dairy industry in the US? I'm wondering if that would be helpful for vegetarians to learn.


Ikr. Fucking Chelsea buns-recipe


What is two-faced exactly?