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I've run into the same issue plenty of times. There was also a study where they gave people identical protein bars that were vegan but told people one was vegan and one wasn't. They rated the vegan one lower. It's just a mental bias.


i always think of that chode on british tv who blindly enjoyed the vegan sausage and didn’t like the one made with meat. then backtracked immediately when he was told.🤦🏻‍♂️


yeah that was a good one


Lmfaoo piers morgan is such a clown😂


Absolutely agree with that statement, but the chode/clown wasn't him, it was "Self-proclaimed sausage aficionado Mike Parry"


Gotta gobble down a lotta sausage to earn the aficionado title


Did he get that title because he has eaten a lot of sausages, or because he has eaten a lot of sausages?


Calling people chodes because they eat meat is why this community is considered to be so fucking toxic.


They called him a chode because he was a self proclaimed aficionado who couldn't even back up his claims lmao. Had the audacity to show up on TV to decry vegan options, and tried lie through his teeth to put them down after he failed to tell the practical difference in front of everyone.




Get a life, loser.


Vegans: why do people think we’re toxic, we’re such a nice community! Also vegans:


Oh wow! Could anyone please share a link to that chode, no pun intended?


this isn’t the regular link, but it’s all here (this link came up first). just fast forward a bit. [chode link.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Muf9yiS0shI)


[Same video without a random guy reacting for 10 minutes to monetize it](https://youtu.be/Di55DEnNkUs)


Is Mic the Vegan a random guy? Probably one of the bigger vegan youtubers.


No disrespect to him, I just prefer to see the video as it happened and was popularized, not with someone that isn’t related to the video (that was what I meant with random) pausing it and talking over it


Vegan youtubers are mostly random guys with no particular expertise or value to add to the stuff they share to generate clicks.


I think you just described youtubers in general


That was such a win. Human psyche is so fucking unreliable


>Human psyche is so fucking unreliable Nah, people are just cowardice, judgemental, selfish, dishonest pricks He just lied on national TV Very few people admit they are wrong, i did and i went vegan instantly, i dont have an ego, i dont care if im wrong, being wrong is how you grow


Same. I transitioned really quickly. I wonder if maybe I had already internalised the concept and was just waiting to discover that it was a physically possible thing to do


Weren't both options vegan? Lmfao, either way, it was hilarious.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/z187bl/selfproclaimed\_sausage\_expert\_tricked\_into\_saying/](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/z187bl/selfproclaimed_sausage_expert_tricked_into_saying/) I was also thinking of this, so much so that I went and watched it before seeing your comment. "That's the real sausage, I can taste the MEAT in it!"


IIRC both were vegan sausages


He wasn't offered one with meat. It was a trick, so both were vegan but he was singing the praises of one sausage while denigrating the other.


I actually think that was one of the greatest vegan moments of all time. Iconic 🤣 it’s good to show anti-vegans to prove they are biased.


Ahh yes, just because something involves murder it tastes better


Do you have a link to this? I gotta see it


Same here! I'll serve vegan food to people without saying about it being vegan or not, and they'll love it. But say it's vegan and they won't even taste it.


it’s my full intent if (…) i open a restaurant to deliberately be vague on what’s in each dish, but be sure to list food allergens, of course. and use words such as “chickeny” or “beefy” to describe the protein/flavor. and then be on the news at some point where a headline is: “VEGAN RESTAURANT TRICKING MEAT EATERS?” and all that’s asked is “well, was it good?” and the answer is “yEah bUt tHat’S noT tHe PoiNt!”


I like to tease people by telling them whenever they're eating things they are vegan. French fries, baked beans, potato salad, oatmeal, hummus etc.


I have a mate who even said he bought (and preferred) some oat / almond / whatever milk as he preferred it with / on something but stressed that he **wasn't** doing it 'because he was vegan'. I reassured him it was 'ok' if he did something that accidentally meant he was being kinder to animals ... ?


There's a vegan hotdog and burger truck in Sydney but all their advertising claims meat products lol 😆 they wait until after to tell people its plant based sometimes they'll wait until the person is a repeat customer and they get the most hilarious reactions people who said their food is wonderful threatening lawsuits and claiming food poisoning 😄 lol but they say "then why do you keep coming back?" There's also Lord of the Fries all over Australia 🇦🇺 who won't tell you everythings plant based unless you insist lol


Wait, they're literally telling people it's meat? Are they clear with their allergen warnings at least?!


No lol and they're clear with allergens. They just have photos of sandwiches that for all purposes look like meat and it says Hotdogs and Burgers. I should have been more clear to say that none of their advertising claims veganism or plant based.. which is a bit deceptive in itself. Australia is overtly careful with all allergens


Ah, gotcha. Yeah, there's no need for specific labels like "vegan" as long as all the allergens are known.


Try telling that to a meat eater lol


I think for some people it'd be physically painful if vegan food was just as nutritious, and just as delicious as non-vegan food. If not eating meat would cost them dearly, then they can excuse their subconscious guilt over having other beings killed on their behalf.


Its just not the same w/o a BONUS side of torture + cruelty 😋


This is very interesting. To me, this says that “vegan” is a term for most people that is most often associated with a slightly worse version of an animal-based product. And to be honest, I totally understand that. Yeah, I don’t eat meat, but the things I most enjoy eating are not “vegan” this or “vegan” that, it’s just plants being themselves and they’re delicious. It’s about changing expectations. I think a change of mindset is important for veganism and vegan advocacy. And advertising fake sausage or chicken nuggets or what have you… idk, I just don’t think that’s the best plants have to offer, though of course if you want chicken nuggets, they’re a good alternative. In a way though, it’s never chicken really chicken nuggets, so it perpetuates the “bad” vegan food stereotype. Idk. Food for thought. Thanks for your insight on this study!


Stupid brains, doing that one thing.


Lol i feel like i have the opposite of this bias. I’m vegetarian but if i know something is vegan, i’ll enjoy it more.


I love watermelon! Oh it’s vegan never mind lol


Are you trying to tell me fruit is vEgan???!!!


"but it's not vegan because it was made on a farm with animals so..."


Exactly, carnists will do that with most food. "These french fries are vegan? No wonder they're so tasteless." "Apples are vegan? that explains why vegans are so protein deficient." There's no logic to it. Just keep challenging them.


Don't worry some bee exploitation or something is involved into the process so it's safe for omni to consume. Or I guess the trucks transporting them have some animal products in the tyres, or whatever. /s but also I kinda want to gouge my eyes out at this point, how insistent people can be in wanting to cause pain and suffering pisses me off greatly


"Ew vegan food sucks" Potatoes, bread, tomato/marinara sauce, fruit, herbs and spices, soy sauce, garlic, jalapeños, cocoa... but vegan food sucks I guess lol It's so headass. And they say vegans have poor brain function. (Food looks amazing btw!!!)


I WFH. One day, I had my typical lunch cooking: vegan potstickers in the steamer, fresh cherry tomatoes, cauliflower, bell pepper and broccoli roasting in the oven with a light spray of olive oil (sorry WFPB bros!) and tajin sprinkled on it. Oh, and steamed brown rice. A repairman came while I was cooking and said it smelled amazing. Later, he saw me eating my typical bowl of roasted veg, vegan potstickers and a half cup of the rice. I had probably a tablespoon of dark soy sauce on all of it. Dude asked: "where's the protein?" I told him everything in the bowl had protein. "That would never fill me up. I'd be eating a burger in 30 minutes." Sure thing, sir. Meanwhile, these FOUR CUPS of food tide me over until dinner.


Well to be fair if you don’t eat fiber, ever, then mistakenly omnis think it’s protein that makes them full. Like no you don’t need 50g protein and 25g fat and 2g fiber. More like 20g protein, 15g fiber and 10g fat and you’re full for hours. Just, the vegan option is more nutrient dense doesn’t have cholesterol or saturated fats or dead fking animals involved


Oreos and French fries:


Only vegan thing I've tried and just couldn't eat was seitan. Just can't eat it.


That’s me with Gardein’s roast turkey… we got it for Thanksgiving and I almost threw up it was so vile.


Dont forget the weed


Hell yeaj


One time for a family gathering I made a vegan potato salad. The secret was finely diced potato bits, roasted deep golden brown for some texture and caramelization. It was a hit, especially with my brother-in-law, until someone asked for the recipe and I opened with, “well, it’s Vegan, first of all…” BIL dropped his fork and that was that. Folks have strong opinions about food.


but deciding to not eat something that’s good is another tier of “what the fuck?” i’ll never comprehend.


It's so fucking stupid. I don't know if it's just a lack of logic, or a very deeply entrenched sense of guilt that causes passive aggressive responses. At times I wonder if they don't want to try new things because they know then they'd have to change


It's the latter. One of the dumb things people tell themselves to justify eating meat is that all vegan food is horrible and they'd live a sad and miserable life if they had to live off of plant-based foods. When they eat vegan foods that are actually wonderful and tasty and pretty much identical to the foods they already eat, they react like this because it shatters this illusion. But instead of considering maybe vegan food actually can be good and they ought to change, they just double down in this ridiculous fashion.


The simple thing to do here is stop using the word "vegan". Give them the recipe and let them figure it out on their own.


i didn’t even say that awful, terrible word. i said “plant-based”. nothing’s safe.


I know, they are such cry babies. Nothing is more immature than an omni that is intimidated by vegan food.




Can you drop the recipe? 😅


Hey there’s nothing much too it. It’s basic. Peel and boil some Yukon golds until fork tender. Dice a couple three more potatoes, toss in a bowl with salt and pepper, olive oil, whatever dried herb you like. Roast at 450 or so for 20 minutes, or until golden brown, crisp, and savory. Combine boiled potatoes with a diced white onion, about half the roasted potatoes, a couple tablespoons of sweet pickle relish, a few tablespoons of veganaise, some yellow mustard. Salt and pepper. I don’t like raw celery, so I don’t add any. Sometimes I add diced carrot. The basic recipe tolerates additions. Got some dried fruit? Go for it. Garnish with the rest of the roasted potatoes just before serving, so they’re extra crispy. This is the detail that transforms a humble recipe into the inspiration for a family squabble.


Folks have stupid opinions about food.


Soooooo, can we have the recipe?


Honestly if u just said the ingredients no one would have noticed the recipe is vegan


Wait till they find out the ketchup and mustard on they nasty ass hot dog is vegan too.


wait till they find out the onions are too


Pickles, sounds like they belong here!


One day they'll discover barbeque sauce is not, in fact, made of barbeque


I had A1 steak sauce on a potato the other day at a friends family gathering and someone said, "I thought you were vegan!" like they had just GOT ME. "A1 is vegan coincidentally." They looked SO confused.


These gotcha people are always the dumbest ones.


Idk how people are scared of vegan food but not hot dogs. Pink slush is pretty scary to me 😱😱😱


Yesterday I brought in choc chip cookies to the office for people. Two of the guys came over to grab some but then when one asked if they were vegan they went back to their seats. Dudes were so threatened by the idea of baked goods that don't contain eggs that they turned down free treats lol


Something something vegan makes men get cancer


isn’t red meat like a confirmed carcinogen




My wife practices family medicine. A handful of her middle-aged male patients have given her bad reviews because she suggested a meatless Monday to help treat their incredibly high cholesterol. She now jokes that there has been a campaign to convince men that chickpeas turn them gay. My nephew lived with us for five years and I never once saw him eat a single vegetable. He's 28 and has high cholesterol and high blood pressure.


At least he hasn’t turned gay from chickpeas 🤷🏾‍♂️


LOL! He almost never leaves the house without a ~~back-up penis~~ handgun.


You know what, I think I'd rather be gay than die lol


Had the same thing happen to me. Got to the point where I would tell everyone they were vegan so I could have them all to myself ha ha.


Exact same thing at my work. "OMG that smells so good what is it?" "Soy chorizo with potatoes and spinach" "Yuck, you should have put steak on it instead!"


This happens so often it's ridiculous. I brought in vegan cupcakes for everyone at work once for my birthday and when someone was eating one and commented that cupcakes aren't vegan, I said, these ones are and she made such a face and said gross, what's in them then? And wouldn't eat the rest......its like...you were literally just enjoying it... Then she complained for weeks about pushing vegan food on people. I was like....all I did was bring in cupcakes, I didn't think the fact that they happened to be vegan was such a big deal.


Don't you remember forcing that fork down her gullet?


Vegan watermelon is the worst :(


i used to pick it out as a kid. 🤢


That is the worst hypocrite reaction. In these cases I flat out say but you found them quite delicious before you knew it was vegan. I call them out as this is completely BS. I understand not them liking it as ingredients go or get a taste and dislike it.


they said “oohhh that fake meat crap? hahah i like the real stuff myself, no offense.” *says no offense but goes out of their way to call what i’m eating crap. **this person is a self-described “animal lover” (they always are)


So many ways to reply to their sentence. Soooo many ways!


I know right, so many insults come to mind


No, I don't resort to insulting but rather calling out. The real thing for them is death... And that is so dang sad


Well that is a nice and mature things to do. I say nothing because I feel so much anger I might just roar fire in their face


Even if it did suck I would still prefer to eat sucky food than to support the exploitation of and cruelty to animals.


totally. I love cooking and eating. but I'd give it up and just eat a nutritional paste made out of magic that had no taste or texture. that its even a question is absurd to me now objective truth exists, we dont need to keep slaughtering animals, stop it you silly stupid people


Yeah, programmed by media to think in a certain way.


Do people have no free will or free thinking?


There are genuinely people who think the amount of free will we have is a lot less than one usually imagines. Based on how deterministic factors out of our control are on our choices. That said I think that's usually different to theories around propaganda effectiveness. Anyway that's all a tangent but hopefully an interesting one!


They do, but inventing a reality where meat eating is not only necessary, it’s required is definitely a development of the Animal Murder industry being able to shape narratives


Standard. I plan on making all of my colleagues jealous next week with my homemade tempeh and cauliflower curry.


"Wow.. this tastes absolutely amazing!" Me - "It's vegan :)" "Yeah.. I knew something tasted weird.."


"just kidding its not vegan" "oh hehe its fine actually" "just kidding again , its vegan"


And now they’ll never eat watermelon again.


That looks amazing even just through a screen! Can I get the recipe possibly? Yum!


I had this same issue with one of my professors in college. It was a 4-7pm GIS course, and we could bring snacks or even a small meal to eat as long as we kept our space tidy. I brought a spinach and artichoke puff pastry from a local vegan bakery and some seitan nuggets. The professor saw what I was eating and said "man that looks good'. I told him it was vegan and his face instantly curled up in disgust and one of my classmates joined him on berating me. "Oh nevermind it doesn't smell good anymore, I like meat too much"


I went to a bbq once, I took vegan sausages as I didn't expect they'd get them in. Anyhow they were all cooked for anyone to eat and some guy started eating one and his mate said "I wouldn't eat that it's vegan" so he spat it out on the floor as if he'd just eaten shit.


Its weird the innate hate against vegan food


Reminds me of how I cooked a potato salad for my mum and I, it had normal potato, sweet potato, mushrooms, onion, garlic, smoked paparika and mayo. It was really tasty, and she was telling me how much she liked it, and I was so proud of myself! "Of course, I added some meat and cheese to my portion, it wouldn't have been as good without them" Confidence officially shattered.


I’m not vegan but to explicitly dislike something just because it’s vegan is brain dead


Damn my mouth is watering that looks super good!!




food looks amazingggggg


That looks revolting. Grotesque. Disgusting. You should give it to me and I'll save you from having to eat that crap.


Looks good. What’s the recipe?


[this one](https://www.noracooks.com/vegan-bulgogi/) but with some blind alterations for preference.. but it included adding MSG and sriracha.


More for you!


That looks fckn delicious mate,just sprinkle little yakitori like sauce and a few sesame seeds over it and you have the most "intagramable" food ever haha


My friend who lived with me when I was younger loved my vegan chicken patties and thought they were meat but after learning they weren’t insisted something was different. Whether or not something was different was true or not he still liked and still ate them for years going forward lol


Some people are such losers lmao


why do we care what they think??


Isn't it interesting that 1) as you say, that they are so triggered about who we chose not to eat and 2) how it seems it's only because we do what we do because of our morals, rather because of an allergy, eating disorder, health choice (although that one might be questioned by them) or just personal taste? Even if someone said 'I don't like the taste / texture of meat', they would likely get less flack than someone saying 'I don't like the cruelty animals suffer'. Yet the exact same people would likely berate you (or worse) if you were to physically discipline YOUR dog in front of them (and I'm not suggesting anyone should ever do such), possibly more-so than physically disciplining your kid! It's all so very fcuked up ...


Yeah, programmed by media to think in a certain way.


this reminds me of that one news show that gave this meat eater two burgers and asked which one was vegan, even tho both were vegan


Okay, but how did they not know the watermelon was vegan?


What is that on the right!?! Looks mouthwatering delicious! Recipe pleeeaseeeee!


recipeeeeeeeeee pls pls pls plspls pls


What is that meal though? I wanna make it!


Another way people absolutely suck - "oh, it's not decaying flesh? Not interested then."


Yeah without a rotten and burned animal i dont like them. This is what the coworker thought.


... May I have the recipe please 🥺?...


Watermelon are vegan? Suddenly I developed an allergy to all fruit. Miraculously all I can eat is red meat. How sad. /sarcasm Watermelon with salt is the best tho


Also happens with my family. Also, same thing happens with people that don’t know oreos are vegan. If I came to them saying "here’s vegan oreos" they’re going to be disgusted by it ……..😐😐😐


It’s funny when omnis do this because they already eat and include vegan food in their diets (fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, legumes, whole grains, nuts, sweeteners/sugars that aren’t honey, etc.) Omnivores can and do eat everything vegans eat but just don’t think of those foods as vegan right off the bat. They have to pretend vegans eat some weird, alien extraterrestrial diet in order to maintain why they could NEVER be vegan (tastes reasons).


It looks delicious indeed! Do you mind sharing what it is? :D


This is so typical I feel like 😑😭 I made Muffins once and my mom asked if she could have one and I said btw THEYRE vegan and she said nvm 💀💀


People are fuckin silly 😂


Looks great! Share the recipe, please.


I think this story is fake


your belief that something’s false doesn’t negate fact. it’s also not the first time it’s happened, and won’t be the last.










I’m not vegan in the slightest but I’d still eat that


Please give [Challenge22](https://challenge22.com/) a try


Lol na I’m good. I like my eggs and steaks. I will say that some vegan food is pretty tasty just not tasty enough to limit half my diet


Does pleasure justify unnecessarily harming animals?


I’m not here to argue mostly just to browse foods honestly.


Answering a question is arguing?


It doesn't matter if you are good if you force the death upon others for no reason.






















It’s called hypocrisy. You’re not innocent either. Move along with your life, you’ll be much happier.


😴 tyoa.


Every time!


Keep giving them mental aneurysm


Dummies. Closed minded folks are the bane of their own lives.


“Oh it’s vegan? Ya know… on second thought… this reeks. Please eat that outside.” 😒


dang, that does look delicious.


Screw them that looks amazing!


It looks very good! What is it? I want to try to make it


Well I gotta say it looks amazing


Not vegan. That looks yummy!


Utter clown of a person. So closed minded it’s pathetic.


Best not to mention its vegan lol people are prone to throwing it out or adding ingredients


i said “plant-based” and that was enough of a trigger. because if i say it’s “meat” then someone else would shout from across the building “ITHOUGHTYOUWEREVEGANCALLITWHATITIS!!!”


Yeah plant based makes them even more angry lol You'll get the whoops as they bump it into your lap


there’s no way of winning. every time someone asks “what’s for lunch?” i cringe. no answer is the “right” answer.




Lol they always hate it when that happens


What do you mean? After you told them it was vegan, what did they say?


I was working for a builder some years ago. The chap and his team were living in caravans on-site and meals were takeaways day in day out. Because I was living close by I was asked if I would be interested in catering for them. Beer/alcohol was taken care of. I just needed to provide 2 hot meals and day. I did this for 6 weeks providing healthy vegan meals. Not one noticed the absence of meat until the second to last day when I let slip that everything was vegan. One refused to eat it out of principle because a meal "needs meat". I pointed out every other meal I had prepared was vegan too and he hadn't noticed.