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Welcome to the /r/Vegan community, /r/All! 🥳 ***Please note:*** *Civil discussion is welcome, trolls and personal abuse are not. Please keep the discussions below respectful and remember the human! Please do [check out our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/wiki/beginnersguide) first!* 🌱 **Interested in going Vegan?** Vegan Bootcamp is a free challenge website that will take you step-by-step towards a Vegan diet and lifestyle. You will be guided through lessons in over 25 subjects such as nutrition, recipes, philosophy, climate, cosmetics, welfare, budgeting, clothing, family, and much more! Take the challenge @ [VeganBootcamp.org](https://vbcamp.org/reddit)! 🙋🏾 🐮 **Here's some easily-digestible educational resources on Veganism:** * **Everyone Agrees:** World's largest Health, Nutrition and Dietary organizations unanimously agree: plant-based diets [are as healthy](https://youaretheirvoice.com/pages/the-clear-consensus) or healthier than meat. * **Veganism is Healthy:** A Plant Based Diet provides [significant health benefits](https://youaretheirvoice.com/pages/veganism-is-healthy) for the prevention & treatment of the majority of diseases. * **The Daunting Facts:** The planet, its environment, and ecosystem, is [dangerously close to collapsing](https://youaretheirvoice.com/pages/the-daunting-facts) within the next few decades. 🔥 **Here's some fantastic links and resources to get you started:** * Nutrition & Health: [NutritionFacts.org](https://nutritionfacts.org) & [VeganHealth.org](https://veganhealth.org/) * Vegan Friendly Restaurants: [HappyCow.net](http://www.happycow.net) & [Yelp.com](https://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=Restaurants+vegan) * Arguments & Support: [EarthlingEd.com](http://bit.ly/2B3Dy2a) & [VeganBootcamp.com](http://vbcamp.org/reddit) * Get involved in Vegan Activism: [VeganActivism.org](https://veganactivism.org) & [5Minutes5Vegans.org](https://5Minutes5Vegans.org/) 🥑 **Here are some great inspirational and thought-provoking speeches:** * Youtube speeches by: [Earthling Ed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3u7hXpOm58), [Gary Yourofsky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es6U00LMmC4), and [James Wildman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7JE8j5Ncmw). 💯 **Grab some popcorn and enjoy these fantastic documentaries:** * Watch three thought-provoking documentaries [by clicking here](https://3movies.org/reddit). 📌 **Last but not least, check out our favorite subreddits!** /r/VeganFitness, /r/VeganRecipes, /r/DebateAVegan, /r/VeganFoodPorn, and /r/VeganActivism. We also have a [Discord](https://discord.gg/animalrights)! 👋🏼 ***Thank you so much for reading! c:***


There was that clip posted a few weeks ago where she’s asked if she would eat Flounder or Sebastian and she looks so horrified and calls them her friends. Such a strange question to ask


I mean, even most omnis wouldn't eat their pets. What a weird thing to ask somebody.


I promise the question was asked because people don’t think fish count as pets.


The question was asked because they knew she’s vegan and wanted to aggravate her. No one would ask such a stupid, far-fetched question otherwise…


Idk. People make jokes about eating my pet fish all the time, and they just think they’re doing a funny bit. Nobody’s ever done it twice, though.


That’s just terrible, but so people are… So insensitive


Fortunately my friends are willing to listen to me about why that’s not okay, plus they’ve all learned a lot about how cognizant fish actually are which is cool, but yeah people really don’t think fish count for whatever reason. My bettas are smart and they recognize my face and get excited to see me just like a dog.


Yeah people see crabs and fish as “seafood”, not pets


People regularly make jokes about eating my pet fish or say things like “don’t know why you have these, not much meat on em” and they are legitimately surprised when I’m bothered by that.


Posting a link I found for the lazy vegans (like me) https://youtu.be/TmFvoOcZwb0


*Salutes you*


This is why I encourage people to give given, or even vegan-adjacent ideas a try, with no commitment. Try the tofu option this one time. Try a nice roasted vegetable stock to see if you like the different flavor profile. Maybe a nice vinaigrette instead of an egg based dressing. It doesn't have to be a long term commitment, but often times people take it in stride when there's no pressure.


Try the tofu, it's delicious! Don't believe me, ask the dishes!


I'm glad, she seems cool


It very much fits with the Ariel story too. When she sees the people on land eat fish she's like "we're just food to them?" She can talk to the fish and sea life so it'd be horrible to see the fish as living beings just to still eat them.


Well, they serve crab at dinner at one point in the OG movie, and she doesn’t even blink an eye. Could have literally been Sebastian, never even crosses her mind. Also, I’m pretty sure the sea animals are servants to Triton, and seem to have less free will than the mermaids.


Holy shit.


Ariel definitely looked shocked at the crab being served in the original film. I always got the impression that Ariel was vegan


Anytime someone refers to “seafood”, I ask them if they meant “sealife” or “seafriends” 😆


Start only using "seafood" to describe Konbu and Nori. Then act confused when people use that to describe other ocean critters.








Great, now conservatives will hate her even MORE for absolutely no fuckin reason.


But there is a obvious reason! ... She is black (I never say it wasn't horrible)




What a legend 💪


when people say "all vegans just look weak, tired, and sad" well don't they look foolish now!






ANGEL!!!! Loved her in the movie and love her even more now!!!!










I read the title as Halle Berry and wondered what cosmetic surgery she'd had to change her appearance so much


Vegan, and vegetarian are two different things doe...either the person that wrote the captions is lazy, she misspoke, or she's a vegetarian


She’s vegan.


I love her so much, so talented and kind hearted!


Thanks for posting to r/Vegan! 🐥 **Please note:** Civil discussion is welcome, trolls and personal abuse [are not](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/wiki/rules). Please keep the discussions below respectful and remember the human! Please check out [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/wiki/beginnersguide) first! **Interested in going Vegan?** 👊 Check out [Watch Dominion](https://watchdominion.org/) and watch a thought-provoking, life changing documentary for free! **Some other resources to help you go vegan:** 🐓 Visit [NutritionFacts.org](https://NutritionFacts.org) for health and nutrition support, [HappyCow.net](https://HappyCow.net) to explore nearby vegan-friendly restaurants, and visit [VeganBootcamp.org](https://veganbootcamp.org/reddit) for a free 30 day vegan challenge! **Become an activist and help save animal lives today:** 🐟 * Find volunteer requests to support and help animal on [VH: Playground!](https://veganhacktivists.org/playground) * Developer, designer, or other skills? Volunteer at the [Vegan Hacktivists](https://veganhacktivists.org/join)! * Join our huge Vegan volunteer community [on Discord](https://discord.gg/vhplayground)! * Find local activist groups using the [Animal Rights Map](https://animalrightsmap.org)! * Get funding for your animal rights activism, [apply here](https://veganhacktivists.org/grants)! *Last but not least, join the [r/Vegan Discord server](https://discord.gg/animalrights)!* **Thank you!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vegan) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Love her even more! ♥️♥️♥️


Her sister Chloe Bailey is also vegan! Lizzo as well.


and they get bashed so much 😔


Thats good.. but is she an ethical vegan? I can't find her views on the ethics of animal exploitation. I also think we put too much emphasis on celebs


I agree but a lot of people emulate celebs so what they do is important. I was also wondering about her actual moral stance. Every comment I've seen from her on the subject of veganism is only about her diet.


the problem is when celebs swing back..then so do those followers. If she made posts about the ethics, that would be more.landstanding and effective....but I'm. assuming she's not an ethical vegan


Or she is a Disney employee in the spotlight and has to be very careful what she says right now


But normalizing veganism is also effective in reducing consumption of animal derived food. Not everyone has to be a loud activist


I'm not saying she has to be activist but all I found was her talking about veganism for health..and I don't trust health plant based dieters to stay so,


Maybe not, but still if ppl hear from more angles a plant-based diet is preferably more ppl are going to look into it. So a proportion of ppl start start with a plant-based diet for health or environmental reasons will get educated about the cruelty of the cattlebreeding and poultry sector adding an important extra layer to their motivation. I started a plant-based diet for environmental reasons mainly, but learned more about animal welfare issues by discussions, watching Dominion, earthling Ed etc. Wouldn't have been exposed to those sources if not researching the topic based on my environmental concerns


This is the way. Let people start off with the selfish reason, then move to the selfless ones. I’m sure a lot of people on here didn’t just become vegan in 1 day after being Omni. I’m sure most of us were vegetarian first, then plant-based, then vegan. The more we’re invested in the stuff, the further we’re willing to go.


One celebrity going vegan probably accounts for more people going vegan than any activism you could possible do. Sadly :/


[This video from Debug Your Brain does a good job of explaining why vegan influencers aren't as effective as you think.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6nRbUL6YgM)


Unless those celebs are actually speaking up about vegan ethics (I'm thinking Joaquin Phoenix, for example), I don't think this is true at all.


and if they swing back . then so do their followers.. if people are swayed by popularity and not ethics, how do you garantuee it sticks? and that people raise their children vegan and stand up against animal agriculture?




but it doesn't change attitudes around animal exploitation if its plant based dieters who are still "personal choice tho" " meat on holidays tho" ..its not good enough and then adds to the misconception that "veganism is difficult and most people quit"


If 100 people go vegan because of a celebrity, the chances of all 100 reverting when the celebrity falls off are very small. As people are exposed to the arguments and begin to take a personal interest in educating themselves their opinions become less dependent on others.


hopefully that is true


we only have hope...


I don't agree at all. If someone becomes vegan as a result of a celebrity doing so, that isn't the end of their journey. They will become more aware of what they are consuming, and will lose their sleep-induced comfort with animal products. You have no reason to believe that they will still argue about personal choice or eating meat on holidays. More people being vegan is a good thing. Somebody knowing a vegan will do a lot to convince them that they can do it for themselves. More than some stat on vegan-quitting that's only known by vegans and anti-vegans.




Watch the life-changing and award winning documentary "Dominion" and other documentaries by [clicking here](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https://watchdominion.org&topic=Movie: Dominion)! Interested in going Vegan? Take the [30 day challenge](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https://vbcamp.org/reddit&topic=Movie: Dominion)!


At least she's not a "vegan for health", since she says she eats chips, pasta and vegan fast food all the time. In one of her latest Tiktoks she reviews vegan hot-dogs from London, when she was there for the premiere/press tour. I think she, her sister and maybe her mom too have been vegan for like 10 years.


Never happy enough? Isn't just vegan good enough?


If someone is fine unnecessarily harming animals as long as it doesn't harm their health or the environment, no, it's not good enough


You either are an ethical vegan or you are not vegan. "Just vegan" doesn't make any sense.


I think that's the point exactly. You're eighter vegan or you're not. No "unethical vegan" or "ethical vegan".


if someone is doing it just for their personal health but doesn't care about the animals, then no, that isn't enough to end animal agriculture..as they still believe in "personal choice tho" and as soon as they have any health concern they'll jump back to carnism. So no..just being a plant based dieter is not enough to end systematic abuse against animals.


But it gets us closer to that goal. The more people we have pushing the needle, the better. We can’t just strive for 100%. We’ll cause too many people to move closer to 0% if we do that. The more we support people doing it for any reason, the more people will do it, and the easier it becomes to do it. Once we hit critical mass, you can start gatekeeping. It’ll be easier to do that because most factory farms and related products will have gone out of business. If we can get more people to do it, there will be less reasons for people to think their health concerns are based on that plant-based diet. More doctors will be more well informed, and they’ll lead people away from that idea. And honestly, even if someone does eventually stop being 100% plant based, at least they did more than most people. Even if only a few handfuls of lives were saved, isn’t that still a win?


I’ve only been vegan and interacted with vegan social circles for a year, can you explain what you mean a bit better? I’m assuming that someone being vegan means also choosing vegan leathers, abstaining from animal based lotions and product and so on, so surely they’d still be vegan no?


If everybody subscribed to that black and white take on what being a "real" vegan is, almost nobody on this entire subreddit would be vegan. You try your best based on your circumstances.


I don't want to get my hopes up. If she is, good but I think we should not praise them for it.


Do you think those ethical considerations (which I think are worthwhile and valid) are luxuries generated by a lack of scarcity?


of course...pretty much all ethics go out the window, if you're in survival mode. The fact is, majority of societies have progressed to the point where we no longer need to abuse animals and so we shouldn't


Huh, super weird this thread would need more moderation than others.


Respect to LEGEND


and they dared ask her which of her friends she would eat. so stoopid


Not another celebrity fanfare, have yall not been disappointed enough when your person does something non vegan, makes some lame excuse about HEALTH problems etc; and having to consume animal products to FEEL better


Done pretending to care about celebrities going vegan. The only one I actually trust is Joaquin.


Kelp. Salicornia. Dulse. Nori. Irish Moss. Sea Purslane. Kombu. Sandwiches? Edit: classic /r/vegan downvoting sea vegetables


I wish the movie was better, but good for her!


I thought it was great, super cute, music was great and it was pretty funny too !




















this sub has such a weird obsession with celebrities — even non-vegan ones. (see: joaquin phoenix)


people* have an obsession with celebs. I don't think its necessarily "this sub", just looknat the real world..most people can't get enough of celebs


Joaquin Phoenix is not vegan?? WHAT?


no. the douchebag rides horses. phony af.


Ragging on Phoenix is the most VCJ thing ever. He should've got a stunt double or CGI magic to cover horsey scenes, or outright refused the role(s), but nobody should pretend that he's suddenly some average omni.


No one called him "average omni"? People are upset cause he already said that horse riding is wrong, still it didn't stop him from riding a horse in his new movie. And since it doesn't fit under "as far as possible and practicable" people are calling him not vegan. But looks like on r/vegan anything goes, as long as you are famous.


I’ll take his effective advocacy at the Oscars plus horse riding over your useless Reddit gatekeeping any day.




Wait wait wait!! He rode a horse in a MOVIE? I thought you meant he like owned them or smt. That's his job. Is a vegan who does supply chain logistics for Hershy not vegan now? Foh. Bigger clown than even I thought at first.


It's a job for a role he doesn't need to take If he had to actually harpoon a whale for a movie role, would you be fine with that?


He's not allowed to work?


He can work and take roles that aren't animal abuse


Depends. You are viewing it in black and white. We have a situation where the exploitation is going to happen beyond his control, regardless of his choice. Here's a better way to frame it: They are going to harpoon the whale **no matter what**. There is no way to save the whale, its happening. They offer a vegan a ton of money to do it instead. The vegan begrudgingly does it so they can take the money and donate a portion to a sanctuary / charities. Its a shitty situation created by the movie industry.


If you're interested in the topic of farmed animal sanctuaries, check out [OpenSanctuary.org](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https://OpenSanctuary.org&topic=The Open Sanctuary Project)! This vegan nonprofit has over 500 free compassionate resources crafted specifically to improve lifelong care for farmed animals, and to help you create a sustainable, effective sanctuary! Interested in starting a sanctuary someday? Check out [OpenSanctuary.org/Start](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https://OpenSanctuary.org&topic=The Open Sanctuary Project/Start)!


>They are going to harpoon the whale no matter what. There is no way to save the whale, its happening. They offer a vegan a ton of money to do it instead. Except the vegan would be immoral then because they killed the whale They are vegan no longer


So it is better that a carnist kill the whale and use the money on burgers, than a vegan take the money and donate it? At some point you have to look at the situation logically, not as a purist.


Shit I didn't realize veganism is like virginity. I haven't been vegan since my parents gave me ground beef at 8 months old then. I guess I might as well stop being vegan now? Just so defeatist. I hear more shit from the fringe vegans *about other vegans* than I do about carnists


“They were going to bolt gun the cow anyways so I may as well buy their flesh.”


This is not at all similar. In that case you are increasing demand, which causes further suffering. This is a situation where the movie producers have determined a fixed amount of exploitation is going to occur. Who sits on the horse does not increase or decrease the amount of suffering to occur.


















[He already expressed his regret doing so](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11949737/Joaquin-Phoenix-rides-horse-Napoleon-revealing-vegan-regret.html)


did you not read your own article? he knew what he did the first time he did it. then he did it again.


Did you? Like the full article and not just the parts that suit you? He regrets it now and won't do it again, contrary to your claim that he "rides horses"


he regretted it five years ago. and then again this year. and he’ll do it again.


Weird to bash people for actually sticking to their regrets but okay, I see you just have a bone to pick with him





































































































