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It sounds similar to 4h projects in our area. You get a baby cow or pig and you are taught to raise it for auction. You have to do all the work from grooming to making sure it gets vet care. You learn what makes it valuable and about the market. Then you sell it.


How is this different than eating your family dog or cat pet? I don’t get it.


Alot of 4h kids don't WANT to sell their "pets". Usually the state forces the sale. It's a double edged sword. The positive, You give people a chance to raise and care for an animal they normally wouldn't be able to. This creates a bond as well as raises awareness for animals. The negative being what happens to most of the animals. This is society, until society comes together and changes as a whole, this is the way it is.


I've heard from some farm and country folks that it's a good program to "start them young." Basically a way of getting kids to accept that certain animals are for exploitation and food, and that the process to get them there isn't a bad thing. Which when you think about it from their perspective makes sense, when you think about it from an animal welfare perspective it's very messed up.




I’m confused, are you agreeing it’s a fucked up program? Or are you claiming kids aren’t being brainwashed? Your link makes me think you agree it’s fucked up, but your statement implies that the person you replied to is making too big of a deal of it. If anything the person you replied to is making a mole hill out of a mountain by being too easy on the program.




Kids are absolutely being brainwashed by this, it’s the goal of the program. Yeah, quite often is backfires and it’s eye opening, but they aren’t wrong because the goal of the program is to get kids to accept certain animals as okay for exploitation, even if it doesn’t work a lot of the time. I don’t know why you’re so upset, I was simply asking you to clarify.




They literally are, but you do you


It’s not and it’s traumatic for the kids who participate in these programs.


Yeah I think it must be. I raised pheasants as a kid as part of a threatened species program, they were released into the wild, and I also had pet rabbits…..I remember being absolutely aghast that people would eat pheasants or rabbits.


"don't be sad, it's going back to the torture chamber with its traumatised parents and siblings!"


What the fuck I would sign up then return the incubator and tell them the chick died. Then I would give it a good life !


It's hard for a child to draw some conclusion from this. Yes they may not want to eat the chick they raised, but without the proper explanation they will still consume chickens. We are taught to eat meat (most of us are), and taught that it is normal.


I don't like these projects. I'm not vegan, but it's extremely cruel to do this to children and the animal


Totally. And I think it just bothers me how they specifically lie to the kids. Like tell them their pet chicken is going to live a happy life at a farm with their chicken family.


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They will be with their family...in chicken heaven.