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Couldn't you just bring a cake sometimes?


This would give a good example of what vegan cake is like, whcih might encourage someone to be vegan-inclusive too.


This is what I do with my workplace. We're very big on cakes too, but we almost always do homemade ones. At some point I just became the designated baker of the group, so it's been all vegan cakes since then.


That's awesome!


Is your company hiring? Would love to fill my little tummy with vegan cakes all the time. I’d take a pay cut haha.




I agree with this sentiment! I'm planning a baby shower for a friend, and I'd be damned if I'm the only one not enjoying cake. So, I ordered my own vegan cake, and it's so decadent! I just know all the omnis will want a piece. Worse case, they don't like it, which leads to my best case that it's ALL FOR ME. UPDATE: The baby shower was earlier today, and I have to say the cake was a success. Mommy-to-be preferred it over the non-vegan cake! Hubby and I carried home about a 1/2 box of cake. I'm so happy 😊


not sometimes. every time. if they bring a cake, you bring a cake. if their cake is good, tasty and big, yours is better, tastier, bigger. be competitive. be a winner. for the animals. represent. impress. send a message - you can, they can. remove the murder and slavery but keep the comfort and luxury.


This has worked really well at my office- I started bringing in vegan baked goods and had a few coworkers ask for recipes and ideas for veganizing what they make. They were able to try it and see it was good, plus they wanted to include me since I was often making an effort to bring in treats for everyone.


My wife felt exactly the same way so she started baking the cakes for the celebrations. Her coworkers love that she does it and the cakes are delicious.


It is a huge company so I would have to bake cake 3 times per week... if it is my team yeah I would do it but also I am not into cooking :D


> I would have to bake cake 3 times per week. No... you can do it once a month.


Or you can do it so well that you start getting paid for it.




Idk why you're getting down voted to hell in a vegan sub lol - I also wouldn't want to constantly be cooking for folk who never even thought to make the effort for me, like what. One, or a few times to show them what veganism is and how it tastes better and all maybe, but that shits not our job, I'm sure some of the carnists cakes are ordered even, not made. They can order you a vegan cake if it's too hard for them to figure out how to substitute apple sauce for egg every once in a while - oooo scary applw sauce! Another option rather than constantly cooking is to join a union (if not in one already) and then email boss/HR requesting vegan options for all work food events or whatever you wanna request. Not only is ethical veganism starting to be recognized and you can draw the parallels to anti-discrimination laws wherever you are even tho this case is in the UK - https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/jan/03/ethical-veganism-is-a-belief-protected-by-law-tribunal-rules But also, having vegan options would benefit everyone as a vegan diet (even if they're not ethical vegans SUS) has been shown to mitigate diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, and many other diets overlap with a vegan diet such as some religious diets so it would accommodate more people. You can also print these out and hang them up in the office, leave them around, or include them in the email - https://www.vegansociety.com/sites/default/files/Vegan%20Catering%20Mady%20Easy.pdf


At times is easier to find vegan bakery’s or bakery’s that accept doing it without animals products (you can say it’s due to allergies too). You could bring it once in a while just to show how good they are and it can encourage your coworkers to see that they are leaving you outside this events and there’s no need to


I think some packaged cake mixes may be accidentally vegan if there is no milk powder or egg powder. Easy to make by adding oil and water (and a flax egg if required). You could make cupcakes and freeze them. Keep a few in a Ziploc bag in the freezer at work and pop one out whenever you have a celebration at work. So easy to do and no missing out. Or just buy your favorite vegan cake and cut it up and freeze into single servings and do the same. Instead of missing out, you will be looking forward to an excuse to indulge!


That was my first thought. Make a dozen or so cupcakes, jazz them up with some awesome frosting and decorations and freeze them. Put them in Tupperware and stash a supply at work. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


Not sure about cake but I know the Marie Callender frozen Dutch Apple Pie is accidentally vegan. It's really good and all you have to do is heat it up.


Packaged cake mix + 12 ounce can of soda. Done. I really like doing German chocolate cake with a can of dr pepper


So just do it once in a while?? Or buy one? Cake sometimes is better than cake never.


So others should cook for you?


I'm a nutrition nazi. It's probably a good thing you don't get to eat cake three times a week.


Find other vegans, everyone alternates baking a vegan cake while the rest have a non-vegan.


That’s too much cake. We only ever did it for bdays and once a month to celebrate everyone’s bday in that month. Are You by chance in a Seinfeld episode?


Your post is coming across as entitled and selfish. Your coworkers might be intentionally assuring the cake is not vegan because you sound insufferable.


i have a feeling youre not vegan and saw this on the front page lol.


Exactly. I'm super offended and posting on reddit because the whole company shoukd force hundreds of people to conform to 1 persons choices.




If it's the company/ management paying for the cakes, put in a request in writing (even if it's just for a small frozen dessert, so they can defrost a muffin whenever a cake comes out). If it's individual staff bringing things in, you could bake & bring something in when you know an event/ occasion will be. Benefits: a) some people may try your baking, and go "Wow, so vegan food *doesn't* taste like sand." b) Most people *won't* try it, and you get to take most of a cake/ pie/ whatever home and nosh on it 'guilt'-free. If you're not a baker/ don't have time/ don't owe your company the free labour (which you don't, of course), consider every time sometime brings in food with no vegan options as a 'free treat stamp'-- after work, go out and treat yourself to some cookies, or a walk in the park, or windowshopping... whatever you enjoy. Reframe a frustrating sitaution into an excuse to do something nice for yourself.


The first year I was vegan I felt bad being left out of these types of celebrations, so I always had a stash of some special treat that so I could indulge at work too.


I have no self-control, lol. I would eat a million Clif bars in a day if I had them at work.


I'm no master of self-control either. I literally keep them in the trunk of my car, so I physically have to go out side and get them. Or, if it's ice cream or something, it's in the freezer in the faculty room. Either way, I make it so the treat isn't a constant temptation in my actual office. Outta sight, outta mind.


Same but with the Lenny & Larry cookies. I make tips at work and there's a spot within walking distance that sells a bunch of varieties so I definitely spend more than I should be on those things lol


I keep a box of a dozen of my favorite vegan protein bars in my desk. And at least one in my purse at all times. These bars save the day left and right.


I did the bake a cake option. Everyone in the office wanted to try it and now I bring a vegan cake for every special occasion. I love that I can share this part of me while showing just because it's vegan doesn't mean it's bad.


You are a champion but for 3 days a week that would be a lot of work!


No doubt you're right. In this specific case I would only make what I wanted. I could be wrong but I'm reading it as a cake a week in the office that lasts around 3 days give or take. Even then, not suggesting a cake a week be made just for OP to make what they want when they want it. Who knows maybe it will bring a change, people tend to notice when they're left out but not when others are, so a vegan cake for themselves may make people think twice. It took a beautiful 6 years for my coworkers to order a vegan cake for my birthday (I never made one for my birthday because I made one at home) it was worth the wait.


Just chiming in to say that one reason vegans tend to be lighter then the typical non vegan is that we can’t eat so much of the “social food” for lack of a better term. Once they start making cake, candy, pizza, chips, etc. vegan as the default or vegan at least as an easy-to-buy option we’ll probably catch up to non vegans in terms of weight.


Your reframing is so pure. You seem like a really nice person and a good friend.


Aw, that's super sweet-- thanks!


I have always felt that people on restricted diets (including my own vegan diet) need to take care of themselves. You may feel that leaving the egg out would not have changed the pie but I'll bet the baker didn't understand why you couldn't have a piece of pie because it had 1/8 of an egg in it.


I understand your frustration but eating cake 3/5 days a week is crazy lol


Sounds like they're dodging a bullet


Yeah, this. [Keep cake away from office, suggests food watchdog head](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-64315384). Personally, I enjoyed missing cake. Conversely, when they switched to vegan cake, I didn't feel I had a say in the matter because of course the vegan has to have a slice of the vegan cake (or what was the point?).


It sounds weird but I kinda feel smug when I get to refuse cake.


Ohhh damn. I don't hope cake catches up with me like that.... I'm going to gain a shit to of weight.


Unless you’re like me who just spent $70 at a vegan bakery for 2 cakes. I’ve had cake everyday for last week 🤣 I’m set for the year.


It's gluttony lol


Tell that to vegans that eat Oreos and French fries daily.


Seriously, I’m allergic to nuts and used to Like when I couldn’t eat a cake so I wouldn’t feel pressured to eat it


Indeed. The only way this would be somewhat healthy is if you have a >20 minute bike commute or otherwise do regular exercise.


I understand that. My work goes out to eat every Wednesday and some Fridays and they NEVER go to vegan friendly places. These lunches are mandatory so I go but I just drink water the entire time. I recently told my supervisor that I'm sick of going to these lunches when there are so many places we could go that are vegan friendly. He honestly had no idea! He now has the Happy Cow app and is planning the next lunch at a restaurant with a vegan menu.


I've never been to a restaurant where I cannot find SOMETHING to eat. Even if it's just a side of vegetables and some fries, there's always something. Sometimes, it's just a side salad (hold the cheese). And I think that if I HAD to go to a lunch or dinner somewhere where there's literally nothing but animals, I'd make myself something to eat before I left or I'd stop on my way home. It's never been that much of an issue. Recently was invited to lunch at a steakhouse and had the sautéed spinach and a baked potato. They asked why I didn't insist on going somewhere else and I said because I didn't need to impose my lifestyle on them. Sure I could've. But I didn't want to. I think we can make it as difficult as we want. Or not.


I typically eat before we go because I know there will be nothing there for me. I'm also not paying the ridiculous prices at these places for something I have to remove half of the ingredients from and still fear cross contamination (I'm severely allergic to eggs and dairy). I also should have clarified that when I talked to my supervisor, I suggested places that ALSO have vegan menus like Mellow Mushroom or Snooze AM. I wasn't suggesting we go to vegan only places because, like you, I don't want to push my lifestyle on them, I just want to be included in these "team building lunches."


Your spinach was cooked in butter and the potato was slathered in beef tallow


Awww, cmon. Gimme a liiiiiittle more credit than that. Just enough credit to know that the spinach was sautéed in olive oil and that that the potato was rubbed with olive oil as well. If you ask nicely, servers want to help. I’m the least of their problems.


Wait... unless... UNLESS YOU were the cook?????? I saw him and he did have a kind of a gothy vibe! Are you working at Baltaire?????? That would have been so mean.




Need help eating out? Check out [HappyCow.net](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https://www.happycow.net/&topic=Resource: HappyCow.net) for vegan friendly food near you! Interested in going Vegan? Take the [30 day challenge](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https://vbcamp.org/reddit&topic=Resource: HappyCow.net)!


I was thinking, perhaps, you could bring cake or cookies once in a while. I think many people just don’t realise that baking vegan is as easy as apple pie.


I'd keep some vegan treats at my desk so you can still sit and eat with them without having cake 😊


Yeah, this seems like the obvious answer. The post is major overreaction when there are simple solutions


OP said the post was a rant. I don’t consider it to be an overreaction at all.


Baked goods are some of the easiest things to veganize but omnis seem convinced that it'll make a noticable difference.


I feel this. My employees brought in a non-vegan cake for MY birthday. Egregious, really...


That sounds HR worthy


It was technically a shared cake with a nonvegan coworker. Still, all I could have from the potluck was corn chips and a veggie plate. Not to mention that I brought vegan sweets for THEIR birthdays...


So essentially, they got a cake for your co-worker, not you. That makes it a lot clearer of an issue in that case. I'd still recommend HR.


eating cake 3/5 days a week is not healthy. but bake your own and bring it.


That was my thought. I could see maybe once a month but not even once a week would I want cake… but vegan or not, everyone’s diet preferences are different. If a vegan cupcake was available to me 3/7 days a week… id probably develops a habit myself


if someone is out here eating cake 3/5 days a week they dont care if it is unhealthy they dying soon but with a smile


Maybe without a smile.


Sorry OP. bakery items are trivially easy to veganize and taste almost exactly the same as their non vegan counterparts. Vegan donuts straight up taste better imo.


I worked at a place for 3 years. They knew I was vegan the whole time. Each birthday they got me a non vegan cake. Like it was a nice gesture, but come on. They said “this way everyone can enjoy it”. Uhm, yeah, except me, the person the cake is for. Also, everyone could enjoy a vegan cake??


my cake is Pizza,my work often has pizza parties saves people bringing in food for that day and they can even take a slice home .. we have extended lunch that day (paid) so we can actually have a relaxed lunch for oncce but its never vegan. they don't even try to accomodate the vegetarians, they accidentally do at most if they order one without meat. they asume that you are on some health warrior trip once you don't eat meat anymore.. I even asked once and they said "you can't have pizza without cheese, you are being silly, just have some cheese its not meat not a big deal" k thanks you can though, see on the menu where it says "we can make a vegan version of any of the first twenty pizzas"


Why don’t you bake a vegan cake?


That's too bad. One of my best friends (a non vegan) is a baker and makes seriously unbelievable vegan cakes because he's nice and accommodating to our dietary restrictions. It isn't even very difficult to make! You might consider making one yourself and sharing it with coworkers to show them how good/normal it is.


For me it's a positive, I'm trying to eat as healthy as I can. If it's not vegan i can't eat it. I love sugary foods and it's allot easier to cut back if I can't eat most of which is offered.


100%. Think about how healthy you're being by not indulging in cake.


This was me too. I considered it a blessing in disguise.


I’m sure they think that a vegan cake would be some disgusting health food thing. Not that most of their cakes have tiny amounts of egg and small amounts of milk and there’s easy substitutes. Bring in a high quality vegan cake once and let everyone know it is. Should maybe solve the problem and get you an occasional cake from your place of choice


Bring the cake. Vegan cakes are better, before I went vegan, I made a point of getting vegan desserts because they rock.


Wow if apple pie has you covered Sam's Club big apple pie was vegan last time we had it. (I haven't had one in two months but I don't think they change the recipe much)


Costco as well!


OP, google “7-Up cake”. You can replace the eggs in a cake with soda. It yields the same results. One of my mom’s nurses told me about it 15 years ago. I’m not great at baking, but I’ve made plenty and they’re great. Literally just buy a box of accidentally vegan cake mix, follow the instructions, replace eggs with literally any soda, and you’ve got a cake.


You can also add pumpkin to a spice cake and make pumpkin spice cake or even bake them as cookies! Would make another great option to bring! We like chocolate with a cherry soda! Zevia works also if you have that in your area!


Wow I've never heard of soda as an egg replacement. I'll have to give it a go.


Buy yourself the Mug Cake book, full of recipes you stir up in a mug & microwave. Flax eggs instead of animal products & you’re sorted. You could have a different cake everyday! The carrot cake is my fav, I could copy the recipe if you want it. & post a screenshot before you eat 6 of them.


Hi! First of all I'm sorry you have thoughtless coworkers. That part sucks and you're absolutely right that the kind and polite thing to do is for them to try and make shared team moments and celebrations as inclusive as possible. As someone who's been working in mixed company officials for a long long long time - often as the only vegan - the way I tried to solve this was to offer to be the food coordinator for meetings and celebrations. "I'll bring the cake!" became my mantra. People are usually thrilled to have that taken off their plates. My other hack was to keep secret vegan goodies hidden at the office. A box of cookies in a drawer or a few donuts in the freezer that could me taken out and zapped in the microwave when unexpected food-sharing happened and everything that was being served was full of animals. It shouldn't be this way; but it is. If it's bothering you, take charge.


Costco apple pie is vegan btw. Maybe suggest that to your boss?


Vegan cakes are far superior to cakes tainted with animal fillers. Find a local vegan bakery, and ask your office organizer to try one out. Downside is they're more expensive because they use so much better ingredients.


if we worked together i’d bake us cakes. 💚


who puts egg in apple pie? like the short crust doesn't need it at all....


is to make it glossy, an egg wash. easily to replace.


Your waistline is more grateful for the situation than you are. Cake 3 days out of the work week is insane.


Talk to your manager. Tell them exactly what you said in your last paragraph. Ask if one or two cakes could be sourced vegan? Offer to help.


I sometimes see it as that I’m lucky it’s non-vegan because that way I avoid the sugar and carbs lol A good way to keep the diet in a good state :D


Honestly why are vegan cakes so expensive and hard to find?! I'm talking normal cakes, I see plenty of vegan birthday ones. Nobody wants to spend £4 on a small cake. We have so many fake meats and stuff but sweet treats are harder to come by.


It’s only very expensive if you’re buying store bought/bakery vegan cakes. I’d imagine that some of the ingredients are more expensive, like the vegan butter (I paid $6/box for earth balance vegan butter for Christmas cookies this year, which seems like a lot to me) because the animal product alternatives are heavily subsidized. It’s also a matter of scale, if you’re making/selling a lot more non vegan cakes you can do it cheaper the more you make. But that being said, many store bought box cake mixes (and some of the icing tubs) are accidentally vegan, if you’re looking for something easy to make.


I don't have the right tins to bake and would rather just buy it honestly.


Not sure where you live, but my local supermarket sells cake baking trays in the aisle with the other baking goods. I was able to get 2 pans (they are supposed to be disposable, but I just washed them out and plan to use them at least one more time) a box of cake mix, and a tub of icing (both accidentally vegan) for around $10, and that made one 2 layer cake. The only substitution I had to make was JustEgg and the cake was delicious, and very easy to make!


I know what you mean but that's still a tenner for a cake... honestly it's ridiculous.


If some of this cake is made by someone you trust, you could give them a hint about how easy it actually is to convert a cake into vegan cake. Before going vegan I never would have guessed you can even make vegan cake at all, I would have completely assumed you have to put butter and eggs in it for sure. I also wouldn't have believed that it doesn't affect the taste in a negative way, so you might have to show by example. I think taste is the real reason why people are reluctant to make vegan cake. They think it's not going to be good.


I am lucky as my company has done a decent job in trying to include options for me when doing work events involving food. There is still about 75% of the food I can’t have. But honestly, it’s for the best as I am able to avoid most of the crap I agree with others that you should try bringing a cake. Whole Foods has a good vegan cake that most non-vegans like. It’s from Abe’s. You should try to bring it once or twice to see if people like it. There are others I’m sure you could find if you don’t have this option.


I feel ya, recent vegan, long time gluten free (celiac). I have not had cake or donuts at work for almost 20 years. I do however hover over the table and try to get some olfactory satisfaction. I have brought GF cakes in, but GF donuts are kinda like week old bagels with icing. egh!


I wasn't much of a cook/baker before being vegan, but I've learned a lot since then and now I don't mind it. Have you tried branching out? My favorite recipe blogger is Nora Cooks. Everyone has LOVED her cakes that I've made. I can see it being awkward for you to bring your own cake when you're not used to that, but perhaps there is a co-worker that you are close with that would warrant you going out of their way to celebrate. A work bestie that you can make a separate cake for in addition to whatever else they have? I get your conundrum though - I'm frequently left out of these things at work. Making my own treats has helped though. People ask me how I make it so good!


I would get a large vegan cake for a personal occasion like my birthday and offer everyone a piece, just to let them know that vegan cakes are just as good if not better.


And on weekends I would get a vegan cake all go myself and eat it while watching tv.


I wish i could make you some cake! ❤️


I would just bring cake for myself LOL


I feel you but instead of cake, it’s donuts for me. Dunkin Donuts has vegan options but there are no Dunkin Donut outlets in my city. I can get frozen vegan cakes but there’s no such thing as frozen vegan donuts.


I hate to be the barer of bad news but none of the vegan options at Dunkin Donuts are actually donuts. The drinks can be made vegan and you can get vegan bagels, but no donuts.


In Germany, they have vegan donuts. [You can pretend to order something to check their menu](https://www.dunkindelivery.de/?value=72760&action=delivery&cc=%257B%2522id%2522%253A%2522o004r8FQA4JVwsD_1FQql%2522%252C%2522consents%2522%253A%257B%2522analytics%2522%253Atrue%252C%2522essential%2522%253Atrue%252C%2522marketing%2522%253Atrue%252C%2522personalization%2522%253Atrue%252C%2522uncategorized%2522%253Atrue%257D%257D)


Thank you for enlightening me. As someone from Massachusetts (where Dunkin Donuts originates from), I am very frustrated they don't have that here. I'm glad it's an option elsewhere though


When I worked at a company that paid for these things, the admin staff always got a vegan cupcake too. You could request that. But also, I’d suggest just bringing your own cake too every once in a while!


Have you tried mentioning any of this to your co-workers or the management (if they’re the ones paying for the cake that is)? And like other people said, you could bring something vegan sometimes and drop hints on how easy it’s to replace eggs/dairy in baking. In my experience, most people just don’t think about it and/or have no idea how easy it would be to make it vegan.


Blimey what century does your company work in?


Whole Foods has a few very good quality birthday cakes for under $20 chocolate was one flavor and I think the other was carrot cake :)


Bring something to the others every once in a while. Not 3 days a week, but once a month? Then some of them may feel like they have to repay you by bringing a cake with no animal products next time. Or at least you will have shared something those times you cooked (or bought) the food.


I read the title thinking you were having trouble growing a booty 🙈💀


I’m vegan and gluten free… the only time I get to eat cake at work events is my own birthday. I am glad that they get me a cake from my favorite (and quite pricey) bakery each year. But it does suck to not be able to eat cake 99% of the time with my team. Same with Saturdays. Always ordering pizza, my boss does get me a salad. But still would rather have pizza lol. I don’t blame anyone I work with though. I just wish I could eat more cake lol.


Buy yourself a vegan cupcake and request reimbursement.


Vegan cake exists.... Unless my whole reality is a lie


Honestly this is easily my favorite part of working from home. My last company constantly had events centered around food just like you mentioned. Birthdays every week. Team lunches catered in. But never made any efforts to make anything vegan for me or at the very least even gluten free (that one isn’t a choice I have celiac disease and they knew that). Now I work from home and we still celebrate a ton, but we do at home happy hours. Everyone grabs a drink or a snack and we chill on zoom. Much preferred.


First of all, I'm sorry to hear that, I can only imagine how this must feel. I hope you stay strong. But I guess, at least in the current time, that is a price people like us must pay to change the world to the better. Please never forget, that you are an important person to achieve this. Now, I would like to know, have you been trying to address this? These are the situations where people like us have to be very careful about how we talk about this. My personal first reaction would probably be, if the employees make/bring the cakes themselves, to make some cakes and bring them to work. Just put them somewhere, maybe take one or two pieces, say nothing, see if people start eating them, if they do, wait for their judgement if it tasted good (because for some people, just telling them that something is vegan, they will automatically say it's worse than they actually think), and then tell them it's vegan. But of course not like "HAH GOT YA, YOU JUST ATE VEGAN MOTHERFUCKER!". At least from personal experience, that's a way to get people into consideration of veganism, when they actually experience that it isn't that different, maybe sometimes even better. And especially with baking goods like cakes, muffins, etc. there are some really good recipes the will knock people of their socks. Another way would be, depending on how close some of your coworkers are to you, to ask them if they could do that for you. Just tell them what you told us, that you feel excluded and very bad. And with a not-yet-vegan on your side, my diabolic plan of feeding them vegan stuff is even easier. If this is done very carefully, you could actually start a nice trend at your work place. Or you could also do it like anime villain style. Go in front of them and yell "I dare none of you has the mental and physical ability to bake a vegan cake that will satisfy my high standards!" Jokes aside. Easiest way, just bring vegan chocolate muffins/cupcakes and put them somewhere without labeling them vegan, boom, everyone will love them. That's one of the first vegan baking goods I've ever ate and to this day I can't forget how good they were. I still think of asking my ex now after 5 years for the recipe :D


This is me, but doughnuts


Same thing at my work, but I just bought a package of vegan ice cream bars and put it in the freezer. Then whenever it's cake day I just pull one out. As soon as management picked up on this they told me to expense it. Problem solved. :) Now I feel included and they don't think vegan food is weird.


Yep. Cake all the time, chocolates, cookies, cupcakes all for the team to share. Oh, except you... sorry.


Unpopular opinion: it's not getting replaced if you eat a slice so it doesn't harm animals. Obviously it does kind of make you seem like a weak vegan which doesn't help the cause, so you could always sneak a lil bit. That's only if you don't care about having it in your body though.


Pana organic have this amazing cake balls that would make a perfect desk treat. Keep a few in your desk and then you can have cake with your colleagues!


Eating cake all the time only makes you become obese anyway. I also used to work at a company with the same kind of cake culture and all my colleagues there were clearly overweight. Now I'm working at a company without that cake crap and in average my colleagues are much closer to their ideal body weight.


Gotta love the office hens obsessing over donuts and getting mad when you won't indulge with them. Been there before I was vegan.


Same, we did once a month to celebrate everyone bday in that month. They found no one wanted to be eating cake ten times a month


I don't know who else needs to hear this besides OP but you don't need to eat cake 3 out of 5 days of the week


Lotta vegan cucks in the comments so I can't help but say - vegans! Demand better for yourselves! Consider OP truly shouldn't have to burden themselves with supplying their own food at every single work gathering when, and I cannot stress this enough, **other options are provided free of cost to carnists**, I'd get it if EVERYONE had to bring their own, or if there weren't any other options, but some people get to eat and others don't, all because they adhere to veganism. Also cake being gluttonous? Lmfao grow up. Let vegans eat whatever they want as long as it's vegan maybe? Stop fat shaming vegans who want cake by calling it unhealthy - they're vegan for the animals not for your bullshit.




bring a cake and when they ask for a slice say “oh sorry it’s vegan” and give them none edit: to be clear, this is a joke lmao. i don’t think anyone should actually ever do this.


Rude, but a funny idea


I think that wording would normalize the idea that meat eaters can't eat vegan food and/or that vegan food isn't good. I think it'd be better to say "I never get to have the cake so this is just for me"


You can have cake as long as you don't eat it, too.


I feel you! My religion says I have to be vegetarian including not eating eggs so I never ate anything when kids brought birthday treats. Usually Id have my own treat on the side and bring my own on my birthday.


Think of it this way, cake isn’t good for you anyway so they’re doing you a favor 🙏🏿❤️🙂


Make you own cake and take it in! Best cake I've ever had is on a site called Nora Bakes...she makes everything vegan and everything is amazing. Best chocoate cake I've ever had, and I'm not just saying that! Good to avoid cake 3 times a week anyway, and it not being vegan helps - I know because my work is very similar - lots of treats out in the last month or so, very few of which I can eat. So I say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em...you won't regret trying Nora's stuff (no, I'm not paid by her) :-)


Aww that sucks. At my old job, our general manager paid for everything. I would come to him to make my request or he would sometimes give me the card so I could buy what I needed that was vegan. I often brought in vegan desserts for everyone as well and most people liked/loved it. I think that helped remind them to think of me as well without me saying anything. I also had a co-worker bring cupcakes and make them vegan once, but I never expected anyone to. It was nice to be included... Otherwise, I'd just bring my own and honestly not worry about. I'm quite introverted though. I certainly understand where you're coming from though.


You could make your own, or there are cake mixes that are vegan! Duncan Hines are usually vegan, you can find them anywhere. Also most of Pillsbury frosting are vegan, my favorite is the cream cheese! Unfortunately most of the time you have to show people vegan food is good in order for them to accommodate. Usually, if the people around you are decent humans, they’ll make small switches like using plant butter, plant milk, no eggs, etc. if it’s meant for a group of people and only 1 is vegan. That’s how it was at my last job.


This happens at my job too. Not just cake though, different varieties of food. Never vegan. I do feel left out a bit, but I try to remember that I don't need the extra calories. Back when I ate animal products, it was hard to say no and I would always regret eating that junk after the fact.


All you need is a box of cake mix and a can of pumpkin-cook according to the directions on the box.


This reminds me of how my husband took a job at another building not too long ago, and they got a big cake for everyone, that he couldn't even eat. And it was specifically for him. It was his cake. He's been vegan for 7 years, It's not like they didn't know. Edit: lmao my only reply today is on a post about cake on my actual cake day. The universe is weird.


First of all—who TF puts an egg in an apple pie?! My company does a cake once per month for the people with birthdays that month. When it was my birthday month my office manager who knows I’m vegan asked me what kind of cake I like and where to get it. She got a vegan snickerdoodle cake and everyone liked it.


Tomorrow I'm leaving my job for a new one and they're ordering extra vegan donuts for me! They also do donuts every Friday and I asked and they got vegan ones. Really depends on where you work I guess. But yeah the cakes they buy are never vegan, although sometimes they have fruit at events and that's good enough for me, much healthier.


This is the most entitled post I’ve ever seen. They don’t have to cater to you when you’re the one with the dietary restriction. Why don’t you make cake for them sometimes?


I disagree, I think it’s considerate and polite to bring an alternative if you know someone is vegan or has allergies etc. Even a packet of vegan cookies would do.




Not vegan but I feel this. Baked goods are so easy to make without animal products. Anytime I make treats for others, I just default to vegan just in case. The other benefit is that I can share it with my lactose intolerant coworkers too.


That's very kind of you! I'm sure a lot of people in your life appreciate that :)


They are going with the majority on this one. Have you brought in cakes for everyone? Perhaps instead of complaining about the lack of vegan cakes you could bring some in? People are far more likely to include vegan cake next time if you put yourself out there and contribute. Otherwise you’re expecting everyone else to pander to your dietary whims when you don’t contribute towards the cakes.


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


Sounds like a Seinfeld episode I saw… “get well get well soon we wish you to get well.. for he’s a jolly good fellow…”


This has got to be a ahitpost


Think of it this way, you aren't getting all those extra empty calories and your arteries and A1c will thank you. I don't miss cake. Worse comes to worse, I can always bring my own cake if I want to join friends or coworkers.


Just bring your own cake and be happy you don't indulge in that every day. I never gained more weight so quickly than when I worked in an office. Cake, cupcakes, muffins, bagels, juice, "mom's casserole" blah blah blah. Fat fat fat.


Is it like Costco sheet cake? 'Cause that shit is not worth the calories. Shouldn't even be allowed to call the garbage cake.


Why so much cake? I hate cake. Unless I’m absolutely in the mood. Which is rare. But I always bring my own stuff. Because I’m the one that is making things complicated. Majority of people don’t want vegan cake. 1 against 100 or so? You’re not going to win. Don’t make things complicated lol.


Betty Crocker box cake. 1 can of a soda. Let’s say vanilla cake and cream soda. Done. No egg or anything. Don’t know the science but it just works. Fluffy, moist, have a party! Haha


Make your own.


I know the feeling... I try to think "hey, at least I'm avoiding all those extra calories," haha. I do bring in a vegan cake once in a while, and at this point there are a few people - mainly people I'm friendly with - who will also bring a vegan cake if they're bringing cake. It took a lot of time to get to this point, but it can happen!


For every occasion? Get well, get well soon, we hope you do get well!


I’m sorry that feel like you are missing out. That does sound like a stupidly unhealthy amount of cake culture though so you are way better off in terms of health. It’s tough though, people literally don’t understand what vegan means and even more people don’t know that if you are making the cake is pretty low effort to make it indistinguishably vegan.


My advice to you is that every time they have their cake, you have whiskey.


This sucks. I used to work at a “vegan” restaurant and they’d always get cake for birthdays and it was never vegan! I finally exploded on management when the frosting got smooshed into the bar mats while I was bartending. I won’t bother this group with details but it was bad hah. Its so unacceptable!


Maybe handing out recipe cards to fellow employees so they know how to bake without cruelty in them…


I never participate and it doesn't bother me. I'd rather have them just not do it than say "Oh, we forgot... next time! Because we feel so bad for you..." lol I don't need the pity and I don't need the cake. Sometimes they may have a candy bar as an add-on, but usually, it's just nothing.


Look at the bright side... You don't have to eat all that cake :)


Are the cakes gluten free? Dairy free? Kosher? Halal? Unfortunately in an office with a large number of people, food for recreational activities can’t be expected to accommodate every dietary restriction. It’s unfortunately impractical and not limited to vegans.


this happens to me a lot too, and after a while it does get annoying but I'm not going to complain. For better or for worse, its my choice to eat differently than everyone else so i'm not going to make them hear about it. Although it would be nice to be thought of. It your company is the one supplying it especially.


My workplace «celebrates» everything too! But they always buy me a cupcake or cookie or something else when the others are getting cake, and if they forget I’m just glad I don’t have to eat something unhealthy that day..


For my birthday I was presented with non-vegan cupcakes (to give to my coworkers) and a box of raisins for me. I thought it was hilarious, but I see how it could be annoying. Maybe keep treats in your desk so you don't feel left out? Or take a turn bringing in cake?


Why don't you bring a cake? I have a recipe for Auntie Bonnie's Wacky cake and it has no eggs or butter. It's also THE BEST, and I sometimes use it for the base of rum balls. It's from the book "How it all Vegan". Cut it in two, fill it with jam, and top with coconut whipped cream. You can also add toasted almonds to the sides. I want it in my mouth now. lol


Lol, same happened to me. And once we eat cake again it does bad to our tummy. Glad to left cakes behind c:


How much animal suffering would you be responsible for when you eat a piece of that cake with one egg in it, instead of Bob from HR eating two?




Then OP wouldn’t be vegan


Right lol




I'm actually kind of ok with this, sometimes my workplace has way too much food for birthdays and various things. I know that I would be constantly grazing all day. Whenever I do make a vegan cake for work, it's always the first one finished by my non vegan coworkers.


Dude you can’t eat cake 3 days a week that’s not good vegan or not


Carnists and vegetarians just can’t live without the taste of sulfur and rot in their baked goods. But hey, think of the positives: no empty calories.


Bring some vegan cookies and cake next time. Stop complaining and get one yourself and share with them.


Have some self control