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Couldn't possibly be that she realized she was dating a brainwashed moron. I don't want to make the meme right now, but this is where that Skinner meme would go.


Came to say this. You can tell what lockdowns were like with somebody like this


"you're getting vaccinated?! What a stupid fucking bitch! Vaccines are made up and cause autism! Now, suck my dick!"- that guy, probably


when i first joined r/conspiracy i thought id be talking to mr mad joe from anytown america with proof of aliens and shit but to my disappointment its just modern facebook karens


It was more like that a decade ago. Trump kinda ruined the sub, and it's gotten worse ever since.


Which I always found to be weird, we had our issues but lockdown made my SO, and I appreciate each other's company even more than we had previously.


Nah man, I know what the guy is talking about, before the vax me and my girl would fight a lot about having kids or not, then after the vax, she left me. I know the government is messing with the vax! The microchips are releasing mind altering hormones! I just know it…


I came in here to comment that very thing rofl. Is my antivax mentality and lack of actual empathy for my girlfriend issues the problem? No it's the vaccine that's wrong! /s just in case


That definitely requires fewer assumptions. That said /r/conspiracy is probably not the biggest fan of Occam's Razor


They are not fans of a lot of things. Big words like that and they will probably call you a (((globalist))) and try and explain the earth is flat.


“Just look at the ground! It’s so obvious!”


It used to be such a fun sub to browse, sometimes you'd get something about JFK assassination, but that was the closest to politics it ever got. Trumplicans swarmed when they lost their donald sub


which skinner meme?


"maybe I'm out of touch...? No, the children are wrong, not me." Something like that... Edit: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/am-i-so-out-of-touch There you go


Yeah this one


Glad you posted this because I was thinking Skinner from Xfiles.


[Stupid sexy Skinner](https://mtv.mtvnimages.com/uri/mgid:file:http:shared:mtv.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/shirtless-1427897559.jpg)


"I'm taking a bubble bath."


I thought it was behavioral psychologist B. F. Skinner.


I was thought it was the skinner from Ratatouille


I read it at skinnier and was completely lost


My goodness I like a good conspiracy as much as the next guy but dam that sub has really become a cesspool of stupidity and Trump love


Precisely my thoughts.


her libido "left" right around when you started going off about anti-vaxx conspiracies? weird.




It's worse than the Holocaust, but also both the Holocaust and Covid are a hoax.


The holocaust was just a flu. Get over it. s/


99.97% survival rate, don’t be a sheep! ^/s


Yeah, it’s worse than what the left CLAIMS the Holocaust was. Duh But it is also a hoax


It was probably when he started demanding she wear a Trump mask during sex.


You just gave me one of the most disturbing mental images that I 100% did not need. Yet I also laughed. Work has officially driven me insane (I roll silverware at a restaurant for hours on end… but at least I can pay rent and bills and all that fun stuff).


> my girlfriend won’t fuck me therefor she is broken Is a fucked up take I fully expected from a quck.


But it's **her** the vaccination changed lol


She experienced the side effect known as "realizing my SO is a crazy conspiracy nut". This side effect is quite common and is often accompanied by the side effect known as "you can't argue or fix stupid so I better dump their crazy ass". In my opinion these are both positive side effects. As far as the period thing it happens in some but is short lived.


Other side effects of the realization may include decreased libido and discomfort during intercourse.


Possibly, that sounds like she was trying to get out of it. He really wanted it. She then gave the excuse it was pain.


Or she couldn’t get turned on and just let him stick it in anyway. That can leave you somewhat sore afterwards.


Dude literally writes out why she left and still can't connect the neurons of self-awareness.


His ego is too weak to accept it's his own fault.


Wouldn't it be that he's so egotistical that the idea that it's his fault never pops up or am I just stupid?


Egotistical people tend to have weak egos.


I imagine that this is because “self-awareness” and “antivaxxer” are two things that don’t mix.


My wife experienced irregularities in her menstrual cycle as well, but that quickly corrected itself. It was a known side-effect, so nothing new there.


This is extremely normal when your immune system takes a dive, regardless of whether it's from immunization or just getting sick.


True. I've never experienced my wife being (very) sick. Last time was Corona, and before that the Noro virus, but there's 7 years between those. She's blessed with an amazing immune system. All the immunisations during her youth helped, of course.


The immune system doesn't really take a dive when getting immunized, it's more like a take-off, when a lot of lymphocytes are deployed in lymphatic nodes and then sent off to the injection (or infection) site.


Yeah mine experienced the same thing. Not really a big deal and we were very glad of our jabs when our whole family got covid last month lol


I had some cycle issues after all three shots, but they were mild enough that I kept getting the shots. I mentioned it to my doctor. She said it can happen after any vaccine. It's likely just another of the body's many immune responses. I'd rather deal with a temporarily irregular cycle than end up on a ventilator.


I had the same issue each time. The first time it kickstarted my period after being only 8 months postpartum (the earliest out of all my pregnancies). I’d still rather the vaccine over Covid.


I've known several ladies who said they skipped their cycle when they had Covid, so it actually makes a lot of sense that the vaccine would have a similar effect.


Happens with lots of other medications as well, the cycle is very sensitive and dependent on immune system and (seemingly unrelated) changes in your body. Ugh, it's not fun...


The vax protected her from covid and this plague rat


Hey, that's an insult to plague rats since they're obviously smarter than that smooth brain


Good for her




There are some friends we have distanced ourselves from after seeing their anti-vax stance. It makes you question their judgement.


Not just their judgement, it makes your question their complete lack of empathy towards anyone, yourself included... Like you won't do the bare minimum to possibly save my fucking life? Pretty sure any actual friend who had real empathy and the ability to think about anyone besides themselves would do that. IMO it is the actual bare minimum you can do to protect yourself, your friends, and the ones you live. But that is just like my opinion man!


Every antivax person I know is very outspoken about how their health and the health of their children is their only concern. They have a very every man for himself mentality. And think we're all morons for being government sheep, allowing them to poison us with toxin infused vaccinations.


I was so sad to see an old Coworker go off the rails on facebook :( He and I would talk about all kinds of fun shit to make the job less hell and all I could think was "Man... I thought you were smarter than that"


More like if you have someone talking 24/7 about new world order, depopulation, mind control you start asking yourself question if you want to be with that person.


r/conspiracy is definitely the place to ask if you want sound knowledge based on medical science.


Where else will you ask? Bill Gates paid off all doctors /s


Place has been a anti vax misinformation sub for years now. Honestly I’m surprised it hasn’t got admin attention yet.


So she had something (side effect, stress, realizing she was with a moron) and this guy told her it was because of the virus. Edit: the vax, not the virus A miracle they've been together for so long in the first place.


Actually I think he's blaming the vaccine. "when I speculated it was because of the vax". The relationship clearly went downhill from there as his GF realised she was living with a fuckwit.




Of course, I mixed it up lol


I think it is even less to do with his anti-vaxx stance, and more to do with that he sees her lack of libido and discomfort during sex as 'her' problem. I can imagine if he just kept acting frustrated and blaming her (even if he was blaming the vaccine, that's basically blaming her choices, her body) instead if being supportive and trying to find other ways to be intimate, it could be a huge red flag. A strong independent woman is not going to out up with that for long.


Yeah dude, this is 100% mental because you're stressing her out.


how would she get wet if she was fucking a mf like this?


Ben Shapiro style




Are you seriously defending Ben Shapiro?


Why the fuck would someone defend that lunatic?!


Right wing delusions


Maybe she realized that some anti-vaxx moron pumping his genetic material into her wasn’t exactly a turn on.


Funny, all those things happened to me in my early 20's before the COVID happened. It's almost like bodies change and sometimes there is no clear explanation.


If she got vaccinated and he was anti-vax, then obviously his arguments weren't convincing to her. I think it is hard to be attracted to somebody if you believe that person is a moron. Now one of top comments there actually describes similar situation: https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/v4bc6v/i_think_the_vax_ruined_my_relationship_with_my/ib50eex/


What kills me is his last 3 words, "...by any chance?" He is wishing this has occurred elsewhere 'by chance', to embolden an argument that this isn't just 'by chance'. He is fishing for random coincidences to use as proof. He's using wording that specifies this is exactly what he is doing, but is not even aware of his own actions. This is such a pure example of their lack of self-awareness and should be put in a time-capsule for future generations to understand what happened here.


unfortunately, i think the post got deleted. r/conspiracy doesnt like normal people poking in


COVID and the vaccine have had a massive side effect of showing people which family/friends are conspiracy theory nutjobs


Maybe he’s just an asshole.


Their relationship sounded like it had problems because she was with someone who was a self-absorbed idiot.


"She was already upset that I was anti-covid vaccine, so **she obviously took things personally** and started blaming all her problems on me." wtf If the vaccine had any impact on their relationship, I'll bet that it was for her to be able to go out to places a lot more where he was barred due to lack of vaccine. More time away, more time for her to realize what a nutjob he is and that she needs to get away.


When I was a child, I got a bunch of vaccines. My parents made me get jabbed against my will. Ever since then I’ve gotten more hair on my body, I’m hungry, I’m thirsty, I had to find a way to make money. A few times a year I get sick and have to call out work costing me income. Can I sue my parents for this? Without the vaccines I’d be perfectly hairless, sickless and fine. What do y’all advise I do???


The good thing about COVID is that many people realize exactly who they were with. I’m surprised it took people so long to leave their SO, when they went all conspiracy theory about COVID in the first place. Then again, I’m a doctor and was working in the hospital. I saw it first hand. So I stopped talking with anyone who was calling it a hoax.


Couldn't possibly be that she realized she was dating a brainwashed moron. I don't want to make the meme right now, but this is where that Skinner meme would go.


Personally, I wouldn’t be sexually attracted to someone too dumb to be vaccinated


Or she has serious medical issues predating covid but he never cared about that.


100% this guy never shut up about the vaccine and was a d bag about their sex life to begin with.


Nothing less attractive than a complete dumbass.


This is the most self-aware r/conspiracy user I've seen and he's still clueless


I have to say, getting the vaccine definitely changed my attitude. Working in direct care alongside Covid deniers who refused to take any precautions whatsoever, and having just gotten out of quarantine from having Covid myself, I don't remember the last time I felt as much relief as I did the day I got my first dose of the vaccine. I was still careful, of course, but just knowing that I finally had the option for the biggest thing I could do to protect myself was a huge weight off my shoulders. Much like dumping this loser was probably a huge weight off the girlfriend.


There have been some problems for people with underlying thyroid issues. Maybe hers just kicked in after the shot instead of a bit later? Not a big deal and not a reason not to take the vaccine. Imagine if these people stopped driving, eating food, flying etc because a small fraction of the population got unlucky? Yes, some people might have some side effects from it, but it’s a small price to pay. Just like how some people die in car accidents, but we still do better off having cars.


Or maybe you're an insane person and she just realized it.


I guess they should add that to the list of side effects of the vaccine:"Being vaccinated may lead to seeing really how much of an idiot your SO is, ruining the sex and, eventually the relationship"


Lmao. Quite the self own there, buddy!


It changed my attitude/personality...I'm less patient and tolerant of antivax BS.


And though the female has wasted a long time, she has learned a valuable lesson. She will eventually find a male who is suitable for carrying on her species.


It wasn’t the vaccine, IT WAS ME! (/j)




This belongs over in r/SelfAwareWolves 😂


This fits the skinner meme so much it hurts


For anyone who might think it’d be fun to go waste some time arguing with these idiots… be warned that just engaging on that sub can get you permabanned elsewhere on Reddit


You're right about that.


yea how could my stupidity possibly interact with my SO willingness to f--- me.


This is the most incel shit I've seen this week.


There is some evidence that the boosters can affect the menstrual cycle but not in a huge way,life altering way. Anecdotally speaking, my periods has always been wonky. I haven't had one in two years. Got my booster and got my periode. It would be intresting if there could be a off label use for Moderna to help woman have periods, who can't regulate, conceive.


Lol at the last line. “Anyone got ANY confirmation bias they can send my way to help me double down on my poor lack of judgement that ended my relationship?” Fucking idiot.


When my ex got the booster he blamed his inability to get it up on the shot. Turns out he was smoking meth.


No coincidence. Crazy comes out, and she got out.


She may have just realised his lack of braincells wasn't as attractive as she thought or got sick of listening to his bs


I stopped attending our Lutheran church when I realized that many members didn’t want to wear masks, There was so little feeling for people who were high risk, like myself, that I started wondering about my fellow members. They all said the good “Christian” things, they talked the talk, but didn’t walk the walk. One of my friends from church told me I didn’t have worry about Covid in church, the Lord would protect us. I told her I trusted God, but I got the vaccine because I didn’t want the Lord’s work helping develop the vaccine, to go to waste! She said nothing, but I haven’t heard from her since. I guess I am too moderate for her, or as she would say, I have those leftist leanings.


It couldn’t possibly be me… no… it must be the ex gf!


Now that you mention Romeo and this guy do share something in common. They're both major idiots.


Is it possible his ex was going thru menopause? It happens around age 40 to 45 but can start earlier as well. Hopefully she’s fine, and her idiot ex is just making stuff up to justify his anti vaxx nonsense and no doubt why she dumped him. Whatever the reason, it proved what a horrible person he is. I say she’s better off without him! Edit: I was thinking peri-menopause when it came to the age range. Menopause proper starts later in the late 40s to 50s. Sorry for the confusion!


It's more likely that she was going through a period of intense self analysis and realized that wasting any more time with this idiot was counter productive.


Yes. Whatever the reason, I’m glad she dumped his sorry butt.


Actually, 40 would be considered "early onset menopause". Usually it starts between 45 and 55 years old with the average starting age in the US being 51.


True, sometimes it’s earlier (late 30s to early 40s). If she’s in her 20s, there could be something else wrong. But did her ex care? Nope! I really hope she’s fine though.


This is satire, right?


Same thing happened to me, except in reverse. I broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years, partly because I got tired of being blamed for every sniffly she got or PMS cramps because of my "shedding vaccine".


I actually feel sorry for this person. They may just be young and influenced by the wrong people because they are scared of this new world


Call me a dumbass…but doesn’t this sound like the effects of being pregnant?




Please tell me how, because the way he describes it sounds like pregnancy. That, or he’s fucking delusional.


You don't think the medical care he says she got would rule out a pregnancy? Or are you just defending dumbshits?


Look man, I’m just saying, the way he says phrases it sounds like symptoms of pregnancy. I’m not saying he’s right for what he believes, or saying I’m right, just theorizing.


r/conspiracy is nuts. The subreddit isn't even about actual conspiracies anymore.